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Stunbreak abilities cooldown being reset on death in 2.2


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He's not talking about the guy who you just killed coming back to stop the cap. What he means is that in general if you waste your stun breaker, due to its relatively long CD you're likely to get caught in a situation where it is no longer up at a crucial moment, like when someone has a 3 second lead on capping a node and you just saw a Flash Bang coming your way. There's no way to get out of that aside from CC breaker and if yours was down because you used it a minute ago, then you're screwed. Since dying is a relatively common event (and if not this change actually has no effect) this means now you don't get punished as harshly for using your CC breaker at the wrong times, because you can usually count on dying to happen in a WZ anyway.


Good point, because so many people complain about stuns, and this would make you stunned less. So does that make us cynical?

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You know, if they just adjusted resolve a LITTLE so that it doesn't empty quite so fast after being 100% full - this wouldn't be an issue. That's it. Fixes everything. Give us time in between stuns.


This change begs the question: Does BW even play their own PVP game?

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He's not talking about the guy who you just killed coming back to stop the cap. What he means is that in general if you waste your stun breaker, due to its relatively long CD you're likely to get caught in a situation where it is no longer up at a crucial moment, like when someone has a 3 second lead on capping a node and you just saw a Flash Bang coming your way. There's no way to get out of that aside from CC breaker and if yours was down because you used it a minute ago, then you're screwed. Since dying is a relatively common event (and if not this change actually has no effect) this means now you don't get punished as harshly for using your CC breaker at the wrong times, because you can usually count on dying to happen in a WZ anyway.


More sensible reply thank you!

But, I have a question in this case, if you are relying on death to refresh your CC then you are punishing yourself by staying away from hotspots long enough to reset it. Meaning, resetting the CC breaker on death is irrelevant because the time to come back to combat just made me useless. However, I am not saying this change will not affect anything, I just believe people are being very melodramatic. Beside we are forgetting that we have multiple CC per class in this game.

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This change begs the question: Does BW even play their own PVP game?



I think they're just trying real hard to kill this game so they can move to different project since PvP in this game is beyond saving now.

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Seriously why ??

On Civil war you have plenty of time between the moment he dies and the moment he arrives to cap.

On Void Star, Noavre coast, Hypergate you have the doors that take time to open, how is that game breaking ???


Clearly no one ever gets through the doors almost instantly and you never have to pull of a strategic stop in order to get the cap.

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Welp, good luck capping Snow or Grass on Civil War now. It'll be WAY too easy to defend anything since you won't be able to stop interrupts.


First team to cap 2 will win and no comeback will be possible.


Attacking on Voidstar also just became a massive chore.

Edited by Fluffyburrito
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Am I the only one who thinks this is good?


I mean really... prior to this we have threads complaining about too many stuns in the game, and 1 cc breaker on a long cooldown. Now we have complaints about cc breaker being reset on cooldown.


This forum cracks me up sometimes...


I knew it would happen.


Stuns used to be too strong, now they're too weak. I think they're better strong. Right now they'll be a waste of GCD unless you stack all of your stuns on the same person.

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I'd rather they fix 999 resolve.


There's no stun in the game that gives xx9 resolve, so we should never see 999 resolve. It's never 997, or in the case of overlapping stuns, 858, or what have you. It's always a round number, unless it's 999. (Doesn't it decrease in increments of 50?) Just make it 1000 and let us use/manage our whitebar/cc break accordingly.


Yet 999 resolve is quite common, very annoying (really? why does this stun that in theory should whitebar you suddenly give 1 less resolve so you don't get the whitebar?), and an example of why resolve is broken.


I think this change would help address what is wrong with the resolve system, yet still penalize bads for being bad.

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A lot of people are suggesting this will be abused with /stuck. That behaviour should probably be changed in warzones anyway, perhaps forcing a 45 second wait before you respawn. Without /stuck, it's slightly harder to abuse this (except in Huttball where you can easily dive into the firepit to reset).


But anyway, I'd be interested to see this tested by a couple of decent teams on a test server. I think there would be an impact on Civil War / Voidstar defences but without testing it's hard to know how big. Even as it is good teams find it difficult to cap the side nodes in CW against determined defenders - particularly if there is at least one defender capable of stealth and/or the defenders can't all be killed roughly simultaneously.

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There's no way you'll see some of the exaggerated behavior like say an Op flash bang, you CC break, and then the Op dies and you go 'haha I /stuck and now my CC break is back up'. That'd be a ridiculous to do because dying is still something you want to avoid.


What's going to happen is that you'll probably die due to things beyond your control after that scenario and you'd found your CC break up again ready to stop them. It's not going to make the hardest to cap cases harder because for the most part the hard to cap scenarios involves immortal defenders, and immortal defenders are still quite a bit harder to cap against compared to mortal defenders that can use CC break a lot. If you got 2 guys spaced out more than 10m apart there's almost no way you can ever cap the node short of some absolutely miraculous combination of CCs.


The net result is that as long as it looks like it's possible for you to die in this WZ, you'd just use it on any 4s stun or even lesser abilities because dying happens pretty often on its own in general. If not, you'd still approach the game exactly like how you used to. It is always easier to stop a cap while alive than dead.

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The only thing BW wants to reach with this is to nerv Operatives. :D

No other class than Operative lives more from stun-lock than any other. But pssst, it's their secret plan behind the "We heard the complains of our players that the amount of stuns in the game is too high so we decided to reset the CD on your stunbreaker every time you die so you can actually play more than being stunned".

They saw that the population of concealment operatives was slightly growing again since 2.0 and had to do something guys, why are you wondering? :p

Edited by Eskala
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Ohmygad, ohmygad, BW has announced a change! We don't want a change! Please let everything stay as is, it's so warm and cosy! Changes are evil and dangerous!


The defenders of the past.


Let's close down the game. That may actually be a good change in contrast to this CC break crap.

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