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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Honestly? The only reason I use group finder is because I want the XP and the special loot from flashpoints. I do have a couple of internet friends who play SWTOR, but I've only seen two of them online once. There's one whom I could level up my merc with, if her Assassin is at the level I think she is, but 1) she lives in Texas, and I'm in Indiana, so there's the time difference and 2) she's still in school and I have my own job, plus my own life, so I'm rarely on at the same time she is. When we are, I'm usually catching up on our roleplays on Tumblr, and asking her how she's doing and girl talk, etc. I know someone I used to be internet friends with now plays, but he broke my heart and ended our friendship abruptly. So I'm basically bantha-crapping my way through the game.


I do find that most people--meaning not the fanboys who think you need to use up all your better abilities at once--will be understanding if you say, "my computer is lagging" or "I haven't done this before" or "I need to fill my dog's water bowl". Obviously, do say something before the boss fight, or people will get mad, but they can be understanding.


Then again, we have this thread for a reason. :rak_09:

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A new trend I've been seeing while leveling a new alt recently was Maras using Slice Droid in their rotation. I have seen THREE Maras hard cast this on boss droids in FPs while leveling, which I've never seen before.


It's just so laughable, I watch as they go through with the whole cast and then just continue swinging at the boss until the cooldown ends.


I can't decide if I do or don't want this trend to continue... it really makes tanking/healing these facerolls a lot more entertaining, that's for sure :D

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Do you know these groups where People wait several minutes for you to pull in a 4-dps KDY, but if you're under 20% they will pull the whole room so you can't reg and you can't attack either because you will rip aggro in a second and have no deffs left because you had to use all of them at the previous pull to survive. That was in a group with my mara, 2 sorc dps and a sin dps, all around level 30.


And I had a tank that lost aggro 3 times on the elite defender despite taunt rotation but didn't even think of taking guard off the healer.

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I met a 40 lvl sorc the other day whos rotation was - force storm - force storm - force storm until out of energy - then basic melee attack. It was epic!


Was questing on Balmorra (lvl 32-36) few days ago and I saw Sage who used Forcequake once at the beginning of combat and then spammed Disturbance until at low force. I was doing H2+ in Sobrik. Sage tried to solo champion in that area but had trouble keeping Qyzen alive so I helped him. That was the last time I saw this Sage. Don't even know if he could complete the heroic (boss: champion + 2 strongs).


It's a bit sad to see something like this tbh.

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I've been reading this thread for a while and while I've had my share of screw-ups of all kinds, I just had an encounter that left me completely speechless:


Kuat Drive Yards via GF and group finder actually gave us a jugg tank, a merc healer (me) and two DPS (sorc and something).

The non-sorc DPS leaves the group without a word while we're loading in (even before the conversation with Ranken and Krovos) and is quickly replaced by a level 36 marauder. We're all higher levels anyway, so three of us decide to skip through the cutscene and the marauder eventually does, too.

First up: the hangar scenario. I have a little trouble keeping the group healed and notice I forgot to switch to the correct cylinder after respeccing. Fair enough, change that, apologize, carry on.

We get through the hangar with flaky healing on my part, but no deaths.

Next up: the cannon emplacements. We clear one of the elite droids and some trash and while we're regenerating, I decide to take a look at the Gold Scalene Armor the marauder is wearing (since that set costs a huge bunch of cartel coins, I'm curious how well he filled it).




Well, it's got the usual prototype mods alright. They're just all cunning ones.

The marauder's armor is fully geared with level 31 cunning armoring, mods, and enhancements.

To complement that, he's wielding two sabers with cartel market crystals (one hawkeye, one indestructible), one strength hilt, one willpower hilt, and again two cunning mods.


It takes me a while to get over the shock and follow the group, during which they pull some more trash, with the sorceress and the tank evenly splitting the threat. The sorceress was just realizing that pulling without a healer might have been a bad idea and started healing herself (still at 60% health, though), but we got that done without deaths as well.

Cue some more near-death experiences (I'm not sure if I really sucked that hard at healing them or if there was something else I missed...), but no actual deaths.


Final boss: Major Benes, the one with the sticky grenades. While I'm stopping way clear of the boss to type "anyone new to the grenade mechanic on this boss?" the marauder charges in. The tank manages to reply "nope" and starts whacking the Major. Noone else says anything, especially not the marauder. When we get the first load of grenades, the tank, sorc and I run to the EMP station while the marauder keeps happily whacking the Major, gets his aggro and (with the grenades exploding) drops from 70% to 5% in all of three seconds. I give up on him and keep the tank alive instead.

After that, the marauder follows us to the EMP stations after about every second grenade wave, but surprisingly enough stays alive for the rest of the encounter.


We say our parting pleasantries (some of us, anyway) and I whisper the marauder if he would mind if I gave him some advice regarding this boss and especially his gear. No reply. When I try again a minute later, I get "Player not found", so he probably logged out.


TLDR: KDY with a marauder in a full cartel market armor set -- with cunning modifications. Also pulling before the tank, like any "good" marauder. :p

Edited by n--rg
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I was the weird one this time (probably). Was doing Hammer station with my new lvl 21 seer, together with a lvl 15 shadow, lvl 15 gunslinger and a tank IIRC lvl 18. As usual when I arrive not everyone says hi (politeness anyone?) but I stopped letting that bother me (completely ;)).


We arrive at DN-314 and suddenly during the fight my healing does not come through; I check and no more force! This has never happened to me before. I did the same FP two days ago at a lower level and this was easy to heal. Well, no force mean no heals so we wipe. The tank not all too happy complains about the lack of heals (I always enjoy a sarcastic 'tnx healer'). I explain I was out of force but get no response.


We try again and I try to balance my force use, even falling back to Noble Sacrifice several times. But again I run out and the tank dies. I focus on one DPS, he dies. I focus on another DPS, he dies. I try to kite the boss but finally die as well. However the tank returns just when I do, so there is no reset and he kills the boss (it was at less than 1%).


Probably to show his annoyance, the tank does not resurrect me but one of the DPS, waits around for a while and takes of with the DPS he resurrected. It takes maybe 30 seconds before I am resurrected by the other DPS. :confused:


We catch up and get to Kreshan without further problems. Again I try to pace my force use and it appears to work but I have to use Noble Sacrifice several times. Suddenly I see a message from the tank ‘heal ME’. I am looking and seeing he is still on more than 70% but maybe he is worried since I was healing one of the DPS.


I continue healing and switching between tank and DPS, and suddenly I see the tank dropping health. And I am almost out of force. I try to heal but nothing I do seems to help. He drops below 10% and I am like ‘not again’. At that moment the boss dies and I realize that my focus was on one of the DPS :o.


We finish and the tank leaves without a word, probably putting me on ignore for being a lousy healer :eek:. I am quite sure I did not leave a good impression with him, but I am still not sure why this was more difficult than two days ago.

Edited by YellowRabbitLord
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I was the weird one this time (probably). Was doing Hammer station with my new lvl 21 seer, together with a lvl 15 shadow, lvl 15 gunslinger and a tank IIRC lvl 18. As usual when I arrive not everyone says hi (politeness anyone?) but I stopped letting that bother me (completely ;)).


We arrive at DN-314 and suddenly during the fight my healing does not come through; I check and no more force! This has never happened to me before. I did the same FP two days ago at a lower level and this was easy to heal. Well, no force mean no heals so we wipe. The tank not all too happy complains about the lack of heals (I always enjoy a sarcastic 'tnx healer'). I explain I was out of force but get no response.


We try again and I try to balance my force use, even falling back to Noble Sacrifice several times. But again I run out and the tank dies. I focus on one DPS, he dies. I focus on another DPS, he dies. I try to kite the boss but finally die as well. However the tank returns just when I do, so there is no reset and he kills the boss (it was at less than 1%).


Probably to show his annoyance, the tank does not resurrect me but one of the DPS, waits around for a while and takes of with the DPS he resurrected. It takes maybe 30 seconds before I am resurrected by the other DPS. :confused:


We catch up and get to Kreshan without further problems. Again I try to pace my force use and it appears to work but I have to use Noble Sacrifice several times. Suddenly I see a message from the tank ‘heal ME’. I am looking and seeing he is still on more than 70% but maybe he is worried since I was healing one of the DPS.


I continue healing and switching between tank and DPS, and suddenly I see the tank dropping health. And I am almost out of force. I try to heal but nothing I do seems to help. He drops below 10% and I am like ‘not again’. At that moment the boss dies and I realize that my focus was on one of the DPS :o.


We finish and the tank leaves without a word, probably putting me on ignore for being a lousy healer :eek:. I am quite sure I did not leave a good impression with him, but I am still not sure why this was more difficult than two days ago.


dps is too slow.


and I dont have a sage healer so I dont know the names of the abilities but if noble sacrifice is the same as consumption, its pretty normal to use it.

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Another clueless Gunslinger in [TACTICAL] Czerka Corporate Labs making me haz a sad :(


Clearly SharpShooter spec' from her one --yes, really: One use through the entire instance-- use of Penetrating Rounds. Every other pull, including bosses:


Sweeping Guns ---> Vital Shot ---Sweep ---> Sweep ---> Vital Shot ---> basic attack due to now being out of energy, with the odd use of Burst Volley --why, I don't know, as she never used PR again beyond that one time....Not even so much as a ChargedBurst, which is that spec's actual spam-move...


Finally, during the Rasmus fight, I say in /party on my Sage:


[My Sage] Aimed Shot, FFS!!


Naturally, ignored completely.


I hope we don't get too many more bads playing my favourite Rep-side AC, such that Incompo-Ware's "metric threshold" is passed, and then, when enough other bads get killed by them in PvP, that the screams for nerf start happening (again.). That just happened to my Sages/Sorcs, and in any case, my Snipingers had been shat on enough since the last half of 2.X....


But to see what is fundamentally a "thinking person's class" played that horribly....Yeah, like I said, I haz a sad naow :(

Edited by midianlord
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Not really that bad but people still buy the wrong gear for their class: during a CWG run I was being nosey and inspected the Sent in our groups gear and noticed she had 2 or 3 pieces of cunning gear :rak_02:

BIgger problem was the healer was having major lag issues, ended up wiping one final boss once, second time 2 of us died, me and another finished it off.

Edited by Romeugues
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I got one of arrogance, liars, and bads: Ravagers Addition!


I'm filling a spot for another guild and 2 other spots from a different guild. The other 2 are mediocre at bets but we roll to Master/Blaster. We pull as we master comes down the idiot healer does from the yellow circle gets Rez then dies to blaster. Whatevs, they then decide to kill master first. This ends horrible. The two then blame enrage and accuse me of not picking up master ASAP. They had maybe 1 tic on healer. We pull again and dude instead of burning Blaster rips Master off of me before I can build aggro/taunt forces me to AOE taunt him. We do fine but they still end up dying due to lack of heals. I've had it and just snap and it breaks up and even spills into fleet chat. With numerous claims of 4.6 DPS and let me show you how to tank. Lol, learn to play your own first you scrub healer and lying *** Mara. To those individuals you are scum of the earth and please stop playing SWTOR /rant


Edit: The person claiming 4.6k DPS (first claim was 4dps) said Check parsley, I did and while not finding their one from the fight but rather a 500k dummy. The person in question was able to 33 APN of 3.7k DPS on a dummy. Lol my Mara is better geared and can do better then that. L2P before you tell others too.


Sorry for the rant but that really pissed me off.

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Clearly, it takes a special kind of ******e to be a tank.


Not much thinking required to use Followthrough/Trickshot on cooldown. And since you have all the tools to make it available...

Engineering/Sab is another story though.

Edited by Halinalle
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Not much thinking required to use Followthrough/Trickshot on cooldown. And since you have all the tools to make it available...

Engineering/Sab is another story though.


See, now that's a much better response :)


Yes, the SS/MM rotation is pretty simple, but there's a certain precise "just so" to it that I like (IE, Burst Volley on exact cooldown, the mechanical maximum possible number of TS, keeping Vital Shot refreshed exactly, and all that...).


I miss the old SpeedShot crits (and was it ChargeBursts too? The memories become a blur...) re-setting TrickShots, though. (I think that's what it was early on, no? Yeah, I'm 41, I don't remember things as well as I used to :)) Yeah, it was RNG, which I normally take quite a dim view of, but it gave SS a certain wildness that I thought was cool.


SS is a bit too rigidly simplistic now, although I still love it, and always will, even if only for sentimental reasons.


Sabot/Engi is brilliant fun, all the more because you have to pay attention and focus at all times, but perhaps ironically, you have it a bit more "loose" with him.


Unless you get the all-too-common animation delay/****-up with Sabotage Charge --you get the "throwing the bomb" animation, the energy use, and the cooldown, but no Sabot Charge. That means no S/T burst and no energy regain for the next 2-3 rotations, oh joy!

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You need to distinguish between those people who play swtor and those who live swtor. It was obviously a person who play swtor as in enjoying the game, contrary to patronizing players who live there and make the "rules" of how you should play. Hint, hint.
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You need to distinguish between those people who play swtor and those who live swtor. It was obviously a person who play swtor as in enjoying the game, contrary to patronizing players who live there and make the "rules" of how you should play. Hint, hint.


No player makes the rules on how to play. The devs do that.

But there are players who are intelligent enough to read tooltips and draw conclusions on how it's intended(the ones who "live swtor", according to you) and there are players who just click random buttons(the ones who "play swtor" according to you). Both of them try to enjoy the game though ;)

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TLDR: KDY with a marauder in a full cartel market armor set -- with cunning modifications.


I'm a fairly casual player, and I am not all that good, and even I know not to put cunning mods on my mara.


I can understand when someone misses the tutorials and load screen info about their class's primary stat and just picks up random gear that looks good and/or has "lots of stat improvements".

But how someone can learn about modifying orange armour and buying mods with commendations, but then consistently buys mods with the wrong main stat is completely beyond me... :confused:

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I can understand when someone misses the tutorials and load screen info about their class's primary stat and just picks up random gear that looks good and/or has "lots of stat improvements".

But how someone can learn about modifying orange armour and buying mods with commendations, but then consistently buys mods with the wrong main stat is completely beyond me... :confused:


Doesn't the Codex entry under "Game Rules" --one of the very first you get, if memory serves --called, ambiguously enough [Your Base Class here] tell you that, though? It may not tell you much, but it does tell you that.

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Am I the only one who knows that in KDY if your final boss is Station Guardian One, that the key to defeating him, it seems, is killing his support droids when they spawn? Because last week, my mercenary did KDY with a Sorcerer that was SUPPOSED to be healing, and all through the fight he kept spamming Force Storm until he ran out of Force.


He's probably one of the reasons why FS got nerfed.

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I'm a fairly casual player, and I am not all that good, and even I know not to put cunning mods on my mara.


Yes, but all good Marauders need high Willpower though, cause it's needed for your Force abilities... you're a Sith. Duh.


(I'm joking of course, but god the number of times I've had players call me noob for trying to tell them not to stack willpower unless they are a consular/inquisitor... yes, I'm a noob... the player that's been playing since beta when you DID need to have two stats (Str/Will for force users, , Aim/Cunning for non-force users) and it was crazy complicated trying to figure out just hte right mix of str and willpower... until they simplfied it... but yep... I'm the noob... stack the willpower on the marauder, stack it good!)

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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