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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is PVP Healing going to be addressed?


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Am I the only one that thinks PVP healing is a bit ridiculous right now?


Let me first state that I know my gear isn't maxed and it does still need some updating (full Partisan, 1 piece of Conq) and this isn't a whine post, simply curious if anyone feels the same as I do.


I've always thought of healing in pvp as a support aspect, not a sole role. Healers in pvp are so efficient they are nearly impossible to bring down without multiple people focusing them. That being said, bring 3 healers, win. That's the new pvp system, it's not about skill imo, it's about how many healers you have.


It's pretty amazing how I can be hitting someone really hard, just to have them go from almost dead to full health. It's incredibly frustrating. Switch to the healer, another healer heals them. Or they pop their Paladin bubble or CC you, run away 1 cast top off. It makes pvp unbearable.


Once I blow my stun or interrupt they have free reign to just out heal any dps. One class should not require a team to take down.


For example, last game I played I did 350k dmg and 5 kills... another game I did 400+k and 0 kills. Something is wrong here... again, my dmg may not the best, but it still doesn't add up.

Edited by Grafikk
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Am I the only one that thinks PVP healing is a bit ridiculous right now?


Let me first state that I know my gear isn't maxed and it does still need some updating (full Partisan, 1 piece of Conq) and this isn't a whine post, simply curious if anyone feels the same as I do.


I've always thought of healing in pvp as a support aspect, not a sole role. Healers in pvp are so efficient they are nearly impossible to bring down without multiple people focusing them. That being said, bring 3 healers, win. That's the new pvp system, it's not about skill imo, it's about how many healers you have.


It's pretty amazing how I can be hitting someone really hard, just to have them go from almost dead to full health. It's incredibly frustrating. Switch to the healer, another healer heals them. Or they pop their Paladin bubble or CC you, run away 1 cast top off. It makes pvp unbearable.


Once I blow my stun or interrupt they have free reign to just out heal any dps. One class should not require a team to take down.


For example, last game I played I did 350k dmg and 5 kills... another game I did 400+k and 0 kills. Something is wrong here... again, my dmg may not the best, but it still doesn't add up.



incoming 15 healers who couldnt hack it as dps tell you to "focus" or "l2p" or "interrupt" or other nonsense to explain why their no skill *** can dominate.

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Before they start posting it, it is not a "L2PNOOB" issue.


I agree with you completely. I have heals, and it's almost like it was intended to be an easymode at this point. It's fun (for the healers) but when I'm on another toon, at times even I scratch my head wondering how that mara didn't take any damage the entire length of the pit.


Sure you could say "focus healer NOOB" but I can tell you that, at least in pugs, focusing one healer on a team with 3 healers is just a waste, really. You can't possibly interrupt 3 healers, fend off what DPS they do have, AND cap anything.


I'm very positive someone with far more PvP experience will come along and blow holes through this thread, but I'm also interested in their strategies for dealing with this.



PS.... L2P isn't a strategy.

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ITT a DPS calls a Healer no skill.


All i know is 1 on 1 all these morons who proclaim healing is balanced wouldnt take me below 50% if they were another dps. Yet as healers they can just heal themselves indefinitely until their buddy pops in to enter the fray. Thats not balanced or skill. Thats called imbalanced and game breaking. Hope they have fun when they're the only ones left playing.

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So... When I am on my Mara I don't really have much trouble killing healers... and when I'm on my healer i can survive just fine unless i get focused or if the DPS actually chains all of his stuns, knockbacks, kicks and other CC. If they faceroll dps me they won't win. That's the way it should be. At the same time... If i'm not able to kill them as a healer...why should they be able to kill me?
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Healers make pvp annoying as hell. No matter what MMO you play healers are always getting in the way and mucking up the pvp fun.:rolleyes:


^ QFT ... I say have healing, but make heal spec classes more about dmg with a healing option rather than a sit back and just healbot the team.


I appreciate all the common sense responses, I was expecting more L2P posts :)

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incoming 15 healers who couldnt hack it as dps tell you to "focus" or "l2p" or "interrupt" or other nonsense to explain why their no skill *** can dominate.


Most classes get their interrupt circa Lv.18. Use the interrupt. Stuns, distance changers, or even just choosing one person to go troll healers into healing circles are an effective means of taking healers out of fights.


There's nothing OP about healers at the moment, at least nothing more OP than Snipers in general. Yet, the rest of us aren't complaining about those Snipers who have a move that under the correct circumstances can take off a quarter of your HP with no cast time, now are we?

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Most classes get their interrupt circa Lv.18. Use the interrupt. Stuns, distance changers, or even just choosing one person to go troll healers into healing circles are an effective means of taking healers out of fights.


There's nothing OP about healers at the moment, at least nothing more OP than Snipers in general. Yet, the rest of us aren't complaining about those Snipers who have a move that under the correct circumstances can take off a quarter of your HP with no cast time, now are we?



Sounds like another healer who couldnt hack it as dps and decided to play easy mode.

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Most classes get their interrupt circa Lv.18. Use the interrupt. Stuns, distance changers, or even just choosing one person to go troll healers into healing circles are an effective means of taking healers out of fights.


There's nothing OP about healers at the moment, at least nothing more OP than Snipers in general. Yet, the rest of us aren't complaining about those Snipers who have a move that under the correct circumstances can take off a quarter of your HP with no cast time, now are we?


Great, you stun, the break it, you interrupt they cast again, now you are out of gas. Having someone go around and try to occupy healers if futile if there is more than one. You will never survive long enough.


Healers are redic right now, there is no way around it. Yes, we all know snipers are OP, but let's stay on topic.

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It's significantly harder to DPS well than to heal well in this game. At the top level they probably cancel each other out, though that's mostly because top level healers are supported by top level DPS that are good are neutralizing fellow DPS. But at the lower levels, it takes way less skill to heal adequately compared to the effort needed to overcome that healing.
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Am I the only one that thinks PVP healing is a bit ridiculous right now?


Let me first state that I know my gear isn't maxed and it does still need some updating (full Partisan, 1 piece of Conq) and this isn't a whine post, simply curious if anyone feels the same as I do.


I've always thought of healing in pvp as a support aspect, not a sole role. Healers in pvp are so efficient they are nearly impossible to bring down without multiple people focusing them. That being said, bring 3 healers, win. That's the new pvp system, it's not about skill imo, it's about how many healers you have.


It's pretty amazing how I can be hitting someone really hard, just to have them go from almost dead to full health. It's incredibly frustrating. Switch to the healer, another healer heals them. Or they pop their Paladin bubble or CC you, run away 1 cast top off. It makes pvp unbearable.


Once I blow my stun or interrupt they have free reign to just out heal any dps. One class should not require a team to take down.


For example, last game I played I did 350k dmg and 5 kills... another game I did 400+k and 0 kills. Something is wrong here... again, my dmg may not the best, but it still doesn't add up.

thats the problem, everything else is fine.

Edited by Tankqull
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Most classes get their interrupt circa Lv.18. Use the interrupt. Stuns, distance changers, or even just choosing one person to go troll healers into healing circles are an effective means of taking healers out of fights.


There's nothing OP about healers at the moment, at least nothing more OP than Snipers in general. Yet, the rest of us aren't complaining about those Snipers who have a move that under the correct circumstances can take off a quarter of your HP with no cast time, now are we?


The balance in this game is among the worst I have seen and I have played my share of MMO's. IMO gamebreaking mechanics shoul be hotfixed. A sniper is overpowered, but the effect in general isn't as bad as the state healing is in right now.


Tactics don't work when you have redundant healers on the enemy team. It can't be done. All the blood sweat and tears you put into locking that healer and trying to kill him is nullified by 2-3 healing allies of him.


And then the one step beyond overpowered healing: Overpowered healing by a sorc. So you bring that dude down to 20% health by carefully times interrupts and stuns with 3 guys. The dude simply bubbles and waits for help while getting healed up for 100%. the story begins anew, only this time you have no more stuns. GG

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I do 500K - 800K dmg a warzone. When multiple healers are around I get near to 0 kills. Let me guess your awnser, either L2P or do moar damage?


if you are doing 800k dmg your on the right track, now assist someone and mirically even 3 healer are unable to keep that guy allive without guard, if your asistee does comparable amounts of dmg. so yes it is some kind of l2p.

i do not denytht teamwork for healers is easier to achieve due to the automatic set up of the UI but all you need is to propperly use your focus target options of the ui as a dd.

the simple question on the start of WZ/BG "who wants to be AL" is common in other games i´ve never seen it in over one year in SWTOR says all about the mind setup of our dd´s...

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At the same time... If i'm not able to kill them as a healer...why should they be able to kill me?




Whoever thinks that should always be DPS > Heals, he can even stop playing. It's an epenauts syndrome.

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