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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Keep the boss alive and kill loads of waves of adds, all the way up to 55 (lowest person in the group is level 22)


To my never-ending frustration the other 2 in the group agree to this. I decide I will observe it see what the xp per hour is like. 7 minutes later, with the boss at 96% health I decide this is too slow so I /stuck and quit group.



<shaking head> A whaaaaaat??? lmao OMG!

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Just done a kdy run. In the group was a gunslinger who is obsessed with exp. However in starship assembly when I write out the build he says "ill just stick in random". Before I can explain things he gets build wrong and we fight the droids. I ask him why he deliberately did it wrong if he wants exp. "6 elites give loads of exp". I do my old trick of getting him to write out his exp before pulling first set of droids. I get him to do so again at the lift. At this point he works out he has gained 0 exp. I therefore explain how to max exp in the assembly and the whole kill elite def before completing room thing.


Second we get prison thing and end up with all cells open before killing the elite def, despite me telling them not to open all cells. Once the last cell is open I do my usual sarcy comment in this event "well thats halved our exp". The gunslinger pips up when he notices someone has mentioned his valuable exp has gone missing (ironically it was him that opened the last 2 cells, us 3 were stood waiting by the elite def). I explain again that the elite def needs to be killed before completing the room. He apologises and says he assumed when I said that in previous room it only applied to assembly.


We get to the boss, the droid with all the adds. Sadly the gunslinger realises on the second round of adds that he gets seperate exp for killing the adds. He starts spamming chat telling us all to reset the fight, which them 3 do, I don't see why so carry on, but on my own I die pretty quick. The gunslinger now comes out with possibly the worst xp farming method I have ever heard. I will stick it in spoiler so you can try figure it out for yourself first, to see if anyone manages to come up with this gem of logic.


Keep the boss alive and kill loads of waves of adds, all the way up to 55 (lowest person in the group is level 22)


To my never-ending frustration the other 2 in the group agree to this. I decide I will observe it see what the xp per hour is like. 7 minutes later, with the boss at 96% health I decide this is too slow so I /stuck and quit group.



Wow. I can definitely picture that happening... sigh.


I find that most of the time people are obsessed about something random like that, they take the absolute worst method to get there.


ie: obsesses about xp, forfeits all bonus xp


ie: wants melee combat, stacks strength as a gunslinger and only uses blaster whip

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I just had an interesting flashpoint with my new mara, lvl 40.

Anyway doing the foundry with a lvl 42 powertech tank, 42 merc healer and a fellow lvl 40 mara. The mara is new and the interesting person in this flashpoint.

It was fine for most of it even with the tank having to leave before HK but we got a new one for it who was a jugg. I tell the new mara about to fight mainly watch for adds that appear. First wave of adds appear and they stay on HK while me and the tank start killing the adds before returning to HK after that the rest of the fight went fine untill we got to the bonus boss where I say watch out for the acid as it kills you. The mara didnt and was killed by the acid. we take the boss down. the mara apologises saying he is new at which point I tell him probably more bluntly then I should have done but I was a bit fed up with him not listening to the advice I had given in the fights before

"Its fine if you are new just watch the chat as im giving advice for the fights" before we continue on anyway we get to revan where me and the tank mention the knockback, the skill you interrupt and the meteors that you avoid. I think that was the first point that the mara listened to us as the fight went fine and we had no trouble from it.

I dont mind having new players in a group with me so long as they listen to the advice that is given as it is often useful advice that can save you.

Edited by marksia
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Sounds like you were a bit too harsh on him. When you're new to fight, it's often difficult to put the advice from chat into practice. Say, you're doing TfB for the first time, have been told about and understood the mechanics of Operator IX, and yet you fail because you are still figuring out where everything is, where to go when, and so on. Foundry is a lot simpler, but it can still be difficult to avoid the acid if you don't know what to look for.
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I am a glutton for punishment. I went back after the last time. This time everything was so so. Had two sith sorc's and myself and another sniper. Both the SS were listed as healing and one actually did some of it. The problem I had most was the non healing SS would use force wave pushing everything out of range and screwing up LOS. The second SS saw what a good idea it was and mid way through decided that he would do it too. Even with that not a horrible run. The funniest thing was when the first SS asked if everyone was familiar with the grenade boss. The other sniper went "damn straight!" Ok.......go left the first SS and I say. What does the sniper do? Goes right! We go right the next time he goes left. <shaking head> How we did not die was amazing enough. The healing from the second SS was top notch for that fight I must say.
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Terrible KDY on my gunslinger, with another gunslinger and a shadow who were quite competent. But we were joined by a level 18 gunslinger who had to be one of the most clueless people I have ever been grouped with. He would not use his out of combat heal, and it appeared that he thought the only way to get back to full health was to die and start over again. And die he did, many times, as he kept engaging enemies when he had less than 5% health left. We kept telling him to heal up, and even told him what his healing ability was called, to no avail. He must have got sick of dying after a while, because he just stopped fighting the mobs entirely to avoid getting hurt. He threw the bonus quests even after being told to kill the elite before completing the objective. We get to Lord Modo, and the gunslinger has maybe 90% health. He proceeds to use a kolto station, and is told clearly not to do that. He responds by going over and using the other one. Vote kicked.
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Terrible KDY on my gunslinger, with another gunslinger and a shadow who were quite competent. But we were joined by a level 18 gunslinger who had to be one of the most clueless people I have ever been grouped with. He would not use his out of combat heal, and it appeared that he thought the only way to get back to full health was to die and start over again. And die he did, many times, as he kept engaging enemies when he had less than 5% health left. We kept telling him to heal up, and even told him what his healing ability was called, to no avail. He must have got sick of dying after a while, because he just stopped fighting the mobs entirely to avoid getting hurt. He threw the bonus quests even after being told to kill the elite before completing the objective. We get to Lord Modo, and the gunslinger has maybe 90% health. He proceeds to use a kolto station, and is told clearly not to do that. He responds by going over and using the other one. Vote kicked.


It would seem that a moron-Slinger or derp-Merc (and their mirrors) are particularly painful to see for some reason.


I mean, I expect this sort of thing from one of those dual glowy-phallus-surrogate wielders, there's a reason we call them Marau-duuuurrrrs --and you know what lengths people can go to when they're over-compensating (Good for them: Now everyone knows!), so seeing this from yet another one of them doesn't surprise me in the slightest anymore.


(No, when I'm Merc-healing, which I've been doing a bit more recently, then I won't heal you through your stupid. I will leave you dead, and let the three competent people handle the real grown-up work that needs doing.)


But Snipingers and Merc/mando?


I always thought that those were the thnking-person's "for adult players" classes in this game --one reason why I adore them so, and have so many of each. (Sorc/Sage as well, I might add.)


But the thankfully few and far between Merc/Mando or Snipinger bads I've seen...Those have been truly, awfully, egregiously, HIDEOUSLY bad, indeed!


Seeing such always makes me haz a sad (They're giving our ACs a bad name, too) :(

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This isn’t a FP but rather a Heroic The Locust on Taris. Well this group had been looking for a healer for over 10 minutes and I thought ok I hadn’t done it I might as well with my Sage Healer. Let’s just say I died twice before we even got inside the facility because all of the other 3 would all focus ONE mob member whilst the entire rest of the mob made a B-line for me and whilst I was being pounded they would collect their loot from their one dead mob member and run off to the next mob or just watch me till I died without doing anything. We got inside and they all go off into this mob were they all go at ONE member whilst once again all the others are pounding on me and I go down for the third time. Eventually I said something along the lines of if they were just going to ignore me completely when I have mobs all over me AND still expect me to heal them then they can find another healer and I said this as I had just died for the 4th time after getting pounded by a Gold elite whilst they all took on the 3 member mob up ahead completely ignoring me practically screaming out help me in the chat.
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You say that. But there are enough people who disagree with you, who will rage in chat, (attempt to) vote kick etc. I was once in a Black Talon run where there was one person not skipping. Another one got really annoyed with that and left before even the 2nd conversation (with Kilran's glorious droid of manslaughter). The one who didn't skip then "disconnected", if that's what you wanna call Alt+F4 :rolleyes:. So we had to replace 2 people in a Black Talon run, which mind you, is the very first FP new players can do, after 5 minutes, because 1 didn't skip.


That's not "not skipping" that guy was obviously having major lag issues. The other guy was merely being a jerk, and you could easily have 2-manned it with companions.


When I enter a flashpoint for the first time, or the first time in several months, I say so from the start. It's just polite and generally softens the attitude of my team mates if I make a mistake with the mechanics.

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That's not "not skipping" that guy was obviously having major lag issues. The other guy was merely being a jerk, and you could easily have 2-manned it with companions.


When I enter a flashpoint for the first time, or the first time in several months, I say so from the start. It's just polite and generally softens the attitude of my team mates if I make a mistake with the mechanics.


No, the person flat out refused to skip in chat.


And I know you can 2-man BT, I can generally solo it aswell, but the other guy didn't want to do that so we requeued.


Also, as you can see from examples in this thread, admitting that you are new or rusty can easily get you kicked.

Edited by Darkelefantos
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Ok for all of you guys, I just like to play the game. Sorry if my gear doesn't meet your standards. I have bad gear, I know that, that is why I am trying to do the FPs. My experience was that I am that guy. The stupid one who doesn't know the FP, likes to watch the Videos and listen to the guys so that I can know how to answer. I also like to see my character talk... :)

Ok that said, I rarely get spammed Space Bar Please, but I did get yelled at by someone who complained that I had Strength on my Merc. He called me stupid dumb, told me to Alt F5 and quit the game altogether, and the other guys in the group also started to chime in.

I tried to exit the instance and not fight for these people, but since we were at the end I couldn't do it. So I just ran around for about an hour while they tried and eventually kill the boss.

I was so frustrated that people would complain about one item in my inventory that didn't have AIM as a stat.. ok it was my blaster but I realize that I needed aim, so most of my gear is AIM oriented. I just think it is funny that people will complain about your gear, when I know that I have bad gear, I complain about it too.

They need a button that says, Travel Now and leave your Drama behind.

Now that being said, I haven't ran into PUG trolls as much in SWTOR as I have in WoW so keep up the good work you non complaining FP runners.

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Ok for all of you guys, I just like to play the game. Sorry if my gear doesn't meet your standards. I have bad gear, I know that, that is why I am trying to do the FPs. My experience was that I am that guy. The stupid one who doesn't know the FP, likes to watch the Videos and listen to the guys so that I can know how to answer. I also like to see my character talk... :)

Ok that said, I rarely get spammed Space Bar Please, but I did get yelled at by someone who complained that I had Strength on my Merc. He called me stupid dumb, told me to Alt F5 and quit the game altogether, and the other guys in the group also started to chime in.

I tried to exit the instance and not fight for these people, but since we were at the end I couldn't do it. So I just ran around for about an hour while they tried and eventually kill the boss.

I was so frustrated that people would complain about one item in my inventory that didn't have AIM as a stat.. ok it was my blaster but I realize that I needed aim, so most of my gear is AIM oriented. I just think it is funny that people will complain about your gear, when I know that I have bad gear, I complain about it too.

They need a button that says, Travel Now and leave your Drama behind.

Now that being said, I haven't ran into PUG trolls as much in SWTOR as I have in WoW so keep up the good work you non complaining FP runners.


lol.... They overeacted. But I still wonder how you could have strenght on a blaster??? That's kinda impossible.

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Adaptable blaster with a strength mod. Then again, there ARE Aim vibroknifes and Cun+Def/Shield items ...


Funniest 1 I ever saw. It was a loot drop from an enemy in the gree event area. Green border blaster rifle with cunning (for an operative then) with absorb rating (maybe not) and endurance high.....


Also on that topic a story where I might be the wierd 1, im not sure.


I was on my vang tank, there was commando healer, mara dps and sage dps on false emperor run. Somewhere around the bonus boss this item drops:

Wrist slot

+93 aim

+81 endurance

+41 defence


Both me and the commando need. I win the roll and the commando is annoyed that I ninja looted it. I said its not ninja looting if its something thats suited to my class/role and is an upgrade. He got all annoyed as "its aim high, tanks want endurance high" but I reckon I need it as "why do a healer need defence rating". In the end to get the mission done as he refuses to move out of the bonus boss room until it is traded to him I give him the damn things and get the mission over. I can sortof see his point, if it was shield/absorb then its clearly a tank item, but defence does make a difference to healers.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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Funniest 1 I ever saw. It was a loot drop from an enemy in the gree event area. Green border blaster rifle with cunning (for an operative then) with absorb rating (maybe not) and endurance high.....


Also on that topic a story where I might be the wierd 1, im not sure.


I was on my vang tank, there was commando healer, mara dps and sage dps on false emperor run. Somewhere around the bonus boss this item drops:

Wrist slot

+93 aim

+81 endurance

+41 defence


Both me and the commando need. I win the roll and the commando is annoyed that I ninja looted it. I said its not ninja looting if its something thats suited to my class/role and is an upgrade. He got all annoyed as "its aim high, tanks want endurance high" but I reckon I need it as "why do a healer need defence rating". In the end to get the mission done as he refuses to move out of the bonus boss room until it is traded to him I give him the damn things and get the mission over. I can sortof see his point, if it was shield/absorb then its clearly a tank item, but defence does make a difference to healers.


Defense has no use for a healer or a DPS... Absolutely none. And in PvE.. Tank don't want high Endu... Just enough to survive the boss 1-shots. Nothing more.

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It would seem that a moron-Slinger or derp-Merc (and their mirrors) are particularly painful to see for some reason.



In the case I mentioned, I seriously wondered if someone had left their small child in front of the computer, unsupervised, to play SWTOR. I know that some people do this. That would be the most logical explanation for what I was seeing.

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Went through a bottle of wine, popped for a 55 HM (actually had a few friends over as we all play together).


Apologized ahead of time that I may not be on point tonight (well ahead of time being midway through the FP) then the healer chimed in and informed us that he too had been drinking 9 or 10 shots of whiskey at that point (or she?).


Tank says, I don't care, I suck at tanking but you guys are making my life extremely easy right now. Apparently when I'm intoxicated I do really well in HM 55. :D


Ended that FP with thanks drunkos, great run haha.

Edited by Tech_Greek
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My guild is named 'Pillars of Ashla', which is relevant to this strange story.

I zoned into a HM cad at the beginning and as everyone is saying their hellos...


Weirdo: So how many pillars are there?

Me: Do you many how many people are in the guild?

Weirdo: No how many pillars?

Weirdo: Your guild name is not specific enough to tell.

Me: I dunno. I never looked it up or thought about it, it's just a name.

Weirdo: So you aren't allowed to tell me?

Me: I don't know how many

Weirdo: Don't know or just can't tell?

Me: (getting a bit annoyed now) What part of 'I Don't Know' is a problem to understand? If you want to know that badly go googling

Tank: What's going on?

Me: Got asked how many pillars of ashla there are

Me: and 'I don't know' didn't register

Me: I think maybe I'm being trolled

Other DPS: ******* is just being weird

Weirdo: people these days, ask a simple question and straight to crazy town

Me: You got a simple answer and kept going with it

Other DPS: ^

Weirdo: fine then

(weirdo zones out)

Tank: he left?

Weirdo: not yet

Tank: child

Weirdo: douche

(I was laughing to myself because the annoyance had died down a little as he zoned out, but the 'douche' comment got him on my ignore list...)

(Weirdo ragequits)



He did get my curiosity up though. According to wookieepedia, there are four pillars of ashla. Took me less than 30 secs to find it so def not worth a ragequit imo.

Edited by jwbell
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I got kicked for not being heterosexual :/ The topic came up and i said the truth about myself, and bam i got vote kicked :/ Next time i'll just lie.


Next time you'll probably get kicked for being hetero!


But for real that sucks :( Sorry that happened to you, what a dick move. Definitely hope you reported them.

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