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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Next expansion, what do you want to see?


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I just want to see at least one more companion per class for Republic side. All the companions the Republic chars get are really pityful, I don't like playing my Republic characters any more because I just get sick of those idiotic or weak companions that we get.


Empire companions are a hundred times better.

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I just want to see at least one more companion per class for Republic side. All the companions the Republic chars get are really pityful, I don't like playing my Republic characters any more because I just get sick of those idiotic or weak companions that we get.


Empire companions are a hundred times better.


I <3 Imp storylines.....but have you ever played a Trooper? There's some fun companions there.

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I would assume that this creates a framework that can allow for addition of PVE content in the future using the new features setup. I would expect it all depends on it's popularity and the demand for a PVE version or scenario.


This is also the stance I am taking.

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  1. A new, known planet. Preferably a follow-up to something featured in the OR franchise previously.
  2. Multiple new species, including Togruta, Nautolans and Kel Dor (perhaps working them into the story, as Cathar were).
  3. Either a return to class stories or a continuation of the "core" story of the game - let's deal with the war directly, not in another roundabout way. Explore the fate of Revan and the Emperor. Weave the outcomes of the class stories into the main story in vague ways.


A new class isn't likely (although it would be welcome, particularly if it allowed the implementation of more species) simply because of the amount of new content that would need to be development, twice over.


Revisiting my wishes:


1. It would be nice to at least fight near planets, possibly in certain atmospheres. Don't need to be on foot to experience a new planet.


2. Although my hope for regular new species has been thoroughly quashed, I would still like to see a some relevant species pop up. Give those SW:G vets a bone with Sullustan, unlockable only as a certain rank.


3. It would be awesome to see some context provided for these battles - maybe even a single story thread, unlocking the next "map" as you progress from battle to battle.

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Next expansion I want to see the word "expansion" without the word "digital" next to it. Meaning a proper beefy one.


True. I do wonder, however, if EA will ever again regain enough confidence in this title to turn it into something greater than what it has become. I'm sure that free-to-play as been a huge financial success, but at least to me, that spells doom for any subsequent large additions to the game. They want small bits with exorbitant pricing - why hire staff to create a load of additional content that you charge $40 for when you can keep your smaller staff and release bits of it, piecemeal, for ten times that amount (bonus if you stick some in cartel packs)?

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We may never see large scale expansion to this game. I can live with that, as long as they do continue to add updates in different areas. I certainly don't mind if they never release one in a physical box; I rarely buy anything digital in a physical form anymore. I would like to be pleasantly surprised some day and see a major expansion release. I'm just not counting on it.
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We may never see large scale expansion to this game. I can live with that, as long as they do continue to add updates in different areas. I certainly don't mind if they never release one in a physical box; I rarely buy anything digital in a physical form anymore. I would like to be pleasantly surprised some day and see a major expansion release. I'm just not counting on it.


Personally, I'm a sucker for Collector's Editions. It would have been awesome to have the Dread Masters taking their place next to Malgus, the Mario Bros., Alduin and co., if the game had proceeded down a different path.

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  • 2 weeks later...


  1. Contested planets that can become controlled by factions
  2. Bases that can be taken over
  3. Open World PVP Awards
  4. More Playable Races
  5. Podracing
  6. The option to add a capital after a - in the name creation screen
  7. Characters binded on Legacy name so you don't have to rename your character after a server change.
  8. Bioware Developers as Bosses in Online events
  9. Mandalorian Faction
  10. A chance to become Mandalore (Online Event)


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Battlefront 2 Space Battle flashbacks... trippy....


Battlefront 2 flashbacks are good, IMO. That was a really well done game in most aspects, including the multiplayer gameplay.


Absolutely. I think if it can eventually reach the diversity in gameplay that BF2 had and retain an approachable gameplay standard as well it will be a very powerful addictive addition to the game.


BF2 was great IMO. Still is.

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I enjoy the game right now. I also like how they have been releasing tons of content over the past 2 years, contents which most MMOs used to release only in official expansions or over large update periods. But yea, i do want a proper story based or atleast a spin-off story based PROPER expansion.


I am already quite eager for Wildstar and if EA feels that the game doesn't deserve something like this, i might as well shift it when the game releases next year.

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I know they won't add more class missions, and I'm fine with that, but maybe add missions on the next expansion where you fight a major member of the other faction, such as having the Great Hunt Champion fighting the Leader of Havoc Squad or the Emperor's Wrath fighting the Hero of Tython. That would be pretty epic, giving you an actual enemy with a title instead of just a "big enemy".
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  • 1 month later...

I just want to see another planet that's recognized in the franchise already.


We get new planets and locations like Makeb which is great, but going back to the familiar isn't a bad idea either.

Edited by AelixVII
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1. A majority of forces of corruption planets

2. many sentient species

3. Merchant and smuggler be neutral

4. More classes like those from individual species

5. Dual or tri class capabilities

6. Picking random characters to be companions up to a certain point

7. Useing all companions for crew skills

8. Guild planet/ship (bigger guild bigger planet or ship)

9. For new droid companion from 6 let us get pieces we want for it

10. Find why people keep getting error 310

11. Increase cartel coin output

12. Have a vendor on fleet, Capitol planet, legacy ship for credits to cartel coins and vice versa for a reseonable price

13. Reduce imperial stuns in pvp so it's more fair

14. Make VIP wristbands fully refundable

15. Make pvp maps into a list to choose from with a single multiple a random quest

16. Promote game more

17. Use some profit to hire some expierieced game programmers

18. Trulely customisable armor

19. Space ship vendor that lets us trade ships AND OR buy a new ones so we can make a personal fleet

20. Let us go to opposite faction planets without playing other faction

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  1. A new, known planet. Preferably a follow-up to something featured in the OR franchise previously.
  2. Multiple new species, including Togruta, Nautolans and Kel Dor (perhaps working them into the story, as Cathar were).
  3. Either a return to class stories or a continuation of the "core" story of the game - let's deal with the war directly, not in another roundabout way. Explore the fate of Revan and the Emperor. Weave the outcomes of the class stories into the main story in vague ways.


Love this! And really love the last part! Since unfortunetely the class stories have been fozen in carbonite, the main story has to delve into these very two figures! And if I had to chose one with just tid bits of the other its time to blow the doors off the emperors story and get it into motion as the focal point!

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Something properly big. Wrath of the Lich King big with few planets + individual class stories, like the mined Ziost and Bothawui.


Because the latest "expansion" was just slightly more than a free and regular wow's content update. And it's not my words, just citing a review (which gave rothc favorable score anyway).

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This is the expansion I want:


- Boxed full price

- Extend the existing planets by factor x5

- add 1 planet from the movies

- add open world housing areas and a combination of instanced apartments

- Add day night weather change to planets

- Completely revamp the speeders to make them as fast and dynamic as actual speeders from the movies

- Add flying mounts, jetpacks and snowspeeder types

- Scratch the railroad taxis, we now have flying mounts

- Revamp the engine for performance, 64bit client and DX11

- A fully working casino on Nar Shaddaa with several multiplayer games

- Revamped NPC AI

- Background loading and CGI cutscenes

- A complete space sim with customizable ship interiors and 100+ systems on top of the GS instanced matches



The day they release this expansion the game gains 5 million subs

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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More class stories.


Not pseudo-class stories like Makeb, but REAL actual separate class stories.


Bite the bullet and reverse your current position, guys. Plenty of us want it.


And either more full-blown companions or bring the GSF companions to the "ground game", fully and completely.

Edited by Adwynyth
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More class stories.


Not pseudo-class stories like Makeb, but REAL actual separate class stories.


Bite the bullet and reverse your current position, guys. Plenty of us want it.


And either more full-blown companions or bring the GSF companions to the "ground game", fully and completely.


I think it is not that BW does not want to do them, but the simple fact that they are ultimately non-repeatable and therefore not cost-efficient. Not to mention that majority of people would just spacebar through it and then demand more again.

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1. SSSP - ADD PVE free roam and missions around each planet

2. More Datacrons, even some in space or on asteroids.

3. Class story expansions

4. more planets like the ones listed in other posts

5. GUILD Expansion: Guild calendar added to left side of the character selection screen.

If not in a guild add a way to search guilds with a description of each guild added by guild leader.

Be able to apply to a guild, which then sends an email to the guild leader and officers of the guild. with the email be able to accept or decline the person applying, even if the person applying is not on line.

6. GUILD MAIL - guild leader and officers be able to send to all in the guild a mail.

7. GUILD SHIPS - with customizing meeting rooms, terminals to launch to flashpoints and operations (both space and ground missions)

8. More companions.

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I think it is not that BW does not want to do them, but the simple fact that they are ultimately non-repeatable and therefore not cost-efficient. Not to mention that majority of people would just spacebar through it and then demand more again.

Well, to be honest, I'm not buying any of it. Here's why:


They're making a bundle on the game now with the advent of the Cartel Market and F2P. Revenue is not a problem, and the financials that have made it public bear this out.


EA's business model has been to swallow up studios, fire everybody, and run the games they inherit in full brain-dead maintenance mode: as long as the servers run, it's fine. They haven't done this with BioWare, probably because SWTOR is still making money, but needs content to do so. So BioWare is still a viable studio.


The compulsive speed-levelers and ravenous endgame consumers will spacebar through anything and everything, so this is no different. They spacebarred through the initial stories and will spacebar through anything new, whether novel or not. So this doesn't really affect them either way.


I came for the story, and so did many others. Majority, minority...it doesn't matter. A sizable number of players want more class story, and they should provide it.

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