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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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"kolto grenade on cd as theres no point throwing heals on someone before giving them a healing buff from kolto cloud".

Just for reference, that advice is out of date since 3.0. The healing buff is now on Healing Scan (Advanced Medical Probe for Commandos).

Edited by MiaowZedong
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Mannan tfp. 4 dps: my 57 sent, a 60 commando, another 60 commando and a 4th guy, dont know what class he was because as soon as he zone in he said afk, us 3 fought through to the first boss, asked the 4th guy if he's ok. He then says bye and quits.


I requeue us and we start the first fight. One of the commandos had all the aggro and he kited like an idiot (running randomly all over the room), only (and I mean only) used his mortar volley and whatever the other commando aoe channel is called. He melted really quickly and did barely any damage. In the time it took me and the other commando to take 1 droid down to 21% (I thought they were meant to shield at 50 but whatever) that commando took the other droid down to 97%.


The new 4th guy appeared as soon as the boss died, a 60 scoundrel dps. While we wait for him to get there I inspect this 44k hp commando who does less damage than a (poorly played) 26k sent, doesn't know a rotation and kites like an idiot. Everything he has is stacked with expertise.


That explains it all. The kiting, the having no clue what-so-ever what a rotation is, the spamming aoe's and breaking his own cc's (he would open with his cc then mortar volley). All the way through this guy was completely useless, standing in ortol's water, killing strongest -> weakest (or not killing, just injuring everything with aoe while us 3 finish every off).


Then we get to the last boss. The scoundrel ends up with aggro after the boss kicks the commando. The scoundrel then runs over to the kolto tanks in one corner, smashes them, then runs to the next corner, smashes them....etc. This results in the boss never entering the flames until we have less than 2 minutes left. I get aggro, drag him into the fire, then we kill him.


I am fed up by now and says "in future, dont kite like a moron". The scoundrel isnt happy:

scoundrel: "I needed to heal myself I was taking damage.

me: "if you drag the boss into the fire it stuns him, then he cant damage you. So, if you are dying follow the mechaincs. Also I cant rip aggro off you with you kiting like that, the other commando wont rip aggro as he is PvP and hasnt got a clue how to do anything right"

scoundrel: "lol whatever noob, your not even level 60"

pvp commando: "what do you mean I am useless?"

me: "you spam aoe, you dont know kill order, you cc enemies then shoot them, you melt quick and do barely any damage due to wrong gear"

pvp commando: "lol noob, want to duel me, bet I would win"

me: "yeah you will, but whats that got to do with doing fights properly?"

pvp commando: "so your scared to fight me, you know I am better than you"

me: "I know you are stacked on expertise....thats got **** all to do with knowing how to play"


Anyway we finish up, I get 2 more on my ignore and, I imagine, am on the ignore list of all 3 of them lol.

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Not group finder still annoying behaviour. H4 on DK, Friends something.


I decided to go back and do this. I didn't get group when I asked so I respec'd to Darkness and swap gear (only Focus -> Shield :o) and switched Treek to healing, I can solo it probably at level 23. I get invite, 2 guys at the boss and one of them is disconnected. I end up helping one and he left the group. Second guy reconnects and is level 15 or something instead of level 0. Guy asks me to help him. I explain I can't enter the instance before I finish the previous objectives. He disconnects. While I was finishing up on shuttles Sorc ask in General chat for group. I invite him and help him with objectives. We kill the boss and finish the quest properly with conversation with quest giver.


If you want me to help you with a quest you could maybe help me to get to same part of the quest first. And more importantly, do not disconnect aka ragequit.


/rage induced rant

Edited by Halinalle
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A story which is able to fuel my cliché of PvPers in FPS & OPs again ... He might be good in PvP, but fails to see that PvP and PvE are 2 different things ... And he seemingly even ignores this difference ...

how can you be good at pvp and bad at pve? The way I see it, pvp is a training ground. It teaches you to be aware of your surroundings, use your defensive and offensive cooldowns, be quick and reactive. After I started pvping my pve game went way up.


So if you say he didn't know his rotations and so on, then I imagine he's just one of those slackers at the bottom of every scoreboard. No way he's good at pvp

Edited by power-alex
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Doing the Foundry SM on my Jugg tank; just before HK we lose a DPS and the healer. We do everything up to HK with Treek, then we get . . . a DPS specced Sorc who had checked the Healer box but can't respec, and a Tank specced PT as a DPS.


We put up a valiant effort, but to no avail.

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A story which is able to fuel my cliché of PvPers in FPS & OPs again ... He might be good in PvP, but fails to see that PvP and PvE are 2 different things ... And he seemingly even ignores this difference ...


I would put money on it that he sucks at pvp too.

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Doing the Foundry SM on my Jugg tank; just before HK we lose a DPS and the healer. We do everything up to HK with Treek, then we get . . . a DPS specced Sorc who had checked the Healer box but can't respec, and a Tank specced PT as a DPS.


We put up a valiant effort, but to no avail.


Today I did Hammer Station SM. Our healer used Tracer Missile. No deaths as far as I can remember. :eek:

Not saying it was bad, just odd and hilarious.

Edited by Halinalle
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how can you be good at pvp and bad at pve? The way I see it, pvp is a training ground. It teaches you to be aware of your surroundings, use your defensive and offensive cooldowns, be quick and reactive. After I started pvping my pve game went way up.


So if you say he didn't know his rotations and so on, then I imagine he's just one of those slackers at the bottom of every scoreboard. No way he's good at pvp


Apparently it's very easy. The story above about the PVP player with no clue happens all too often.


They always run around like crazy, which while sometimes useful in PVP doesn't help in PVE. They frequently have no clue on a rotation and will tell you that you don't know anything if you mention it to them. They have no idea who to kill first and don't seem interested in learning mechanics even when you can't win without them. I could go on and on, but I'll stop there.

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Doing the Foundry SM on my Jugg tank; just before HK we lose a DPS and the healer. We do everything up to HK with Treek, then we get . . . a DPS specced Sorc who had checked the Healer box but can't respec, and a Tank specced PT as a DPS.


We put up a valiant effort, but to no avail.


LOL You'd have been better off to 2 man it with companions, probably.

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Hammer SM on my level 18 Immortal Juggernaut. Upon zoning in I see one of my DPS is a level 23 assassin, so I guard him. Assassin complains I should guard the healer and clicks it off. I re-guard him. Repeat that a few more times before I stop and explain that in PvE you don't guard the healer - you guard the DPS who's most likely to steal aggro from the tank. In PvE getting guard thrown on you is kind of a badge of honor - your dps is presumed to be that good.


This guy's having none of it of course, and so I get frustrated and try to vote-kick him. Healer gets mad about that because I guess random GF dps are hard to replace? Fine, I ignore him and start re-guarding him every chance I get; partly to annoy him and partly because with a +5 level diffference in his favor and me in a mix of blues and quest greens I am not expecting my threat-per-second to rival his damage-per-second.


Guy is apparently complaining about it the entire run as I hear the healer fighting with him to just shut up and play. Finally at the end the last boss drops something for the healer and something for me. Guy decides to need roll both, and wins both no less. Healer loses their mind at this guy who I can only assume said "LOL" and quit. I point out that had the healer backed my vote-kick at the get-go this wouldn't have happened.


That, of course, got me yelled at again before they dropped.


Sometimes all you can say about a GF run is "I got my comms and added two people to the ignore list."

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These are pre-3.0 tips. The Bodyguard discipline is vastly different now.


* Emergency Scan is still free and instant. Heals for more + leaves a HoT.

* Rapid Scan has no cooldown and costs less heat and heals less. Each RS gives a stack (up to three) that lowers the heat cost of your next Healing Scan.

* Healing Scan has a cooldown, heals for a crapton, costs high heat if used without aforementioned stacks. No longer leaves a HoT. Leaves the "healing received" boost (lasts for 45 seconds now).

* Kolto Missile heals for less, but up to 8 targets. Still leaves that stationary AoE HoT. No longer gives the "healing received" boost.

* Progressive Scan (new ability) gives the "internal/elemental damage reduction" boost (also 45sec). Has a long cooldown, heals 1-4 targets for quite a lot.

* Rapid Shots heals were removed, replaced by a new ability: Kolto Shot. Same funtionality (only that dps have it as well).

* Specced Jet Boost heal heals for less, up to 8 targets (down from unlimited iirc).

* Kolto Shell stacks to 7 now.


When is Kolto shot granted? I haven't played my level 29 mercenary in a few days, but the last ability she got was the updated flame thrower.

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Got back in game after having been out a few weeks, healed HM Czerka Core Meltdown on my 60 Commando. Because we were 60s and the tank (Guardian) was sharp, it was all good, very little difficulty. The Tactics Vanguard was competent, but the Gunnery Commando didn't really peel adds during the Vrblthr fight, and proceeded to ignore adds entirely in The Vigilant fight and instead run around blowing up all the cores.

Good to see nothing's really changed around here.


When is Kolto shot granted? I haven't played my level 29 mercenary in a few days, but the last ability she got was the updated flame thrower.


Kolto Shot is trainable at level 18. It's just the replacement (in 3.0) for Rapid Shots' old healing effect. Or, as Commandos call it, the Green Beam of I-Am-A-Healer-Please-Focus-Me-In-PvP (Green Beam of Death for short).

Use it exactly as you would have used Rapid Shots healing in days past, only perhaps more frequently due to retuned heat management.

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Not group finder but something that will most likely force me to quit.


Taris, Fall of the Locust or something, the Heroic 4.


My newb Trooper healer, Guardian tank, Vanguard dps, Sentinel dps.

At the beginning no real issues except aggro is everywhere. Later they decide that it's too easy, let's pull 2-3 groups at the same time. I have to note at this point that I was running out of medpacks. We finally get to instanced area after numerous wipes. Great, almost done. Unfortunately my nightmare just started.


Aggro is everywhere even though we somehow manage to fight one group at the time. Multiple wipes. When we only fight one champion healing is great. If feels fantastic. I complain once about aggro issue. Does anyone want to guess what's their solution to problem at hand? Yes, Guard of all the things... Why? What I've done to you SWTOR?


Later Sentinel complains about lack of heals and then promptly left the group. We keep going. Wipe at each group. However we finally finish it. I don't even want to know what my repair bill was. I repaired my armor once but didn't look at the price.


Not sure about quitting the game but healing... I'm done with it for now at least.

Edited by Halinalle
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Czerka labs HM. I was on my lvl 60 36k merc healer. group was a lvl 60 56k sin tank, lvl 60 55k mara and a lvl 50k jugg dps. Guard ends up on me, so its clear this tank doesn't know what they are doing.


But that is an understatement, not only does this tank not know what they are doing but I even end up ripping aggro. God knows how but I have never minded my merc having to face-tank, they are damn tough.


At the first boss the tank doesn't bother moving out of the electric water and all 3 of them ignore the adds, so I kill them myself. With the boss at 15% left I get fed up of this dumb group not following mechanics so I stop healing him and dps. We finish the boss before the tank dies.


The tank then chain pulls, using force speed between the pulls so I cant keep up and as such they get to the second boss with 14% hp. I enter the room, wait for everybody to start to heal up, which both dps and myself do. Then suddenly the tank pulls, with 14%.


I write in chat "I am not babysitting" then start dpsing. Once the tank is dead I throw them a combat res and start healing whichever dps is face tanking. The tank doesn't accept the revive and lies dead the entire fight. Once the boss is dead they accept and appear alive next to me. They then need everything and I ask them about it:

tank: "its to cover my repair bill I now have due to absolutly pathetic healing"

me: "or no healing at all, as the case may be"

tank: "exactly, your a healer you should heal"

me: "sorry I didn't realise you wanted to survive, you know with the ignoring mechaincs in the first boss then pulling the second one at 14% hp"

tank: "well its your job to heal"

me: "exactly, my job to heal, not to babysit noobs who think that because they have a healer they can ignore mechanics, or start fights they cant win"

tank: "lol you call me noob? your the one that cant heal"

me: "I am also the rubbish healer who manages to rip aggro from a tank with 20k more hp than me"


The tank now shuts up and we set off. We get to the final boss, I kolto shell everyone then wait for the tank to pull. The tank doesnt want to:

tank: "<my name>"

me: "yes?"

tank: "go"

me: "tank pulls"


The two dps are each standing at the first of the 4 tanks on either side. The tank pulls, the dps open all 8 tanks at once then the mara does his aggro dump, the sin stealths out and the jugg stands doing nothing. I start face-tank dps-healing the adds. The tank writes in chat "lets see how noob you are now".


After a while I have caused 3 of the blue adds to attract 3 reds, am starting on the 4th blue add, have 97% hp and barely built up any heat. The jugg then writes "he's not going to die, might as well get this over with" then starts attacking the boss, the mara jumps in too and the 3 of us complete the boss.


The tank ninja loots everything then informs me that noobs such as myself get their well-deserved place on their ignore lists. Meanwhile the jugg dps states that "anybody who can solo a 55 HM FP boss with the basic comm lvl 55 blues is pretty competent and asks if he can add me to his friends.

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Not in group finder, but still relevant:


My mercenary was finishing up business on Tatooine when she got invited to a group by a Marauder. I accepted because I also play a Marauder and wouldn't mind previewing some of the fights. Turns out the guy is level 20 and rather undergeared, so I'm like, "Um, okay?"


He tells me to follow him. He leads me to Master Yonlach's house and starts fighting before I'm ready. Wipe. I politely offer to concuss Yonlach so we can focus on the other Jedi. He says okay but immediately aggros both of them before I can concuss. Wipe. He invites a nice sniper and we defeat the two Jedi.


I just wonder why the hell he was doing a mission he was nowhere near ready for.

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Not in group finder, but still relevant:


My mercenary was finishing up business on Tatooine when she got invited to a group by a Marauder. I accepted because I also play a Marauder and wouldn't mind previewing some of the fights. Turns out the guy is level 20 and rather undergeared, so I'm like, "Um, okay?"


He tells me to follow him. He leads me to Master Yonlach's house and starts fighting before I'm ready. Wipe. I politely offer to concuss Yonlach so we can focus on the other Jedi. He says okay but immediately aggros both of them before I can concuss. Wipe. He invites a nice sniper and we defeat the two Jedi.


I just wonder why the hell he was doing a mission he was nowhere near ready for.


Some people don't want to think. Or they are not able to do so. Or thay can't read. Or they don't want to read.

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Not in group finder, but still relevant:


My mercenary was finishing up business on Tatooine when she got invited to a group by a Marauder. I accepted because I also play a Marauder and wouldn't mind previewing some of the fights. Turns out the guy is level 20 and rather undergeared, so I'm like, "Um, okay?"


He tells me to follow him. He leads me to Master Yonlach's house and starts fighting before I'm ready. Wipe. I politely offer to concuss Yonlach so we can focus on the other Jedi. He says okay but immediately aggros both of them before I can concuss. Wipe. He invites a nice sniper and we defeat the two Jedi.


I just wonder why the hell he was doing a mission he was nowhere near ready for.


Sounds like a kid.


No, I don't mean "immature for its age," but an actual kid who simply lacks the maturity and/or self-restraint and/or patience to read, understand, and then apply things like level-ranges, rotations, gearing, that sort of thing.


At least...I pray that it is an actual kid.

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Long time reader and a fan of your stories BFJ. Figured I'd post a story of mine while I have 7 days free.


HM Athiss I was with a guildie (Shadow tank with PVE tank gear) who wanted to knock out his dailies and me being bored I que up with him on my Slinger (I main a Guard Tank and have a few other capped toons I dabble with). Sent dps and a Sage healer. Fights go ok but the heals was having a hard time keeping tank up on 1st boss and died twice on 2nd.


Healer starts saying Shadows shouldn't tank and just being a douche in general and my guildie is ready to just leave. I'm sorta the one keeping the peace between the both of them until we get to last boss.


1st attempt - 0 cleanses and the 1st round of fire kills the heals. 2nd attempt explain the fire and I mention to cleanse, healer says they got it. 0 cleanses again and this time heals gets the 2nd round of fire but instead of running, They immediately pop bubble on themselves while standing in the corner and fire just hovers near them until time bubble runs out and boom healer dead. 3rd attempt, 1 cleanse...on themself. Fire doesn't touch heals at all and we down boss. Cunning belt drops and it's only slightly better then I have at the time so I need..as does the Sage healer. Reason being...to pay for their repair bill from the terrible tank.


Well I get into a huge spat with heals, pointing out their flaws during the fight. Heals goes on to say they know how to play and they have raided over a hundred times..blah blah go f yourself and my guild sucks. The usual. I just laugh it up and the spat (in tells) lasts 10-20 mins. They finally put me on ignore. Fun times.

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Not in group finder, but still relevant:


My mercenary was finishing up business on Tatooine when she got invited to a group by a Marauder. I accepted because I also play a Marauder and wouldn't mind previewing some of the fights. Turns out the guy is level 20 and rather undergeared, so I'm like, "Um, okay?"


He tells me to follow him. He leads me to Master Yonlach's house and starts fighting before I'm ready. Wipe. I politely offer to concuss Yonlach so we can focus on the other Jedi. He says okay but immediately aggros both of them before I can concuss. Wipe. He invites a nice sniper and we defeat the two Jedi.


I just wonder why the hell he was doing a mission he was nowhere near ready for.


Haven't been invited to group but I've seen these more and more recently. Level 12s on Taris (Republic) for example.

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The two dps are each standing at the first of the 4 tanks on either side. The tank pulls, the dps open all 8 tanks at once then the mara does his aggro dump, the sin stealths out and the jugg stands doing nothing. I start face-tank dps-healing the adds. The tank writes in chat "lets see how noob you are now".


I take it the sin and mara were in the same guild? Or sharing the same a**hat?

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The two dps are each standing at the first of the 4 tanks on either side. The tank pulls, the dps open all 8 tanks at once then the mara does his aggro dump, the sin stealths out and the jugg stands doing nothing. I start face-tank dps-healing the adds. The tank writes in chat "lets see how noob you are now".


Aren't adds cast unavoidable aoe?

Sorry, man. But i have my doubts about your story.

I never stealth out from this fight so i cannot be 100% sure but...


And how that happend that your team is located near you and din't get involved in fight?

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Not group finder but something that will most likely force me to quit.


Taris, Fall of the Locust or something, the Heroic 4.


In my opinion, this H4 is the hardest at-level H4 quest of all within the whole game.

Republic side.

I've had my share of wipes there as well.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Czerka labs HM. I was on my lvl 60 36k merc healer. group was a lvl 60 56k sin tank, lvl 60 55k mara and a lvl 50k jugg dps. Guard ends up on me, so its clear this tank doesn't know what they are doing.


I've read several times here in this thread that some people put guard on Healers, not on DDs. Seems to be a certain philosophy.


The tank doesn't accept the revive and lies dead the entire fight. Once the boss is dead they accept and appear alive next to me.


Remember my discussion about being dead in a fight a few pages above ? Seems to me to be this case.

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