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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Legacy-wide cartel market items announced.

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So called "Collections Interface":


Track all of your Cartel Market items that are part of a collection, including items you haven’t yet obtained, with the new Collections Interface! You can individually purchase the ability to share each Cartel Market item you’ve collected across every Character on your account. The amount of Cartel Coins required will vary per item.


To access the Collections Interface, visit the Cartel Market and click on the “Collections” button at the top right hand corner.


http://www.swtor.com/gameupdates (accessed 6 May 2013)




Is there anything, save for 20 dyes, we won't have to spend extra cash to enjoy in 2.1? :(


It also kinda pains me since I bought 4 different Revan's masks for my characters instead of just unlocking it through this interface...


This is a sweet feature but I honestly cannot understand why subscribers can't be give an option to either pay with credits or cartel coins - just like in the legacy/inventory slots / cargo hold systems.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Seems just like an easier, probably discounted option to get your alts the same items you paid for. It's actually kind of nice. I wouldn't expect them to be like "you can just give all your alts that item that we purposely didn't make legacy bound for free!" but it may now be a whole lot cheaper to share it, and I might actually buy it if that's the case. Especially in the case of items that have low drop rates in packs.
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There's a bit more information about Collections here if you're curious.


The fee to unlock an item is based on the item itself and will extend to special Promotion items too. The item can essentially be unlocked account-wide.

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It does sound sweet, ya know. 600 cc max? Can live with it when it comes to item sets, like. :)


But I Cartel Market items? Well, I expect the cartel coins - credit ratio to go down by half at least because of this. People won't be buying few of each to have them across accounts if they'll be able to afford few cartel coins!

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Well now I like that feature a lot. So it's just a legacy unlock for some cartel coins I guess.


More than a Legacy Unlock since it actually unlocks it for the entire account--not just whatever server. Of course, I don't know how many people play on multiple servers, but still XD

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Okay, but where is the hood toggle...This is all nice new information but where is the nicest stuff?


Be a good boy and it will be in your stocking for Christmas :p


Seriously, I really hope hood toggle is included in this patch, but it seems doubtful, unless they are holding info on it back intentionally so it's a surprise it seems unlikely it will be in there.

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but I honestly cannot understand why subscribers can't be give an option to either pay with credits or cartel coins - just like in the legacy/inventory slots / cargo hold systems.


Because that wouldn't make them more money? No shortage of people who's got their CC stipends saved up and credits are easy enough to come by.

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Taken from http://swtor.crystal-dreams.us/?p=3014


Annnnd #5. One of the examples was essentially discarding an item and being able to just pick it back up from the Collections UI. Do you have to pay to get it back/a one-time charge or is it always free to get it back on the character it was originally on/free once unlocked for characters that didn’t have it?


Great question. It will always be free to claim any number of copies of an item from Collections on the same character that originally unlocked that item. For example, if you get Revan’s Mask for one of your characters and later destroy it, you’ll be able to re-claim the item from Collections at no extra cost. Heck, you can even claim free additional copies for all of your companions! The fee will only come into effect if you wish to gain account-wide access to the item, and this will be a one-time, account-wide fee. Continuing the above example, once you’ve paid the unlock fee for Revan’s Mask, all of the characters on your account—even those on different servers—will be able to claim unlimited copies of Revan’s Mask for free.


So it is a one time unlock fee on a piece of kit that can then be generated an unlimited number of times on any character across the account... and the OP feels robbed?


Seriously this sounds like an amazing deal, although I can't help but feel a little confused that it would put a huge dent in the sale of cartel packs.


But, at least I finally have something to spend my stash of free cartel coins on :)

Edited by Vhaegrant
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Because that wouldn't make them more money? No shortage of people who's got their CC stipends saved up and credits are easy enough to come by.


Would be an incentive to subscribe if it was sub-exclusive, eh? Maybe we can get a discount if we ask nicely...

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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There's a bit more information about Collections here if you're curious.


The fee to unlock an item is based on the item itself and will extend to special Promotion items too. The item can essentially be unlocked account-wide.


Oh damn, that's the Eradicator's Mask right there, in the first image!




It looks great! I was worried it would be a Revan's mask reskin but i was thankfully and delightfully wrong!

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I definitely like the ability to track this stuff as it can be a pain to track it manually....especially if you're storing armor sets, etc. among multiple characters. Not sure I like the ability to duplicate Cartel items though as it even further reduces the value of duplicates or unwanted stuff that you get in packs. There will be less of a demand in the player economy for this stuff if they can just duplicate it for their other accounts. One interesting thing from the Q&A that someone else posted is that you can make free character-bound copies. So, for anyone who wants their companion to be basically a twin of them, they can easily do that for the Cartel armor.
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I find this really interesting. I am curious how this will work in the long run. (may be hard to actually figure out) but will Bioware make more or less money. Yeah you have to pay CC for each unlock you want but you may also not be buying as much from the CM to begin with because you got what you want or found it on the GTN.


Honestly it seems like a mix of the 2.

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So, as I understand it, for example if I buy Eradicator set, I'll pay some cartel coins extra and will be able to get that set on rest of my alts.... Same with color crystals or weapons?


If that is the case..... BW, you just made me really happy bunny :)

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