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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is PVP Healing going to be addressed?


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Translation "Noooo don't take away my easy mode heals."


Mr.FastConclusion, read my signature, I play a sentinel. I don't want oneshot people cause I have a big penauts. And before you say something I play combat/carnage and not easytardmode smash, so, L2P and L2Focustargets :D

Edited by Xarimath
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Translation "Noooo don't take away my easy mode heals."


i have as a healer no problem if a dd would kill me solo easily - comming from DAoC i´m used to it, a healer was fodder for every one without team support heals were rupted by every attack entirely but if you could heal unattacked absolutly no one would have been killed at all regardless how many dds you stack. is that what you want?

currently the the dmg per attack vs the dmg per heal favors dd´s as they attaack every 1,5 sec while class depending the big heal takes 1,85-2,3 sec dealing the same numbers.

what makes healing in this game powerfull are mindless dd´s + taunts and guard - especially guard is powerfull as the dmg transferred to the tank is reduced twice first by the mittigation of the attacked one and on top by the mitigation of the tank aswell. that reduces spikes tremendously and allows the healers to keep someone who is attacked alive at all.

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I'm just rejoining SWTOR after a 1-year break. I'm not sure how healing is top-end, but in my personal MMO experience it seems that a single healer should be able to out-heal a single dps'r (at the sacrifice of any significant dmg output). Is that not the case here? Or can a single healer keep a full group of 2 or 3 from taking damage?
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Pvp heals is fine, move along.

Question is - are you supposed to kill healer 1x1? No, you shouldn't.

Whole thread is fail.

And if you cant kill healer 2x1, you're fail too.


Again, this. DPS shouldn't be better than healing.

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Of course a DPS should win a 1v1 against a healer. Everything else just makes no sense.

nope with the current heal/dmg ratios it should be a draw with the healer beeing unable to do anything but staying alive. wich isnt the case - sooner or later any well played dps will win currently in a 1vs1.

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At the begining, I like to express my sincere gratitude to all Great People who play their main char as a healer.

Thanks for the heals <3!


On with this blasphemy thread now.

I belive that healers must be op, and should not be killed in 1v1 situation by anyone (ofcourse if healer not terribly undergeared, or forgot that he need to heal himself also! :) or simple went afk :) ). You may ask - Why I belive it is should be that way?

For a moment, try to walk a healer shoes: He must watch hes team frames (Bars must flow!), at the same time keep an eye on what hapens around him and what corner that arrogant marauder went while mindlessly chasing an injured foe, straight into a swarming crowd of enraged jedy knights who, start to pulverize poor bastard into a bloody pulp! But healer doesnt see this miracolous scene, because he also have to constantly chek for ability procs, HoTs and other short buff timers, debuffs, enemy procs and manage hes/her resources (trying to avoid overhealing). So thats already require second pair of eyes! eh :) not to mention, healers is also supposed to aid hes dps with cc and interupts if he dont wanna be called a key turning noob clicker! :)

Thus, making healing complicated, or making healers a free kill and so on, will may result in nobody (only Mister Slave) wanna play as healer for the thrill of intensive, exhausting and monotonous work, instead of having fun and joy playing a game. Also keep in mind, that healer supposed to be able keep up hes team and himself alive, under the DMG&CC&Interupts&LoS from several enemy players. As you can see, healers life already isnt a walk in the park.

And the last, pretty obvious thing which nevertheless most people forget to take into account: PVP in SWTOR is balanced around 8 vs 8 warzones, where healer must keep hes team up against 5-6 enemy players. Not alone of course, but it certanly means that in 1v1 healer will be unbeatable and thats normal!

Think about it.


The other thing, people close eyes on is that: Playing dps simply more fun compared to a healer. Watching huge crits, explosions&lightnings&Agonal moves, chasing foes, jump out of stealth on some silly sniper, maul him to death in few globals! And of courset *** on a damage&frags score at the end of the match :)

Healer in the same match can barely see anyhting around him, just the Bars! (Must.. Make.. All.. Bars.. Toped! :) ) Healer also forced (If enemies are smarter than a wood) to run around all the time, avoiding (LoS) damage&CC&interupts&Sexual Harrasment from crazed Jedi dudes who made their goal to interfere and distract poor Medic from hes precious bars, which if succeed leads to a sudden death of a few team mates, frustration, a lost match and some warm words about healers skill, mental capabilities and close relatives sexual preferences :)

All in all, I think it is a mandatory that healing classes must have something to compensate, otherwise very few will find it appeal to being a healer, their already think numbers will drop even lower and then we will be in a world of sh*t! :)


What is fair, logic and should be done about healing: Healers must go oom (out of mana) even in 1v1, and they should not be alowed to heal target focused by few dps without burnig all their cds and mana pretty fast. Also they should be more vulnerable to interupts (not sure about this one).


Oh and instead of flaming on great people who dedicated their game time to healing and support the rest of us.

Take a closer look on tanks! Tanks combined with healing, that what makes pvp look broken/frustrated, especially in warzones where objectives require guard something or carry the ball, and the dps isnt cruicial at all (most of warzons actually like this).

I see two possibilities. First: Nerf healing done to others and make it essetial for healers to cooperate with tanks in their efforts. The other way is to remove guard and taunts and make tanks main job to cc, guard nodes and carry huttball. I dont like last option, since it means to refuse unique tank role&mechanic SWTOR has brought to us. And yeat, it still will be better than make precious healers into underlings so they will quit the game, or reroll a dps class.

Whole galaxy will be doomed!!:eek:

Edited by greengore
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It's significantly harder to DPS well than to heal well in this game. At the top level they probably cancel each other out, though that's mostly because top level healers are supported by top level DPS that are good are neutralizing fellow DPS. But at the lower levels, it takes way less skill to heal adequately compared to the effort needed to overcome that healing.


No. Tanking/healing have always required more skill than DPSing.

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Most classes get their interrupt circa Lv.18. Use the interrupt. Stuns, distance changers, or even just choosing one person to go troll healers into healing circles are an effective means of taking healers out of fights.


There's nothing OP about healers at the moment, at least nothing more OP than Snipers in general. Yet, the rest of us aren't complaining about those Snipers who have a move that under the correct circumstances can take off a quarter of your HP with no cast time, now are we?


I was waiting for someone to say this.


I usually just harpoon a healer somewhere where it's easy to break LOS, and keep him there till his mates die due to lack of heals. Then he's done for.

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I was waiting for someone to say this.


I usually just harpoon a healer somewhere where it's easy to break LOS, and keep him there till his mates die due to lack of heals. Then he's done for.


Doesn't always work depending on the class. As a sage when people do this to me I usually say something chirpy in /say wait for them to unload into my bubble (the fact people still do this amazes me), stun, run, and slow when they break. Generally I can get back into the fight and a lot of the time the times people do it are silly. (E.g. a voidstar attacking peeling off to go for me instead of going for the door itself, not killing me, the other heals keeping the team up, etc. Or a Huttball where we were up 4-0, had the ball, and the guy was trying to keep me in my own side pit...we won that 6-0 and he didn't kill me.)


It also helps I can pop my no interrupts on me CD and lift someone if they waste their CC break on the stun.

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this implies you have stopped and thought about what your saying.

that's a little scary.

My thoughts exactly.


Also, healers die. They just don't die to 1 DPS in two rotations. Boo-hoo-hoo-hoo. But 1 DPS is enough to lock the healer into healing themselves almost exclusively. If you're getting peeled off/taunted/focusfired while you're DPSing the healer - surprise, it's not 1v1 anymore - it's 2/3v1, assuming you don't get assistance on that healer. Teamwork in a multiplayer game? More news at 11: Snipers shoot stuff with guns.

Edited by Helig
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sorry for noobiness

OP means Original Poster

whats L2P?


Learn to play. It means that the poster's QQ (crying) is unfounded and he does not know how to counter a class/role/spec and not that it is OP (overpowered).


Pvp heals is fine, move along.

Question is - are you supposed to kill healer 1x1? No, you shouldn't.

Whole thread is fail.

And if you cant kill healer 2x1, you're fail too.


That should be a loading screen tip.


If 1v1 was always favouring DPS nobody would heal in WZs and then you would all complain that there are no healers.

Edited by Darth_Dreselus
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Its fine imo.


Its when you have a team with 3/4 healers making love to each other at mid there's a problem.


DR on cross healing would solve that issue real quick. But I doubt BW would be capable of doing a proper DR system.

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The issue is the people on your team not focusing the healer, even though there is a hugh target merker above their head. People need to take note of their surroundings and focus kill healers. Fed up of banging my head against the desk when I am the only one chasing the healer round.......
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At the begining, I like to express my sincere gratitude to all Great People who play their main char as a healer.

Thanks for the heals <3!


On with this blasphemy thread now.

I belive that healers must be op, and should not be killed in 1v1 situation by anyone (ofcourse if healer not terribly undergeared, or forgot that he need to heal himself also! :) or simple went afk :) ). You may ask - Why I belive it is should be that way?

For a moment, try to walk a healer shoes: He must watch hes team frames (Bars must flow!), at the same time keep an eye on what hapens around him and what corner that arrogant marauder went while mindlessly chasing an injured foe, straight into a swarming crowd of enraged jedy knights who, start to pulverize poor bastard into a bloody pulp! But healer doesnt see this miracolous scene, because he also have to constantly chek for ability procs, HoTs and other short buff timers, debuffs, enemy procs and manage hes/her resources (trying to avoid overhealing). So thats already require second pair of eyes! eh :) not to mention, healers is also supposed to aid hes dps with cc and interupts if he dont wanna be called a key turning noob clicker! :)

Thus, making healing complicated, or making healers a free kill and so on, will may result in nobody (only Mister Slave) wanna play as healer for the thrill of intensive, exhausting and monotonous work, instead of having fun and joy playing a game. Also keep in mind, that healer supposed to be able keep up hes team and himself alive, under the DMG&CC&Interupts&LoS from several enemy players. As you can see, healers life already isnt a walk in the park.

And the last, pretty obvious thing which nevertheless most people forget to take into account: PVP in SWTOR is balanced around 8 vs 8 warzones, where healer must keep hes team up against 5-6 enemy players. Not alone of course, but it certanly means that in 1v1 healer will be unbeatable and thats normal!

Think about it.


The other thing, people close eyes on is that: Playing dps simply more fun compared to a healer. Watching huge crits, explosions&lightnings&Agonal moves, chasing foes, jump out of stealth on some silly sniper, maul him to death in few globals! And of courset *** on a damage&frags score at the end of the match :)

Healer in the same match can barely see anyhting around him, just the Bars! (Must.. Make.. All.. Bars.. Toped! :) ) Healer also forced (If enemies are smarter than a wood) to run around all the time, avoiding (LoS) damage&CC&interupts&Sexual Harrasment from crazed Jedi dudes who made their goal to interfere and distract poor Medic from hes precious bars, which if succeed leads to a sudden death of a few team mates, frustration, a lost match and some warm words about healers skill, mental capabilities and close relatives sexual preferences :)

All in all, I think it is a mandatory that healing classes must have something to compensate, otherwise very few will find it appeal to being a healer, their already think numbers will drop even lower and then we will be in a world of sh*t! :)


What is fair, logic and should be done about healing: Healers must go oom (out of mana) even in 1v1, and they should not be alowed to heal target focused by few dps without burnig all their cds and mana pretty fast. Also they should be more vulnerable to interupts (not sure about this one).


Oh and instead of flaming on great people who dedicated their game time to healing and support the rest of us.

Take a closer look on tanks! Tanks combined with healing, that what makes pvp look broken/frustrated, especially in warzones where objectives require guard something or carry the ball, and the dps isnt cruicial at all (most of warzons actually like this).

I see two possibilities. First: Nerf healing done to others and make it essetial for healers to cooperate with tanks in their efforts. The other way is to remove guard and taunts and make tanks main job to cc, guard nodes and carry huttball. I dont like last option, since it means to refuse unique tank role&mechanic SWTOR has brought to us. And yeat, it still will be better than make precious healers into underlings so they will quit the game, or reroll a dps class.

Whole galaxy will be doomed!!:eek:

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The issue is the people on your team not focusing the healer, even though there is a hugh target merker above their head. People need to take note of their surroundings and focus kill healers. Fed up of banging my head against the desk when I am the only one chasing the healer round.......


Oh please, with guards up I've seen two healers survive an onslaught from an entire team. You attack the tank and the healers just cross heal him, you attack the healers and you may as well be hitting them with paper with guard reducing their damage and then you get taunted reducing it to 80% + the healer popping CD's. Healing right now is over tuned. Add in guards and taunts and cross healing and it is just stupid.


It was already annoying pre 2.0 where stalemates occurred against too good teams, but now stalemates are commonplace(almost every game I play now both teams rarely break double digit kills and its boring as ****). Healers went from somewhat of an issue to deal with to almost impossible to deal with. Add in a second or third healer and you may has well just stop trying. Healing right now is simply too strong and cross healing just makes it even worse. Anyone who thinks healing is fine right now is completely blind.

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Oh please, with guards up I've seen two healers survive an onslaught from an entire team. You attack the tank and the healers just cross heal him, you attack the healers and you may as well be hitting them with paper with guard reducing their damage and then you get taunted reducing it to 80% + the healer popping CD's. Healing right now is over tuned. Add in guards and taunts and cross healing and it is just stupid.


It was already annoying pre 2.0 where stalemates occurred against too good teams, but now stalemates are commonplace(almost every game I play now both teams rarely break double digit kills and its boring as ****). Healers went from somewhat of an issue to deal with to almost impossible to deal with. Add in a second or third healer and you may has well just stop trying. Healing right now is simply too strong and cross healing just makes it even worse. Anyone who thinks healing is fine right now is completely blind.


I am not saying healing is fine, and I do agree that the influx in healers is stupid. It really annoyed me that people decided to bring out their healers just because its OP. I still DPS in WZ as thats what I like to do. I have been tempted to go heals, but I just find it a bit dull tbh. Healing does need to be toned down, but I was clearly pointing out that alot of people in WZ need to learn who the healers are and try to shut them down, and maybe we could actually break some of that stalemate.

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I much prefer wzs where there don't happen to be any healers at all. Those are getting to be very rare.


WZ Q times are getting higher.


I really don't think many pvpers are at all happy right now.

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I'll probably reserve judgement until Bioware finally fixes Bolster and we see if the reason healers are over-performing is because of that. Also, 4+ of pretty much any class is going to be overpowered. Have you seen what happens when four Smashers hit the same person at the same time? If they weren't in heavy armor there won't be enough of 'em left to bury.


With that said, healing probably will need to be toned down somewhat (hopefully on a class-by-class basis and not the slaughterhouse-style of nerfing that went on in 1.2). One big difference I've noticed since 2.0 is that it's possible to heal warzones solo -- in my opinion, you should not be able to do that.

Edited by SpaniardInfinity
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Before 2.0 it was possible for uncoordinated teams to stop healers because the one or two ppl who were actually paying attention could take the healers down themselves if they knew what they were doing, but now I rarely ever die in warzones when I'm on my sorc healer. One dps is like an annoying mosquito buzzing around my head now.
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