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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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I found these days most GF tanks seem to be absolutely obsessed with LoS pulls. It's interesting.

I'm often running in a PUG healer lately who starts to grouse about me not doing LoS pulls all the time, both with my Assassin (why do I have force pull and overload again, if not to grip and kick mobs together for the DPS to bomb) and my Jugg (reflect FTW), especially the latter is also just fun to jump right in.

He then writes about "just another stupid tank in with no idea how to do things" once I ask what I should have done better there is no explanation except of "LOS" with no reasoning why that is necessary at that particular spot. Like full melee trash groups that will run to the tank anyway, why LoS?

Additionally I only do this when I know that I get all aggro on me and survive it even without healing. (I'm running with PUGs most of the time, some healers seem to be mostly afk from start to end, good way to learn about the use of your def CDs though ;) )

There are some spot where LoS pulls are really useful, but in Legacy of Rakata for example or Lost Island, LoS isn't really worth the effort.

To glitch bosses with LoS I won't do out of principle, if I'm not able to beat a boss with the intended mechanics I don't have earned the kill. Especially in FPs, there is no boss that can't be beaten if played properly, just don't stand in stupid and pay attention. Tanking them is boring enough most of the time, no need to make it even worse.

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So yesterday was EV day. Easy cq points and cxp packs, so yay! Its late but I'm thinking to myself Im still gonna grab a spot in any group I see lookin for people.


I see this guy looking for a dps, but he fills by the time I respond to him. No biggie, it happens. I decide to step outside for a smoke. I come back a few min later and nothing goin on so I queue for a fp.


Then I see the same guy lookin for a dps for last boss again. I figure it's a lockout run since it's late and they just wanna squeeze in one more run to burn their lockout. I get invited to the group and I'm waiting for the queue up, as I normally do. After a couple min, they ask if I'm coming. Turned out they were already inside and I didn't notice. That's my bad for not looking. So we talk and i get queued in progress and run in to them.


The fight starts. We get the first 2 levels ok, but then we get down to the bottom. The tank just wanders around for the first 2 pylon drops, obviously unaware he has to take Soa to the huge blue circle... a couple people tell him to take it to the blue circle. The 3rd time it comes out, one of the fanks has to taunt him and drag. After that, I think the tank got it. During that 3rd pylon drop, someone goes worst group ever! We manage to get the next couple pylon drops and down Soa. There's the usual gg and tyfg etc.


I don't know what happened before I got there, but I guess it was a good thing I didn't get there until the end.

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It's like the people who take the super complicated route to avoid the 2 trash mobs in EV. I mean I guess it is technically a little faster, and if you are in a good group go for it, but seriously in a pug just kill them. Someone will screw up 3/4 of the time, and then it adds 5 minutes onto it (10 if they panic and pull 30 other trash groups).


Speaking of that...

I wrote several pages back about the nightmare EV runs that usually have this going on.

Last night, no different. The time it took for someone to figure it all out and get the speeder up, we could have cleared all the trash, had lots of extra CXP, and could have been in on Gharj already.

Oh, and also the same thing happened when people tried to avoid the animal trash on the way to pylons. Someone will ALWAYS aggro the first mob, and will most likely get the second one as well. How about stop wasting people's time and just kill the mobs? It takes the exact same amount of time (If not less) to kill them than to take the serpentine path to avoid all the EXTRA mobs than those two anyway.


ATTN PUGS of all FP and OP!! Not everyone knows the shortcuts, not everyone WANTS to skip mobs if they need XP or CXP, and you are actually wasting everyone's time when it doesn't go smoothly, which, in a PUG, is MOST OF THE TIME!!!


Leave the speed runs and expert shortcuts to your guild runs, or at the very least, how about saying in the beginning, "I'm going to skip all skippable trash, using precise jumps and shortcuts that you noobs probably have never seen, and if a single one of you aggros a mob I'm going to rage and kick you or drop from the group because I can't be bothered to do it the right way. I'm a busy person playing a video game and my time is more precious and valuable than yours and I will inflict my impatience on all of you" or "I'm not good enough at this game to do things the right/intended way--I'll be trying to avoid confrontation because I wouldn't know what to do if I ran into those little mobs"


/sarcastic rant because people keep wasting my time and command boosts in EV :p

Edited by aerockyul
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It's 50/50 on whether I'm the one who messes up the shortcuts in EV to be honest :o

Unless everyone agrees at the start that we're doing a speed run in an Op or FP, I generally have zero problems with killing everything that gets in the way. Doesn't mean I go looking for trouble, just that I don't see the point in going off the direct path in order to avoid it.

It's all XP (or CXP) so it's all good, right?


In pug FPs this also has the practical benefit of clearing the way for if someone ragequits and the replacement appears behind all the "trash mobs" and doesn't have stealth.


But yeah, I try to stick with the group, go with the majority decision, but sometimes things go kerflooey - one person's timing is a fraction off, they get spotted, a bunch of extras try to kill us. C'est la vie. As long as the rest aren't too far ahead, no-one even dies ;)


One of my only rules is "Everyone try to stick together"

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What is a "LOS pull" ?


"Line of sight" pull. As I understand it, it means aggro'ing a group of enemies, and leading them to a place where they're all tightly clustered together, so you can kill them all in one group.


...I think. My only experience with line of sight pulls, I had no idea what was going on. There were too many enemies/explosions/things dying on screen in one small little space - my computer lagged to a standstill. Same with another person in my group. :/

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What is a "LOS pull" ?


A line of sight pull, when one player (usually the tank) aggros a mob then runs around a corner where the rest of the team is waiting, forcing all the adds to run over in a group around that corner to attack. Some people think it's a waste of time, others think it's a good way to gather up all the adds for a quick aoe kill.

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What is a "LOS pull" ?


Ranged enemy usually do no run to the tank, to tank them he would have to run from one to the next to hit them with his mostly melee attacks, so it's more difficult to generate threat on them all, compared to an all melee trash group that will always run to the tank and therefor is easily in range of all his tanking abilities.

Now to force ranged mobs to come to the tank, he attacks one of them and then runs back into hiding behind a corner. As the line of sight is broken ranged mobs then run to the next spot from where they can attack again, usually just around the corner where the tank is waiting.

Another trick with LoS is while the mobs run to the tank infight CC can be applied and these targets will be kept out of reach of accidental attacks most of the time.


Important with this tactic is that either the DPS wait until the trash group has come to the tank before attacking or at least hide behind the corner too, to break the line of sight to the mobs that might attack them cause of aggro.

Same for the healer, if he is generating threat by healing and still stands in plain view of the trash group, they most likely stop running to the tank and shot the healer instead.


Prominent example for this kind of tactic is Corruptor Zero in Dread Fortress, the group huddles together out of sight behind the corner of one of the pillars to force the spawning droids to come to them. Here usually the healers have aggro, so it's most important for them to really stand out of sight, both for helping the group to manage the adds and avoid their damage.


But with a trash group consisting out of either only very few mobs even if there is a mix of range and melee or if they stand not that far spread out that the tank has them in range of all his abilities, it is rarely worth the effort if you do not want to use crowd control.

The old classic FP have a few spots with sometimes large mixed trash groups spread out. But the newer FPs either have no corner in immediate vincinity (efficiency thinking here, no need to lure a group through half the FP just to do a LoS pull if the same is achieved by either pulling or kicking them together or the tank just has to run from one to one for once) or don't have groups that spread out so the tank reaches them with his aor attacks.

In Boarding Party there is a spot where I usually prefer to LoS, though if the group doesn't help me with that and is not hiding, I just tank as much as I can by running around and throwing my hits here and there.

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Got Legacy of the Rakata today with, what I am assuming, was a new Assassin tank. He would Mind Trap an enemy so we could all sneak by and then, as soon as we all got past, he would then attack the enemy he just Mind Trapped. He did this over and over until we all just started attacking the mobs he was Mind Trapping.
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Got Legacy of the Rakata today with, what I am assuming, was a new Assassin tank. He would Mind Trap an enemy so we could all sneak by and then, as soon as we all got past, he would then attack the enemy he just Mind Trapped. He did this over and over until we all just started attacking the mobs he was Mind Trapping.


Ah the "What does this button do?" school of play.

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Speaking of that...

I wrote several pages back about the nightmare EV runs that usually have this going on.

Last night, no different. The time it took for someone to figure it all out and get the speeder up, we could have cleared all the trash, had lots of extra CXP, and could have been in on Gharj already.

Oh, and also the same thing happened when people tried to avoid the animal trash on the way to pylons. Someone will ALWAYS aggro the first mob, and will most likely get the second one as well. How about stop wasting people's time and just kill the mobs? It takes the exact same amount of time (If not less) to kill them than to take the serpentine path to avoid all the EXTRA mobs than those two anyway.


ATTN PUGS of all FP and OP!! Not everyone knows the shortcuts, not everyone WANTS to skip mobs if they need XP or CXP, and you are actually wasting everyone's time when it doesn't go smoothly, which, in a PUG, is MOST OF THE TIME!!!


Leave the speed runs and expert shortcuts to your guild runs, or at the very least, how about saying in the beginning, "I'm going to skip all skippable trash, using precise jumps and shortcuts that you noobs probably have never seen, and if a single one of you aggros a mob I'm going to rage and kick you or drop from the group because I can't be bothered to do it the right way. I'm a busy person playing a video game and my time is more precious and valuable than yours and I will inflict my impatience on all of you" or "I'm not good enough at this game to do things the right/intended way--I'll be trying to avoid confrontation because I wouldn't know what to do if I ran into those little mobs"


/sarcastic rant because people keep wasting my time and command boosts in EV :p


Eh, getting the speeder up is actually the one shortcut that is almost always worth it. Even an average group will take 10 minutes to get through all the trash, that one person who knows what they are doing can get through in 30 seconds. And even if the stealther in your gorup doesn't know, you can send a tank/healer through, or just teach the stealther, and then any future runs will go that much faster.


Saving 5 seconds on average (as it comes out to be when you account for people messing up and pulling the groups after Gharj) is probably not worth it, saving 9:30 absolutely is.

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Here are 4 lengthy, entertaining group finder stories:


So, it's Saturday night and just got done with my HM progression run with my guild team. Everyone logs off after we finished except for me. I noticed that I didn't have conquest yet on my raiding toon (Operative Healer) and wanted to earn some CXP boxes for alts (My operative healer is rank 300 and in minimum 246 set bonus gear with some 248s, fully optimized and augmented with about 126K HP, give or take a few hundred HP.) So, I decided to queue up for anything and everything (SM OPS, Vet FP, SM Uprising, MM FP, and Vet Uprising.) As soon as I queued for everything, the OP of the day popped (Ravagers) first. The first bad sign I noticed was I had 10K HP more than the highest DPS and had 20K HP more than both tanks. Didn't have time to check people's gear and felt I really didn't have to since it was GF SM with bolster but all the other people were bolstered to barely over 100K HP. The next bad sign was one of the tanks (Powertech) was busting his butt down the hill to the first boss (Sparky) and he didn't bother to check to see if everyone was in the room. As he was busting his butt, as soon as he got in the room, he immediately jet charges to Sparky. Guess what? There was one person (a DPS) who wasn't in the room yet. The door closed shut and killed that DPS. So, we fight with 3 poorly geared DPS, 2 tanks (one on boss and the other for adds), one poorly geared Sorc healer and me as the other healer. Of course at least 2 of the DPS didn't seem to know the mechanics of the Sparky fight (not knowing when to DPS Sparky and when to DPS the adds.) Sparky enraged, of course, due to lack of DPS at around 30-35%. After the wipe, someone says "Lack of DPS!". Then I said "You can blame the tank for leaping at boss before everyone was in the room and besides I don't think we would've gotten him down anyway with 4 DPS." The other tank (the good one) rage quit. Then the PT who did the early pull DC'd. The DPS who got shut out was pissed and rage quit and one by one everyone else quit. So, basically I wasted 15 minutes or so for naught.


So, after that fiasco, I queued up for everything again and got a MM FP (Korriban Incursion). Tank was a Sin (all 248 gear) and the 2 DPS were Sorcs (one Madness, the other Lightning.) Both Sorcs looked to have mostly 230 gear with a few 236 pieces. First boss, the tank goes down very quickly (one shotted. I think he got knocked into one of the electric cages where the first pair of dogs spawned out of.) So, I quickly run over to the entrance where his body lay and did a quick battle rez (didn't have time to do a stealth rez). The sorcs were keeping the boss busy and luckily there were no dogs out of cages running around. Heal up the tank and we get back to it. During the fight, I keep thinking to myself, this is taking longer than it should.Towards the end of the fight, the weakest Sorc dies somehow (swarmed by dogs or standing in "stupid",) but his health plummeted from full to dead in a blink of an eye. Battle rez was still on CD from using it on the tank but it didn't matter because 5 seconds later the boss died. Now on to the 2nd boss (the Droid.) This is where it got bad. First pull the weakest Sorc died from standing in circles. I immediately used the battle rez on him because without 2 DPS on that fight, the Droid enrages. After that Sorc was healed to full and jumped back into the fight, there were no more problems regarding mechanics. Though, the boss enraged at like 30%. Oh Boy!. Enrage boss one-shots everyone and we wipe. After rezzing at the start and making our way back to the boss, the tank says something in chat about how terrible the DPS are. The "good" Sorc DPS defends himself and says, I pulled 6.4K on that fight (I guess he was parsing or he could've been lying.) The "bad" Sorc DPS remains quiet. So, we try again. This time no one dies due to mechanics, but again the boss enrages due to lack of DPS. The Boss one-shotted the bad Sorc first then got me. Luckily, the boss was almost dead and the Good Sorc (madness spec must've had a DoT ticking away on the boss) and the Sin Tank survive the enrage right as the boss died. To the final boss and again the bad Sorc did something to cause his HP to drop almost to 0 and I used to use my only burst heal on him, but while I was doing that trying to keep him alive, that tank immediately got stunned by the stun droid and then the other droid with AOE came out and went to the tank. The 2 DPS didn't get the stun droid down quick enough before the AOE droid came. Tank goes down. I immediately had to use battle rez again. The rest of the fight went smoothly. After it was all over, tank leaves immediately without saying the usual "Thanks". So, I said it, and waited around to see if the 2 DPS would. After a little pause, the "good" Sorc said "Thanks" also. But the other Sorc didn't say anything (he was the only person in the group who didn't say a word and he was guildless too. Maybe he wasn't English speaking? I don't know.)


After that, I get a quick SM Fractured Uprising to Pop. 3 DPS and me healing. Nothing out of the ordinary. Very quick.


Then I queue and get a Vet tactical FP....Legacy of the Rakata. Again, 3 DPS and me healing. Though, only one DPS was level 70. He was a Lethality Operative and according to his flair, was Tier 2 and geared appropriately. The other two DPS were like levels 55-60-something. One was a Lightning Sorc and the other was a Jugg. Well, the two lowbie DPS seemed to know what they were doing and never panicked once by not running to Kolto stations every few seconds, allowing me to do my job. But for some reason that level 70 Operative DPS (who was pretty good) kept running to Kolto stations to heal and I don't understand why. No one's health ever dropped below 90% and that was with me even throwing out some DPS of my own. Since we didn't have a tank, and the Operative DPS was the only level 70 DPS in group, he decided he wanted to "tank" most of the FP. He did let the Jugg DPS tank the Rancor, but after that boss, that Operative kept running way ahead of everyone aggroing all the mobs. When we were making our way to the 2nd boss after killing the mobs and destroying the 4 caches, he Rocket boosts and exfiltrates twice to get to the boss way ahead of everyone and pulls. I was pissed. When we made it to him, the Jugg tried to get aggro but couldn't. Even though I was keeping everyone above 90%, that operative DPS decided he wasn't healed enough and kept running to the Kolto stations every few seconds. When you got a Rank 300 Healer who is in full Tier 4 gear (246/248) doing a lousy tactical Vet mode FP, you don't need to use the kolto stations. For the life of me, I still don't understand why people panic when they got a geared healer who does HM/NiM progression. It's like a slap in the face when DPS and/or Tanks don't trust their healer, especially in Tacticals. Anyway, we finish the FP without problems. After the cutscene with Revan, I was about to say something in chat to the Operative DPS about his playstyle, but before I had a chance to type it, he abruptly leaves the group without saying a word. (He was the only person in group who wasn't guilded.) I said thanks to the other two and they did the same.


Finally the only thing left for me to do (besides another attempt at Op of the Day) was Vet Mode Uprising. I queue for Vet Mod Uprising and I get Landing Party. The other 3 people were in the same guild. The tank was a Powertech and both DPS were Sorcs. One was Madness and the other Lightning (been getting alot of Sorc DPS popping lately since the latest patch.) Anyway, The Uprising went smoothly until last boss. The one Sorc was in all 248 gear and the other one was in a mix of 242 and 236. The tank was the least geared. On the last boss, we didn't wipe but it sure didn't go smoothly and it took a very long time. This is what happened. The weakest Sorc died fairly quickly by not moving out of purple smoke AOE that the boss spawns while at the same time having the the purple circle on him that ticks damage. He went down quickly. Nothing I could do to save him. But, I decided not to use the battle rez on him in case the other DPS or the tank went down since I knew there was no enrage on that boss. Well less than 30 seconds later, the tank gets caught between two overlapping purple smoke AOEs while getting stunned. Instant death. I throw out a battle rez. As soon as I threw it out, purple AOE circle gets on me and starts ticking away. The tank didn't wait to see if it was safe to accept the rez right away and he rezzed right into where I was standing and died immediately. LOL. So, it's just me and the other Sorc DPS. So, that Sorc was tanking and DPSing at the same time, while I was healing and throwing out occasional DoTs on the boss. We both kept our distance avoiding any possible overlaps of AOE damage. 5 Minutes go by and the boss is down to about 30% and I am able to battle rez tank again (I did try to stealth rez also, but each time, it failed due to AOE damage going out on me in the middle of the channels.) This time the tank accepts the rez safely with no AOE around. But as soon as he rezzed and got him healed up, he immediately jet charges into the boss while there were 2 overlapping purple Smoke AOEs around the boss. Immediate death to the tank. So, it's just me and the other Sorc again with 30% to go on boss. I was too busy healing the rest of the way (and throwing out DoTs when I could) to pay attention to the progress of the Boss's health. After a few more minutes, the Sorc DPS got in a jam by getting cornered by the boss and two purple smoke AOEs closing in. Then the boss did his stun that also damages (slamming the Sorc up and down). The Sorc was out of DCDs too and his stun break was on CD. After a few slams into the ground and with the purple AOEs on him, his health went from 100% to 0 in just a couple seconds. So, it was just me left and I didn't have time to look at the boss's health. I immediately throw a DoT on the boss and a HoT on myself along with popping the shield probe and countermeasures with self-ticking heals. I then start to run. The first real DPS ability I did that wasn't a DoT was throwing a Fragmentation Grenade at him. As soon as I did, the boss died. LOL. So, basically that Vet Uprising final boss was taken down by one DPS and one Healer, because the other DPS and the tank were dead for about 90-95% of the entire fight.

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A line of sight pull, when one player (usually the tank) aggros a mob then runs around a corner where the rest of the team is waiting, forcing all the adds to run over in a group around that corner to attack. Some people think it's a waste of time, others think it's a good way to gather up all the adds for a quick aoe kill.


Ah, okay. I've seen this a lot of times, but never had a ame for that technique.


Yesterday we did it with the entrance area of the Red Reapers.


For the life of me, I still don't understand why people panic when they got a geared healer who does HM/NiM progression.


Did he know that ? Was he (or she) able to evaluate other people or their gear ?

The other possibility is that he had learned some very bad lessons, and at one point decided not to trust anyone anymore.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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So it's like midnight last night and I see a call for dps for a kp sm. Normally I don't like to do full runs that late, but it's only kp, shouldnt take too long, right?


I get into the group. It's basically a buncha randoms. I only know one of the healers and know she's good. The rest I've never seen before. The healer i know asks if they've done it before. Someone does say they havent, but are gonna look up a guide.


We go in and clear the trash to the first boss easily. One tank says to the other, so-and-so tank the boss. So we correct them about that issue. We clear trash and wait for it to come out. It comes out and without a ready check, tank jumps in. The fight is a lil rough but only 1 person dies. Not horrible.


We get to 2nd bosses. I start on sorno and was tasked to interrupt heals. We engage and when he is at about 85% I take a look at jarg and notice he barely has a dent in him. I switch to jarg to try to baLance out dps. I end up having to stay on jarg until the end, as the only dps on him it seemed like.


So we get down into the tunnels. One of the healers goes afk. Someone goes let's just clear trash, and proceeds to pull. We lose 2 people. The afk person I get cuz they were still getting hit evendors though they weren't there.


We reach the end of the tunnel and the healer I know sets down a stealth bubble and I sneak around through it. She tells everyone else to do the same but they take too long and we get aggro. A couple people go down again. Clearing the turrets is a lil messy but we get it done.


We get to the foreman, a tank marker is set. Someone talks tactics a min. Tbh I wasn't paying too much attention since I already knew the fights and was kinda sleepy. Add control wasn't good but down the boss, but the other healer has to leave. The healer I know pulls in a guildie to replace. She warns them it's a dps and that she is gonna solo heal. I whisper her and tell her I'm sleepy. We talk for a min while we're waiting for her guildie but suddenly were in combat again cuz tank goes in without a ready check again.


We get down to the fabricator and are talking about who's gonna be where and doing what, but suddenly the fire is set off and we're in combat. The healer decides not to heal to make a point. So we die. All hell breaks lose in chat. Insults flung about and arguing. The impatient and no check tank and his guildie quit group. I understood why she did it and I agreed with it so I didn't say anything. Lovely...but then the healer I know pulls in a couple more guildies. I know them, I know they're good so I'm not worried. Everyone gets there amd we properly set and the rest goes without incident.


Moral of the story...just do your ready checks in PUGs and make sure everyone knows what to do to make sure it goes well.

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Here are 4 lengthy, entertaining group finder stories:

I was pissed. When we made it to him, the Jugg tried to get aggro but couldn't. Even though I was keeping everyone above 90%, that operative DPS decided he wasn't healed enough and kept running to the Kolto stations every few seconds. When you got a Rank 300 Healer who is in full Tier 4 gear (246/248) doing a lousy tactical Vet mode FP, you don't need to use the kolto stations. For the life of me, I still don't understand why people panic when they got a geared healer who does HM/NiM progression. It's like a slap in the face when DPS and/or Tanks don't trust their healer, especially in Tacticals.

That happened to me yesterday, my first day with my new op healer. The reason I was given was: "Oh sorry, force of habbit, i always press when I happen to be near a kolto station, don't even check what everyone's health is" :D

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Eh, getting the speeder up is actually the one shortcut that is almost always worth it. Even an average group will take 10 minutes to get through all the trash, that one person who knows what they are doing can get through in 30 seconds. And even if the stealther in your gorup doesn't know, you can send a tank/healer through, or just teach the stealther, and then any future runs will go that much faster.


Saving 5 seconds on average (as it comes out to be when you account for people messing up and pulling the groups after Gharj) is probably not worth it, saving 9:30 absolutely is.


I do agree it's fine to do when people know what they're doing. It's a PUG thing, though, that gets to me. It's already taken 15-30 minutes for the PUG to form and get into the op, and then the PUG wastes time using tactics they saw a veteran do one time but haven't been able to duplicate themselves, but continue to insist that we wait around doing nothing than just going through properly.

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. When you got a Rank 300 Healer who is in full Tier 4 gear (246/248) doing a lousy tactical Vet mode FP, you don't need to use the kolto stations. For the life of me, I still don't understand why people panic when they got a geared healer who does HM/NiM progression.

You really should get over yourself. Times where gear on the player reflected his skill has long been gone.

You say you are in 246/248 gear? So am I, almost full 248 gear, and yet I never been in any progression group, NIM ops, and never set foot into half of HM. Random people in GF have no way to know how good you are and I seriously doubt many of them are checking your gear and achievements.

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the fact that they are not dying and are quickly topped off should be a hint the healer is at least as good as a high level companion though, no? ;)


It should. but some people just don't take the hint. More than once, when I've been on one of my healers and my team have just spammed the kolto stations and ignored all the healing they're getting from me, I have shouted in chat "Why do I bother to show up?"


Of course that's usually when they've been extra frustrating before boss fights too.

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It should. but some people just don't take the hint. More than once, when I've been on one of my healers and my team have just spammed the kolto stations and ignored all the healing they're getting from me, I have shouted in chat "Why do I bother to show up?"


Of course that's usually when they've been extra frustrating before boss fights too.


I've said this before but I think it's the OP healer comps. People wanted them and fought for them but unfortunately many players, especially new players, got used to having that 99-100% health when in fights while story leveling. When they join a tactical group w/ no healer they freak when their health drops below 95% and since they're not used to seeing that, they run to the kolto tank and neglect their dps to get that 5% health back. God forbid they take a big hit like 30%:eek: Then add them to a group w/ a healer and it's like a science experiment rat. Health drops; run to k tank. Ring the bell, rat food drops in. :D


As a healer I've tried like crazy during some tactical fights for the fun of it to see if I can keep everyone's health above 95%. Not so easy, but once in awhile it's doable. There's always one that just can't leave the k tanks alone. I'm pretty much used to it now and usually only do tacticals if I need them for Conquest.

Edited by Zerileth
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And then other times you're tanking a boss without a healer and getting low on health and the dps are just happily attacking and making no movement towards the koltos at all so you get the koltos yourself. :rolleyes:


Yup I have tank healed FP many times lol. Once I even got yelled at for moving the boss too much! Like ok click the blasted kolto and I won't have to, so the boss won't move. Such a basic concept you'd think. That's when I got told it wasn't their job to click kolto if they weren't dying. Ok then don't gripe about the boss moving when I go to save myself.

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Yup I have tank healed FP many times lol. Once I even got yelled at for moving the boss too much! Like ok click the blasted kolto and I won't have to, so the boss won't move. Such a basic concept you'd think. That's when I got told it wasn't their job to click kolto if they weren't dying. Ok then don't gripe about the boss moving when I go to save myself.


Wow. Talk about selfish.

If there's no healer I try to get a ranged DPS to park themselves on one of the kolto stations to click it if we're in trouble. Doesn't always work, but I try.

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It should. but some people just don't take the hint. More than once, when I've been on one of my healers and my team have just spammed the kolto stations and ignored all the healing they're getting from me, I have shouted in chat "Why do I bother to show up?"


Of course that's usually when they've been extra frustrating before boss fights too.


You know the solution to this "problem" you have is to immediately run to each of the kolto stations and activate them right? Just keep doing it all fight! :p

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