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Summer of SWTOR


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That's the attitude.


Bioware said it themselves around launch that they had not anticipated how popular PvP was and how many people participated in warzones. If they put half the effort into providing content to the PvP player base then you would see at least 1-2 more warzones and possible cross server and maybe season 1.


You are right that PvP will not break this game which has become carebear but it certainly can make it, but they have now squandered this with putting every and anything PvP on the backburner which will now boil over into a mess on the stove if they make us wait another 3 months for some content.


PvPers should get more content, on that we can agree.

But seriously, why do PvPers think they are so vital? PvPers will always be a minority group.

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If you give out info people dont like to hear, what do you expect? And really it's not purely pvp players getting shafted, but everyone else as well. It's going to be almost 4 months since we see any real pve content either, all we are seeing in a 4 month period is two new modes for recycled operations? Content that only the hardcore raiders will ever see, which makes up a small portion of the player base. So everyone else including the pvp community, that's almost a 4 month gap of anything of meaning to be released.


Again what happened to their more frequent smaller content updates? It worked great before with a variety being sprinkled to us at a time every 6-8 weeks. Two new operation modes in a 16 week period is beyond pathetic support.


And why are they hoarding a ton of content for august? Why release an event during a content update instead of between them when players are getting anxious for new content.


We thought Bioware learned their lesson, we need regular updates to keep us paying a subscription. Recycling content is not going to cut it. They seemed to be doing things right after they announced their 6-8 week content update process, but now that the expansion hit, they seem to be taking two steps back


I'm sorry what ARE you talking about. 4 weeks to 2.1 4 weeks to 2.2 4 weeks to 2.2.2 which is actually kinda major content still... then 4 weeks to 2.3 that is BETTER than 6-8 weeks... just saying...

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There's no reason not to bring it back. As has been proven already, lore and immersion stopped being EAware's focus some time ago.


They could bring back the basic structure of the event, but I think they would need to make some changes to the story aspect of it. It would just be stupid to have the big conclusion be "OMG the Gree are returning!" They may not be trying hard to keep lore and immersion solid, but they taken a step backwards with the plot.

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I'm sure the road map for SWTOR is planned for the next five to ten years. The content is done, it's just Bioware deciding when to put them and when to actually polish them. [/u][/i][/b]


No. 5 - 10 years? It's unlikely they have anything concrete more than 12-18 months ago, vague notions or ideas beyond that. Planning software development in advance of over five years is a terrible idea.

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They could bring back the basic structure of the event, but I think they would need to make some changes to the story aspect of it. It would just be stupid to have the big conclusion be "OMG the Gree are returning!" They may not be trying hard to keep lore and immersion solid, but they taken a step backwards with the plot.


Never actually did the story aspect of the event, but the Chevin cannot speak basic, or at least they didn't in the event, if I recall correctly. Words could be altered accordingly, though I don't personally see an issue with it being out of place timeline-wise. Hammer Station, Athiss, Mando Raiders and Cademimu (spl?) are all set early in the game, yet they were re-released for level 55 players.


Honestly couldn't care less about how they do it, I'm just bored of the Gree event. It comes back far too often.

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If 2.2 is targeted for a June 11th release, then shouldn't it be up on the PTS by now? Or at least ready to be on PTS next week after the holiday?


I figured with the stuff that slipped though the cracks due to 2.1 not getting the PTS treatment, BW would play it safe and get some extra testing in.

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PvPers should get more content, on that we can agree.

But seriously, why do PvPers think they are so vital? PvPers will always be a minority group.


Four months to get Novar Coast, 6 months from that to get Hypergate, now its going to be possibly 9 months before we get another which is assuming we will even get one.


They know how many players partake in warzones its a pretty ****** business plan to go by when you have one popular aspect of the game get 80% of the patches geared toward them while the rest is split up between the cartel market and the PvP players simply because there are less "hardcore" PvPers than PvEers.


I am probably done with this game (4months left already canceled) and I know others that will follow simply because PvP has become bland.

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PvPers should get more content, on that we can agree.

But seriously, why do PvPers think they are so vital? PvPers will always be a minority group.


Please correct me where I am wrong. The end game PvE right now is 2 ops, 4 FPs and 2 dailies. How many times will a player do these before they are bored to death?


What kept me around was the PvP content, that was completely broken with 2.0 between bolster and class balance. 2 version later and nothing new implemented and the next PvP update is going to be somewhere in the fall.


What makes me stay?

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Between this and other games it's just not enough for me to warrant a subscription. Free/Preferred will do. I'll reconsider when EA is serious again and continues class stories in an actual expansion.
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While I've always viewed that as what they were doing -- if this is seriously the only stuff they have on the roadmap, there is a huge problem.


As a well known "white knight" -- I will probably move on from the game unless 2.2 brings much more than what they are announcing. . .


The skeleton crew they have isn't working anymore. If they don't care enough to hire more people to have a team that can put out a reasonable amount of content, I don't care enough to try to defend them, or continue playing.


I called this back when f2p was announced. In the midst of staff cutbacks, tanking sub numbers, and going f2p, the told us it was a good thing because they would be adding even more content than before. What have we really gotten since then? A +5 level cap DLC? Heroic space missions that got repeatedly nerfed? And a whole hell of a lot of cash shop stuff. Depleted staff =/= more content.


We were promised content every 6 weeks, and then they couldn't deliver so it became every 8 weeks. People cried foul about a 'bonus' patch (2.1), and we were reassured that 2.2 was packed with content. Development of 2.1 didn't take anything away from 2.2.







2.1 was a fluff patch for the cash shop and it contains more than this! A new raid difficulty is not new content. A new guild bonus is not new content. Players crafting a new tier of gear is not new content.


So, compared to 2.1:

-Collections system

-Appearance changer

-New race

-New cash shop items


While 2.2 gets:

-A recycled operation

-An updated guild bonus which probably took 5 minutes to change

-Fleet instances use one chat channel

-Players can craft a new item tier


It's painfully obvious where the bulk of development resources for this game are allocated. 2.2 will be packed with content...give me a f----- break. And don't even give me that crap about "it's not an exhaustive list". If those are really the highlights of a patch promised to be full of content, we have been lied to.

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Please correct me where I am wrong. The end game PvE right now is 2 ops, 4 FPs and 2 dailies. How many times will a player do these before they are bored to death?


What kept me around was the PvP content, that was completely broken with 2.0 between bolster and class balance. 2 version later and nothing new implemented and the next PvP update is going to be somewhere in the fall.


What makes me stay?


Endgame being a completely dull and lifeless experience is another matter entirely. My point was that PvPers aren't as important as they think, I simply find it annoying when people go on about PvP like it's the only thing holding the game together. But as I also said, PvPers should get an update (should have already, rather).

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Never actually did the story aspect of the event, but the Chevin cannot speak basic, or at least they didn't in the event, if I recall correctly. Words could be altered accordingly, though I don't personally see an issue with it being out of place timeline-wise. Hammer Station, Athiss, Mando Raiders and Cademimu (spl?) are all set early in the game, yet they were re-released for level 55 players.



Most of the story didn't come from the Chevin themselves, but the agent (either Imperial Intellgence or SIS depending on faction) that you were given the assignment from. Who did speak basic.


You have a point about the recent flashpoints, but I think at this point everyone expects that from playing the game through alts repeatedly, it's a bit different than an event coming to an already past "surprise" conclusion.


They just need to re-edit the dialogue so that it could be possibly a *continuation* to that prior event. Let's see what the Chevin have done with all things we "helped" them with.

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I coulda swore 2.3 was gonna be about PvP specifically, ie New Maps, New Re-balances. While the cc break reset thing sounds awesome, thinking about how it will affect people re-spawning and taking "fast" speeders back to the nod on Aldderran scares me. And has me worries for the continues success of this game...


2.2 Has nothing interesting imo. This is pretty disappointing overall.

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I wish they would consider doing something like my Tomb of Lords suggestion. Naturally it would have to be their own creation, and they could mostly use in game resources.


I'm willing to bet something like that suggestion would be a smash with players.

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Lol. This is the guys first post on the forums as far as I know. Kind of feel sorry for him :(


Welcome to the terrordome.

Yeah, same. I can almost picture the dev team playing nose-goes for who has to be the one to try to pitch this update.
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EA can we please cool off on the 'adding a new tier in every update' aspect. I can never actually get the best gear in the game because you keep throwing new best gear at us. It's too fast. Edited by Bugattiboy
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Also, for those who are curious about the next updates to PvP, I will just say… apart from minor tweaks (like stunbreak abilities cooldown being reset on death in 2.2) you should look forward to Game Update 2.4. /rubshands


So we can look forward to new pvp content in....Nov-dec somewhere? You know, that might not be needed at all since im not too sure how many pvpers you will have.


I can tell you one thing though - that better be a killer update containing some serious incentives for pvpers, like cross server queues, new warzones and a working open world pvp concept.


Simply introducing ranked season 1 and x-servers queues is not even close to enough, that's just long overdue.


You promised us new warzones and pvp content on a regular basis. Start delivering.

Edited by Twin
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Most of the story didn't come from the Chevin themselves, but the agent (either Imperial Intellgence or SIS depending on faction) that you were given the assignment from. Who did speak basic.


You have a point about the recent flashpoints, but I think at this point everyone expects that from playing the game through alts repeatedly, it's a bit different than an event coming to an already past "surprise" conclusion.


They just need to re-edit the dialogue so that it could be possibly a *continuation* to that prior event. Let's see what the Chevin have done with all things we "helped" them with.


They never will though, so in an ideal world, yes, it would be better if the event was edited to make it seem like a post-Gree event. But given that they've pretty much confirmed class stories are over, I imagine they will avoid doing voice work wherever and whenever they can :(

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If 2.2 is targeted for a June 11th release, then shouldn't it be up on the PTS by now? Or at least ready to be on PTS next week after the holiday?


I figured with the stuff that slipped though the cracks due to 2.1 not getting the PTS treatment, BW would play it safe and get some extra testing in.


They use local (in Austin) alpha and beta player test teams mostly now days I believe. And they would be following a content test and regression script of some form. Which will not catch everything IMO. But neither will PTS.


PTS has limited real test value except for massive patches (like 2.0). It simply does not find a lot of bugs (it finds some for sure) because players are not following any organized test plan. It's all adhoc...unpredictable, and not all bugs found would automatically get fixed before live patch anyway.


All PTS really does is it lets players advance consume content before live patch, thus creating even more player angst about wanting more content.

Edited by Andryah
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They never will though, so in an ideal world, yes, it would be better if the event was edited to make it seem like a post-Gree event. But given that they've pretty much confirmed class stories are over, I imagine they will avoid doing voice work wherever and whenever they can :(


They're recording some voice work right now, according to Charles Boyd's (writer) tweets. And they recently said voice work is no issue itself, just the Q&A involved in many diverging storylines. Doing some stand alone voice work is easy. In the Chevin event, our own characters didn't even talk. It was really just the two faction quest givers talking, letters in the mail, and some alien chatter. That's super easy for them to re-edit.

Edited by chuixupu
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They're recording some voice work right now, according to Charles Boyd's (writer) tweets. And they recently said voice work is no issue itself, just the Q&A involved in many diverging storylines. Doing some stand alone voice work is easy. In the Chevin event, our own characters didn't even talk. It was really just the two faction quest givers talking, letters in the mail, and some alien chatter. That's super easy for them to re-edit.


Doubt they will regardless. Personally I just want to event to come back, whether they edit it or not. Rakghoul event is the one I want to see most though. The other two don't come close to being as much fun as that was.

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  • Dev Post
Disappointed in the lack of PVP Content. I do not do ops or fp. I level alts do dailies and pvp. I love this game but this lack of new maps is really getting old. Maybe you can give us pvpers a taste of whats coming in 2.4....PLEASE!!! need something to look forward to.


PvP players! I’d love to be able to tell you more about what’s coming in 2.4 and we’ll have more details to share as we get closer. To be clear on the scope of what I was hinting at, we are not going to get closer and just say ‘huzzah, a new Warzone!’ We are working very hard on larger PvP features that everyone will enjoy but are especially targeted at our more hardcore PvP community.

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PvP players! I’d love to be able to tell you more about what’s coming in 2.4 and we’ll have more details to share as we get closer. To be clear on the scope of what I was hinting at, we are not going to get closer and just say ‘huzzah, a new Warzone!’ We are working very hard on larger PvP features that everyone will enjoy but are especially targeted at our more hardcore PvP community.


This is the kind of thing you always do, YOU DONT GIVE US ANY INFORMATION, you just try to smooth-talk with hints of what's to come, your PvP community is shattered by the news of no content till 2.4 and this is what you have to say?


Man up and give us some info to put us to rest.


What ever happend to the PvP content shortly after 2.0?

Edited by Chrisarn
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