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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Oh and the main tank had just over 50k well balanced stats


Ouch, 50k hp on a tank is about as fair and balanced as fox news. I bet your healers were stoked they didn't have to heal that dude.


So, last night was my very first group finder raid. I hopped on my new scoundrel healer, even though he's only been 55 for a week, my main has been using all his comms and all the saved, greed rolled underworld tokens to gear him up, so he isn't in a bad place by a far cry. Anyway, I hit gf and get a pop about a minute later. Dread Fortress. I zone in and when I get there I say I'm a new healer but a two year shadow tank, who raids regularly. I also offer to put up my HM achievo's if they were iffy on my skill and knowledge of the fights, even if it is story mode, since I'm on a new toon.


Turns out they are at draxus. I get to the rest of the group and notice a few things in dissaray. Now they just came back from a wipe, so I didn't say anything, but right when I got there they did a ready check. I start to hot up the tanks and notice their are no guards out. I declined the ready check. I asked in a friendly way, who are we guarding tanks? One of them pipes up: The healers? Also the ops frame is crazy piecemeal all over the place, I ask if they can fix the frame, I'm told the frame is correct. I switch over to our chat channel and tell my buddies I'm in GF and it's gonna be one of those groups, so stay tuned for amusement. Next ready check comes and I roll with it. I hot up my tanks, and never got a response to who my other healer was. They pull, and draxus goes up for his first time and the subteroths come. No aoe taunt, just wild hitting of dogs. It seems I am the only one healing. When draxus comes back down, neither tank picks him up. and he goes wild. I also notice that I am the only one cleansing grenade. A tank dies and I rez him, a dps dies and I catch up on heals and go for a stealth rez, all the while in chat the d.erp.s is screaming at me for a rez, why am I not rezed, HELLO, REZ ME. Stealth rez fails and the raid wipes.


As I try to explain phases, having someone there when draxus drops, dismantlers, and guardians, people are of the mind that heals were lacking and rezzes didn't come, so we wiped. Face in palm, I am starting to get a headache. I try to explain that a battle rez is saved for tanks only, except at the discretion of the raid leader, which by this time I will say is me, since when I asked, none of them have done this before. I also try to tell them that battle rez has a long cooldown and if my stealth rez fails, then man oh man, sorry bud but your dead. I also try to say I cannot heal the whole raid, or cleanse all of them. The other healer piped up then, and said he was trying. As I try to explain the strategy, and tell people their parts, I guess I was being an elitist jerk, cause I got blunt, and people lol's and dropped group. Really though, if you have never done a fight before and would rather talk about your intentions on having an epic rape of Gate commander Draxus's mother over listening to the only person in group that can lead you, then I don't need you in what has now become my raid.(my raid as in they transferred lead to me)


We end up losing all but 4. I don't know what was up with group finder, but I had friends join Q when we lost the derps and we never got them, even though they had the join in progress group selected. The three I had left all wanted to actually learn the fights and complete the instance so I was determined to help them with that. Thankfully the tank we had left had teamspeak 3. Now I don't think this should be mando for everyone who wants to learn ops, but not only is it mando for hardmode and beyond but being able to talk and give instructions blow by blow is so so so much easier and I think everyone who wants to raid should pick it up, it's free man.


So I'll fast forward a bit as this is getting long. I ended up bringing two guildies, one to tank and one to rdps. We fill the rest of the spots and go. I get 6 out of 8 in teamspeak. We down Draxus. I baptize by fire the noobs in the hallway of trolls and we one shot grobby and c zero. We get to brontes and down her in 3 tries. I am still the only one cleansing, but our healer is getting better. A underworld main hand drops, and people completed their stories for their tauntaun's.


It was frustrating and it was getting very late, it had been 3 and a half hours since I joined the group and it was after 11pm for me. I am glad though, that I stuck with it instead of dropping, or rage quitting. There were people in this group that genuinely wanted to learn, they listened, followed instructions, and even managed to not die to the reach of Brontes after only one wipe. I was proud that I led them through, and I even put the tank on the friends list so he could maybe be pugged into future stuff. I know not a lot of people have the time or the patience, but if ya do, it's worth it to give them noobs a chance. If they will listen of course, and follow instructions. Sorry for the huge wall of text.

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I know not a lot of people have the time or the patience, but if ya do, it's worth it to give them noobs a chance. If they will listen of course, and follow instructions. Sorry for the huge wall of text.


I'd say, in this case, you could call the ones who remained newbs instead of noobs. The noobs are the ones that lol'd and left.

Always nice to see people willing to listen and learn, and even nicer when someone has the patience to guide them.

Edited by BigBreakfast
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as i recently written in a baras thread, i've all my chars being fat and 50% of them is a fat twilek. often i'm told ''you're fat'' '' omg shapeless jedi/sith'', i don't care cause i like them as they are..and for sure it's better than naked girls with a fat nerd behind the monitor or some emo human assassin with an emo human behin the monitor, btw


last time was in 10-29 pvp(Arena), me and a friend with brand new fat maras roflstomped the enemy while a guy kept saying stuff about our toons being fat and ugly..next pop, arena again, guess who was in the enemy team? :rak_03:

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2 stories:


Colincoid games on my merc healer. During the first cannon bit I notice shots flying off everywhere. I wait for a lull in the waves and spin round to see the PT tank of the group firing in all directions. At the end, before going to second 1 we ask him what hes doing, he says "I'm the tank, I'm supposed to hold the aggro". clearly he was spinning his turret so he could hit every enemy. We explain this isn't necessary and move onto second turret bit. He clearly didn't listen as he does it again.


Ironically he never holds aggro in any of the pulls, after trying so hard on turrets to grab everything.



story 2. A sniper in the guild asks if anyone is interested in a red reaper SM run. I join with my merc healer and an assassin dps from the guild joins to. We queue for a tank, zone in and set off.


The sin dps runs too far ahead during the first pull, starting the pull of those 6 sith down the corridor. We carry on and after a while the sniper whispers me asking what I think of the tank.


Now hes asking me as I am holding quite a bit of aggro in the pulls. Its clear this tank is rusty/new but hes trying his best. He holds aggro on 2, maybe 3 enemies per pull, but no1's perfect and no1 has died. The sniper keeps whispering me complaining about how poor the tank is as "the healer shouldn't be taking most of the aggro". I just point out I'm not 1 of these healers who throws a tantrum whenever I get hit and tanking is the most difficult role. However this doesn't calm the sniper who keeps pointing out all the tanks mistakes, but I note never actually says anything in group chat, so it cant be that bad.


Just seemed strange that a dps thinks if the healer is getting hit the tank should be kicked even if no1 dies. As the healer I don't mind being hit, and if the dps was that fussed he would pull off me.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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Just seemed strange that a dps thinks if the healer is getting hit the tank should be kicked even if no1 dies. As the healer I don't mind being hit, and if the dps was that fussed he would pull off me.


What on Earth dps is doing if healer gets hit?


When I'm dps, if any of enemies targets healer they just signed their own death sentence.

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last time was in 10-29 pvp(Arena), me and a friend with brand new fat maras roflstomped the enemy while a guy kept saying stuff about our toons being fat and ugly..next pop, arena again, guess who was in the enemy team? :rak_03:


I like where this story is going!

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So, last night was my very first group finder raid. I hopped on my new scoundrel healer, even though he's only been 55 for a week, my main has been using all his comms and all the saved, greed rolled underworld tokens to gear him up, so he isn't in a bad place by a far cry. Anyway, I hit gf and get a pop about a minute later. Dread Fortress. I zone in and when I get there I say I'm a new healer but a two year shadow tank, who raids regularly. I also offer to put up my HM achievo's if they were iffy on my skill and knowledge of the fights, even if it is story mode, since I'm on a new toon.


It was frustrating and it was getting very late, it had been 3 and a half hours since I joined the group and it was after 11pm for me. I am glad though, that I stuck with it instead of dropping, or rage quitting. There were people in this group that genuinely wanted to learn, they listened, followed instructions, and even managed to not die to the reach of Brontes after only one wipe. I was proud that I led them through, and I even put the tank on the friends list so he could maybe be pugged into future stuff. I know not a lot of people have the time or the patience, but if ya do, it's worth it to give them noobs a chance. If they will listen of course, and follow instructions. Sorry for the huge wall of text.


Sandy, this is exactlly why i dont pug ops anymore with complete strangers. When stupids get together they get bolder. Is really cool that you stayed with those that wanted to listen ( and since one was my guildie thanks man, i owe you one).


I have two tales:

- SMDirective 7:

So i was leveling my vanguard tank and since Im sick of kdy i wanted a real FP. I get my pop and get in. We were a pair commando dps and a commando healz. First pulls i noticed that the healer was not healing much and the dps were to much in a rush to let me pull first, they were those type of guys that always say "spacebar" on conversation. I warned one of the commandos to stop pulling ahead of me or i would do a "you pull it you tank it".

And he did until first boss. When we were against the three mentors he pulled before me, and i decided to just sit and watch, would tell me to tank but i just said "you pull it you tank it" he died and i decided to tank then. Guy ragequitted, I just said "good riddance".

We get a replacement dps, a slinger. At this point the healer was listening to me and he was attacking less and healing more, even using trauma probes. We kill the second boss, who drops tank bracers, i hit need and also the slinger does, i ask him about it and nothing. I had to threaten him with a kick to get a response from him: "Everyone used need, so shut it" and i did, after kicking him.

After that we didnt get a replacement. All that was left was the healer and the other dps, who had to say in every opportunity while i was explaining something "yeah, yeah we know it, pull, I want this fast" even after the healer made clear it was his first time in the fp. When we killed the bulwark a earpiece for dps trooper dropped, i used need by mistake and got it. The dps got very aggressive, using insults i will not put here, now since i didnt like the guy with his "rush nao, only i matter" attitude and he was insulting me i just said "I dont like your tone" and he ragequitted too. So it was just the healer and me now, and it was great. I was able to explain everything to the healer and we did all the fp without a single problem, even bonus boss. Of course it took forever, since i was tank and dps.


I guess in this tale i was the weird one, since i made 3 dps ragequit.


Now a short one.

-SM Lost Island:

After a really bad attempt at HM LI I decide to do SM while Im still 54. I get a pop and get in the instance. We say our hellos, a dps slinger, dps sentinel and healer smuggler (i think); and the slinger ask if anyone has been here before, i say: "I do, dont worry i will explain each boss" slinger says that is cool, since this is a hard fp.

While we are moving the healer ask for guard, i check the team and see that the slinger is level 54 while healer is 50 so i guard the slinger. Guy says "Thats new, putting guard on a dps" I told him that he has no idea how this game works, and that since he is nearing endgame he should stop asking for guard, people will just make fun of him. And ragequit, before first boss.

I ask one of my friends to come and be an emergency healer, he does and we do the fp with just one wipe on Sav, since the slinger tried to hightail the Sav smash and my healer friend got distracted and was pushed out of the platform. The slinger was a great player that does listen to instructions and the sentinel while nooby did good. I invited both to my guild, the slinger accepted and i look foward to showing him ops.


The moral of this is that I have a talent to make people ragequit, and please dont start another "Where guard goes" discussion here, we all know who to guard, let it rest.

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Just a heads up for tanks out there, just because an averagely geared sorc healer asks to be guarded, doesn't mean you should listen to them, especially when the overly geared smash mara keeps pulling aggro...


In fact, lately, being on my DPS a lot, I've seen plenty of tanks guard healers wherein it's unwarranted. I can understand if they're over geared, but 90% of the time, this is not the case.

Edited by MasterFeign
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I bailed on a Cam run a couple days ago. Had an Operative healer that insisted on dps-ing when he didn't have to. He had some hefty 186 gear and he was in proper villains, which is a fairly famous Imperial raiding guild on my server, but he was so irritating. Kept pulling trash, messed up my line of sight pulls with early Orbital strikes, kept trying to 1v1 golds, it was completely exasperating. I ended up dropping before the first boss with a "I've got to go, good luck.," and I l switched over to an alt. No regrets.


I'm still kind of mad about that run. I got all excited to see a big time raider in my group, and I thought he was going to show me something awesome. Instead it turned into a bunch of needless work.

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Just a heads up for tanks out there, just because an averagely geared sorc healer asks to be guarded, doesn't mean you should listen to them, especially when the overly geared smash mara keeps pulling aggro...


In fact, lately, being on my DPS a lot, I've seen plenty of tanks guard healers wherein it's unwarranted. I can understand if they're over geared, but 90% of the time, this is not the case.


Wouldn't guard the healer anyway. Lately when ever a tank guards my healer I proceed to tell the tank that I already have passive threat reduction and my threat is based on effective healing, healing done less over heal. Thus my healing threat output scales with the damage incoming to the group.


Doesn't really matter how amazing my gear is, my tps is still based entirely on the incoming damage the group is taking. The reason mobs are shooting at me is because people haven't attacked them yet.


Seems to be going pretty well so far.

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Wouldn't guard the healer anyway. Lately when ever a tank guards my healer I proceed to tell the tank that I already have passive threat reduction and my threat is based on effective healing, healing done less over heal. Thus my healing threat output scales with the damage incoming to the group.


Doesn't really matter how amazing my gear is, my tps is still based entirely on the incoming damage the group is taking. The reason mobs are shooting at me is because people haven't attacked them yet.


Seems to be going pretty well so far.


Youve run into people who are actually capable of understanding that?



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I bailed on a Cam run a couple days ago. Had an Operative healer that insisted on dps-ing when he didn't have to. He had some hefty 186 gear and he was in proper villains, which is a fairly famous Imperial raiding guild on my server, but he was so irritating. Kept pulling trash, messed up my line of sight pulls with early Orbital strikes, kept trying to 1v1 golds, it was completely exasperating. I ended up dropping before the first boss with a "I've got to go, good luck.," and I l switched over to an alt. No regrets.


I'm still kind of mad about that run. I got all excited to see a big time raider in my group, and I thought he was going to show me something awesome. Instead it turned into a bunch of needless work.


What's sad is that I've had fresh 55s out perform a boss' mechanic better than someone that has full 180+ gear. That is to say, they know what to expect, or at least know what to do and not do... It's one of those things where you can tell that the 180+ gear guy was carried or was just at least able to acquire gear over time, from having a decent group to cover his slack... The most recent example was when I was on my tank, and the sage healer ran out of force fairly quickly, since I assume they did not use noble sacrifice, among other things. There was no issues of threat, so no one else was getting majorly bad damage either.


On my DPS though, I have yet to have someone complain about someone having too much DPS. XD


Wouldn't guard the healer anyway. Lately when ever a tank guards my healer I proceed to tell the tank that I already have passive threat reduction and my threat is based on effective healing, healing done less over heal. Thus my healing threat output scales with the damage incoming to the group.


Doesn't really matter how amazing my gear is, my tps is still based entirely on the incoming damage the group is taking. The reason mobs are shooting at me is because people haven't attacked them yet.


Seems to be going pretty well so far.


Yeah on my healer as well, I'll have mixed results depending on the tank. I'll be in some FPs where the tank will have great aoe aggro threat, and other times the same classed tank will just jump to one mob, and have everyone else take up the slack I guess. Like when I get to Marvis Varad in the Mandalorian Raiders FP, some tanks don't consider gaining aggro, or at least trying to gain aggro from all 3 sources (the two turrets and the main boss). Making my job as a healer more difficult...

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So I just ran Nightmare Mode Czerka Corporate Labs. Okay, actually just Hard Mode, but it felt like NiM. Allow me to explain:


I was on my Scoundrel as a healer (34k HP) with a Shadow tank (39k HP), a Saboteur Gunslinger (31k HP), and a Combat Sentinel (30k HP). We clear some trash and get to the first boss. I remind everyone to kill adds and get out of the electric water, we do a ready check...aaand the Sentinel pulls the boss before the tank can go in. We start plugging away, but the DPS is slow. Very slow. The DerPS are slow to engage the adds (meaning the tank usually has to come out to grab the one they just forgot about), have a tendency to run out BEFORE the boss starts casting Charged Plating, and, when running out of the water, immediately keep away from me. I'm standing in the tank's Phase Walk on one side of the square and the Sentinel is always on the side to my left while the Gunslinger is always on the side to my right.


The tank, who is keeping time by looking at his Phase Walk buff, calls out that we're about halfway through the enrage timer. At this point the boss is at 70% or so. The pitiful DPS get the boss to about 39% before he enrages. Now, the Eradicator Droid's enrage isn't a particularly hard one, but it means I'm having to constantly heal the tank, so there's less left to top off the DPS. And when your DPS are being stupid and trudging slowly out of the water (I never saw Hightail It, Hunker Down, Force Camouflage, or Transcendence used), well, they tend to die. Both DPS drop, repeatedly run back in and die some more, and eventually there are adds all over my lekku and we wipe it up.


I bawl the Sentinel out for facepulling, the tank tells everyone to step it up (these people have decent gear, FFS), and we give it another try. DPS is slightly better; this time we make it to 30% before the boss enrages. I'm dumping heals frantically on the tank, the DPS are dying from stupidity and running back in, and the tank is popping everything he's got to stay alive. Amazingly enough we kill the boss this time, whattt.


The rest of the run wasn't too crazy. Both DPS died to repeatedly standing in circles on Chief Zokar, the Sentinel died on Rasmus Blys when the boss did his random post-stealth aggro drop and the tank had a derp moment, and then the Gunslinger died shortly thereafter for no apparent reason. (The tank swore that the boss was on him after the bit with the Sent, so maybe the Gunslinger accidentally /stuck-ed or something. Who knows.) But we finished the run, terribad DPS and all.


TL;DR: July 21st, the day that Chaga Saavo healed through an enrage for 30% of the boss's health.

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This guy is exceptional. HE IS FREAKING SPECIAL. Behold.


HM CZ Labs. This healer was asking for a tank for 55HMFP, why not, since I only need one more FP to finish weekly. I got in, everyone was under 30k health, but it will be a breeze if anyone knows the FP and what they're doing. The Sage healer and SPECIAL!Sentinel are from the same guild. Pulled trash. Everything was fine until I noticed both the healer and sentinel rotation.


Healer burns Force Potency and Mend out of fight. OK. Sentinel, at full focus bar, spams 1, master strike, spam 1. Wiped two times at 1st droid boss. I taught the healer Sage healing rotation and Combat DPS rotation for the SPECIAL!Sentinel. We got the boss down after that.


Trash before Security Chief boss. Slinger uses Flyby, healer uses Force Wave knocking all mobs out of the AOE. Slinger pointed that out. Then this SPECIAL!Sentinel whines about how there are so many f'ing whiners on pubside and impside is much nicer. Look who's whining. I explained the Security Chief fight, we still wiped due to DPS and healer having a hard time avoiding potential-one-shot rocket. Slinger points out that the SPECIAL!Sentinel should get the adds.


Second pull. I noticed the Sentinel isn't DPS-ing at all, but walking around near the healer during the fight. I asked him to DPS, and the F'INGSPECIAL!Sentinel said that he's "waiting for his f'ing adds" and I was like..... HOLY--- I've had enough of this whiny, bad, PMS induced, or maybe 12 yrs old Sentinel so I /stuck, /ignore, and /leave.


Wow. To think that the many bads I've carried acted even better than this Sentinel, is amazing.

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Ouch, 50k hp on a tank is about as fair and balanced as fox news. I bet your healers were stoked they didn't have to heal that dude.


So, last night was my very first group finder raid. I hopped on my new scoundrel healer, even though he's only been 55 for a week, my main has been using all his comms and all the saved, greed rolled underworld tokens to gear him up, so he isn't in a bad place by a far cry. Anyway, I hit gf and get a pop about a minute later. Dread Fortress. I zone in and when I get there I say I'm a new healer but a two year shadow tank, who raids regularly. I also offer to put up my HM achievo's if they were iffy on my skill and knowledge of the fights, even if it is story mode, since I'm on a new toon.


Turns out they are at draxus. I get to the rest of the group and notice a few things in dissaray. Now they just came back from a wipe, so I didn't say anything, but right when I got there they did a ready check. I start to hot up the tanks and notice their are no guards out. I declined the ready check. I asked in a friendly way, who are we guarding tanks? One of them pipes up: The healers? Also the ops frame is crazy piecemeal all over the place, I ask if they can fix the frame, I'm told the frame is correct. I switch over to our chat channel and tell my buddies I'm in GF and it's gonna be one of those groups, so stay tuned for amusement. Next ready check comes and I roll with it. I hot up my tanks, and never got a response to who my other healer was. They pull, and draxus goes up for his first time and the subteroths come. No aoe taunt, just wild hitting of dogs. It seems I am the only one healing. When draxus comes back down, neither tank picks him up. and he goes wild. I also notice that I am the only one cleansing grenade. A tank dies and I rez him, a dps dies and I catch up on heals and go for a stealth rez, all the while in chat the d.erp.s is screaming at me for a rez, why am I not rezed, HELLO, REZ ME. Stealth rez fails and the raid wipes.


As I try to explain phases, having someone there when draxus drops, dismantlers, and guardians, people are of the mind that heals were lacking and rezzes didn't come, so we wiped. Face in palm, I am starting to get a headache. I try to explain that a battle rez is saved for tanks only, except at the discretion of the raid leader, which by this time I will say is me, since when I asked, none of them have done this before. I also try to tell them that battle rez has a long cooldown and if my stealth rez fails, then man oh man, sorry bud but your dead. I also try to say I cannot heal the whole raid, or cleanse all of them. The other healer piped up then, and said he was trying. As I try to explain the strategy, and tell people their parts, I guess I was being an elitist jerk, cause I got blunt, and people lol's and dropped group. Really though, if you have never done a fight before and would rather talk about your intentions on having an epic rape of Gate commander Draxus's mother over listening to the only person in group that can lead you, then I don't need you in what has now become my raid.(my raid as in they transferred lead to me)


We end up losing all but 4. I don't know what was up with group finder, but I had friends join Q when we lost the derps and we never got them, even though they had the join in progress group selected. The three I had left all wanted to actually learn the fights and complete the instance so I was determined to help them with that. Thankfully the tank we had left had teamspeak 3. Now I don't think this should be mando for everyone who wants to learn ops, but not only is it mando for hardmode and beyond but being able to talk and give instructions blow by blow is so so so much easier and I think everyone who wants to raid should pick it up, it's free man.


So I'll fast forward a bit as this is getting long. I ended up bringing two guildies, one to tank and one to rdps. We fill the rest of the spots and go. I get 6 out of 8 in teamspeak. We down Draxus. I baptize by fire the noobs in the hallway of trolls and we one shot grobby and c zero. We get to brontes and down her in 3 tries. I am still the only one cleansing, but our healer is getting better. A underworld main hand drops, and people completed their stories for their tauntaun's.


It was frustrating and it was getting very late, it had been 3 and a half hours since I joined the group and it was after 11pm for me. I am glad though, that I stuck with it instead of dropping, or rage quitting. There were people in this group that genuinely wanted to learn, they listened, followed instructions, and even managed to not die to the reach of Brontes after only one wipe. I was proud that I led them through, and I even put the tank on the friends list so he could maybe be pugged into future stuff. I know not a lot of people have the time or the patience, but if ya do, it's worth it to give them noobs a chance. If they will listen of course, and follow instructions. Sorry for the huge wall of text.


the game needs more people like you

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HM CZ Labs. This healer was asking for a tank for 55HMFP, why not, since I only need one more FP to finish weekly. I got in, everyone was under 30k health, but it will be a breeze if anyone knows the FP and what they're doing. The Sage healer and SPECIAL!Sentinel are from the same guild. Pulled trash. Everything was fine until I noticed both the healer and sentinel rotation.


That sounded like this

Up until last sentence. Sentinel on video is kinda special: can't control deeps when tank is Special.


Trash before Security Chief boss. Slinger uses Flyby, healer uses Force Wave knocking all mobs out of the AOE. Slinger pointed that out.


When I get Flyby on my Slinger if anyone (Sage/Shadow/Guardian) does that it's insta vote kick. If it fails I leave.

After all I don't want to waste my time with someone who doesn't know proper tanking/dps/healing rotation.

Unfortunately that makes me "crybaby" and "noob" at the same time.

Edited by Halinalle
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What on Earth dps is doing if healer gets hit?


When I'm dps, if any of enemies targets healer they just signed their own death sentence.


The dps was following the new and updated kill order which newer players use now-a-days, Elite, strong, standard. Seems I am becoming the odd one out still killing weak things first.

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I gave up on asking people to follow kill order and what it actually consists of. When I'm on my Sage heals and I see I'm going to get some love because no one bothers with weak mobs I slap a bubble on myself and spam ForceQuake until mobs die. If team mates die, well... Tough luck. :D
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The dps was following the new and updated kill order which newer players use now-a-days, Elite, strong, standard. Seems I am becoming the odd one out still killing weak things first.


More of your amazing stephen hawking logic, eh?


BTW still waiting on answers to my questions. I won't hold my breath.

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Flashpoints + Operations


The Beast of Vodal Kresh encounter in Athiss now resets if the boss is moved too far off of its platform.


Inb4 hordes of "Golly Gee Willikers! My group just totally fell apart because they dont know how to handle a few ridiculously weak adds. Woe is me!"

Edited by Dras_Keto
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Inb4 hordes of "Golly Gee Willikers! My group just totally fell apart because they dont know how to handle a few ridiculously weak adds. Woe is me!"


I was so glad for this change... I hate hate hate hate, when people insist on LoSing adds, especially particularly when everyone is more than geared for the fight.


If someone on your team is asking to LoS mobs, they're not that good at their role... I've both tanked and healed and DPSed in situations where perhaps an LoS could have helped, but how are you going to learn to take the heat of a mob, if all you do is try to go the easy route? I can understand for getting FPs done faster (Battle of Ilum), but you still won't learn how to deal with operations if all you do is make it too easy for you...

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My funny story


I joined a HM FP, as a healer of course, and everyone was geared and all went very well.


Now that's weird!


Seriously, A lot of what i have read in this thread are lost "teachable moments". Most people, if spoken to respectfully, will respond in kind. If you see someone wrongly geared, let them know kindly, through a whisper. Calling people out, in group chat is disrespectful and you will get a negative response most of the time. Share your knowledge old wiseones, but do so without trashing the person that needs the help.

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I was so glad for this change... I hate hate hate hate, when people insist on LoSing adds, especially particularly when everyone is more than geared for the fight.


If someone on your team is asking to LoS mobs, they're not that good at their role... I've both tanked and healed and DPSed in situations where perhaps an LoS could have helped, but how are you going to learn to take the heat of a mob, if all you do is try to go the easy route? I can understand for getting FPs done faster (Battle of Ilum), but you still won't learn how to deal with operations if all you do is make it too easy for you...


I am glad they changed that boss, it is very annoying when people insist on doing that when they have a strong team. There is no reason to run that damn thing halfway across the map when everyone is having no problem with the fp.


But doing a los to make a pull quicker I have no problem with. Losing something to gather them up for quick aoe burn is a good skill to build for operations. Off tank grabs all the adds for a quick aoe goodness. Setting up a good los is the same thing, and a good habit to get into.


Speaking of Athiss, on my op healer, the droid pull before the first boss. The tank said he had never done the place on hard mode, so I told him we would cc the marked droid for him, and just to get aggro on the rest really quick and we would burn them down. He pulled and just wacked one droid, nothing else. Of course I stealthed out and just stared at him until the merc needed some healing because it got all the aggro I had.


When asked why he didn't try to get aggro on everything else, he said as a tank he can't hold everything, and only has so many moves at max lvl that generate aggro. When I told him one hit could pull aggro off of me he didn't believe me. The rest of the fp went pretty well though, so no complaints after that.

Edited by Reallynotaknight
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More of your amazing stephen hawking logic, eh?


BTW still waiting on answers to my questions. I won't hold my breath.


post number 4028 explains my opinion (notice my opinion, your the 1 that attempted to turn this into an argument) dumbed down as far as possilbe. If that still makes no sense to you then im afraid I am just unable to explain my meaning using only 1 syllable words, thats your problem not mine. If you want to continue this do it in private message, people are quite annoyed of seeing your tantrums for the past few pages.


And yes, dps kill order of weak to strong is more effective for protecting the healer than strong to weak. I would have assumed that was common knowledge, maybe you should check see what Dulfy says.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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