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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Next expansion, what do you want to see?


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It has been a month now since the Rise of the Hutt Cartel has been released. It is going to be a while until more major content like that will be added, which is understandable. It should take at least 3 more months until we hear anything for even story related content, much more for an expansion.


But what would you want the next one to have? Another level cap raise to, say, 60? New and faster mounts? More companions? Planets to visit such as Dantooine, Mustafar, Yavin, etc? New CLASSES?


What do you want to see in the next expansion?

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  1. A new, known planet. Preferably a follow-up to something featured in the OR franchise previously.
  2. Multiple new species, including Togruta, Nautolans and Kel Dor (perhaps working them into the story, as Cathar were).
  3. Either a return to class stories or a continuation of the "core" story of the game - let's deal with the war directly, not in another roundabout way. Explore the fate of Revan and the Emperor. Weave the outcomes of the class stories into the main story in vague ways.


A new class isn't likely (although it would be welcome, particularly if it allowed the implementation of more species) simply because of the amount of new content that would need to be development, twice over.

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It depends on what kind of expansion it would be.


If it would be next 2.2 version or something, I really like to see one or two new flashpoint, and some additional achivments (especialy showing every quest on planet (not heroic and not class).


But if we talking about 3.0 (another big expansion) , there is much to talk ;).

- I would like it have some class stories. If not full chapter, maybe some additional quest for every class. On Makeb smuggler could steal and sell ISOTOPE, but it wasn't in the game. That kind of stories.

- More planets. Maybe smaller, like Quesh, but more planets.

- new seeker droid/macrobinocular story. I would really like to go and find some Revan's artefact and revisit worlds and maps from KOTOR (and maybe KOTOR2).


And in some future expansion I really would like to have some neutral classes.

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Oh so many things and I suspect what I would want might take more than 1 expansion.


1) New speices multiple new species and some very alien new species like Kel'dor

2) More elder game content, I would like to see lv 55 versions of planets we have been to with dailys that make sence and explain what has happened to the planet following the story arc.

3) New space combat like jump to light speed

4) Open world PvP with daily quests, NPCs, and scrapping of Expertise and Bolster as it really wont be open world PvP if only the PvP elite can take part.

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lets see...


I would like to see one story like chain like in the original KOTOR that leads to an end, sort of like the class story quests but this would be the entire point of the expansion.


as far as planets, Kashik, "the wookie planet," dantoone, dagobah.


as far as a level cap make it lvl 65.


add some dungeons and raids ect.


need more WZ's it would be wonderful if they added a "QUEABLE WORLD PVP" function like WOWs wintersgrasp this will bring life back to illium.


as far as wz's the biggest complaint is stuns, so having siege engines and a fort to protect would be a great wz to lossen things up.

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what I want...




Well that cash goes to development and progress to the game. I remember when this game was pure monthly sub and it took months to get a patch. Content comes a lot faster now that it went F2P because of the added resources.


No one works for free, this game takes a lot of cash just to keep running and that doesn't include the development cost and paying employees that make new content.


Now if content was slow to come by then I might be little pissed . And if I didn't see any progression then II would just walk away and play another MMO instead of getting upset on the forums.

Edited by stineo
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I hope 3.0 will be a full expansion for 50 bucks one wich you can buy in the store.



1 new species (togruta or kel'dor)

1 new planet (maybe dantoine)

Levelcap increase to level 60

continuation of our Storyline

THE SSSP featuring the following:

An Open space around each of the core planets and Deep space in wich you can roam through asteroid fields.

Each of the Class starships fully customizable (both interior and exterior) change the exteriors shape, add different weapons.

Missions wich require you to fight both in space and on land. For example "Raids" wich encompase an attack on a destroyer. First the raid must fight against waves of fighters and dodge the attacks from the Destroyer. After that certain key elements must be destroyed to enable the "ground" part. The raid lands on the destroyer and fights it's way through it like in traditional raids.

A 2nd line of progression.

Space XP and Space abilities would NOT be tied to your normal game progress.

Each Character would gain a second line of progression, their pilot class wich would be leveled only in space and allow you to use your starship better / user higher grade weapons.

Open world space pvp with players fighting for certain mining bases in a huge asteroid field. First you must attack the base in space then fight your way on foot in order to capture an enemies base.

Bases can be claimed by guilds who gain minor benefits for that.

Some Space warzones for those who dislike open world PvP.


I guess that would be worth 50 bucks ;)

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Free-Roam Space Combat


Fully Customizable bases, exterior and/or interior (or perhaps the interiors alter to whatever shape the ship is)

- Ability to move companions within your ship. Love interest in the bedroom, huh? huh?


Class Focused continuing stories (allow us to have our Empire Strikes Back where we as the class separate from the core group and explore our own journeys again)


Mission Immersion

- Start Planetside,

-fight big boss,

-he escapes into space: give chase in starfighter, he flees wounded and jumps to hyperspace to another planet,

- head to hyperspace, AMBUSH! Dogfight!

- Cutscene where we have to use the escape pod (seriously, you built that to be useless? right.)

- land on the planet, wade through tons of enemies, solve some puzzles along the way,

- Big confrontation and CLIMAX TIME!!!


More companion progression


THEATRE MODE!! This story is so epic that it deserves the ability to go and relive all the major class cutscenes and give a taste of "what-if?" which is what a lot of characters, especially Jedi, think about.


Torgruta species


Advanced Class re-spec


1 New Class? Diplomat? Uses Cunning or Aim like HK-51 does? Advanced Classes either use Pistol or Rifle? Rifle uses cunning, blaster uses aim?

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I want a new race and new character customization, actually in the character creation and not the dam cartel market! What exactly are we paying for when we subscribe or buy expansions??....A new race maybe?....so...then...WHY DO WE PAY AGAIN!?
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I hope 3.0 will be a full expansion for 50 bucks one wich you can buy in the store.



1 new species (togruta or kel'dor)

1 new planet (maybe dantoine)

Levelcap increase to level 60

continuation of our Storyline

THE SSSP featuring the following:

An Open space around each of the core planets and Deep space in wich you can roam through asteroid fields.

Each of the Class starships fully customizable (both interior and exterior) change the exteriors shape, add different weapons.

Missions wich require you to fight both in space and on land. For example "Raids" wich encompase an attack on a destroyer. First the raid must fight against waves of fighters and dodge the attacks from the Destroyer. After that certain key elements must be destroyed to enable the "ground" part. The raid lands on the destroyer and fights it's way through it like in traditional raids.

A 2nd line of progression.

Space XP and Space abilities would NOT be tied to your normal game progress.

Each Character would gain a second line of progression, their pilot class wich would be leveled only in space and allow you to use your starship better / user higher grade weapons.

Open world space pvp with players fighting for certain mining bases in a huge asteroid field. First you must attack the base in space then fight your way on foot in order to capture an enemies base.

Bases can be claimed by guilds who gain minor benefits for that.

Some Space warzones for those who dislike open world PvP.


I guess that would be worth 50 bucks ;)


I'm with this guy!! give us a real expansion and not a crappy $10 thing which barley brings out anything of real worth, so you can then later on bring out something else, say its not part of the expansion, and charge us more money again!

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Hood toggles

Chapter 4

New side missions

Bonus string on all levelling planets

Group finder for heroics


New planet

Open world space exploration

Different engine. idtech 5 would be perfect, something that is made for open world games

New classes and abilities

New ops and flashpoints

Higher level cap to accommodate chapter 4 (70?)


Will have to put more thought into this. But this stuff is off the top of my head. I would pay a full expansion price for these things.

Edited by tgokovenant
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Moar Cash Shop !!!!!!!!!! take my money. until more Cartel Market items are developed i will be subscribing a second account just so i can pay Bioware 15 more dollars a month on top of my regular subscription. that way I can feel like I'm giving them 30 dollars instead of the usual 15 until they get around to putting more old armors and weapons they took out of the game in prior patches back into the Cartel Market for me to buy
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I'd like to see an extension to the class stories, allow Republic players to visit the Empire's capital planet and vice versa, player housing would also be an incredible addition! especially if we could put armor sets in them. I'd also like to see more additions to guilds, and more RP friendly things like being able to sit down in a chair.


Although this will never happen, I'd like to see more story options and the possibility of defecting to the Empire.(or Republic.)

Another cool addition would be actual cybernetic/robotic limbs, if I'm playing as a cyborg I want to be an actual cyborg with robotic body parts. It's always been my dream for my character to burn half to death and lose all of his limbs and most of his potential in the force, no joke.

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1. Drastical performance increase

2. New faction (Mirror classes with a questline at which end you switch to the new faction)

3. faction vs faction vs faction

4. Free space combat and maybe even exploration

5. Open PvP on Illum

6. 2 New planets

7. At least 2 or even more fps

8. 1 or 2 new raids (combined with free space for space/planet raids)

9. pazzak (wondering noone mentioned that)

10. swoop racing


take 4 or 5 of these points and i am happy.

My favourite 5 would be

4, 6, 7, 8, 9

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A neutral planet would be nice. But not like Nar Shadaa's promade, I mean one with a story in it that has the Republic and Empire grudgingly working together, which would involve Republic and Empire players able to form groups with one another and take part in conversations. Would be interesting.


A continuation of the companion story lines would be fun as well. So would a trip to Naboo.

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