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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Maybe.... I just found laughable to say that Sniper/Slinger were top DPS when they are in the lowest parsing spec and the lowest parsing class as a whole if you take the rollbang away from Sabo.


I didn't know Saboteur was about single target dps... Yet another spec I've played completely wrong.


Tank power battles! Oh yeah! We all love these!

Guardian keeps Force Push on cooldown and when it's not available Vanguard runs away from others and uses Harpoon just when you're in middle of Master Strike.

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Don't hate too much on marauders.... they do the second highest DPS of the eight ACs (Gunsnipe does more, I think)


You have lots of fail marauders, but when a truly good one shows up he/she is a force to be reckoned with.


Lol. Welcome to 2.10, your information was outdated months ago.

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I had SM Cademimu pop today which could have gone a lot smoother. We had two vanguard tanks, my sage heals(first healer) and a smuggler dps(can't remember his ac).


First tank queued and specced as tank but didn't want to tank, yet he kept running ahead and trying to skip mobs. This meant that I was constantly out of LOS to either him or the other two in the group and had to struggle to keep up with heals. Nobody seemed to have knockbacks and in (desperate)situations where we could have cc'ed I had to stop healing and throw the champion droids(works one out of ten times so not that useful) off the edge to appease the fake tank.


Second tank who seemed to be sharing aggro with Mr. I don't want to be a tank had guard on me. I clicked it off a couple of times but never got a chance to explain it with speed run tank's constant running ahead. Nobody was guarded through most of the flashpoint.


With no guard on dps we almost wipe 1st boss as I try to keep the real tank, myself and the dps alive after he gets incapacitated by the droid halfway through. Right after the taxi I almost miss the first two droids due to lag and have to hope my heals register until others arrive. We manage to isolate the gold droid and subsequently fake tank pulls next mob which results in a wipe because I'm still suffering from lag.


We get to wookie boss which goes alright until real tank suddenly drops low on health and I whack a few heals on him. I don't notice until too late that the other 'tank' was low too. We manage without him but he and the other dps accuse me of not healing.


Before I can voice my opinion though, the accusers run virtually straight through to the lift and of course we pull every single mob along the way. Thankfully, the lift killed the mobs but it could have been another disaster. Following the lift ride the 'Speedy Duo' run almost literally all the way to General Ortel's room to drop the mobs chasing them. This almost results in death for me and the other guy cleaning up their mess


Both of us tell them we could just fight the mobs. The response laced with sarcasm is "What would we want to do that for? XP?" and then they complain that flashpoints don't give good xp. Real tank says there would be more xp if they actually fought mobs. They rejoin us to launch the missiles and of course the tank that didn't want to tank pulled the mobs. Not that it mattered but seriously?


Generl Ortel fight runs smoothly and except for a couple of tight spots I manage to keep us at around 50% health. The dps decides he wants to be a troll and attempts a votekick(reason: stupid) on me. As it's the end of the fp real tank had already left group so I assume it went through cos I didn't stick around either and when I got to fleet the group was gone. Fake tank went on ignore, but unfortunately I couldn't remember the dps' name to ignore as well.

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Arsenal is the worst parsing spec out there. Even rage is higher...


Actually, in order of best to worst for single target DPS:


(Because some of them are really close and only separated by lucky crits, Ill categorize them as +- 100 dps = same potential. DPS Numbers are BiS 186s)


TOP TIER (>4250 dps)

Balance/Madness (both ACs)

Pyro PT/Assault VG

Concealment Operative/Scrapper Scoundrel

Watchman Sentinel

Engineering sniper/Saboteur Slinger (that can roll)


SECOND TIER (4100-4250 dps)

Pyro Merc/Assault Mando

Vengeance Jugg/Vigilance Guardian (its a little behind on the leaderboard, but everyone there lacks a mainhand)

Combat Sentinel/Carnage Marauder


THIRD TIER (3950 - 4100 dps)

Lethality/Dirty Fighting (both ACs)

Lightning Sorc/TK Sages

Rage Marauder/Focus Sentinel


FOURTH TIER (3800-3950 dps)

Marksman Sniper/Sharpshooter Slinger

Arsenal Merc/Gunnery Mando

Deception Assassin/Infiltration Shadow

Hybrid Sorcs/Sages/Snipers/Slingers


BOTTOM TIER (<3800 dps)

Tactics Vanguard/AP Powertech

Rage Jugg/Focus Guardian


So yeah, I wouldn't go flaming an arsenal merc just yet for being the worst spec

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Before I can voice my opinion though, the accusers run virtually straight through to the lift and of course we pull every single mob along the way. Thankfully, the lift killed the mobs but it could have been another disaster. Following the lift ride the 'Speedy Duo' run almost literally all the way to General Ortel's room to drop the mobs chasing them. This almost results in death for me and the other guy cleaning up their mess


Both of us tell them we could just fight the mobs. The response laced with sarcasm is "What would we want to do that for? XP?" and then they complain that flashpoints don't give good xp. Real tank says there would be more xp if they actually fought mobs. They rejoin us to launch the missiles and of course the tank that didn't want to tank pulled the mobs. Not that it mattered but seriously?.


Running through the turrets to the lift, and then straight through to the missile room is fairly common.


Just make sure to watch the tank (or whoever is leading the charge) to see if they are hitting enemies. If they aren't, don't throw out a single heal or bubble, otherwise you're gonna make a ton of new friends.

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It is a fairly common strategy, that is true. However, if I tank or DPS, I will try to CC people on the way, to keep them off the healer. Overload here, Flashbang there and so on. I know how to take care of myself and I think making sure the healers HoT's won't attract too much unwanted attention is just common courtesy.
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Actually, in order of best to worst for single target DPS:


(Because some of them are really close and only separated by lucky crits, Ill categorize them as +- 100 dps = same potential. DPS Numbers are BiS 186s)


TOP TIER (>4250 dps)

Balance/Madness (both ACs)

Pyro PT/Assault VG

Concealment Operative/Scrapper Scoundrel

Watchman Sentinel

Engineering sniper/Saboteur Slinger (that can roll)


SECOND TIER (4100-4250 dps)

Pyro Merc/Assault Mando

Vengeance Jugg/Vigilance Guardian (its a little behind on the leaderboard, but everyone there lacks a mainhand)

Combat Sentinel/Carnage Marauder



Why Assault Vanguard has better damage compared to Assault Commando?

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Why Assault Vanguard has better damage compared to Assault Commando?


obviously because the assault commando is wearing cunning and willpower gear and stops dpsing to complain about the marauder not healing him enough. can't you talk about this crap in some other thread?

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What ive been seeing lately is people afking or doing min work up until the boss fights, got a few from the so called Top PVE guild on the server going afk, then running to the boss when all the trash is cleared.. i dont mind helping out someone thats low geared and really trying but you go slack and AFK on me, your getting a vote kick.


Also had a Tank rage quit because we ran through the last trash mobs in Cad after the bonus boss.. we 3 man the final boss NP but its just funny to see someone flip their S**t over something so petty..

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Also had a Tank rage quit because we ran through the last trash mobs in Cad after the bonus boss.. we 3 man the final boss NP but its just funny to see someone flip their S**t over something so petty..

Also pretty silly of him to do that, because he was so close to the quest reward. Sure, tank queues pop quickly, but I'd rather take the reward and not team up with the same people if I were so hellbent on not running through the mobs.

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As someone who mains a Merc I'm cringing at some of the mercs I find in a lot of Tactical (and sometimes even hardmore) Flashpoints.


Seeing a lot of Mercs that are in Combustile Gas Cylinder that apparently are full Arsenal spec but they never use Tracer Missile at all. Their rotation consists of spamming Missile Blast and Explosive Dart and they usually open with Heatseeker Missiles (with no Tracer Missile, so no 25% damage increase...)


Also saw a Pyrotech Merc the other day. He was using Power Shot, proccing PPA and using Rail Shot so I thought "finally someone who knows how to play the class!" Well, he never used Incendiary Missile or Thermal Grenade at all. Boss fights? Just rapid shots, power shot and rail shot.


I realise you don't need top DPS to clear Tacticals but it stills annoys me to no end.


Why do people do that? I realise the game's tooltips don't explain how good or bad an ability is if you don't know what to look for, but I'd be experimenting with my new abilities anyway just to mix it up.

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As someone who mains a Merc I'm cringing at some of the mercs I find in a lot of Tactical (and sometimes even hardmore) Flashpoints.


Seeing a lot of Mercs that are in Combustile Gas Cylinder that apparently are full Arsenal spec but they never use Tracer Missile at all. Their rotation consists of spamming Missile Blast and Explosive Dart and they usually open with Heatseeker Missiles (with no Tracer Missile, so no 25% damage increase...)


Also saw a Pyrotech Merc the other day. He was using Power Shot, proccing PPA and using Rail Shot so I thought "finally someone who knows how to play the class!" Well, he never used Incendiary Missile or Thermal Grenade at all. Boss fights? Just rapid shots, power shot and rail shot.


I realise you don't need top DPS to clear Tacticals but it stills annoys me to no end.


The tooltips for Pyro Merc don't tell you ****


You need someone to walk you through the information which ISNT on the tooltips. If it wasn't for players sharing the information they found on how to game the proc system there wouldn't have been the sudden rush to play Pyro merc.


Tactical FP is the bottom rung, expect to find people new to their class or people who don't play optimally there.

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I realise you don't need top DPS to clear Tacticals but it stills annoys me to no end.


I see FiB, MC, Sever Force, Force Breach and I think "Finally a Shadow who at least tries to play Balance correctly" and then they stay at range and use Project and TK Throw when available. :eek:


Tactical FP is the bottom rung, expect to find people new to their class or people who don't play optimally there.


"Exploit! Sentinels can't heal like that! I'm reporting you!"


Not exactly like that but true: some players don't know Sentinels have healing when spec'd correctly.

Edited by Halinalle
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On the subject of people not playing their class properly why is it when I read my tooltips it says:

Force lightning: deals 4090 damage

Overload: deals 870-910 damage


Yet when other people read their tooltips it obviously says:

Force lightning: deals 4090 damage

Overload: Instantly kills every enemy in the pull.


Sage healers running into the middle of the fight, throwing force wave then moving back to range again. Shadows using force wave while they are running up to the enemy (causing them to move away from the melee-based shadow), constant overloading/force waving on CD when theres no edge for the enemy to fall down and some nice walls to block LOS as the enemy gets thrown around.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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On the subject of people not playing their class properly why is it when I read my tooltips it says:

Force lightning: deals 4090 damage

Overload: deals 1070-1250 damage


Yet when other people read their tooltips it obviously says:

Force lightning: deals 4090 damage

Overload: Instantly kills every enemy in the pull.


Sage healers running into the middle of the fight, throwing force wave then moving back to range again. Shadows using force wave while they are running up to the enemy (causing them to move away from the melee-based shadow), constant overloading/force waving on CD when theres no edge for the enemy to fall down and some nice walls to block LOS as the enemy gets thrown around.


Throwing people around makes them feel in control of the fight, obviously. Some people might also confuse it for a handy AOE stun.

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Sage healers running into the middle of the fight, throwing force wave then moving back to range again. Shadows using force wave while they are running up to the enemy (causing them to move away from the melee-based shadow), constant overloading/force waving on CD when theres no edge for the enemy to fall down and some nice walls to block LOS as the enemy gets thrown around.


2nd boss in Rakata Prime. 3 agents and a sin. Huge mass of adds gets neatly grouped up for 3 orbitals and then promptly overloaded out of the aoe zone. :|


Don't even get me started on ill-timed overloads when I'm mid-ravage on my marauder.


I just don't get it.

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As someone who mains a Merc I'm cringing at some of the mercs I find in a lot of Tactical (and sometimes even hardmore) Flashpoints.


Seeing a lot of Mercs that are in Combustile Gas Cylinder that apparently are full Arsenal spec but they never use Tracer Missile at all. Their rotation consists of spamming Missile Blast and Explosive Dart and they usually open with Heatseeker Missiles (with no Tracer Missile, so no 25% damage increase...)


Also saw a Pyrotech Merc the other day. He was using Power Shot, proccing PPA and using Rail Shot so I thought "finally someone who knows how to play the class!" Well, he never used Incendiary Missile or Thermal Grenade at all. Boss fights? Just rapid shots, power shot and rail shot.


I realise you don't need top DPS to clear Tacticals but it stills annoys me to no end.


So it's not just me seeing this, then. K good --I guess :/


One time I had another Arsen in a PuG, and they were doing everything right, but they were in combustion cylinder, so i said "[Merc's name], switch to HVGC."


They did so, but they also said that one of their guildies had told them that it was better to be in combustion cylinder.


Uuuuummmm...The Internet is not generally the best place to find truth, now is it. (I'd be looking to different guildies for end-game advice if I was that Merc, too.)

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