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BioWare says no more open world PvP in the making ever !!


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what do u mean looking fantastic, the beta leaked footage looks like another WoW-clone... with Rift elements and the combat system ripped off guild wars 2 (which is crap). And lets be honest here The elder scrolls lore is not that interesting, for a MMO i mean, it looks like another random MMO with a fantasy setting.


The "leaked beta" footage you are talking about was actually pre-pre-alpha. Look around and check the new beta videos that have leaked, looks like a totally different game. Every object in the world is interactive and can be picked up like single player ES, and there are chests around the world for exploration with oblivions lockpicking system copy/pasted over. The ESO is looking great. However, this isn't about ESO. This is about SWTOR, a game I love, not producing any crumb of PVP content since f2p or for an expansion.

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Agreed, and almost the same is with the Gree so called pvp quests. So, as i said many times, its a huge design failure on BioWares side, in favor of the gankers and griefers.


It feels like the police would support the maffia. Very wrong...


I actually disagree with you on the gree event for the most part.


I can avoid the PVP entirely and get everything done and buy everything I need with just one toon. (I know this cause I'm through with the gree and bought everything even the vehicle except two weapons I don't really want anyway)


I think the Gree event was a decent design with a happy, though not quite equal medium due to the auto flagging people pvp.


If you go to the PVP area, you are not being ganked. It's pvp in a pvp area with pvp objectives. Killing others is not ganking.


If you are PVP flagged running around the PVE area and get killed. Still not ganking. Go back to base and let the flag fall off.


However, if you get flagged due to no fault of your own but something similar to the AOE auto-flagging (or other similar method). - Then yea that's ganking


It can still be avoided though as I avoid it all the time.


but so far the Gree for the most part is very good content.

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You can't be serious.


Exactly what benefit does HK-51 give you in PvP? What benefit do the macrobinoculars or seeker droid give you in PvP?


Don't know what you're talking about, my HK-51 rips apart other players who think "healing pet is best obv rofl". If you want to start some real open world PvP, whip out HK on any unsuspecting other-faction player.

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If you go to the PVP area, you are not being ganked. It's pvp in a pvp area with pvp objectives. Killing others is not ganking.


There is one thing in you are wrong, and my whole point is that the quests in the pvp area in the Gree event have no pvp objectives! They are pve qusets, with pve objectives.


Npc killing, resource gathering, and object scanning are not pvp objectives. If you strip down the so called pvp quests of the Gree event to their base, you get pve quests.


As i said before, those are not pvp quests. Those are pve quests in a pvp area.


A kill npc, gather stuff from them, scan object, then kill npc is NOT a pvp quest.

A gather-deliver resource is NOT a pvp quest either.


If it would be a kill x players, or kill x players from enemy faction, or capture and holt area/object quest, it would be a pvp one, and i would not do it.


So it's a design failure from BioWare (as i said before), to put pve quests into pvp areas. It can be tagged pvp, it's still a pve quest, by design.

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Don't know what you're talking about, my HK-51 rips apart other players who think "healing pet is best obv rofl". If you want to start some real open world PvP, whip out HK on any unsuspecting other-faction player.

Where exactly on a PvE server is there open world PvP? Or are you talking about ganking flagged players on PvE servers?

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From what I recall open world PvP doesn't work in TOR because of the engine they used to build the game on. If anyone remembers Ilum and how horribly laggy it was when more than 10 people got on screen. So, if that's still the case (which I haven't heard of any engine updates recently), it will be extremely difficult for them to resolve the issue without overhauling the game engine. Based on their current development process and the issues they experience when releasing the current content they do now does it seem likely this will ever happen?
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since they are in pvp area, you cant call them PvE quests either.


And honestly, I did both macro and seeker quests and never ever happened anything to me because 1) you dont have to spend lot of time out there, 2) its on the leveling planets where is very few people who can threaten you.


I didnt do HK quest yet, but I guess it will be similar.


They are indeed PVE quests that force you into a PVP zone to do something completely unrelated to PVP. These sorts of things need to quit being put into the game.

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Good, I hope they don't waste any more time on open world PVP. Whenever they've tried it, it has quickly devolved into a bunch of people from both factions standing around trading objectives so they can grind XP/loot/gear quicker. Most PVP'ers seem to be more interested in the XP and loot than actually PVP'ing.
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Open world pvp ? Are there not enough mmo who tried that and failed , bleeded customers so fast..

that they need to implement tons of rules and restriction , to a extent have a full team on hand .

just to combat exploits , whines , hacks and worst of balance issues ?


I think beter to make special npc that act like players , type lol spit and insults when they kill players ..

fooling people into believing they are real players and watch them whine and spout nonesense .



Problem solved for open world pvp .. Gee no developers ever tought about that ?

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If there was a serious inquiry into what happened to the 300 million that went into development criminal charges would result.

They must have had a good time at the companies expense.

It's the only explanation when a guy like Chris Roberts can do Star Citizen for 20-30 million and this gang of hired hands can't get even the basic copy paste combat from WoW to work properly.


The first time I quit this game I logged out with 2 months on my sub this time I will log out with 1 month left you couldn't pay me to play this again.


Yay yet another let me pull rumored numbers out of my ***. As for the criminal charges? Seriously just go away. Criminal charges.....good lord.

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Just place a main hub for each faction on the same planet and give people a reason to sit there instead of on the fleet. There will be a lot more world pvp!


I have to say, even a simple thing like this would help. I always find myself needing to go back to the fleet because that's where EVERYTHING is. Just put a PvP terminal, dropbox, and PvP vendors (including the gear vendors) at Ilum/Outlaws Den (Outlaws please!). I would hang out at a PvP area with that in a heartbeat.

Edited by mandoforlife
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I'm not sure how you translated to


Might want to steer clear of google translate?


Also, Wildstar is not going to have a focus on world PvP objectives from launch, the devs have stated as much.


I don't think the OP got past a certain point, or he would have read the part about a pvp patch in the near future that would make pvp people happy.


I'm also mystified about the part about the flying mounts thing, and having to redesign the game, lol. They already have flying mounts...on Alderaan with the thrantas, and also speeders. Speeders 'fly' they'd just have to adjust the height and camera lol.

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There is one thing in you are wrong, and my whole point is that the quests in the pvp area in the Gree event have no pvp objectives! They are pve qusets, with pve objectives.


Npc killing, resource gathering, and object scanning are not pvp objectives. If you strip down the so called pvp quests of the Gree event to their base, you get pve quests.


Very true, but by putting them in a PVP area they now have a PVP component to them and not just simple PVE. (which BTW - I have that kind of design)


However, that means if you don't want to be involved with PVP. You have to skip those PVP labeled quests cause they do involve PVP where the others do not.

Edited by Quraswren
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  • 1 year later...


Necro of truth. In other news the US East PVP server is dead, and folks that have stuck it out this long are joining the diaspora because BW's too busy swiveling on their thumbs to address pop. concerns.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Necro of truth. In other news the US East PVP server is dead, and folks that have stuck it out this long are joining the diaspora because BW's too busy swiveling on their thumbs to address pop. concerns.


Agree, and this necro goes to show you how truthful they were. The current development team has no concerns about pvp content, as it is more of a side note to them. However, they are nerfing like crazy because of pvp, and they certainly don't want to put in any real design effort to address the underlying issues with it either. In their minds they just wish pvp would go away, and they cringe when they have to do stuff with it.

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Good, PvP should stay in their PvP Areas... For every 1 good awesome PvP players out there are like 10 bullies that just love to harass weaker or players minding their own business. I use to love open world PvP until all I met was this kind of players...Where is the fun of being ganked by a team of fully PvP gear players against ONE PvE gear one? But I guess bullies are that limited in their thinking. It's not fair for the good PvP players out there but there are far too many Bullies and lets face it... This is a PvE story driven game... Bioware is going to protect their greater income of PvE players... somehow... Unless all good awesome PvP Players ban together and help drive off the bullying... so that PvE players start loving the PvP aspect of the game... But that's just wishful thinking...


If the bullying would just tone down a bit Im sure more would join the PvP community... But as it stands I guess if this is happening its because the overwhelming QQ of PvE players who have been harass in this manner, has already been heard and Bioware decided it was enough...Plus its easier...for them NOT to make content...


So congrats to all you PvP bullies out there you got what you deserve! And I'm really sorry for does good PvP players...you don't deserve to be penalise with those trolls...but that's how business is...and right now players ask for more PvE content and story than PvP stuff. :confused:

Edited by Zehal
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A few questions...


1. Who remembers when Illum dropped and how it was unplayable for many people because of the lag introduced with massive PvP being kicked in on this engine and with their server architecture?


2. How many PvP servers are there and how much lower are their average active populations vs the more numerous PvE servers?


So with all of that said does it make any sense to spend the time and money to do the required fix on the technical issues that made Illum choke? And this is before they build the mechanics of something to actually make the PvP more than a 60 v 60 death match. Companies do not say "build it and they will come.". They do a cost/benefit analysis and then decide where the money is best spent from a logical "Mr Spock" point of view.

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World PVP has always been a joke in SWTOR. The crap HERO engine can't handle it.


SWTOR does not have the means to support WPVP.



You can have little duels, but don't expect to be able to do anything else, ever.

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World PVP has always been a joke in SWTOR. The crap HERO engine can't handle it.


SWTOR does not have the means to support WPVP.



You can have little duels, but don't expect to be able to do anything else, ever.


You should come to Jung Ma.


Was in a 24+12 vs 24+24 man in 2.7.


84 people total and even on Very High graphics and a dozen Force Storms I averaged 34 fps and only ever dropped as low as 15 fps.

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There you have it folks,:( what other MMO makers can do easy BioWare can not do.So no reason to stick around

if you are one of the few remaining PvP players who havent alredy left. Btw they actually think Gree event is a

PvP thing lol, nobody i know that is hardcore pvp player care about that PvE event.So just instanced WZ

with little to no support for PvP in the future.And of course no arenas etc we will never see.These are things

Wildstar will have from launch


But i guess it's a good thing we now atleast know the truth.


Good. World PVP is the worst PVP. It comes down to nothing more than a numbers game. He who has the greater numbers win.


World PVP is griefing and trolling and invokes the worst aspects of PVP with none of its(nominal) redeeming qualities.

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beside the obvious necro and the oblivious never ending question of OWPvP; make a guild dare, and flag on, decide a time and place, you lazy sods!!


But in this case The cry for OWPvP is code for; "I want some Ganking privileges", and you wonder why the numbers on PvP servers are low . . .

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Good. World PVP is the worst PVP. It comes down to nothing more than a numbers game. He who has the greater numbers win.


World PVP is griefing and trolling and invokes the worst aspects of PVP with none of its(nominal) redeeming qualities.


Are unorganized pug raids the only WPVP you have ever seen?


Really seems like it.

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