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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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I was doing a flashpoint through group finder and had this annoying replacement come in and do commentary on the fights instead of actual fighting themselves. Mind you he/she wasn't being informative or helpful, it was basically like watching a football game and hearing the commentator yelling throughout the game in the background. On top of that he/she had a baby that kept on crying and he/she had to stop for that also. Usually I'd excuse that since real life calls every now and than but since the whole commentary incident happened I just got more annoyed. Had a group member quit because of it and had to find another replacement for the last bit remaining. So it was basically 3 1/2 players for the mission along with half the commentator. Edited by adamantluna
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I highly disagree with that, Highly. IF you are a bad dps you will make work harder both tank and a healer. Dps job in raid or fp is pretty much the same as tanks or healers. Its just that sick amount of brain dead zombies dps guys who make our dps role look like a crap.


I have seen few incredible dps guys, but best was a sent, 4k dps on hm tyrans (still at lvl 55), without a guard, and he never stole an aggro from a tank. he also had lowest dmg recieved. To dps high and make healers and tanks job easy is a rly hard thing.


But you don't get real responsibilities until fairly high level

tanking starts at Hammer Station

healing starts at Hammer Station

DPS? lowest level of content that has enrage or difficult dps mechanics is (I believe) Kaon, LI, lv 50 fps and maybe KDY

below that level as long as dps doesnt actively try to screw things up theres no consequences to what they do, they are pretty much there to speed things up.

even most sm ops are like that, esp 16m where you only need a handful of dps to do the mechanics

yeah sure good dps are great but there nothing nearly as punishing as tanking and healing for making mistakes in most group finder contents

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But you don't get real responsibilities until fairly high level

tanking starts at Hammer Station

healing starts at Hammer Station

DPS? lowest level of content that has enrage or difficult dps mechanics is (I believe) Kaon, LI, lv 50 fps and maybe KDY

below that level as long as dps doesnt actively try to screw things up theres no consequences to what they do, they are pretty much there to speed things up.

even most sm ops are like that, esp 16m where you only need a handful of dps to do the mechanics

yeah sure good dps are great but there nothing nearly as punishing as tanking and healing for making mistakes in most group finder contents


It's been a while, but I seem to remember the final boss of Taral V (General Edikar) being a bit stressful to DPS. The adds that come out need to be burned FAST or they'll wreck you good. The Taral V bonus boss (Lord Hasper) is also a bit of a DPS race due to its annoying group yank -> huge AoE (though of course I fought him in storymode before Hold The Line was a Trooper baseline ability, back when it was only for Tactics Vanguards).

The overall point stands, though, that DPSing only becomes challenging at high levels, whereas tanks and healers need to be sharp from the beginning.

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But you don't get real responsibilities until fairly high level

tanking starts at Hammer Station

healing starts at Hammer Station

DPS? lowest level of content that has enrage or difficult dps mechanics is (I believe) Kaon, LI, lv 50 fps and maybe KDY

below that level as long as dps doesnt actively try to screw things up theres no consequences to what they do, they are pretty much there to speed things up.

even most sm ops are like that, esp 16m where you only need a handful of dps to do the mechanics

yeah sure good dps are great but there nothing nearly as punishing as tanking and healing for making mistakes in most group finder contents


I agree the work a dps has to do in low level (and even at high level pre-3.0) was negligable compared to what the tank and healer are/were doing to keep things smooth. However saying there is nothing punishing for bad dps is slightly off. If dps does stuff wrong they screw everything up for the healer/tank (pulling first or standing in stupid for example).


As such dps still hold just as much responsibility for wiping a group if they make stupid mistakes. Just because their role can be redundant if the healer and tank are good does not mean they should get away with doing things wrong. Just because dps play no large role in low level fps does not mean they are allowed to run amock.


But I generally agree, the standard required of dps is much lower than that expected of healers and tanks. However I disagree that the dps have no responsibility, if they wipe the group they get the blame.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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I was doing a flashpoint through group finder and had this annoying replacement come in and do commentary on the fights instead of actual fighting themselves. Mind you he/she wasn't being informative or helpful, it was basically like watching a football game and hearing the commentator yelling throughout the game in the background. On top of that he/she had a baby that kept on crying and he/she had to stop for that also. Usually I'd excuse that since real life calls every now and than but since the whole commentary incident happened I just got more annoyed. Had a group member quit because of it and had to find another replacement for the last bit remaining. So it was basically 3 1/2 players for the mission along with half the commentator.


Did the rest of the group not want to vote kick him for some reason, or did nobody think of it?

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The 31 keeps apologizing that she (female toon - we all had female toons, but I at least am male) was not contributing much since she was so low level. I tried explaining Bolster, I am not sure she ever got it.


I often do so as well. It's always flattening me to see so many high-level chars contributing so much more than i can.

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About DPS not having responsabilities at low lvl.


KDY. 4 DPS. I'm on my lvl 15 Rage Jugg with about 25k HP bolstered. 52 Mara, 40 Mara, 40 Lightning Sorc. I join up for the second scenario. Everything goes well.

We zone in for the last boss.. It's Khoris. We pull. I end up tanking after about 5 GCD in. Maras never Camo out.. SO I clearly out DPS'ed them. We wipe after I die having poped everything.

We try again. It took 10 min. I loaded the log for sheer curiosity and I did 410k damage (Khoris have 710k HP). I also did over 250k heals with the stations.


That's DPS responsability. Making sure the group don't screw up and if they do, taking the place...

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16m ToS second boss. Wipe once. About 4 DPS make comments about how much everyone else sucks and they leave, then almost instantly 2 healers leave, and 4 more DPS and a tank leave without a word. End game after 1 wipe.


Welcome to 60's op pug life everyone. :cool:


This is, regrettably, hardly unique to Ops, new or otherwise.


I see it all.

The bloody.



On any/all types of group-content.


How do these weak-suck little kids expect to better their knowledge and gameplay, and get the rewards --when they are clearly quite vocal about wanting them!-- if they can't handle even a single wipe?


Oh, right:


They'll just wait for absurdly over-geared groups to carry them through, silly of me to forget.


(And also agitate constantly on the forums for pay-for-power/pay-to-win in that *********** utterly repugnant cash-shop, must remember that too!)

Edited by midianlord
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Had a HM Legacy of the Rakata run recently...I was Commando healing along with a Shadow tank, a Telekinetics Sage, and a Sharpshooter Gunslinger. DPS were good, but the tank managed to tunnelvision like a champ, despite the Shadow rotation having ALL DAT AOE IN IT. The Sage facetanked a lot.


We managed to do a full clear without that many deaths (oneshotted all the bosses) but dayum, there were some funny things, especially regarding CC. First off, the tank had a tendency to go in and Mind Maze standards. Yeah, there was an elite (non-droid) standing right there, but he was worried about the standard. Naturally, the standard would get killed pretty quickly by the DPS, CC or no CC, because they weren't going to mess around.


The best part was on one of the pulls during the "destroy weapons caches" part. One cache, at the top of the stairs in a ruin, consists of an elite droid and an elite Jedi. The Sage marked the Jedi for CC, and the tank promptly attacked it as soon as the CC landed. I went ahead and CCed the droid to keep him out of the way. Unfortunately, the Gunslinger, under the assumption that the Sage was CCing the Jedi, went ahead and put a Vital Shot on the droid, which broke my CC.

The droid ran down the stairs after the Gunslinger and was jumped by the Sage, who quickly stole aggro from him. Meanwhile, the tank was holding aggro on the Jedi upstairs. I couldn't get LoS on both the Sage and the Shadow, so I spent the next minute or so running up and down the stairs to spam-heal them both. Imagine that for a moment.

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Blood Hunt SM

Shadow, Shadow, Commando, Sage


Infiltration Shadow who thinks she's a tank and keeps both taunts on CD... When there's a properly geared and spec'd KC Shadow in the group. Yes, I know I'm really bad at tanking but can you people at least let me try?

Edited by Halinalle
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Had a nice run of Hammer Station SM with my recently rolled DPS Guardian. Her level was 18, and she got to 19 as we finished the FP. Focus speeced.

Team was a Guardian Tank at 17 in the correct stance and spec (:eek:), a DPS Shadow at the same level, Serenity speeced, I think - Force Technique - and a Commando Healer at lvl 18 in Plasma Cylinder. With the new Disciplines rework I have no idea at which level you get Combat Support Cylinder, so he may have just been lacking the right one... :o


Still, off we went. First two droids are a breeze, Tank gets one, I get the other, we down them together. Healer uses his green beam like a pro, so we go on.

Second pull we struggle but we survive, green beams going everywhere, and I think I saw a couple probes.

Third pull is the one we all love, with 2 Elite Droids, surrounded by a nice amount of Strong ones. I'm about to ask the Commando if he has the CC but the Tank jumps in, so I just take the second Elite while Force Sweeping and Cyclone Slashing on CD.

I have aggro of the Elite I picked, but the Tank manages to get all the Strongs and her Elite, and gets extremely low with green beams still going on. :eek:

We die: Tank first, Shadow second, Healer third, me last, and not because I had no aggro, but because I used Saber Ward. The two elites survive and follow as we respawn. We down them with no problem. :rolleyes:


As we go on I notice the Healer loves his green beam, but resorts to probes when we're in a tight spot, so no problem. Still puzzled by Plasma Cylinder, but as I said I don't know if at 18 you have the proper one already... :D


First boss is going ok, we follow mechanics, but again I notice the Tank getting extremely low, even with green beam. No probes this time. So, what to do, to avert a wipe? I taunt off her. My Focus Guardian takes a whole turn of attacks and a laser beam - which I barely survive, but nvm :rolleyes: - before the Tank is at about 25% health and taunts off me. We finish the boss, but I realize we may have issues with this kind of healing.

Still, the guy seems just new, and I know that most procs are dependant on the Cylinder, so he likely has to resort to that way of healing because of the cylinder. So I stay silent, as we go on through the FP.


We go on again, no problem at all, with the Healer using a couple of probes here and there, though only on hte Tank. Still, the Tank does a good job at keeping aggro, so... :)

Second boss, the three guys. No time to explain tactics, the Tank jumps in and takes the shield one. I take the one with the flamethrower, nodody takes the "healer". But again, SM, so nvm. I down my target with little trouble, and get to the other one. I down him as they down the third one. From full health. Ok, DPS is low too. But at least Tanking is nice. ;)


We still proceed and move towards the final boss. We skipped all the skippable mobs now, though, and while I'm about to explain the Tank where to tank the boss, guess what? She jumps in. Again. And we eat the conal attack at start. Or at least, they do, because I moved to the side beforehands and get 0 dmg from it. :D

I move to the position where the Tank should be, hoping she'll get the hint... Nope. I always jump to the Healer as the adds get to him, and take them to the boss to AoE them down with the Tank. All goes smooth, until... The Tank dies. Green beams are not enough, and I suspect the Healer consumed all his reserves on something.

I get aggro, and resist for a good minute, before dying. Only so much Saber Ward can help me with. Shadow dies within seconds, from 75% health. Healer dies shortly after, but not before the Tank, who pulled all hte mobs we skipped, gets to him.

As I respawn, not knowing of this, I see a huge amount of enemies charging at me, all pretty low. 5-10% health, I suspect the Tank managed to dmg them a bit. I die again, but not before downing all the Standards and Strongs in a glorious barrage of Force Sweeps and Cyclone Slashes. :cool:

The Tank respawns again and downs the lone elite that remained. I get rezzed.

We get to the boss again, I buff them all - I have all 4 - and take position again to the side. Tank jumps in, they eat the conal attack again. I DPS from the tanking position and have aggro most of the time, with Guard on me - Tank never used it before. I also manage adds because the Shadow tunnelvisions the boss. Healer uses probes too, a few times, but the green beam remains his favourite heal, regardless.

This time we last longer thanks to those probes, but guess what? Tank dies. Again, not getting anything else than the green beam for about 45 secs, and burning Saber Ward, the only defensive CD we have at that level. :eek:

I get aggro, and bring hte boss all the way from 10% to 3% before dying, again only seeing green beams, no probes. Healer gets aggro, and dies. Boss is at 1% at this point. Shadow manages to down him with a sliver of health.


We resp - he rezzed me before, so rez on CD - and return, and he loots before we're all there.

Loot is a trooper helmet and rifle. I roll Greed for both - credits are always nice - and the Tank does the same. Shadow passes. Commando doesn't get a chance to roll for the helmet, so I get it. He rolls for the rifle, though, Needs it and gets it. I offer to exchange the helmet, but he's F2P, so no chance. I notice he has a moddable helmet equipped, though empty, and mail him a couple mods right at his level. After all, I didn't mean to ninjaloot. And besides, he's just a new player, so I don't see an issue in his subpar healing. :cool:

Not yet, at least, but I reserve the right to give him some pointers - I have a 56 Healer Merc, among other chars - if he heals badly again at higher levels. :)


TL;DR: HS SM, I was on my DPS Guardian. Tank was nice, Healind and the other DPS less, but regardless we finished with a lot of luck.

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In response to the above post:

Combat Support Cell is now level 20 -_-

That is a stupid thing to do. Wasn't a major point of the Discipline system to make roles more accessible on lower levels, i.e. giving tank specs actual tanking abilities on relatively low level? So why do something like that? It's annoying and kinda goes against the concept. :rolleyes:

Edited by Darkelefantos
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In response to the above post:

Combat Support Cell is now level 20 -_-


Thanks, wasn't sure, as I haven't levelled another Commando/Merc since 3.0... :)


That is a stupid thing to do. Wasn't a major point of the Discipline system to make roles more accessible on lower levels, i.e. giving tank specs actual tanking abilities on relatively low level? So why do something like that? It's annoying and kinda goes against the concept. :rolleyes:


I guess... But think of Vengeance Juggs, who get Shien at 41... :rolleyes:

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Not so much a weird person as a weird event.


I'm doing a run of KDY on my level 45 Infiltration Shadow. GF puts me in a group with 2 other DPS and a tank. We clear the first room with no problems. Then we get to the second room and things get weird.


We're fighting the mobs up on the platform near the entrance to the room, when suddenly, the minimap just lights up red. Somehow, we've managed to pull the entire room. Literally every single mob. Everything in the room is streaming up the ramps at the far side, heading towards us. I run to intercept, figuring that they're probably aggroed on the tank, and if not, then I can force cloak and speed out of there. I catch the first few in the stream, but the rest run past me, heading for the tank and the other DPSs. I kill a few of them, then find myself fighting one of the gold droids. When I have the droid down to about 10% health, all of the mobs start rushing past me, heading back downstairs. I check and see that the tank and one of the DPS are dead, and the other DPS is nowhere to be seen. I end up dying to the droid, and the tank and the DPS that died both quit.


I requeue us and we get a replacement tank and DPS within a minute, and everything goes fine from there, although the new tank would keep rushing ahead and pull mobs before the rest of us could finish healing.

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True, didn't think of that because my Warriors are all 55+. That's kinda silly...


Not really. Arsenal and Bodyguard don't get nay proc relying on the Cylinder before level 20... And it doesn't help much. Same with Shien and Vengeance. It's not a problem at all.

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pre 3.0 I had hoped the dev's would attempt to make 55+ story content suitably difficult to require proper gameplay (interrupting the correct enemies, good cc's and target priority, sort of like the mara at the top of the tower on oricon).


Instead I still get dps queing as tanks then, when all the hellos are given out either stay quiet or say something like "dps-tank for the win lol" only to have me on my sorc healer grabbing all aggro in spam healing 3 people because there is 0 aggro control.


Or level 60's still using overload on cd.


Or (I dont know why I am complaining about this, I made this mistake at first, but at least I noticed really soon) people who don't realise their abiliies have changed. Merc healers who don't know that emergency scan buffs for an instant cast healing scan, for example, or who start asking why they can't use rapid shot to heal their allies even when they are in combat support cylinder. At least when I was stupid enough to keep the same rotation from pre 3.0 I noticed it (I was using shatter shot on my sniper for an armour debuff, I then noticed it wasn't armour debuffing after about the 3rd time).


Or people who still don't understand cc, kill order, kill priority or their role.


Theres even alot of tanks still guarding the healer, and alot of healers who think they need guard


There was a half decent chance to make content that requires half a brain to get through, instead the dev's dropped the chance and we are left with the same idiots as before.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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pre 3.0 I had hoped the dev's would attempt to make 55+ story content suitably difficult to require proper gameplay (interrupting the correct enemies, good cc's and target priority, sort of like the mara at the top of the tower on oricon).


Instead I still get dps queing as tanks then, when all the hellos are given out either stay quiet or say something like "dps-tank for the win lol" only to have me on my sorc healer grabbing all aggro in spam healing 3 people because there is 0 aggro control.


Or level 60's still using overload on cd.


Or (I dont know why I am complaining about this, I made this mistake at first, but at least I noticed really soon) people who don't realise their abiliies have changed. Merc healers who don't know that emergency scan buffs for an instant cast healing scan, for example, or who start asking why they can't use rapid shot to heal their allies even when they are in combat support cylinder. At least when I was stupid enough to keep the same rotation from pre 3.0 I noticed it (I was using shatter shot on my sniper for an armour debuff, I then noticed it wasn't armour debuffing after about the 3rd time).


Or people who still don't understand cc, kill order, kill priority or their role.


Theres even alot of tanks still guarding the healer, and alot of healers who think they need guard


There was a half decent chance to make content that requires half a brain to get through, instead the dev's dropped the chance and we are left with the same idiots as before.


That's what theme-park MMOs are now.


No, I'm not saying we need to go back to forced grouping, ungodly attunement-grinds, and all those other wonderful relics of the past that really bloody well need to stay there (ohaidere Wildstar!), but they've gone mainstream, and this is what we've gotten as a result.




Not to worry, though:


I'm sure there's a brand new



!!!!!CARTEL PACK!!!!!!



coming with the next ptach, and that's what really matters, after all.






I had a fairly lol-worthy story to tell about a fake-('Sin-)tank who actually thought his Legacy level 50 meant something, and tried to MLG-kid all over the rest of us with it when called on this --not least of all to my Sorc, whose own "Living Legend" title is prominently displayed-- but...


...It's all, always, the bloody same, and It's all just become too *********** depressing :(


ATT'N-- Elite: Dangerous. Pleasepleaseplease live up to my hopes for you. Please?

Edited by midianlord
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Blood Hunt SM

Shadow, Shadow, Commando, Sage


Infiltration Shadow who thinks she's a tank and keeps both taunts on CD...


I swear some people don't read the tool tips and just press the key when they see that one of their abilities has come off cooldown, regardless of what that ability does. I was in ops last night with someone who was using Supercharged Celerity on weak groups of adds, preventing it from being used at the appropriate time during boss fights. They had no idea.

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