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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Yeah. You have a point. Taris can't be a good shipyard.

But it can be a good training ground for special forces (die or become a man of steel).

Also, Taris can provide tactical advantage in case of fullscale war actions.

Exellent forward base, to attack home planet of Empire.

Again, makes no sense, there is no support infrastructure so why exactly would such a fleet even stop by Taris? (And, the Republic doesn't go in for such Nietzschean training methods even for Special Forces, that's much more the Empire's style of things -- a soldier that may not be "the best of the best" can still be of service other than as compost). Edited by Ancaglon
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In fact, trhere are 2 thought-schools regarding fighting :


- Strongest first, then weakest

- Weakest first, then strongest


I have never heard about 'two schools of fighting' I would suggest you are mistaking tanking versus dps. It makes sense to have tank make sure that the strong target is focused on them, while dps kill the weak targets. Perhaps you need to look at this from healers point of view. What would you like to happen if it was you who had to heal the group through an encounter.

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I have never heard about 'two schools of fighting' I would suggest you are mistaking tanking versus dps. It makes sense to have tank make sure that the strong target is focused on them, while dps kill the weak targets. Perhaps you need to look at this from healers point of view. What would you like to happen if it was you who had to heal the group through an encounter.


I don't know about 2 schools of thought in SWTOR (because weak to strong is the only right way, considering TOR's mechanics), but strong to weak was the killing order in WoW because in WoW at least, back when I was still playing - strong mobs hit significantly harder than weak ones. and then the game changed to AoE fest and it became less important what you killed first, since you just spammed your AoE abilities on a tight group of mobs on every trash pull.

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Speaking of kill order, reminds me of a funny story.


A couple of my guildies were running a 55 HM several months ago, one tanking and the other healing, and they ended up with two dps from a very well known hard-core progression raiding guild. At some point in the instance, they had wiped a couple of times on trash pull because the dps kept attacking the elite first, leaving all the strongs and weak mobs to turn on the healer. The tank asked the two dps to kill the weak mobs first. Their response: "hey man, look at the guild tag before telling us what to do".




We still like to use that line every now and then as a joke, funny stuff.

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Speaking of kill order, reminds me of a funny story.


A couple of my guildies were running a 55 HM several months ago, one tanking and the other healing, and they ended up with two dps from a very well known hard-core progression raiding guild. At some point in the instance, they had wiped a couple of times on trash pull because the dps kept attacking the elite first, leaving all the strongs and weak mobs to turn on the healer. The tank asked the two dps to kill the weak mobs first. Their response: "hey man, look at the guild tag before telling us what to do".




We still like to use that line every now and then as a joke, funny stuff.


True the dps were doing it wrong but you have to wonder what the tank was doing as well, they should at least be building enough aggro on the whole pack to prevent the healer pulling.

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True the dps were doing it wrong but you have to wonder what the tank was doing as well, they should at least be building enough aggro on the whole pack to prevent the healer pulling.


I've run instances with him before, both as a healer and as a dps in everything up to hard mode content. Tank is his alt, and he was not every well geared at the time, however I've never had issues.


Even if the fault was entirely on him, it's besides the point. Pulling a "look at the guild tag" as their only response is incredibly silly and tacky. If you want to be respected, act respectfully towards others, don't demand it because your guild tag is well known.


And they did in fact do what he asked, and everything went fine after that. I can also say that there is only so much threat and so many taunts a tank has in a large group of mobs. If dps are just letting 5 weak mobs fire away while trying to hold the strongs and elites, they will eventually turn on the healer. DPS can practically 1-2 shot them, they should always die first.

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I've run instances with him before, both as a healer and as a dps in everything up to hard mode content. Tank is his alt, and he was not every well geared at the time, however I've never had issues.


Even if the fault was entirely on him, it's besides the point. Pulling a "look at the guild tag" as their only response is incredibly silly and tacky. If you want to be respected, act respectfully towards others, don't demand it because your guild tag is well known.


And they did in fact do what he asked, and everything went fine after that. I can also say that there is only so much threat and so many taunts a tank has in a large group of mobs. If dps are just letting 5 weak mobs fire away while trying to hold the strongs and elites, they will eventually turn on the healer. DPS can practically 1-2 shot them, they should always die first.


I'm not denying that the look at our guild bit is stupid and no it's not entirely his fault, it just sounds like his response to the dps tunnel visioning the strongest mob was to also tunnel vision the strongest mob, in that situation you should be focusing on making sure the adds don't switch off you to the healer. Worst case scenario you lose aggro on the elite but as you mentioned they generally don't do a great deal of damage and for most groups you should be able to keep your taunt free for when this happens. If he's inexperienced as a tank fair enough, it just might be something he'd like to bare in mind if it happens again.

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Two experience from last night (I'm Australian:D) while completing the HMFP Weekly that left me absolutely stunned and lost for words-


1. Queue up for for 55HMFP with 2 guildies (damage and healer) with me tanking on my shadow - get a pop for one of the Czerka HMFPs in 10 seconds. after we load in, I noticed the other DPS was a lvl 55 Jedi Knight (That's right - a knight, no advanced class). Upon inspection, I realized with alarm the fellow had full Willpower Tanking gear and no Form activated. Absolutely nothing in his Conservator set or his MH or OH had strength . I asked why he has no advanced class and why he's got Shadow tanking mods on. The reply I got - "I can whip your scrawny A** with one hand tied behind my back, do your job and keep quiet." I was too tired to even take offense to that so I wished him luck in the GF queue and left with my guildies following me, accepting the 15 min lockout.


2. We queue for final HMFP with switched roles (I'm DPS this time) and get a pop for Mando Raiders. We get a Commando DPS who asked if he could Tank instead. The tank mentions that Commandos can't tank Vanguards can, he replies, "Watch and learn Noob!" Charges in in true Leeroy Jenkins fashion even before we have a chance to react. We're on TS wondering if this guy is for real as he valiantly engages the trash that spawn from elevator (cycling hammer shot) before the first entry door and then rushes in and sets off the mobs inside the entry door. While the tank tries to take aggro off him - Commando runs off and sets both the elite droids and adds. The healer is relatively new to healing (first sage toon) and starts to panic while the actual tank burnt all his CDs tanking 2 Elite droids, 2 dogs and the whole host of trash and trying to burn the dogs, and droids and Adds. Commando promptly goes down followed by the rest of us, cursing the healer for not maintaining the defensive buffs (all of us wondering what defensive buffs is he talking about) on him and shouts at the tank for taking Aggro off him. After we revive, we calmly mention that he is a DPS class, not a Tanking class. In reply he pops his "Founder" title and goes - "See this? Means I've been playing this game longer than you noobs. Vanguards can't tank for s**t." Realizing 1am in the morning is not an ideal time for having an in-depth argument about his fallacious and insulting attitude I wish him luck (read- Flipping the bird at him) and proceed to log off. just before porting out of the HMFP, I mention to him if he really wants to tank, he should really switch to Combat Support Cell:rak_03:

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1. Queue up for for 55HMFP with 2 guildies (damage and healer) with me tanking on my shadow


and left with my guildies following me, accepting the 15 min lockout.

You could have vote-kicked him in that circumstance -- instead you say you let him get a free pass.


The second story is pretty much the same.


A swift vote-to-kick and ignore is the appropriate response in both cases, if it happened the way you describe. A clueless dps is pretty easy to replace; even if you use a DPS companion while you wait for a pop, it will work just fine for trash, and even for many FP bosses.

Edited by Ancaglon
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Realizing 1am in the morning is not an ideal time for having an in-depth argument about his fallacious and insulting attitude I wish him luck (read- Flipping the bird at him) and proceed to log off. just before porting out of the HMFP, I mention to him if he really wants to tank, he should really switch to Combat Support Cell:rak_03:



As a HTF Combat Medic, this made me LOL :D

Edited by Duvack
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Had a weird pop for Athiss HM last night. The tank says at the start of the FP "I'm a bit rusty, haven't tanked a HM FP for 3 months".


I'm like, ok, let's see how we go. We clear the first two bosses, The Professor, and The Beast just fine.


Then as we are about to enter the temple the tank says


"I just spent the last 3 months in jail."


OK ...


"Don't do pot in Kansas. I didn't have computer access for 3 months".


Not sure if he was trolling or not but that was completely random.

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Always met interesting people in 55HM GF queue's ..last night i took a guildie through Athiss 55, i am a combat medic, he is a gunnery commando, we get paired with two jedi, the tank looks at out gear and says "i feel a wipe coming on" , he has fully decked out ultimate for the most part, i had all the mission gear from Oricon, plus a few decent items from a couple other 55 HM's, the guildie mate of mine just pure 156 gear he bought from the cartel market. He kept on yelling at me "to get better gear" even though i kept everyone alive and always at max health, but yet, i was in the wrong some how for having under geared gear even though i kept everyone alive.. i really do not understand some people.
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Always met interesting people in 55HM GF queue's ..last night i took a guildie through Athiss 55, i am a combat medic, he is a gunnery commando, we get paired with two jedi, the tank looks at out gear and says "i feel a wipe coming on" , he has fully decked out ultimate for the most part, i had all the mission gear from Oricon, plus a few decent items from a couple other 55 HM's, the guildie mate of mine just pure 156 gear he bought from the cartel market. He kept on yelling at me "to get better gear" even though i kept everyone alive and always at max health, but yet, i was in the wrong some how for having under geared gear even though i kept everyone alive.. i really do not understand some people.


I wouldn't worry about it. About to have a senior moment but back when I used to play WoW and gearscore became a big deal with the drooling masses, people were getting all kinds of insults thrown at them and getting kicked out of groups for now having a high enough gear score.


I once had a prot and ret paladin tell me that my ret paladin wasn't geared enough for the 5 man trial of the crusade instances. I had a guild member with me that was running a damage meter. Lets just say I was coming in second behind my guild mate in damage done, despite having worse gear than the other geared paladin dps.


All I did to achieve my higher damage was use seal of command (cleave damage) on a few of the three mob pulls. Just a simple thing like knowing my abilities allowed me to deal more damage than someone in better gear. Amazing how that works. :rolleyes:


The point being, Skill > Gear. Gear makes your job easier but skill can make up for a lack of gear.


Oh and for the earlier comment about people using their guild tag as a defense for being stupid. In my little bit of history I just provided I was at the time an officer for the top guild on that server. I never once mentioned that as a defense or means to imply that I was better than anyone in the group. I just played my class intelligently.


Anyone who tries to use their guild tag as an excuse to make their stupid behavior acceptable is a childish scrub.

Edited by Lord_of_Mu
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You could have vote-kicked him in that circumstance -- instead you say you let him get a free pass.


The second story is pretty much the same.


A swift vote-to-kick and ignore is the appropriate response in both cases, if it happened the way you describe. A clueless dps is pretty easy to replace; even if you use a DPS companion while you wait for a pop, it will work just fine for trash, and even for many FP bosses.


Hi Ancaglon,


You may very well be correct in vote-kicking and ignoring him, but the way that I look at it - I lost 15 minutes which I utilised to run some quick dailies and was back into it straight away. the Knight on the other hand was condemned to the frustration that is DPS GF queue:eek:


The Commando did push my buttons, but as I mentioned - I couldn't be bothered to get angry or rage about it (you can't have a good sleep if you're angry:D). I do appreciate the fact that situations like these provide an endless source of laughs and good memories as I myself have been the instigator of many a "how dumb are you?!" stories (force leap to a target I just force pushed off a ledge:eek:, stealth CC target and then start attacking said target, hard casting mind crush in the middle of an engagement.....as a tank:rak_02:)


My apologies for digressing from the original point of this thread:o

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I can't help wondering if the "look at the guild tag" response was meant to be funny. The fact that they immediately did as asked and played proper DPS suggests they knew how to play. Humour is difficult to determine with just written words. Communication is 10% words, 40% tone of voice and 50% body language.


Of course they could have just been arseholes

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Then as we are about to enter the temple the tank says


"I just spent the last 3 months in jail."


OK ...


"Don't do pot in Kansas. I didn't have computer access for 3 months".


Not sure if he was trolling or not but that was completely random.


Ha yeah kinda random, but believable. Kansas isn't a "medical marijuana" state or anything of the sort, so 3 months is probably about right for possession of small amounts.

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I wouldn't worry about it. About to have a senior moment but back when I used to play WoW and gearscore became a big deal with the drooling masses, people were getting all kinds of insults thrown at them and getting kicked out of groups for now having a high enough gear score.


I once had a prot and ret paladin tell me that my ret paladin wasn't geared enough for the 5 man trial of the crusade instances. I had a guild member with me that was running a damage meter. Lets just say I was coming in second behind my guild mate in damage done, despite having worse gear than the other geared paladin dps.


All I did to achieve my higher damage was use seal of command (cleave damage) on a few of the three mob pulls. Just a simple thing like knowing my abilities allowed me to deal more damage than someone in better gear. Amazing how that works. :rolleyes:


The point being, Skill > Gear. Gear makes your job easier but skill can make up for a lack of gear.


Oh and for the earlier comment about people using their guild tag as a defense for being stupid. In my little bit of history I just provided I was at the time an officer for the top guild on that server. I never once mentioned that as a defense or means to imply that I was better than anyone in the group. I just played my class intelligently.


Anyone who tries to use their guild tag as an excuse to make their stupid behavior acceptable is a childish scrub.



Agreed entirely, which is why for ME the point where I feel WoW started to go downhill was when they made one of their April Fool's jokes a reality. They incorporated their OWN gear score and enforced it themselves. Sure, they didn't put a "Epeen Meter" over your head and you wouldn't even see chat or toon of anyone below you as they joked they were going to, but it was the same basic thing, it multiplied the "my gear score is higher than yours, that means I'm better than you" tenfold when every player was forced to care about it.

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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A couple of days ago we had a healer que in but refused to heal acting as a pure dps role. He or she was forced out, left in a huff, and we finished the mission with the three of us and a healer companion who did a much better job. I was actually greatful to the guy because I doubt the mission would have popped if he hadn't qued in as we never did get a replacement.
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I finally came across THAT guy. The guy that shows up in a flashpoint and expects everyone else to carry him. I joined a Heroic Czerka Labs. Upon entering the flashpoint the tank asks if the flash point drops armor. I proceed to inspect the guy because those sort of questions are a little strange and imply a need for armor due to the absence or lack there of.


I had a look at his gear, I was shocked the guy even queued at all, let alone as a tank. The guy was wearing a mixture of blue gear with one tanking absorb and a whole load of crap stats; accuracy, alacrity, surge and pvp gear with expertise. His head and relic slots were empty and he had medium armor in his chest slot.


I quickly pointed out to one of the dps that we should kick him and seek a replacement but the dps says he wants to see how this goes. After a few trash pulls it's pretty clear we have the dead end of the human chain. Not only does the "tank" not tank anything but he also just waits for everyone else to attack mobs and start the pulls. No gear, no clue, no idea how he can get better gear.


So a few pulls before the first boss I proceed to tell the that he is currently a liability for a story mode lvl 50 flashpoint and dead weight on the group. I'll be honest in saying I don't take kindly to people who expect others to carry them through content, especially when it's a tank who can't even get a basic set of tanking gear organized.


So I suggest that the tank should leave the group and start running dailies to get comms. The tank then replies that he doesn't know where to get tanking gear from.


Again I tell him from running daily missions, crafting, the GTN etc.


The tank replies that he doesn't like my attitude. I ask why he couldn't be responsible for himself and prepare his character so it would be useful to the group as my Treek vastly out gears him and make a better contribution to the group.


It's one thing I never want to be and was amazed I ever met. "THAT guy" who expects everyone else to provide all of the gear upgrades despite offering nothing helpful to a group. I didn't even step foot in a heroic flashpoint at 55 on my commando with out 2 x relics of serendipitous assault , 66 crafted mods, armorings, enhancements, implants and ear peaces.


I've been that way with just about all of my characters. My vanguard was pretty squishy early on and I even had comments from people that I was a butter tank but they also commented on the fact that I knew what I was doing and was still a good tank.


Anyway, we manage to kill the first boss with both dps playing the role of tank / healer. One of the dps was a commando that threw down a few heals now and then when things were getting tight. We kicked the tank before the second boss, I pulled out my Treek and we cleared the trash to the second boss. I mentioned that if we pull the boss we might lose my Treek when a new tank comes in.


We went a head and pulled anyway, the new tank came in and Treek vanished. But we were still victorious and the replacement tank was outstanding.


So yeah.. don't be THAT guy. :cool:

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I finally came across THAT guy. The guy that shows up in a flashpoint and expects everyone else to carry him. I joined a Heroic Czerka Labs. Upon entering the flashpoint the tank asks if the flash point drops armor. I proceed to inspect the guy because those sort of questions are a little strange and imply a need for armor due to the absence or lack there of.


I had a look at his gear, I was shocked the guy even queued at all, let alone as a tank. The guy was wearing a mixture of blue gear with one tanking absorb and a whole load of crap stats; accuracy, alacrity, surge and pvp gear with expertise. His head and relic slots were empty and he had medium armor in his chest slot.


I quickly pointed out to one of the dps that we should kick him and seek a replacement but the dps says he wants to see how this goes. After a few trash pulls it's pretty clear we have the dead end of the human chain. Not only does the "tank" not tank anything but he also just waits for everyone else to attack mobs and start the pulls. No gear, no clue, no idea how he can get better gear.


So a few pulls before the first boss I proceed to tell the that he is currently a liability for a story mode lvl 50 flashpoint and dead weight on the group. I'll be honest in saying I don't take kindly to people who expect others to carry them through content, especially when it's a tank who can't even get a basic set of tanking gear organized.


So I suggest that the tank should leave the group and start running dailies to get comms. The tank then replies that he doesn't know where to get tanking gear from.


Again I tell him from running daily missions, crafting, the GTN etc.


The tank replies that he doesn't like my attitude. I ask why he couldn't be responsible for himself and prepare his character so it would be useful to the group as my Treek vastly out gears him and make a better contribution to the group.


It's one thing I never want to be and was amazed I ever met. "THAT guy" who expects everyone else to provide all of the gear upgrades despite offering nothing helpful to a group. I didn't even step foot in a heroic flashpoint at 55 on my commando with out 2 x relics of serendipitous assault , 66 crafted mods, armorings, enhancements, implants and ear peaces.


I've been that way with just about all of my characters. My vanguard was pretty squishy early on and I even had comments from people that I was a butter tank but they also commented on the fact that I knew what I was doing and was still a good tank.


Anyway, we manage to kill the first boss with both dps playing the role of tank / healer. One of the dps was a commando that threw down a few heals now and then when things were getting tight. We kicked the tank before the second boss, I pulled out my Treek and we cleared the trash to the second boss. I mentioned that if we pull the boss we might lose my Treek when a new tank comes in.


We went a head and pulled anyway, the new tank came in and Treek vanished. But we were still victorious and the replacement tank was outstanding.


So yeah.. don't be THAT guy. :cool:


If it's a Czerka SM Heroic I don't see the big deal. It's ridiculously easy and can be done with 2 people.

That actually the perfect place to get starter equips for 55 HM's if you weren't well geared before that is the best way to get prepped. There isn't even a gear rating suggestion for it like other FP's HM. To me it just sound like you were putting someone down and were being pretty jerk-ish about it.


Also for roles it's not even necessary to have a tank or healer in czerka. There's heal stations on EVERY single boss.

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If it's a Czerka SM Heroic I don't see the big deal. It's ridiculously easy and can be done with 2 people.

That actually the perfect place to get starter equips for 55 HM's if you weren't well geared before that is the best way to get prepped. There isn't even a gear rating suggestion for it like other FP's HM. To me it just sound like you were putting someone down and were being pretty jerk-ish about it.


Also for roles it's not even necessary to have a tank or healer in czerka. There's heal stations on EVERY single boss.


Hard mode 55. Not story mode, hard mode. If it was story mode, I would have soloed it. ;)

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I have never heard about 'two schools of fighting' I would suggest you are mistaking tanking versus dps. It makes sense to have tank make sure that the strong target is focused on them, while dps kill the weak targets. Perhaps you need to look at this from healers point of view. What would you like to happen if it was you who had to heal the group through an encounter.


Once I visited Taral V, not with the use of a group finder, but via General Chat.


We went to that Agent with his two beasts.


We wiped several times, until we decided to take out that Agent first - and letting those beasts attack us still, because they didn't do that much damage to us. It went fine.


We had no tank, but we had a healer, if I remember correctly (it's half a year or more ago), but in the end, I must admit, we had to dissolve because we couldn't get past that droid before the end boss there.


I have seen similar behaviour with people several times. Some people decide to take out the weaker ones first, meanwhile others decide to take out the strongest enemies first.


These people are no professionals; they seem to be rather casual gamers who just don't cling to the Holy Trinity system that much.


Yesterday, I did the H4 in Sector X with seemingly some if these casuals". Almost hopelessly undergeared, lots of wipes (half of us were level 50).

The wiped went away when the group decided to follow "all onto 1 target" rule. It was relatively easy from then on - and guess which target they use first : The strongest enemies !


In the end, we made it. I have hardly ever seen an more incompetent group at this H4 - but they were seemingly almost all Newbies in that quest or area. I had to explain to them what interrupts are. And that they had to interrupt the dread guard's force attacks. One didn't even figure out how to take the cannon out by throwing the ball.


But in the end, we made it.


Personally, I still believe that the playstyle between "casuals" and "professionals" differ quite a lot. Professionals rather cling to the Holy Trinity, whereas casuals just do what they seem fit. The only rule is : To defeat everything, no matter, how.


Unfortunately, the implementation of the Holy Trinity rather hinders them - and supports MMO veterans at the same time. Simply, because MMO veterans are just used to it, whereas "Casuals" just don't know what ""the Holy Trinity" is. "Tanking" might even an unknown concept to them. All what matters to them is to bring the big bad enemy down - no matter which way.

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The tank then replies that he doesn't know where to get tanking gear from.


Again I tell him from running daily missions, crafting, the GTN etc.


This is the TYPICAL reaction between and professional / MMO veteran and a Casual :


You've left out one step. You assumed something, although you shouldn't have assumed it, at least, when you saw this character's gear.


You replied by "from running daily missions."


You left out the step of telling that person where the venbdors on the fleet are, and what "tank gear" actually is - he didn't even have heavy armor, so it's likely that he didn't even learn the proper meaning of the term "tank gear".


Instead, you assumed that he already knew where the vendors where and what "tank gear" actually is - and THIS is typical professionals' / MMO veterans' thinking ! You applied the way of thinking of MMO veterans to an Casual Gamer !


Now, this will lead to nowhere. You acted like an professional football player who is assuming an 10-year old kid - who wants to become an professional football player himself - knows in which shops to buy appropriate shoeas and "gear" which every professional football player needs. Plus, you assume that this 10-year-old kid already knows where to find an RL trainer.


And all these little, small things / details we forget as soon as we become "professionals" ourselves.


I remember the tale of an IT trainer. He tols an elderly, female secretary to draw with her PC mouse.

What did she do ?

She took the mouse, and drew with it on the PC monitor ! Literally, as I write this !

No-one had told her before how to properly use a mouse.

And the trainer's mistake was, to ASSUME that she had already learned it "somewhere" !


This is the failure of communication : The trained people *assume* so many things that they forget the tiny little details they had to learn in the first place - when they were young.

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There is no excuse for being dumb - anyone can google 'tank gear", 'MMO tanking', and find many different guides to gearing - also on these forums. This cannot be explained easily over chat and by no means any player is obligated to do it. I am all for helping new people and I do a lot of that. I still /w when I see usual "Where priority dropbox is" on the fleet, but this is something else.


SWTOR is my first MMO and my first character is a tank and before I even joined any harder content back in 1.7 I made sure I read up about fights and had maxed out on gear I could easily get for comms.

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This is the TYPICAL reaction between and professional / MMO veteran and a Casual :


You've left out one step. You assumed something, although you shouldn't have assumed it, at least, when you saw this character's gear.


You replied by "from running daily missions."


You left out the step of telling that person where the venbdors on the fleet are, and what "tank gear" actually is - he didn't even have heavy armor, so it's likely that he didn't even learn the proper meaning of the term "tank gear".


Instead, you assumed that he already knew where the vendors where and what "tank gear" actually is - and THIS is typical professionals' / MMO veterans' thinking ! You applied the way of thinking of MMO veterans to an Casual Gamer !


Now, this will lead to nowhere. You acted like an professional football player who is assuming an 10-year old kid - who wants to become an professional football player himself - knows in which shops to buy appropriate shoeas and "gear" which every professional football player needs. Plus, you assume that this 10-year-old kid already knows where to find an RL trainer.


And all these little, small things / details we forget as soon as we become "professionals" ourselves.


I remember the tale of an IT trainer. He tols an elderly, female secretary to draw with her PC mouse.

What did she do ?

She took the mouse, and drew with it on the PC monitor ! Literally, as I write this !

No-one had told her before how to properly use a mouse.

And the trainer's mistake was, to ASSUME that she had already learned it "somewhere" !


This is the failure of communication : The trained people *assume* so many things that they forget the tiny little details they had to learn in the first place - when they were young.


I can accept that there will be a failure in communication based on assumed knowledge. Indeed there are many things that may come as expected knowledge for playing any of the roles. Debuff removal, threat mechanics, etc.


However, there is a certain degree of research that needs to be done. I didn't learn how to tank by simply walking into flashpoints and expecting everything to just happen. I did a lot of reading, asked people questions, learned through others and personal experience during solo play.


And in the absence of people to ask questions, I simply went looking for answers on the internet. Chances are if you have a question, someone else has already asked it and another person has a possible answer.


Again it's either an assumption or simply a rare trait but I have questions and those questions have questions. I seek out answers until I am satisfied and continue to find more answers and more questions.


I don't expect to be given the answer but rather I am motivated by the need to find an answer. This may seem arrogant but the absence of a drive to find the answers to a question seems lazy.

Edited by Lord_of_Mu
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