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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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"Tactics? You're so n00b! What you need to do is shoot faster. But the enemies shouldn't take us down. Ever. Period."

"..." The knowledgeable guy dies by facepalming continously in the mean time. :(


We've already --for quite a while now, actually-- been seeing bads whining on the forums for exactly this.


It's only going to get worse.


The evolution of the KDY paradigm is the stupidest thing this utterly clueless dev-team could ever have done to the MMO component of this game.


I hope 4.0 is much, much closer to being completely solo-focussed, as I'm about ready to stop queuing at all anymore, and I love small-group instances and world-missions.


This game not only coddles bads, it all but explicitly rewards them, and allows no way for players to combat the toxic, worthless community that has resulted.


Why am I --seemingly, at least-- the only one who sees anything wrong with this picture?

Edited by midianlord
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Actually it's 30% if you're at more than 4m of the enemy when you taunt, 10% if you're under 4m.


To set the record straight:

Tanks' attacks generate 100% more threat (it used to be 50%, but this was changed in 1.3.0). Tanks also have certain attacks (e.g. Ion Cell, Hilt Bash, Slow Time) that have an additional threat multiplier. When taunt abilities are used, the tank's threat with the taunted enemy is set to the current highest threat on that enemy plus an additional 10% (if the taunt is used within 10m) or 30% (if the taunt is used outside of 10m). This last allows for threat boosting through taunts.


Did he mean: you kill the sith to avoid the balls or kill the sith to end them? Cause either way, sith should be dead first.


You too have confused the last boss of Legacy of the Rakata with the second boss of Battle of Rishi.

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Me on my Sin Tank, low level Hammer Station, group was comprised of a Jug DPS, a Sin DPS and a Merc Healer.

Sin DPS: "Sin Tanks are ****. Jug DPS respec please."

Jug DPS: "Okay."


He actually did it...


Sin DPS: "Sin Tank please respec to DPS, Sins suck as a Tank!"


Naturally I refused to. Which I kept reminding him, the healer however choose my side saying Sin Tanks are fine.


Sin DPS: "Respec to DPS, Sin Tank, or I leave."


Fine ... Votekick Sin DPS. Merc Healer seconded it, we had a laugh.

Jug DPS: "Cause you have obviously no idea what the hell you are doing and Sin Tanks suck, I quit this horrible group."


Jug Tank was off as well. I queued the group, told two guildies to queue as well. One guildie and a pug entered from GF, we cleared the rest in a rush through, without wipes.

Edited by SebastiaanZ
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Yup. DPS who think they can tank just because they are playing a guardian, who cares what spec!


Yeah I ran into a Vigilance DPS Guardian who liked to pull before the tank a couple weeks back - Tython HMFP.


I was tanking, one friend was DPS and another healing. All starts off well and we were having no issues with the fights. I like to keep moving so I don't wait before engaging unless someone is still running to the group.


Anyway after a while the Guardian DPS decides he needs to start to move from fights slightly before everything is dead and leaps into the next fight - he was doing it obviously as he was using his cool downs. After a few pulls like this I have enough - I should of asked him to politely stop, but I did not.

We get to just before the last boss where we need to click the panel and I say to my mates in TS "I'm vote kicking this guy" - they were surprised (I've never vote kicked anyone before) and they asked should they vote him out to which I replied "it's up to you mates". The vote kick goes through... Guardian DPS starts typing foul language in the /say and I whack him on ignore.


He ends up whispering the healer saying he's going to report me and I'll be banned etc... I'm not fused as I haven't done anything wrong and if he did report me, I wasn't the one using bad language ;)


We soon get a replacement and finish the last boss without any issue. I slightly feel bad for vote kicking the Guardian DPS as I should of asked him to stop first, however as I also main a Vigi Guardian I see no excuse for any DPS to be pulling before there tank...

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An old story that I remembered after talking with a friend:

I hadn't been on my Powertech tank(Red Eclipse) in a while, because I had been questing on my Juggernaut tank with said friend. Earlier that day, my friend, a mutual friend, a few random folks and I cleared Dread Palace on said Juggernaut tank. So since it was my first time, anyone could inspect my achievements and see that I defeated all five bosses in the operation.

Afterwards both friends had to log off for the day, so I decided to finish the Bounty Hunter story. Chapter Three completed, I get him pretty much the whole Supercommando set(I ended up short a few comms to buy the gloves IIRC). I queue him, False Emperor pops(can't remember if story or hard). Me tanking of course, Assassin and Sniper DPS, and Operative healer. We go in, I tell them right off the bat that I may be a little rusty due to not playing this character for a while. No reply, which I figure is either good or bad.

The Assassin is always pulling before me. After a near disaster with the Trandoshan boss, I politely asked him to let me pull first.

Assassin: "You're a bad tank!"

Me: "Sorry. I did however warn you I might be a bit rusty because I haven't played in a while."

Assassin: "I checked your achievements, you haven't been playing at all!"

Me: "That's not true." (In addition to Dread Palace, he should have seen some Oricon and Makeb achievements. Not only that, but I also completed the Bounty Hunter story AND maxed out Mako's affection no more than thirty minutes before FE popped for me!) "If you really had looked at my achievements, you would have seen I have, indeed, been playing."

The rest of it went pretty well. Unfortunately he took off right after we killed the last boss so I couldn't block him.

Yes, my tanking should have been better, but being told that I haven't been playing when I just cleared an operation(which was my first ever completed operation, on a tank nonetheless)...kinda irritating.


Begeren Colony, Deception Assassin: Foundry. Her and another Deception Assassin for damage, Jugg tank, Sorc healer. First boss is easy, then we get to the second one. "Tank" can't keep aggro, Sorc gets eaten by the extermination units and we die. Then I notice Jugg is in Shii-Cho form. I ask him if he's really a tank. No response. Now when I inspect him, it doesn't show a shield( but I have had a bug, I guess, where the game doesn't display the offhand, because when my Jugg tank first did Hammer Station, the healer asked why I didn't have a shield on my girl[she did, it was the one granted to you once you choose your advanced class and spec]). So I can't tell if he's got a shield or Focus, if anything. Either way, the other Sin and I ended up handling the aggro ourselves. We go for the bonus boss, "tank" doesn't even bother taunting it. So the Sorc gets eaten AGAIN, and we wipe. The other Sin handled taunting, we killed it, and the "tank" is easily kicked thereafter. Sorc requeues us, and asks us what our roles are.

Me: "I'm DPS."

Other Sin(who's clearly Deception because she's done Voltaic Slash, has the visual buffs, etc.): "I'm DPS too but I can tank."

So we get a replacement in ANOTHER Assassin, and the other Sin is "tanking". The new Sin is asked what his spec is. He says he's a tank, but as we finish the FP, the debuffs he puts on the enemies seem to be from Death Field, an ability belonging to the Hatred spec. We did survive it but...

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In /party just now in a [TACTICAL] Assault on Tython:


"Please spacebar, guild is waiting!"






...Yeah? So?


Do you seriously think I know who your ****** guild of bads even is, let alone that I could give a **** that they're "waiting?"


Get over yourselves, PuG-tanks!



Okay, I at least he said please. Then he gave a reason. But for me at least, he said please. That's what's important I think. If that please hadn't been there? Nope, I'd be MILKING each decision. Just to delay him.


Yeah, I'm that guy... if you demand I spacebar, I'll go into full jerk mode. You ask politely, and I'll spacebar.

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Last night, Infiltration Shadow, actually had a successful run of Czerka Corporate Labs, but:

A Serenity Shadow was "tanking" along with a Kinetic Combat Shadow.

We had a Commando "healer" who, from the buffs I saw on her, was actually Gunnery...and equipped with a blaster rifle. Correct me if I'm wrong, don't some Commando abilities require you to be equipped with an assault cannon? Anyway she didn't really heal anyway, except herself.

So it was just odd.

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Yup. DPS who think they can tank just because they are playing a guardian, who cares what spec!. Healers who have never seen the kind of damage non-tactical enemies can put out. DPS suicide charging everything.


Around 90% of my ignore list on my tanks and healers is DPS guardians and juggs. Not because I know the specific individual is bad, but because I've run into too many tardians to even consider tanking for them again. I queue, it pops with one of them in the window and I'll drop queue just to block them.

Edited by CrazyGreggy
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We had a Commando "healer" who, from the buffs I saw on her, was actually Gunnery...and equipped with a blaster rifle. Correct me if I'm wrong, don't some Commando abilities require you to be equipped with an assault cannon?


You're not wrong, hail of bolts/sweeping blasters, not worth having on the quickbar, it is worse than Vista, or better yet, Windows 3.1, and charged bolts/power shot, not worth using as gunnery/arsenal since they're replaced by gravity round/tracer missile (same energy, higher damage plus debuffs, and are lynchpins of those discipline).


Both those abilities require a cannon, but without them, you can use a rifle, and I know one of my commandos does just fine that way, solo, for IC reasons.


Whether I'd put said commando and my two rifle-wielding snipers (also rifle-equipped for IC reasons) through the GF though, probably not; as the aggravation probably wouldn't be worth it.


One might get away with it, as they are Virulence (mostly internal dmg going on, no armour mitigation for enemies), the other may not as they are marksmanship (mostly weapon damage, so plenty of armour mitigation for enemies).


The aggravation, as well as group accountability, goes against deliberately doing so as my dps would be minimised, a fact I'm aware of, even if it's a small decrease, it would hardly be of service to the group interest.


Around 90% of my ignore list on my tanks and healers is DPS guardians and juggs. Not because I know the specific individual is bad, but because I've run into too many tardians to even consider tanking for them again. I queue, it pops with one of them in the window and I'll drop queue just to block them.


You haven't met mine, they'll happily leave the pull up to the tank, if there is one, in fact, they'd happily leave the pull up to literally anyone else in the group, as do all the rest of my characters I put through GF.


I've met some of those types you despise, but I've not had a whole lot of trouble with them as an healer, and I wouldn't tank groups if BW:A or anyone else paid me to.


I remember one KDY run before 3.0, my madness sorc ticked off a veng jugg in the chat for using soresu instead of shien, he said he needed the armour increase, and that was so much better than the speed and damage increase. They were just one of many players who assign stances to their characters higgledy-piggledy, like they're too good to follow the advice of experienced players, or just plain common sense, so many have not bothered to read the tooltips which can stipulate that an affect will only work if the stance associated with that spec is active. I can't help but wonder if it is merely stupidity and pride, or a certain perverse pleasure they derive from derailing the group effort that way. They know exactly what they should do, but doing that might make things work, so they don't want that, because chaos created at their behest won't reign and their fun would be spoiled as a result. I say this because I find it hard to believe there are so many who wouldn't read the tool tips...


I've seen lvl 41+ vig/veng guar/juggs with shii-cho still on, as well as other dps with utterly the wrong form/cell/charge/technique on, tanks with the wrong stance, or no stance at all, or don't even tank, commando/merc healers with the wrong stance on, and healers of all the healing classes who simply don't heal anyone but themselves, or sometimes don't even bother to heal themselves as well as anyone else, combat/carnage sent/maras who thought it was okay to keep using slash/vicious slash after level 26 instead of blade rush/massacre like they should, assassins/shadows with a single-bladed saber, mercs and gunsels with only one pistol equipped, mara/sents with only one saber equipped, not to mention people who've replied "dps" to my asking what discipline if they were one of two or three dps disciplines, not role or spec, they are.


I think that last lot knew exactly what I was asking, but hoped I would give up trying to find out, so they could continue to get away with not pulling their weight.


Of people I group up with, I have only two requests; that you switch your bloody brain on, and try not to get any of us defeated.


I don't know at what level we get all our stances these days, but I would put it to the devs to make the discipline passives form/dependent, depending on the level at which each discipline is able to use that form.


That means, for instance, jugg/guar immortal/defence passives become soresu-dependent from level 12 on. Basically, if you don't have the right form on, you will benefit from next to nothing beyond the level you get the appropriate stance. And you know what the sad thing is? I have no confidence that if BW:A did so, bad players would lift their game, instead, they'd create more quasi-******ic chaos, and revel in it.


Consequently, if (a bigger if than the size of our universe, by the by) I ever contemplate availing myself of the GF again (I have not done so since May 4th/5th this year, why bash your head against a wall at the behest of the groups from hell when you can 12x XP solo?), I will trawl planets at or about my level, as well as the fleet, for those interested in queuing as a group, and vet them thoroughly to weed out the stupid and subversive.


Yes, you can queue a full existing group for GF content, some of the best KDY runs I've ever had were comprised of the same four characters power-leveling through full-group-queuing.


Probably the best we could hope for, is a GF mechanic to scan people's disciplines, forms (if applicable), and roles queued for, so that you would be prevented from pressing queue if you didn't have what you ought to. And, you wouldn't be able to change discipline mid-instance, if you changed form mid-instance, you'd be ejected from the instance, and only able to shuttle back when the problem was fixed, again dependent on when you get a particular form, some are as late as level 20, I think.


Of actual GF experiences I've ever had, the ones that end up going pair-shaped are the ones I tend to remember more often, thanks to the unashamed misanthropy of the player(s) responsible.


And that instance I mentioned with the soresu-active vengeance jugg, ranks among the memorable, as well as one where an operative healer queued as dps, and insisted on only healing when necessary.


But the most memorable GF upheaval featured a sentinel (I think he was combat, he may've said so) who countered my request that he activate ataru with repeated demands in the chat that I duel him, as if that was relevant to them actually playing properly in a group. I just gave up eventually, and left, put them on ignore. To be fair, I don't care how you play when solo, but you don't get to get away with buggering things up for the group, and if you do so, getting kicked/ignored is a reward, compared with what should happen to you.


Thus written, the words of a GF survivor.



Edited by sentientomega
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ToS in gf, you know what that means, DPS CHECK AT UNDERLURKER!!!


I joined a group mostly of the same guild so I didn't expect there to be an issue, but yeah we get to underlurker and hit enrage 3 times in a row (I'm okay with it, maybe people are learning the fight or whatever), no big deal except I guess guilders decided to stick up for each other by blaming the healers. The other healer and I handled it very mature, we politely explained that under most circumstances hitting enrage on any boss is due to dps lacking but that both of us would be fine with trying again (maybe rotations were messed up and they fell behind?). Nah, they decided that they needed new healers so the other healer got kicked and I decided to leave. No problem, I don't need the gear or comms. I got back to fleet and one of the group members is spamming chat for two healers and apparently felt the need to defend the remaining group from the heckles of "lol stuck at underlurker" by claiming it was due to the healers sucking. Again, it's fine if people have to blame others for their own inadequacies, arguing in chat isn't going to solve anything and what good is defending myself to randoms. Lol


About 10 minutes later the same guy is back on fleet asking for healers at underlurker, except this time the 2nd group of healers were not so restrained dealing with the group blaming them when the group hits enrage. One person in gen chat offers the services of them self and a guildie (both who have cleared hm ToS) so long as everyone in the raid gets into a parsing program. At first the raid leader wasn't willing to comply but eventually due to insults and jokes at his expense he agreed.


Less than 15-20 minutes later one of the two new healers comes back to fleet with the results of the raid and the parsing numbers (given the time nobody expected any surprises). He said that not only were the dps lacking, but tanks lost aggro once or twice to the healers having to go all out due to people not caring or knowing the mechanics, and they hit enrage. They offered to explain the fight, to answer any questions about dps or ranking rotations, etc. they said that not only were they lacking at their classes but were incredibly rude when informed that under 2k dps from certain people isn't good enough, and that really no healers can heal through enrage for long. Of course sht talkers never are willing to stop or admit their own faults so a couple of the group comes back to fleet to curse out and insult the two people who tried to help them.


They kept asking for healers, idk if they ever got more or cleared it since I went to do something else later, but I did add one of them to my ignore list and will do the same with their guildies when I see them.

Edited by Jake_Chambers
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We've already --for quite a while now, actually-- been seeing bads whining on the forums for exactly this.


It's only going to get worse.


The evolution of the KDY paradigm is the stupidest thing this utterly clueless dev-team could ever have done to the MMO component of this game.


I hope 4.0 is much, much closer to being completely solo-focussed, as I'm about ready to stop queuing at all anymore, and I love small-group instances and world-missions.


This game not only coddles bads, it all but explicitly rewards them, and allows no way for players to combat the toxic, worthless community that has resulted.


Why am I --seemingly, at least-- the only one who sees anything wrong with this picture?


You're not the only one, biowares hand holding of the majority has ruined this game. It's gotten to the point that hm fps have to be guild runs (pug dps simply can't be trusted), underlurker causes the blame game, giving out 192 gear for companions like candy, people believing they're good (and tbh I don't consider myself to be elite or anything so) due to clearing old content while drastically overgeared, etc.


Imo 4.0 is going to be a rude awakening for a lot of people, with the old ops now being buffed I think you'll see EC go mainly the same route as current ToS (tanks will be just as unforgiving), not to mention the mechanics of the other ops.

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Thus written, the words of a GF survivor.




Yeah, I fully understand and second your rant myself, as what I've seen ever since 12Exp became a thing is beyond any sort of understanding... Even though it started long before. :(

Long post below, apologies in advance. :p


I feel that the problem is the game difficulty in itself, though, not group content, solo content or even ppl's attitude.

Not even 12Exp by itself is the real culprit here. The fact is, back in 1.x, you were forced to learn to play, or you wouldn't proceed with the game at all. Now, you can go through with crazy amounts of stupidness, like not using an offhand, not using the correct stance, not upgrading your gear or all of those at once. I know, I saw that happen. Countless times. :eek:


To make things clear, I starded the day F2P went live. As F2P, of course. My first character was a Jedi Knight - I know, I'm very unique :p - who later became a Guardian and picked the Defence Tree - at the time, you'd call it Discipline today. :cool:

Premise: I had never played an MMORPG before this one, so I had no idea what Tank and DPS meant. My understanding was that my objective was to outlast my opponents, judging from my tooltips. That was all I knew about how to play. :p


However, right after creating my character, I figured my attacks would either create resources but be weak, or require resources and hit strong(er than the basic one). So, it was easy to understand I'd have been dancing between weak attacks that create resources and others who hit strong(er) and consume them. Pretty basic, I think. :rolleyes:

Today, ppl just spam the basic attack because they can go on like that. When I tryed doing that, a couple of times back then, I died. It took that much to learn how to balance attacks between resource creation and use.


Back then, I earned some nice green labelled gear while completing my missions, which looked different than my starting equipment. I decided to wait until I got enough to fully replace my clothes before swapping stuff, to at least look coherently equipped, as I dislike having random pieces all together with completely different appearance that clash with each other.

At a point, I got a piece of the second green set you get, but I was still lacking a piece of the first one, so I didn't equip anything new. Well, guess what? I died a few times there. So I learned that stats count more than looks.

Today, you can see ppl wearing empty shells, gear more than 20 lvls lower, or even miss some pieces of gear, like offhand, bracers or belt, and still go on. Dying a few times is what I needed to learn to keep an eye on my gear.


At that time, when I finally got my first modifiable Lightsaber, I was excited to see I would have been able to keep it with me just by swapping a few of its components. I felt even better when I got my first modifiable chestpiece on Coruscant, even though it was empty, unlike the Lightsaber.

Today, you can see ppl at 40+ with the starting weapon, but not modified at all. Still requiring lvl 9, to make things clear. Back then, I waited till Coruscant was done to change anything of my Lightsaber, and I died a couple of times on the final planetary story battle before I did that. That's what it took, to learn that modifiable gear is great as long as it's upgraded regularly.


Back then, when I finally decided to run some group content, I joined a group ready for Athiss. There was still no Group Finder at the time, so I had my teammates explain me I was the Tank, what does a Tank do and how Threat works. I started using Guard at that point. When we ran the FP, we died a couple of times, because of my mistakes. But we pulled through, because the team itself was able to figure things out. Today, if ppl can't rush through an enemy they just say "Screw this, you're all n00bs". GF will still find them a group, regardless of how many ignore lists they are into. And they will also be able to ditch the queue by queuing as Tank or Healer without the proper mix of Discipline/skills/gear. GF doesn't check, ppl does. Back then, if you were geared wrong or in the wrong stance or Tree you wouldn't even get into the instance.

That run through a FP was what I needed to learn team mechanics, or rather what each role is supposed to do. Priorities, Interrupts, the difference between CC and Stun, the fact bosses are immune to CC, stun and pushback... Everything related to Group Content I learned because competent ppl took me through and explained to me.


I got to 50 as F2P. So, no purples for me. I subscribed once I realized Tionese was out of my reach, to get the best gear I could get at the time. Then, a whole new world opened to me. Operations, and Endgame PvP. After gearing myself up, my Guild decided to give me a chance. We were still young at the time, and had no Ops groups nor PvP teams within. We PuGged all the time, if we wanted ot try those. However, once I was deemed ready I was taken through a few HM FPs with my Tionese gear, and my performance was deemed worth of a good Ops Tank. PvP was still out of my reach, I was a tad slow, but the fact I learned how to play was something that made me worth the effort of trying.

My first Op was SM EV, back at 50. The whole team was geared in Tionese, the starting lvl 50 gear, without Augments nor Adrenals. No overgearing whatsoever. Back then, to overgear you had to go through content in the first place. :cool:

Since I knew how to play, aswell as my teammates, what we went against was mostly mechanics and gear check. I can't express with words the satisfaction, when we finally defeated Soa, after a couple of hours of intense work. :oToday, if you even get to enter an Op while PuGging - which was the standard before my old Guild organized the Guild Team, as I mentioned above - ppl will either be great at it, so much they could work with a team of less ppl than needed either because of mastery of the character or overgearing, or so clueless it's not possible to go through even with some of those great ones. Now, you don't need to know what to do. Others can most of the times compensate. :(


I apologize for the wall of text, but this is what I feel. :o

As for my story, today I decided to go through Ilum on my Balance Sage as a change, after going through Makeb on my Gunslinger. And I saw the same three ppl I mentioned in my last post ask for help beating a story mission that one of them should have soloed without trouble. They were a group of three, and they were unable to beat a solo mission. Because the game didn't make them learn how to play it. :(


TL;DR: Little venting, but also personal thinking of why this game is leaning towards Tacticals, 12Exp and bad attitude of clueless ppl so much. The solution to the problem? Make hte game teach its players, the hard way if necessary. :cool:

Also, little depressing story in the second to last paragraph. :D

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SM ToS via GF with a pug.

^indicates a bit of whats coming.


my first run of the ops btw, im a merc healer so i should be fine for most of the things.

We have no problem at the first boss and pass it easily, second boss is where the fun starts.


a dps sorc gets assigned for the tactic with the rolling bomb i believe, not 100% sure.

he doesnt listen however and a wipe follows as he runs a enormous white circle INTO the majority of the group!? :eek:


second try we pass it easily enough, underlurker next.

i always didnt believe storys about underlurker and being tough or impossible for pugs.

4 attempts in total, all wipes cause of people *********** up the cross, either not in the cross in time or too many people at one side.

then we check that dps sorc from earlier... 5 of his gear pieces are tank pieces... :rak_02:

this is lvl 60, you're wearing 1 piece of elite gear and its tank!?

group disbands, another pug lost to underlurker.

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HM Legacy of the Rakata, healing as usual on my Commando as usual. Shien Guardian, Telekinetics Sage, Shadow tank. How'd that go? Tank was bad, Guardian's gear was a little iffy but still decent, Sage was in a hurry.


I've said many times that I can understand a Guardian tank tunnelvisioning a little due to their comparatively weak AoE potential, but a Shadow tank has no excuse. Well, this Shadow tank tunneled like a champ. When I wasn't spamhealing the Guardian, I was spamhealing myself.

Actually, this Shadow was just bad in general. Opened with taunts, used Force Lift instead of Mind Maze (even after I pointed out which CC to use) and then complained that her (female toon, hence "her") CC kept getting broken, hardcast Mind Crush while getting wailed on, didn't guard anyone, took big wacky damage spikes, never used stealth, pulled ahead of the healer...


After the tank nearly got us killed by Leeroying one of the groups near the weapons caches (the DPS and I were about 50m away but the tank just rushed in and was down to 40% by the time I got there), I told the tank to slow down and let me give some advice on Shadow tanking. Unfortunately, the tank got really defensive and insisted that she was doing her best, and the Sage was in a big hurry and didn't want to wait for me to explain anything. So we carried on. We'd agreed to give the bonus boss one try and skip it if we wiped, so we gathered up in front of his little house and got ready. And then this happened:


Guardian: tacts?

Me: Okay, tactics:

[shadow runs in]



We ended up killing it, though everyone died and ran back in at least once. I managed to survive until I got caught in scenery and couldn't get out of the shield in time. The Sage acted like it was no big deal because we can just run in and continue no matter how many times we die. I angrily announced that the KDY Academy of Window-Licking isn't my alma mater.


We downed everything else without trouble, except for one bit at the end where I was the weird one. On the second-to-last group before the final boss, the tank didn't bother to gather half the mobs, and so the Guardian got a lot of aggro as usual. Meanwhile, I was so shocked and distracted at seeing a small cockroach brazenly walk over my other computer that I didn't heal the Guardian in time.



P.S.: I vacuumed up the cockroach later that night. SHOW NO MERCY!

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Strangely enough, tonight I had not one, but two FP pops on my Healer Sorc, in the 20s. And both were decent enough for after Tacticals became a thing! :eek:


First one, Hammer Station. Team was me, a Jugg Tank - really a Tank, mind you :cool: - Hatred Assassin who ninjaed everything till we kicked him because he wouldn't acknowledge our exhistence, and a Sniper. MM, I think, but I'm not 100% sure. :o

Anyway, we start off with the Tank waiting for me to be ready in position every pull, but as soon as he tries to gather the enemies, the Assassin Overloads them away. Which breaks the Tank's threat generation, and since nobody is attacking those guys anymore, at times I get aggro. Good thing I'm not a paper Healer, I guess... Having had some really awful teams even in HM FPs and Ops, I learned pretty well how to kite, CC, Stun or facetank things as a DPS or Healer. ;)

I open all shortcuts, and luckily ppl follow me, so we make it fast. I heal through the first boss np, even though for some reason the Assassin likes to aggro the exploding probes every time they spawn. We then proceed to go on, but the Assassin ninjas a Strength Lightsaber, which while the Tank didn't need because he had a better one already, it wasn't appropriate behaviour. So the three of us took a moment to explain why it's wrong to ninja, to which the Assassin responded by chainpulling the whole room with the elevator that you can skip through. I still kept everyone up regardless, but not without extensive use of CC, stun and Overload to push enemies down the ledge to buy time. :cool:

We then kick the Assassin and 3 man it - we all forgot to summon a Comp, so we were 3 till the end. :p

It's fast and smooth since then. I have even less aggro issues without the Assassin than with him, surprisingly, so much that I ask the Tank to guard our friendly Sniper. A request to which he complies. :eek:

We finish nicely the FP while I manage adds on the last boss, say our farewells and separate. Back to Balmorra to level, at 24. :D


About half an hour later, another FP pops. Athiss. Team this once is an Assassin Tank and two Snipers. Tank says he's learning how to Tank, and I make it clear I'm a bit rusty as a Sorc Healer, but that I know hte class in general. We take off with the Tank pulling after both Sniper position, and me putting my Static Barrier and HoT on him. Aggro is on him only, which is great. He's not even guarding anyone at this point, but as we get to the first boss I notice one of hte Snipers rips aggro a couple of times. So, I ask him to put Guard on her - female character both Snipers, with male Tank and Healer :p - and he does. Aggro is stable on him, and his use of DCDs is so good I even throw some DPS around without risking wipes. :cool:

We go on again, and down hte large beast. Then we get to the point where the Champion Sith lurk. Here, the Tank mistakenly pulls two at a time in the second room, a melee and a ranged one, and I decide to yolo it for the lolz, as I'm sure we can do it. ;)

I keep the Tank alive and ask the Snipers to focus on the target the Tank is attacking. The melee. In the mean time, I CC the ranged one and keep DoTs on the meleeing one. We finish them both np, with me having so much of an aggro cushion on the ranged one I tanked it till it died, because the Tank had his Taunt on CD, and the CC wore out before hte melee was dead, so I DPSed the ranged one a bit. :D

Anyway, the final boss goes nicely too, I cleanse the DoT all the time, which apparently is surprising, considering nobody expected me to... Still, I really wish this wasn't such a rare occurrance. :o

Good team, with ppl comprehensive and honest regarding their skills. During the run, I gave the Assassin Tank a few pointers, like the fact Overload is bad for threat generation and makes his job harder, or that Crushing Darkness is too costly and weak to be worth it. Hints that he took to heart, improving visibly throughout the FP itself. :)


All in all, healing is not my favoured role, but with competent ppl I can still do it. Good to know! :D

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This happened a long time ago but the level of facetankiness is just too noteworthy. I'm on my sage. I que as heals and get a pop for cademimu. We have a shadow tank, sage dps and i can't remember the last dps. The sage was playing telekinetics which I didn't see much then. The shadow would have been better at getting aggro if he were literally bashing his head into his keyboard with both hands. The sage was the GOD of aggro that flashpoint. One quick forcequake and bam instant aggro on all of the mob. They sage was fortunately well geared(had 8k health), and was much tankier than the shadow. The sage tanked all of the fights. PRETTY MUCH EVERY SINGLE MOB! The sage even remarked right before the Ortol fight, "Damnit Jim I'm a sage, not a tank. " On the last boss I write in chat something like, "Go to the corners of the room without smoke and fire". Guess who stands in the first fire and dies? The shadow just stood there and didn't move. /FACEPALM The sage tanked the last fight and never dropped below 80% health. So the moral of the story is, when your raid group tells you that you should not be the tank as a sage, tell them they are WRONG. VERY WRONG.
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The sage even remarked right before the Ortol fight, "Damnit Jim I'm a sage, not a tank. "


This reminds me of the last Ravagers I did with a pug. I ended up tanking Master on my sorcerer. I got aggro on him and couldn't drop it enough so I kited him around and around. I kept thinking the tank would pick him up when his taunt was off cooldown, but he never did. When I asked about it I was told "If you're stupid enough to taunt him, you can tank him".

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Rakata Prime. I was on my guardian tank. Guildies sage heals and sage dps que with me. We got a slinger pug. First thing the slinger pug says when we enter the FP is, "afk". I think, "Whatever. We can clear trash while we wait." We ended up clearing ALL the trash up to the Rancor boss. That's a lot of trash, mind you.


When we got to the Rancor boss, we waited for the slinger to come back. Eventually he did, and we started the fight. Pretty much all groups I ran with kill the Rakata guy first, and then kill the Rancor. The gunslinger sat there and shot the Rancor, ignoring the Rakata. That wasn't the biggest issue though. The slinger also sat in the fire and didn't move. Healer said, "Get out of the fire." Slinger didn't move. Healer pulls the slinger out of the fire. Slinger runs back to the fire and sits back down in it. Seriously. What? We end up clearing the boss fight regardless.


We start clearing the next groups of trash mobs, and notice that the gunslinger really doesn't do anything. And by not doing anything, I mean he follows the party around but never engages in combat. We get to the part where you have to destroy the weapon cashes. I start watching the slinger closely. I pull a group. He walks up towards me and just stands there. Doesn't even bother clicking the crate to destroy it.


Our healer had enough of this guy. I didn't really feel like carrying someone who wasn't going to even try to fight, so we voted to kick him. The slinger saw this, and the first words he uttered after saying "afk" at the start were, "What? Why?" So I told him, "You're just standing there. You're not attacking anything." His reply before he got removed? "You guys kill stuff too fast!" It took us about 30 seconds to kill each group. Plenty of time to get in cover and fire off a couple attacks.


We ended up getting a guardian dps to replace the slinger (someone who actually killed stuff), and finished the FP without anymore incidents.

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Now that kind of thing is lots of fun in guild runs (just like using the Dread Fortress Splodey droids to see who can kill the most raid members in one go - both are traditions in my guild), but if you do it in PUGs, you can't really complain if you get kicked.


Among friends it's just a bit of a laugh. But folks have low tolerance for that kind of behaviour from random strangers.

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HM Rakata Prime


I'm healing. One of the dps asks about the bonus, says he doesn't want to do it. Two dps and myself agree not to do the bonus.


The tank... Well he keeps running away from the rest of us to kill unnecessary mobs, even wildlife mobs that don't count for the bonus. Keeps breaking my cc. Stands around waiting for his cooldowns before every trash mob. Doesn't bother keeping aggro on anything except his single target. We ask what he's doing and he launches into lengthy discussions about our mothers and our sexuality.


Last group of ambush trash before the first boss, he doesn't get aggro on everything so I've got a gold and two silvers eating my face. Stop healing him to save myself, because screw that guy. After everything is dead, I use my recuperate ability, but he just stands there, waiting for me to heal him. I don't. So I get kicked for "not being a team player".


HM Battle of RIshi


Healing again. Always healing. Join a group in progress on the last boss. They explain their previous healer was very, very bad. I always doubt this "healer problem" narrative, but bad healers do exist, so okay.


We wait five minutes because the marauder had gone back to Fleet for augments. Fine, whatever. He gets back, fully augmented... and no color crystals. I ask why, and he says that he likes the color of his glowbats the way they are. Christ on a cracker.


So we pull, and quickly wipe, because nobody moves out of the aoe.


Second pull, we wipe because the tank ignores the adds and they murder the dps.


Third pull, we wipe because, again, people love standing in stupid. At this point they discuss how this boss is clearly bugged because otherwise they should be able to kill it. I explain about needing to move out of the things that kill you, and leave the group.


Everything is just going to get worse in 4.0.

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I can't stand this 12xp crap.


I was leveling my lowbie PT and q'd for a tactical for some basic comms.


1 lv 40 Jugg "Tank," 1 lv 46 Agent Heals, 1 lv 36 Mara DPS, and me; LV 49 PT Tank.


I briefly glanced at the Juggs Gear, saw blue and green, so I asked it they would switch to Shii-Cho.


"lol wut."


Fine, I think, we'll play aggro tapdancing, whatever, it's easy.... it's a tactical.


First few pulls, healer starts ************. "LOL Why are you taking so much damage."


"Because I'm the tank?"


"Stop pissing the droids off so much."


Uh, okay. *Switch to High energy gas cylinder*


Whatever I'll DPS it. "Tank" Literally pulls entire Assembly room, including the Champ loader droid; everyone except me wipes, drop my two CDs and somehow make it through, even without my shield generator.


"Hey Jugg, why did you pull all of them at once?"


Healer interjects "LOL *** We didnt ALL die, don't be such a dick."




Execute assembly, prepare for Elite droids that everyone should know are coming by the level they're at.


Tank Aggros all 6 and promptly wipes. No surprise there, but wipe was so fast I decide to look at his gear more in-depth.


Holy. ***********. ****. :eek::eek::eek:






THIS is our Level 40 "Jugg" tank. With aim gear. With willpower gear.


Healer might have been troilling, just trying to piss people off on purpose.


I haven't done any lowbie content in a while, so I was unprepared for this.


Can't wait for all these ree ree's to hit 60 and start queuing for HMs and PUGing OPs, huh guys?

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I can't stand this 12xp crap.




More than 12Exp, you should love how the game now allows you to go through with that gear... Back some time ago, you wouldn't even go on with gear that bad. Then lvl 60 became a thing... :p


Not that when 55 arrived things were much different, but still better than how things are now. :rolleyes:

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Referring to badly geared tank...

That is the most facepalmy thing ever. Yeah I know I wasn't smart about gearing at first but I got smart about it really quick.

Random: one time one of my toons was on Imperial Belsavis, I saw a hunter with a Willpower hat and a Strength chest. He might have had cunning gear too.


I decided to log into the all Togruta legacy I started on the Progenitor and queued my Juggernaut tank for story mode Black Talon. Me, two Assassins and an Operative. One of the Assassins in the group asked the Operative if he can invite her to his guild.

Operative: "No"(just no, not "I can't" or any reason)

Assassin: "[expletive referring to a male body part]"

Me: "He may not be able to invite you..."

She tries to kick him, earning a sarcastic remark from him. Kick fails, but the FP went well overall.

Edited by josephinec
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