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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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A classic bad use of force wave on Rakata last night.


Used constantly after AOE's are set. The mid-boss took forever because he kept knocking those infinite soldiers out of three stacked AOE's. The guy was lvl 60. Thought this sort of thing was gonna be finished when I stopped running KDY.

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I was the weird one here.


I haven't played for a few months so have missed out on some stuff. I queued for HM fp's with my sorc healer and got tython. Get a group of 2 snipers and a vang tank.


We get going, I tend to get hit quite a lot because this vang tank is ranged but nobody dies and we get to the first boss. The tank says "use the cheap-shot tacts" and pulls, when the orbitals come we move down the stairs...blah blah blah.


Carry on, I nearly die on the champion at the ambush as the vang kills 1 standard, 1 sniper on each of the other 2 then they all carry on ignoring the champ who is attacking me. I have to remind them there is a 4th enemy in that pull, at which point they come back and help.


We kill bonus boss (whos mechanics I still don't understand, just seems like he aggro dumps every 3 seconds) and second boss. We get to final boss and the tank says "burn." I have no idea what he is talking about, he pulls and we start, he goes to get a datacron and it gets destroyed. The boss goes to middle, starts his channel, aoe's appear, I kite and have to heal while doing so because the other 3 are all stood in the aoe's. I cant keep up and both dps die with tank at 50% by the end of the channel. I refresh a bubble on the tank, hot him and start to res a dps when the tank tells me to stuck it, so I do.


Tank: "have you ever healed this mission before?"

me: "yes"

tank: "why didn't you do it properly then?"

me: "I though I was"

sniper1: "lmao you know how to cheese OS on first boss but not rocks on last? everybody knows it"

me: "sorry I have been away for ages, I learnt the first boss cheese before I left, the last boss one must be new"

sniper2: "learn the fights ffs"

me: "anyway I though you couldn't burn during rocks because the boss goes invincible"


sniper 2 puts vote kick on me reason: noob and it succeeds. Seems a bit unfair, I don't have any problem with teaching people about stacking on ortol to make heals and adds easier or about running down the stairs on first tython boss, but apparently the 1 minute required to explain to me how to cheese a mechanic is too much.

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I've done Tython loads of times, saw a ton of cheese methods, shortcuts, and whatnot.


What I don't know is what they hell they're talking about cheesing the last boss. I know that the VG/Guardian (and imp counterparts) tanks can avoid the aggro drop if they have KB blocks up, such as hold the line/unremitting, so there's no chance of a DPS getting beat on.


But cheesing the barrier? That's new to me.


BTW, if you're on your sorc healer, the tank is a PT, not a Vanguard. Noob. :D

Edited by LuxDragon
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HM Blood Hunt. I take the pop despite reservations. (Six weeks to the xpac and people still can't do this.) I usually give it 1-2 wipes to be fair before leaving. After the first wipe:


Me: "We've got two players with no color crystals."

Tank: "What crystals are you talking about?"

Me: "In your mainhand and offhand."

Tank: "You mean like gear?"

Me: "YES YOUR GEAR" /ragequit

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HM Blood Hunt. I take the pop despite reservations. (Six weeks to the xpac and people still can't do this.) I usually give it 1-2 wipes to be fair before leaving. After the first wipe:


Had issues with dps on the first boss while I was healing, "let's try and it'll get easier after first boss" but we hit enrage everytime

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Yesterday, had been listing myself for Cademimu, after talking with someone who wanted to do the same. We listed individually, then.


3 times, there was a pop.

3 times, someone "declined" within seconds.

Then I got fed up with it and removed myself from the list.


People that decline themselves should get a 15 minute lockout to stop people that just do it for fun. I know those people exist, cause I had a few of them in my guild on Red Eclipse that would troll GF from time to time.


I had one weird instance yesterday, but it wasn't GF. It was just a heroic on I believe Belsavis. Decided to try and run it with two people, me on my Merc DPS and a pug as a Marauder DPS. I had a fully equipped Mako (full lvl 49 modded gear), when the pug shows up with a naked Malavai Quin. I ask him why Quin is not wearing any gear and he says the stats of Quinn are bolstered by the game itself, due his high presence and influence. I laughed at him, tried to do the Heroic (Bonus Series one I believe), we didn't make it through the first fight. I tell him good luck with his travels and quit the group.


Apparently he thought it was 4.0 already...

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Has anyone else been having issues with DPS queueing as tanks and healers?


Now, I have made the same mistake, before I found Dulfy and realized my proper roles. I made mistakes and it was stupid. I did respec my Jedi Guardian to tank afterwards.


Begeren Colony, on my Deception Assassin who is my placeholder for my Infiltration Shadow who defected after SOR. Hammer Station pops, with a Sorcerer healer. I go ahead and take it, because it's rare not waiting more than half an hour for DPS. We go in, get to first boss, Sorcerer says something about hoping he can do this. I ask, "You ARE a Corruption Sorcerer, right?". He's not. Somehow we made through it( I think tank was a bit overleveled), but of course he left the group before I could check his name was right for me to block him.


Ebon Hawk, my bodyguard mercenary gets Colicoid War Games. Powertech tank, Jugg DPS, Operative DPS. I think, should be good, PTs make decent tanks( I have one on Red Eclipse). And he was using Ion Gas Cylinder, so I thought I was going to be OK. We get past the turrets, onto the maze. I'm watching the tank....never once did I see any tank buffs. I don't even remember him using Jet Boost( do all PTs get that or just Shield Tech?). Not to mention he's constantly building up too much heat, and failing to keep aggro.


I also keep having bad luck with both SM and HM False Emperor. Both times either has popped for my Corruption Sorcerer on Ebon Hawk, the tank is either undergeared( one time in HM, my Sorcerer actually had HIGHER health than the level 55 tank) or nobody tries to get the mechanics. That being said, the first boss is AWFUL.



Also on Ebon Hawk, Defense Guardian gets Lost Island, story mode. Sage healer( same guy who healed my Infiltration Shadow on HM, which took us...two hours I think), Shadow "DPS", and Sentinel. I go in, Shadow is in Combat Technique. I say, "please get out of tank stance". He says he forgot to uncheck the damage box. He suggests being an off tank. Now I'm in the Campaign War Leader gear for all except the belt and the rest of my gear is up to date. His was OK, Sentinel was level 53 with some level 45 gear. Needless to say, it did not go well. My health would get below 75% and he would taunt the boss away or use Slow Time or another high threat ability.


Yes, I know I should not have agreed to it, but he made it sound like he had tanked it before. :(


And finally, not so much as stupidity, but, IMO, rudeness...Ebon Hawk, Boarding Party hits for my Marauder. Everyone does really well. We get to the final cutscene, healer and second DPS choose to kill the crew, tank and I choose to spare them. Tank wins roll.


Healer: "You SAVED them? D: "

Me: "Well, funerals are expensive." (Actually my Marauder thinks the thought process of "I kill because I'm Sith and I can" is stupid and insulting.)

Healer: "Well aren't YOU a fiscally responsible Sith?"


My Corruption Sorcerer on the Red Eclipse gets the same flashpoint. End, me and one DPS spare the crew and get the roll.


Marauder( who has at least Dark II corruption): "Traitor. :) "


Maybe I'm just a wuss, but suggesting my characters need to act a certain way is rude. I don't ever complain if the dark side choice wins out( which is the majority of the time on the Imperial side), so why do others complain when I win out? You still get your alignment points.



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Has anyone else been having issues with DPS queueing as tanks and healers?


had 1 yesterday: healer just dps'ed pulling mobs first, didn't heal anybody and gleefully gloated about getting everyone killed on the first boss (I left after that since I was running late). I'm not sure whether he had a previous beef with the tank, they bickered from the very beginning. It'd be nice if people didn't involve innocent bystanders in their feuds :p

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Maybe I'm just a wuss, but suggesting my characters need to act a certain way is rude. I don't ever complain if the dark side choice wins out( which is the majority of the time on the Imperial side), so why do others complain when I win out? You still get your alignment points.



Don't know about being a wuss, but I think you may have been being a little dense. What you quoted there was clearly just a bit of playful banter. Nobody was trying to force you to act a certain way at all. The second one even put a smiley in there so you'd know he was just having a bit of fun with you. You do know what a smiley is, right? :)

Edited by PLynkes
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I had one weird instance yesterday, but it wasn't GF. It was just a heroic on I believe Belsavis. Decided to try and run it with two people, me on my Merc DPS and a pug as a Marauder DPS. I had a fully equipped Mako (full lvl 49 modded gear), when the pug shows up with a naked Malavai Quin. I ask him why Quin is not wearing any gear and he says the stats of Quinn are bolstered by the game itself, due his high presence and influence. I laughed at him, tried to do the Heroic (Bonus Series one I believe), we didn't make it through the first fight. I tell him good luck with his travels and quit the group.


Apparently he thought it was 4.0 already...


I saw that guy on the fleet last week. I assumed that Quinn was naked because he was being punished for the incident. I had no idea he actually plays like that lol.

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I saw that guy on the fleet last week. I assumed that Quinn was naked because he was being punished for the incident. I had no idea he actually plays like that lol.


You on Red Eclipse? If yes, then we're talking about the same person :D

Otherwise there are two more clueless people running around.


Another story ...


Black Talon SM ... my Sniper lvl 13 (in fully modded lvl 13 gear, helps when you got alts that have an excess of Basic Comms), a Mercenary DPS lvl 12, a Juggernaut DPS lvl 14 and an Operative Healer lvl 11. Now I know you only have one real healing ability on lvl 10, but would it be to much of a bother to use it once in a while? The guy NEVER EVER used it (yeah once or twice since that proved he was heals specced). On top of that, he NEVER EVER healed up between fights.


At some point the Merc DPS grew tired of the guy and placed a votekick on him, which went through cause I seconded it. The Operative whispered me to ask about the class heal up ability where it was. I /facepalmed, since you get that on lvl 1 already. Turns out he removed it from his quickbar, took up a slot he could use for another ability. I pointed out to him that as a subber (which he obviously was since he was able to whisper) you have access to 6 quickbars.


He then pointed out its a useless ability since he always has a healer in a group to heal him up even outside fights ... okay I was like ***! He is specced as a friggin healer and he expects another healer to heal him up, refusing to heal up using his own class regeneration ability ...


At that point I put him on ignore.

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Had the weirdest FP last night that just felt awkward and wrong the whole time.

It was Hammer Station and I was playing my sent. There's another sent, a guardian, and sawbones. Flashpoint starts well enough. We kill the first boss and the drop has my stats and nothing but green numbers, so I hit need. The tank and healer immediately start complaining. At first I'm thinking what is the problem? Then I open inventory and check the item, and I happened to gloss over the red text saying it was heavy armor. I typically use only adaptive armor on all my toons, and I almost never actually need anything in a FP since I stay up on gearing as much as I can with comms on fleet. I was just as surprised that I would have actually needed anything in this FP. While they're still making passive aggressive comments in chat I whisper the tank that I was sorry, I didn't see it was heavy and I'd give it right over. I opened the trade window and handed it over. All's good and we continue on.


The other sent, up to this point, is a classic sent. Initiates combat while the tank is 25m away, always with force leap. Before one of the bigger pulls the healer finally tells him to stop pulling before the tank (and explains the reasoning). So the tank starts this mob but the healer takes around 75% of almost immediate damage before I can get over to peel. That was really confusing. Every mob pull from the tank for the rest of the FP resulted in the healer healing herself far more than anyone else. This wasn't happening as bad when the sent was jumping in. No more was said the rest of the way on the subject of pulling. :confused:


The other sent goes around a mob to get a chest, and the tank pulls the mob before the sent opens the chest. So in the middle of this fight that loot window pops up in the middle of my screen and I hit greed on everything (just a stim and one of those new crafting satchels). I ended up with the stim. The healer *sighs* into chat and says nothing. Since I'm already sensitive to how stupid I was with the first loot, I check and sure enough it was a cunning stim. Now, I know beyond a doubt that I hit greed. If she had hit need, then I shouldn't have received the stim (right?). If she hit greed, how was that my fault? I open another trade window and hand it over.


After the middle boss fight with the three bosses, the conversation with the ls/ds choice plays. The other three choose ls and I choose ds. Another heavy sigh in chat from the healer (I can almost hear it with my own ears at this point). Since my choice means jack to their choice, I don't care what they chose and I've done this FP so many times I don't need to watch whatever animation plays. Someone asks a little bit later if ds choices will affect their story going forward. I can't be bothered explaining how my choice means nothing to their story, especially since my choice didn't even roll highest, so they didn't have to be subjected to seeing those poor aliens getting blown up on the security feed.


After the stim drop, I have given up on the rest of the loot in the FP. I hit pass on absolutely everything and don't look at what is dropping or who is getting what. Right before we start the final boss, the healer is again complaining in chat about sents should be needing on medium and absolutely nothing else. I initially thought she was still stewing about me needing on that heavy armor way back at the first boss, even though I set it right for the tank and her on the stim. By this time I sort of forgot we had another sent in our group, and he must have been needing on stuff, taking my poor example from the first drop. I don't know, like I said, I wasn't watching who was winning stuff after I stopped rolling for it. As soon as the final boss is downed and the console is blown, I immediately drop group and leave the area, embarrassed still from the first loot drop, and annoyed at the passive aggressive comments from the healer throughout.

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First time posting here but i thought I would give a shout out to some of the FPs i have done with strange people in them, keep in mind I'm not in raids as of yet nore have i done them.


I play a Sith sorc DPS as a Lightning spec. I go in FPs as DPS because to be honest I had my fill or healing in WoW so I thought I would give dps a shot.


Turns out i have to heal even MORE as dps than the healer who came in AS a healer. More than half the time I'm healinging because the healer wont heal for some reason.


The most common response from FP groups to me after I do this?


"Your a bad healer"


well no kidding I'm dps spec trying to fill a healer role because the guy who came in AS the healer decided he didnt want to heal lol.

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First time posting here but i thought I would give a shout out to some of the FPs i have done with strange people in them, keep in mind I'm not in raids as of yet nore have i done them.


I play a Sith sorc DPS as a Lightning spec. I go in FPs as DPS because to be honest I had my fill or healing in WoW so I thought I would give dps a shot.


Turns out i have to heal even MORE as dps than the healer who came in AS a healer. More than half the time I'm healinging because the healer wont heal for some reason.


The most common response from FP groups to me after I do this?


"Your a bad healer"


well no kidding I'm dps spec trying to fill a healer role because the guy who came in AS the healer decided he didnt want to heal lol.


That sounds similar to what happened to my commando once. I tried her as Gunnery for a bit just for the sake of curiosity and Mandalorian Raiders popped with a Sage healer, Guardian tank and I forget the other DPS because it was a while ago. We survived Braxx but the rest of the flashpoint was a disaster because the Sage was hardly doing any healing. I asked him, "Are you specced to heal?" and he said he was. So I'm thibking: he's lying, he thinks Telekinetics or Balance can successfully heal, or he doesn't understand his role. So he did sporadic healing, but I actually had to help out with it with random medical probes because I don't believe he was a Seer. We barely survived Mavrix Varad and my energy levels were running low.

The funny thing is that almost all the drops were Trooper gear, and the Sage complained about not getting anything. Tank snapped at him, "That's what you get for being a bad healer."

After that I went to Combat Medic. The wait for DPS is too long anyway.


So I was working on getting my Infiltration Shadow to 60, and story mode Manaan pops, all DPS group, with two Sentinels and what turned out to be another Infiltration Shadow, all level 60 while I was 58. I figure, "I'll give it a shot since its a tactical". As soon as everything loads, I say hi and tell them I'm new. No response. We get to first boss and survive, then we get to Ortuno. I ask, "Tactics?". The response I get it, "Kill the boss". So because I didn't know to run when he casts Flow, I die. Afterwards one of the Sentinels revives me, and one of them makes a comment about my obviously being new. I said, "I told you right off the bat". Thankfully it hasn't happened since, but it was still very irritating.


Actually had a very good group last night with my Shadow who is now 60, doing hard mode of the same flashpoint. They were very patient and nice with me. Also had a very nice group with my Juggernaut on RE doing Hard Mode Mandalorian Raiders. :)

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I wouldn't say weird people (they were good people). BUT I was running a HM rakata and after the Rancor / some guy boss the other DPS had an issue with their kid (something about a meltdown) and promptly left. So we decided to go on and after an add group or two the healer is like "anyone got a dps companion" I said yes and I pulled out my Hk-51 thats in 186 gear with optimized enhancements and statted properly. me and the healer (tank was the ops lead) both mention once to queue for a replacement but either the tank didn't notice those messages (He was actually communicating btw) or he wanted to try without.


Anyway, we continue on to clear the adds just fine, using HK-51s assassinate and my 60 second combat cc on certain add groups to make it easier. We never wipe, things are good. We go to the boss that has the massive amounts of droids, all good and dandy, we LOS the first droid wave, hit him, etc etc, kill him without issue (altough HK-51 died early, no biggie though) We continue on, still havent died or wiped on any trash yet. We hit final boss, and do that just fine as well (not that much slower than normal runs either) Had to micromanage Hk-51 once or twice to make sure he wouldnt kill anyone with the circle of death.


it was fun, all 3 of us were talking and co-operating. The merc healer apparantly never healed before so I gave her a few tips (seeing as that is my main class and role) It kinda showed since I had to cleanse here and there in the rancor fight (she apparantly didnt know where cure was or didnt have it on her bar I believe during the fight) and I occasionally casted my emergency scan during a few boss fights and a rapid scan once or twice (I was on my mercenary also but in arsenal spec)


Its funny My dps was 3000 on average (its lower than usual since I was casting out heals here and there and micromanaging HK-51 at times, and watching health bars all at the same time) and I have no idea how much HK-51 was doing but imagine trying to 3 man bloodhunt HM, with a HK-51, you'd probably not pass the first boss. But HM Rakata? peh, go nuts. you'll only have a soft enrage during the final fight.


HM Legacy of Rakata is really quite soloable with a bit of care, lots of cc, HK definitely helps - good companion choice (in 192+) and utility selection (change it to fit the situation if necessary) and it's a lot of fun in the small hours - never quick but worth the sense of achievement and loots.


I have used it to help healers in my guild learn their class and rotations better - there's no significant enrages to worry about so they can really get into how the heals/procs/cleanses work - since dummies are useless for this. :D


Do it while you can, before the 4.0 hits!

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Red Reaper with my Bodyguard Merc. I immediately realize that this is going to be bad, when I load in to find that the tank and one DPS (the other hadn't loaded in yet) had already started the first pull. I (foolishly) ran in to try to save them. As you may expect, we all died. The other DPS loaded just before we died, and also rushed in. Multiple deaths by everyone, as people ran back into the fight one-by one... I died twice before I realized how badly this was going to work (apparently I was a little slow that day), and then stayed dead for a while, telling the others to do the same to reset the fight so we could go into it properly. It took a while before they listened.


Meanwhile, I'm checking out the others. And was disappointed to see that the level 54 tank had significantly less HP than my 50 healer. Eventually, everyone died, rezzed, and we started over properly. The tank jumps in, DPS follow on the same target he started on, and all three tunnel-vision on a single strong. Everything else mobs me as soon as I cast the first heal. I suddenly found myself frantically spam-healing myself, and wishing we had waited until my DCDs had cooled down before the tank started the fight. But I go down, followed by both DPS (who apparently also had more aggro than the tank), and finally the tank. As soon as we rez again, one of the DPS says: "OUR HEALER REALLY SUCKS!!!!" The tank agrees with him.


OK, screw this. /leave


Once my lockout expires, I re-que, get Red Reaper again, and it goes perfectly.


Turns out i have to heal even MORE as dps than the healer who came in AS a healer. More than half the time I'm healinging because the healer wont heal for some reason.


The most common response from FP groups to me after I do this?


"Your a bad healer"


well no kidding I'm dps spec trying to fill a healer role because the guy who came in AS the healer decided he didnt want to heal lol.


And this is why I always make a point of getting field-respec on any heal-capable class. When I'm a better healer in DPS spec than the healer is in healer spec...

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How the heck is a level 54 even taking damage from Red Reaper mobs?


You don't think it could be any of the countless 12xp speed-levelers with gear 10 levels behind?


Forgive the question, but... Even then, are you even able to queue for RR after 50? :confused:


As far as I remember you can only until you're below 50... I would check, but I have no more characters in that lvl range atm. :o

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