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Everything posted by chuuuuucky

  1. /signed I did the event only for the achievments. I am confident that i will not be able to endure another round of leveling 8 d v l characters. Let alone spent millions upon millions to level each crew skill again. There has to be anothe rsolution. My trust in the achievment system is destroyed as there is no guarantee that i will get the reward out of my invested time.
  2. So all the work i and a friend put into this event in the last months is now nullified. This was by far one of the worst Events you ever started in terms of grind and time investment. I'd like to know why you have to reset the Achievments in case you want to repeat the event. There is not a single reason you have to treat this event differently to all the other events. There will be enough people who didn't finish the event or haven't even started it that will appriciate if you start it again. You can always add new achievments but taking away achievments in such a way just destroyes all the trust in the system. I will never do this Event again purly because i can't trust you that i can keep the achievments the next time.
  3. In fact kommt TESO in 2 Wochen raus. Also so lange haben sie nichtmehr Zeit. Aber f2p wirds irgendwann wohl auch. Ist auch logisch und hat auch nichts damit zu tun ob das Spiel scheitert oder nicht. Es ist einfach logisch. Du greifst 60€ + ca. 2 x Abo ab bevor die Spieler sich eine entgültige Meinung über das Spiel gebildet haben. Du hast deine PLayerbase die weiter zahlt deine Fans etc. Dann stellst du Zeitnah auf f2p um und holst dir neue Kundschaft dazu. Das ganze wird aber länger als 5 oder 6 Monate brauchen denn es muss natürlich glaubhaft rüber kommen das der Schritt zu f2p bitter nötig ist um das Spiel zu retten. Und Zack bist in einem Model drinne das wie bei SWTOR auch danach noch ordentlich Kohle abwirft. Der Vorteil ist halt das du zuvor mal eben fasst deine Investitionen mit Boxed verkäufen und Abos finanziert hast und du kannst nun immer noch ein Abo Model neben deinem f2p Model führen genau wie bei SWTOR. Wer erwartet denn das irgendein MMO die Massen zufrieden stellen können wird? Das wird noch eine ganze Weile dauern. und bis dahin muss jeder MMO Entwickler schaun das er das Geld möglichst früh ins trockene holt. GW2 hat hart zu kämpfen wegen stark unstetiger Einnahmen. WoW gehts sowieso immer gut. F2p Games schließen aber SWTOR gehts finanziel ziemlich gut. Also egal wie toll wir als Spieler dieses Model finden kann es für developer ein erstrebenswertes Finanzierungsmodel sein.
  4. Das klingt gut. Wichtig wäre mir halt wo mans her bekommt. - Random Drop aus den Kartell Kisten in den FPs. - Random Drop aus den Kartell Kisten in den OPs. - Spezieller einmaliger Loot für das Abschließen von NiM Content im PvE und erreichen bestimmter Räng/Punkteränge im PvP. - Spezielle Items für das Abschließen von Erfolgen - Spezielle Items die mit Berufen hergestellt werden können. - Kartellmarkt Items Das darf ruhig viel im Kartellmarkt sein wenn der Rest nicht vernachlässigt wird. Sprich eine neue OP. Ein neues einzigartiges Item. Und in den FPs hat man die Chance auf ein Dekorationsitem aus dem aktuellen Kartell Paket mit einer recht geringen Chance auf die seltenen Items die darin vorkommen. Eine neue Welt und es gibt dort eine entsprechende Behausung und Items zu sammeln die man dort dann aufstellen kann. Einiges davon ist diskutabel und führt nicht zu einer Enttäuschung. Enttäuschend wäre folgendes Szenario. - PvP bekommt nichts. - FPs droppen keine Dekorationsitems. - Normale OPs droppen kein Dekorationsitems. - NiM OPs droppen ein besonderes Dekortionsteil. - Berufe gehen leer aus. - Erfolge bekommen erst mit neuem content Dekorationsitems. - Der Kartellmarkt bietet 90% aller Items die erhältlich sind. - Neue Planeten enthalten Items die man aufstellen kann. - Es laggt in der housing Instanz. Leider klingt dieses Szenario zu realistisch.
  5. I know you asked those questions without expecting an answer because it was a response to a heavily sarcastic post but nonetheless they are interesting. MMOs want us to immerse us into a different world where we can experience great storys like we couldn't in the real world. But unfortunately tech limitations, lazy developers, and old MMO standards make MMOs a places where it is hard to feel immersed and have a connection to the world. Swtor as an example. NPCs are plain stupid. They do not exist to make the game challengeing. They do not exist to make whatever you kill them for a satisfying achievment. They are only there to stretch the time you need to play through the game and because it would feel even more stupid if you had to fight nothing no matter how defenseless. Also they are just standing around. Day in day out. How is that immersive? World You are sent into the wilderness of Tython to search a old datacube. Lost for a long time. Not only that there is a marker on your radar that tells you where you can find it. It is about 500m away from the base on a bridge defended by enemies as if it is the most common place on the planet. Sound like the Jedis are only to lazy to get that damn thing for themselves. Missions "Hey Darth, Lord, Voice of the Emporer can you help me? You could do *insert random unimportant thing here* for me? Doesn't seem like you have more important things to do." (except for f***** save the universe) And of course you do it because experience and because shiny credits. Immersion? Belivable? Yeah right. Graphics No need to talk about it. MMOs are far behind all the other first or third person genres out there. Those are only a few examples. This are things most MMOs do. Even singleplayer games. But that doesn't mean that they have to be that way. And it is not like nothing is happening. We are moving foreward but MMOs like WoW, SWTOR etc. they can't evolve with new tech. It is just to expensive and time consuming. But the good news is that there are a lot games out there that try to change those flaws that MMOs have until today. Star Citizen is a first approach to enter the throne of graphical fidelity and that as a MMO. Elite Dangerouse is challenging the limited worlds of hand crafted MMOs and introduces endless space. Everquest Next tries to change the way we interact with NPCs and how they behave in the world and to the player. So we are moving foreward. And to be honest it is not hard to think of things that are flawed in MMOs but accepted because all the MMOs do it and it seems like developers can't do any better. And yes i see sandbox games as a important part of MMOs future. Not because they will ever leave the niche they are in but because they are the ones that evolve the most over time and help the whole MMO community to develope further. Developers like Bioware with SWTOR. They can't do that much to bring MMOs to a new level. They have to deliver new content on and on and on and on... forever. Every little change can possibly break something. Developers are only there to create content that entertains people. In a sandbox MMO people create the content for themselves. Story. Things to do. Because of that developers have a lot of time to create new things that can possibly be adapted by the next themepark MMO. My guess is that games like Star Citizen might change the way MMOs are played. I mean this game tryed to be an MMO but the way to level 55 is for most a singleplayer experience and at the end with level 55 you have to start to interact with people on a regular basis if you want to progress any further. And while it is totally understandable why this game is a themepark MMO in the leveling phase from 1 to 55 i have no idea why they don't open up the game to be more of a sandbox game that has things like raids and flashpoints as themepark elements. I am wondering what keeps you from creating a massive world in which players make their own story and at the same time they get the opportunity to participate in things like raids that tell a story arc which changes the world around the player like the developer want it. That is the approach of Star Citizen. You experience your immersive story as a singleplayer/coop game and at the end you enter the persistant universe with a goal. The goal was given to you at the end of the campaign and then you can do whatever you think might help to bring the universe further. And from time to time the developers change the world. Initiate a invasion of a few solar systems and force the people to rethink their prioritys. Maybe they interrupt the fights between each other (the sandbox aspect) and participate in the defense of human solar system for mankind (themepark aspects in the form of something similar to raids) The reason why we don't have it? It is expensive. It is a risk. And you can make easy money with the same lazy themepark MMO. But i hope that the first MMO that will change this pretty strict differentiation between sandbox and themepark MMO will such a huge success that MMOs in general can develop into a new direction.
  6. What you are talking about is Squadron 42 what is basically the Wing Commander part of the game. The persistant universe is the part of the game that will be SciFi MMORPG. Persistant universe will be like the EvE Universe but heavily instanced due to the crazy amount of detail.
  7. As usual no armor set that is great as a whole s et but alot of parts of it will be very nice in combination with other existing armor set pieces. The new space mission looks a bit weird. Like you put all the models of Spaceship and stations into a map just for the sake of filling the empty space. Looking foreward to a video that gives a better view on it.
  8. Or giant machine. Or both. There are amazing full body capture videos out there showcased with unity engine. It is a bit annoying that they are released as rift version only but look pretty amazing. They are currently working on capturing the same level of detailin motion and already reached out to CIG to consider using their technologie for star citizen. I won't post the link as i don't know how the forum rules are on nudity. Search for Multi Light Scans
  9. We are not that far away. With the introduction of physical based rendering in the UE4 engine we take a big step foreward. I assume that it is only a matter of about 10 years until we reach a quality that we will accept as photo realistic graphics. A very important role though is how we look at the world we play in. Virtual reality is about to change the way we look at games or multimedia entertainment in general forever. It will be the biggest step foreward since games went 3D and i am excited that this is one of the puzzle pieces to realistic computer game worlds that is only about 2 years away from becoming a reality. Where we have to do alot though is how you make a digital world a place that does not only look realistic. But also behaves like you would expect it. And as big as the steps to realistic graphics were in the last 10 years as small were the steps to better ai, better physics or story telling. Thats where the most work has to be done.
  10. Because of a thread in general discussion about the swtor cinematic trailer i had the idea to start a thread about cinematic shorts. There are a lot out there and some of them in a quality on par with every million dollar project. In general i would advice to visit vimeos Animation & Motion Graphic category/3D animation. There are a lot of great shorts made by indie or 3D animation studios as demo reels. I post a few that i think are the best. Feel free to add everything 3D or 2D short related what you think is worth watching. 3D 2D
  11. 10 million is plausible. The return trailer is more than 6 minutes long. Movies like Wall-E had a budget of 180 million. So with that budget you could have made a more than 120 minute blockbuster.
  12. I don't think they are better. They are like trailers. Trailers are most of the time more interesting than the movie itself because that's what they are made for. They show you what you can look foreward to and that packed into a few minutes. If you make a action trailer with the scenes from the star wars movies i am shure you will get better results. The one trailers i really like though is the one with the smuggler because it has more to it than just action. And i am shure, and this is something we should look foreward to, that we will be able to play games that come close to the dramaturgy and quality of the trailers of todeay. VR, better graphics better AI and physics. I hope the star wars ip is ready when the next big leap in gaming will be done and i think we are closer to it than we can imagine.
  13. I would prefer a new little story quest where you have to find 2 or 3 new color shards to upgrade the matrix relict to the next level. Bit sad that you put quiet a lot of effort into collecting it but since a few months it is no longer an option if you want to optimize your stats. Crystals are only a have to if the profession that builds color crystals can build them. If not it is not necessary.
  14. Pictures of the characters i think are unique in my collection of characters.
  15. Well then they are failing with their business model if the goal is to make more subscribers. But they are doing fine with a large playerbase staying f2p and a declining subscriber base. So f2p players get more and more important and therefore they should at least consider opening the most important forums for feedback to the f2p players. (suggestion box, customer support, new player help and community)
  16. The only thing i fear is that the forums die. German forum is already a ghost town. You can count the regular posters on 2 hands. They should finally reconsider the lockout of f2p players. They are now the majority in this game or at least i hope this is the case for the health of ingame population. So gathering the opinion of you core group should be number one priority.
  17. I will post a screen of my assasin later. He is a rattataki that wears darth malaks mask, the imperial uniform from the cm and the rest is cybernetics. Looks pretty evil and a bit scary i guess but not like a sith would look like. More like a special ops from the empire side that has already had alot of fights and lost hands arms and legs and is sensitive to the force. And as most of my characters he is black/red as i refuse to buy a color for millions and black/red looks nearly as good as all the expensive colors.
  18. I fear i have to correct you a little. Yes we can land on planets but as long as procedural generation is not confirmed as more then R&D Project we only get something like in Freelancer but this time you can actually walk into bars, banks etc. They stated long ago that at first there will only be small areas with all the important buildings. Procedural Generation might open up all that but i don't expect this for cities. More for new planets system etc. If they really understand how they can benefit the best way from PG they might add full explorable cities and planets based on PG but i won't get my hopes up very high on that one. My best guess is that they generate a lot of planets based on procedural generation and enable you to fly in a certain minimum hight above ground to explore them by flight. If you want to land you have bigger areas where you can land free and explore. Those are then more detailed than the PG areas by handcrafted pieces of environment. That is what i guess PG will add to SC in the best case. If the are able to do more it will be awesome but i don't get to hyped for the announcement.
  19. Ah you are right. But even for a payed expansion it was somewhat small. Nevertheless very enjoyable for the first 2 times and fair priced.
  20. This year will be really interesting. A huge Update is coming as big as ROTHC and we know they are never exaggerate. What did they say about ROTHC? One of the biggest expansions of its kind in MMO history. Looking foreward how they are promoting the next update this time.
  21. My counselor wears the recruit starter gear back from the day the game was released. (so tionese pvp gear) It is brown and sadly not properly paintable but it is besides the classic jedi robes from the cm one of the few robes that actually look kind of jedi ish. Also because most people just threw them away it is possible that i am one of a hand full of players on all the servers that has nearly a complete set. (Belt and Head missing but as we all know head is not that bad as counselors had always crappy headgear)
  22. Elite looks very promising but it has to prove if procedural generated content can make interesting places. I am looking foreward to Star Citizen and backed it in the first week and until now they are not disappointing me. Progress looks good and the team has grown so much that i think even CR is surprised where is is today. If they manage to make a feature out of the research for procedural generated content then the game can make another step foreward at release. And on a sidenote. Even if only half of the features they promise are implemented from the start the game will have tons more features then SWTOR has today.
  23. I bought the DK1 and i have to say that it is far away from finished. If anyone of you wants to buy it because he thinks he will get a great gaming experience - don't buy it. If you are an enthusiast or want to develope something cool on the rift then go for it. If you put it on and try some of the demos especially developed for the rift it is the most impressive thing you have ever seen in a video game history. The scale, the immersion, the feeling that you are actually in the game is the greatest thing since 3D started back in the 80s. And it doesn't have to be a first person game. Every genre can benefit from it but of course first person is the most obviouse. At the moment it is difficult to play most games as you get motion sick after a few minutes. I can't play Half Life 2 longer than 10 minutes. But the most problems are already solved with the crystal cove prototype, the latest iteration of the rift. With that prototype it seems like they eliminated most of the problems that caused motion sickness. I am looking forward to it and i am really excited to play EvE Valkyre or even Star Citizen for the first time with the rift.
  24. Ok was sind denn die Richtlinien für ein MMO? Gefunden: Du verstehst hier etwas falsch und das ist auch der Grund für diese Fehlinterpretation. Du kannst das Spiel offline spielen bzw. auf einem Server mit Freunden. Aber das ist im Grunde als würdest du auf eine Lan gehen und dort gegen Bots oder deine Freunde Counter Strike spielen. Es wäre immernoch ein Multiplayer Spiel da du dich genauso gut online einloggen und loslegen kannst. Der Unterschied ist hier nur das du dich auf den offiziellen Servern von Star Citizen nie mit deinen Charactären aus deine offline Sessions einloggen können wirst. Und falls doch wird er dort nur das aussehen beibehalten jedoch weder den Reichtum noch die Macht oder Geschichte. (Als wäre es ein neuer Character) Des weiteren wrist du mit ziemlicher wahrscheinlichkeit zusätzliche Dateien für den offline Modus benötigen da du in diesem Fall tatsächlich keine Teilung von Host und Client hast aber diese Dateien werden dann logischer weiße nicht vom offiziellen Server genutzt. Ist es in SWTOR denn nicht genauso? Wie lange besteht denn eine Instanz? Wenn die Instanzierung das Problem ist dann wäre SWTOR auch kein MMO. Du hast einen großen Server so wie in EvE. Da Star Citizen jedoch nicht soviele Schiffe darstellen kann wie EvE werden Instanzen erstellt. Genauso wie es auch in SWTOR der Fall ist. Diese werden alle innerhalb dieses Servers erstellt auf dem alle spielen. Du bist falsch informiert. Für die offiziellen CIG Server gilt natürlich das man sich über einen Client einloggen muss und die Daten extern verwaltet werden. In jedem anderen Fall würde das Cheaten ja ruckzuck überhand nehmen. Das worauf du dich beziehst ist das spielen auf deinem eigenen Server oder dem eines Freundes was mit dem MMO Part aber rein garnichts zu tun hat. Ich verstehe im Moment nicht ganz woher diese Informationen kommen denn sie passen rein logisch nicht zu dem Konzept das Star Citizen tatsächlich verfolgt. Außerdem sollte man vll. mal die Beschreibung auf dem englischen Wiki zum Thema wann ist ein MMO ein MMO lesen. Es gibt dort keinen Punkt der nicht zu Star Citizen passt und viel wichtiger das sind Punkte die man als Definition für ein MMO tatsächlich glaubwürdig vertreten kann. Das ist auch ein Punkt den ich recht wichtig finde. Wann ist ein MMO ein MMO? Ich glaube nicht das hier jeder seine eigene Definition haben kann und das man jeden beliebigen Punkt eines MMOs hernaziehen kann um von einem anderen Spiel zu behaupten das es kein MMO ist. Es würde ja auch niemand einfallen die Abstinenz von Raids als Beweis dafür zu verwenden das es sich nicht um ein MMO handelt.
  25. Ich denke etwas ist nicht automatisch kein MMO nur weil es neben der MMO Komponente auch einen Offline und Multiplayer Modus gibt. Das ist letztendlich Auslegungssache. Man merkt an der aktuellen Entwicklung klar das die MMO Komponente im Vordergrund steht. Es ist eher so das die Multiplayer und Offline Variante zweitrangig sind. Und das dieses beständige Universum alle Punkte erfüllt die heutige MMOs erfüllen lässt sich meiner Meinung nach nicht abstreiten. Squadron 42, die Singleplayer Kampagne, kann man vor dem beständigen Universum als sehr sehr langes Tutorial spielen, muss man aber nicht. Es ist auch sicherlich möglich seinen Character vom Server auf lokale oder offline Server zu kopieren. Was aber sicher nicht möglich sein wird ist einen Character auf den Server zu kopieren denn Server sind 100% moddbar und Betrügereien wäre Tür und Tor geöffnet. Aber ist nun auch egal nur sollte niemand dieses Spiel deshalb Missachten weil es kein MMO ist. (aus seiner Sicht) Ich freu mich auf jeden der mir später in Star Citizen erzählt das er auch mal SWTOR gespielt hat.
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