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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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I enjoyed this post, because I remember once getting yelled at for not letting the tank tank on SM....




Also, unrelated but when you said LoS it reminded me: I recently healed a group on Cad on HM where everyone was decently geared, and for EVERY pull the tank wanted to LoS everything... The content isn't hard, this group can roll through it, and we have to LoS everything because the tank had to have things his way. Sigh.


Yeah, I actually hate how the Czerka FPs dont' do "proper' groups and a lot of people don't realize it. Like a few days ago I was in a group wihere it gave us a tank and 3 dps because the tank was queued for that. So, he was getting really mad because the healer wasn't healing him... and we were like um... so who do you think is the healer in this group? The Czerka flashpoints don't conform to the standard tank, healer, two dps rule, so we don't have a healer.

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Her stance? Surprise surprise, she's a watchman sentinel in Shii-Cho Form! It's so delightful. Each time she uses that when in full HP, she's down to 50%. I also forgot to mention that in the final fight against that Prophet, she runs into the fire, got burned, uses Guarded by The Force, 4 seconds run out, and she died due to stepping on the floor AOEs. At that time I've had enough, plus being busy cleansing, healing the DoTs and supplementing DPS as a healer. Didn't bother reviving her and proceeded to 3man the Prophet cause I know if I revive her, she's just gonna do that again and it will hurt my heart soooo bad. It's like she didn't even pay attention when fights were being explained and my attempts to politely ask her to stop using that skill....


Gehe, yeah, thats bad. I tend to just let them die if they don't try to run for the flames. I figuered its the best way to learn that you need to kite the flames :).


Yes, but we're talking not being underleveled but wearing the wrong gear... do I just suck that much at the game that if I went into combat naked (cause let's face it, that's what you are doing if you have the wrong gear, might as well not be wearing any at all) I'd did more than I do when I am underleveled?


Ehm, no, not entirely true. Shadows are still using strenght for all theire melee attacks. It wouldnt be optimal by far, but doing nothing isnt true. Also don't discard the armorrating from the (strenghtarmoring), the power/end/whatever on the mods. Enhancements are classneutral.


Going in naked, yeah lets not try that one. I was being tricked into going naked when solotanking KP SM 16 man. I had 18k HP and went splat in 2 seconds. Apparently the rest didnt unequipped their gear (boeh!!!!!) and finished the trashpull without me :p


Yeah, I actually hate how the Czerka FPs dont' do "proper' groups and a lot of people don't realize it. Like a few days ago I was in a group wihere it gave us a tank and 3 dps because the tank was queued for that. So, he was getting really mad because the healer wasn't healing him... and we were like um... so who do you think is the healer in this group? The Czerka flashpoints don't conform to the standard tank, healer, two dps rule, so we don't have a healer.


Weird tank :) Its content for a group of 2 people. I dont know why bioware forces 4 man groups for it. Anyhow, you dont need a healer nor tank in there. I went in with 4 dps, trashpulls melted away. Since I had the highest TPS i was tanking the bosses, my HP never went below 60-70%.

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I clarified my post earlier. My guess is that she played either KOTOR I or II: she had on multiple pieces from the Mira lore outfit. Double bladed lightsabers in KOTOR needed 2 hands to use; single bladed needed only one. Strength in KOTOR improved melee attacks; Willpower improved force attacks. I'm wondering if that was her first Flashpoint...


Now that makes things much clearer for me as well. Thank you.


So, he was getting really mad because the healer wasn't healing him... and we were like um... so who do you think is the healer in this group? The Czerka flashpoints don't conform to the standard tank, healer, two dps rule, so we don't have a healer.


LOL :D - what did he reply to that ? :D

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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So I tried to run a FP on my 35 Healer merc last night, and got an instant q for Cadiminu.* Get going and see that the other three are all from the same guild so I figure this should be decent, as long as they aren’t a bunch of loot ninjas.* Tank slaps his guard on me and we get going.* Do the first pull and the tank loses agro Repeatedly to the Marauder that he brought with him.* Make it to the second pull and the same thing happens, now I can easily heal them through it but figure why bother, just have him switch the guard to the mara. *I type in chat “I am not one of those healers who requires a guard, switch it to the Mara if you want”.* I immediately get smacked in the face with “you get the guard cause as healer you generate the most threat.”* I probably should of just shut up but, I respond with, “I only generate more threat than anyone else on anything that no one is attacking, and those are just week adds that the dps should be burning”.* The tank responds with “You’re and idiot.* I am in soresu form, which generates agro on everything”.* At this point I realize that this argument is a lost cause so I say, “Look I don’t really care, it’s not a big deal and not worth arguing over.”* They immediately vote kick me for the reason of “Idiot”.* I had a good chuckle explained to him that “I was only trying to be nice, and make his job easier by having him guard the marauder who he couldn’t hold agro over, but hey it’s better that I know you’re a bad tank now, who can’t hold agro over his dps, then halfway through the FP when a boss is face ****** the marauder.”


I get out of the FP, slap em all on my ignore list, and then q back up. *I get another instant q on The Foundry, with a level 36 tank 40 sniper and 45 marauder.* The tank slaps his guard on me, and I am just like jesus.* This flashpoint actually has some hard hitting fights, and that marauder is gonna pull and I am bare minimum level so this may be tough to heal. *I quickly type in chat “Would you mind switching your guard to the marauder? *He is nine levels higher than you and will pull agro.”* The tank quickly swaps his guard and the marauder quickly typed in chat “glad to see you’re not one of those dumb *** healers who thinks a guard does anything for them.”* I wanted to explain what had just happened to me, but figured it wasn’t worth it. So we proceed to have like one of the straight up smoothest FP’s I have ever had, you know like tank holding agro, dps killing adds and for the most part no one standing in ****.* The only time anyone died was when the tank stood in the spit from the bonus boss, which he typed out in chat after he died “sorry forgot that, that boss spit at you”.*

Edited by TheMarmalade
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stuff stuff something something guards


I've been leveling a new Sin tank and have had quite a few healers still asking me for guard. I've finally just given up trying to explain and will give guard to whoever complains the most. I suppose they should add, "shuts dumb healers up" to the tooltip :p. Interestingly enough though, I've had a few good players whisper me near the end of a few runs asking why I was guarding DPS (or swapping it around for certain fights) because they were genuinely interested in learning how to do things better on their own tanks. Always really great to see that kind of enthusiasm.


The other thing I've noticed is that stupid DPS all seem to want to self pull the same large pulls in every run. I'm a *very* quick tank, and almost never wait in between any pulls unless I absolutely have to. I'm geared enough that I can survive almost any pull without heals if I need to, but for some reason almost every group I got in HS or Manda Raiders I had some DPS who wanted to run ahead of me and pull the large, healing intensive fights near the start (giant dog pack, double large robot pack). They'd always instantly die (I'd let them, and healer wouldn't even have time to react to heal them) and I'd just easily pick up the whole pack with Discharge right after. Thankfully a quick, "please don't pull before the tank when you're a DPS...especially when you're already at half health" has kept them from repeating their mistakes again later in the run.

Edited by Synavix
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I've had a few weird groups with every char i've run, but this week takes the biscuit.


Manda Raiders HM, me tanking, decent healer, and a couple of decently geared DPS. Kill the bots at the start then into 1st room with the dogs and bots... instantly the marauder leaps in ahead of me. Fair enough I thought, still lowbie trash, so I jump in and grab all the agro and off we go.


Next 3 or 4 rooms, the marauder repeats it again, leaping in ahead of me even when he's not fully healed and the healer is working nineteen to the dozen to keep him up. So after the 4th time, i've had enough. He leaps in again, so I let him die, proceed to grab all the agro and the other dps, heals and me kill all the trash.


So finally, i post in group chat, "dude if you want to tank, go right ahead" - he replies "but i'm not a tank I won't survive"..."then let me go in 1st please" I reply...


At least he learned ;)


( PS this thread is brilliant! )

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Ehm, no, not entirely true. Shadows are still using strenght for all theire melee attacks. It wouldnt be optimal by far, but doing nothing isnt true. Also don't discard the armorrating from the (strenghtarmoring), the power/end/whatever on the mods. Enhancements are classneutral.



Weird tank :) Its content for a group of 2 people. I dont know why bioware forces 4 man groups for it. Anyhow, you dont need a healer nor tank in there. I went in with 4 dps, trashpulls melted away. Since I had the highest TPS i was tanking the bosses, my HP never went below 60-70%




The amount that strength actually contributes to anything on an assassin/shadow is minimal. So, yes that's true it's better than being naked due to the armor and secondary stats, but not by much.


As for the Czerka FPs, yeah we did fine just the "tank' was complaining about the non-existent healer not doing their job for a bit.

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Ran sm cadimimu on my operative healer yesterday through gf. Got a lvl 29 assassin tank. After the first pull I knew something was wrong cause the tank was getting destroyed and I could barely keep him alive. So checked his stance and sure enough he had the right stance. We get to the next large pull and I just can't do it and the jugg DPS noticed switched to soresu form and started tanking a few of the guys. Now I had zero issues keeping the jugg up but that assassin was just nuts.


I figure like this we will be alright it will be slow and wrong but at least we will survive. Then the assassin guards the jugg. So I quickly do a gear check and see the sin is using a focus not a shield. I asked him to equip a shield and he said he didn't have one. I then asked him to just let the jugg tank. He said no he can tank just fine without a shield. I then asked which tree was he spec'd into. He said madness.


At this point I lost it whispered the two DPS and both agreed to boot him and have the jugg tank. So I initiate a vote kick and it fails. The sin is now irritated and says he can tank just fine without a shield so let's get going.


At this point I give up and tell em good luck cause I am quitting the group. They then immediately ask me why.

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love this thread, just git finished reading it all, thought I would share.


This isn't restricted to any one fp, but a problem I see in general, operatives who don't know how to DPS. that is, they will jump into cover and spam snipe or whatever rather than get in close range as they are suppose to. Usually it's a problem I see in lobie fp's, and I usually politely tell them how to dps properly. As an op dps main, I cry a little inside every time I see it lol. of course, you get the idiots who insist I don't know a thing I am talking about cause I am on a non op alt at the time, but whatever, can't help everyone.


More amusingly, I've gotten instances where other classes ask what I am doing running in close, and telling me I am a long range class. usually these are just people who don't know op dps, and probably haven't seen one before, who assume they are long range like snipers. Or, something like what happened to me in one fp, with me and a sniper as dps


Tank-yo, sniper, why are you doing not using cover?

Sniper-What? I'm in cover right now!

Tank-Not you! The other sniper!

Me-You mean me?


Me-er.....I'm an operative, not a sniper.

Tank-oh....my bad


everyone had a good chuckle after that.

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As for the Czerka FPs, yeah we did fine just the "tank' was complaining about the non-existent healer not doing their job for a bit.

Went in the Tuesday night just to finish of the weekly. For a moment I though I went into HM as we got tank, 2 dps and me as healer. So did others, because everyone asked. We blew through everything, got to boss and the tank starts ************ that I am healing and not dpsing. I was dpsing I only through out kolto cloud on the group in a boss fight and then use diagnosis scan to top off the tank while getting back energy so I could dps more. People are going to complain, just lol and go on.


I got a good one the other night, was on my gunslinger just farming credits doing ilum. Someone wanted a group for SM False Emperor, had one other person, after finishing what I was doing they were still looking, so I said I would go and we could use my companion instead of waiting on a 4th. The didn't think that would work, but I told them I have solo'ed SM more than once. There next question was, "Do you want to dps or heal?" ........I replied I think I should dps and let my companion do the healing. I popped an adrenal before entering the FP, but they were actually decent, I bet either could have solo'ed it and they were nice guys, just didn't seem to know anything about other classes.

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It's not like sniper/slinger can't do anything out of cover by the way. Some time ago I found myself in operations chief HM fight on my slinger where gold group during infiltration died (sic!) . I went to gold even though someone was shouting 'Gunslingers can't do gold!!!!' on TS. Well you can't go in cover there so it limits your options, but we still have our dirty-kick and blaster whip and some out of cover abilities and it took a bit longer but we got them down without much problems. Similarly there are situations when scoundrel might need to go into cover and use aimed shot :)

Most stressful thing there for me was finding my blaster whip and dirty kick as I very rarely use those and slinger is my ALT I don't play that much.

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I enjoyed this post, because I remember once getting yelled at for not letting the tank tank on SM....




Also, unrelated but when you said LoS it reminded me: I recently healed a group on Cad on HM where everyone was decently geared, and for EVERY pull the tank wanted to LoS everything... The content isn't hard, this group can roll through it, and we have to LoS everything because the tank had to have things his way. Sigh.


For Cad they're a certain pull s that LoS is a really good idea to do.

The tank need sto aggro up the entire mob so the many strays aren't going after the healer. Having decent gear means nothing if the tank is letting things hit the healer or a dps. I had a shadow tank who refused to LoS because it's a "cheap gimmick". What she didn't notice were all the strays adds that she couldn't reach in the distance were going after me. I spent a good portion of the time trying to keep myself alive rather than the rest of the group.

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It's not like sniper/slinger can't do anything out of cover by the way. Some time ago I found myself in operations chief HM fight on my slinger where gold group during infiltration died (sic!) . I went to gold even though someone was shouting 'Gunslingers can't do gold!!!!' on TS. Well you can't go in cover there so it limits your options, but we still have our dirty-kick and blaster whip and some out of cover abilities and it took a bit longer but we got them down without much problems. Similarly there are situations when scoundrel might need to go into cover and use aimed shot :)

Most stressful thing there for me was finding my blaster whip and dirty kick as I very rarely use those and slinger is my ALT I don't play that much.


Persnaly, as an op dps, I have never seen a situation where dropping into cover and spamming snipe/aimed shot would be the best option. Honestly curious here, what situations would you say warrant that? if it's times where you can't get in close, I personally recommend spamming overload shot/whatever the pub equivalent is, as you get a 20% or so buff to it's damage automatically compared to aim shot as an op/scound

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For Cad they're a certain pull s that LoS is a really good idea to do.

The tank need sto aggro up the entire mob so the many strays aren't going after the healer. Having decent gear means nothing if the tank is letting things hit the healer or a dps. I had a shadow tank who refused to LoS because it's a "cheap gimmick". What she didn't notice were all the strays adds that she couldn't reach in the distance were going after me. I spent a good portion of the time trying to keep myself alive rather than the rest of the group.


In that situation I was Sorc Heals and didn't have any problems. I've ran through Cad many times and I think LoS is overused and overrated in many situations.

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I got a good one the other night, was on my gunslinger just farming credits doing ilum. Someone wanted a group for SM False Emperor, had one other person, after finishing what I was doing they were still looking, so I said I would go and we could use my companion instead of waiting on a 4th. The didn't think that would work, but I told them I have solo'ed SM more than once. There next question was, "Do you want to dps or heal?" ........I replied I think I should dps and let my companion do the healing. I popped an adrenal before entering the FP, but they were actually decent, I bet either could have solo'ed it and they were nice guys, just didn't seem to know anything about other classes.


Had one a few weeks ago where the tank couldn't hold aggro on the strong/elite mobs and they kept attack my Gunslinger. After I asked him if I could get a guard and if he could not tunnel vision on the single enemy, he replied that I should just use my "OP" heal when I got hurt. Had to explain to him that I was not a Scoundrel and not in the heals tree of that AC.


A similar time was during the Gree event last time at the slug WB. I was on my GS and kept dying after no healer would cleanse the DOT on me. I stated this to the group. The main healer and another DPS stated that I should cleanse myself. I commented that I used Dodge when it wasn't on cooldown, but it only works every 1 minute. The healer said I should be using my other cleanse too: "the one with like a 5 second cooldown." I explained to him that he was thinking of Scoundrels. The healer leader kicked me from the group.


I've also had requests in higher lvl WZ's for me to use "Smuggle" or stealth...

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Persnaly, as an op dps, I have never seen a situation where dropping into cover and spamming snipe/aimed shot would be the best option. Honestly curious here, what situations would you say warrant that? if it's times where you can't get in close, I personally recommend spamming overload shot/whatever the pub equivalent is, as you get a 20% or so buff to it's damage automatically compared to aim shot as an op/scound


I have no personal experience of operative/scoundrel, but our scoundrel healer found it useful to kill his orb quickly on Operator IX while being in the middle. I think it one-shot the sphere. I'm pretty sure there must be some other such situation, as I got my slinger into situation where he had to use smuggler signature ability ;)

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Was running CZ Corporate Labs on SM last week to get the Weekly. I'm a well geared 55 Marauder and we have another Marauder, Sorc and Ops heals. Three of us are running through it but the Sorc...every time we come to a group of trash he's trying to give direction.


"Everybody stand over here so we can LoS"

"I can pull then LoS next group."


So on and so forth, the rest of us are pretty much ignoring him. Finally he starts getting angry and going all caps.




So I tell him to relax and we all point out that it's SM and we're not really even taking any damage. During the Eradicator fight he finally loses it completely. The other Marauder and I are just standing under the Eradicator going to town and the Ops is throwing us the occasional heal when necessary. That Sorc is going off in chat.






And the Ops goes:




Eradicator dies, guy gets his loot, calls us a bunch of noobs and drops. We all have a good laugh, Ops gets out a companion and we three-man the rest of the FP.


LOL ... What?? ... You said SM, right? ... SM? .. Story Mode?? ...Right?


...and the Sorc is treating it like HM? And goes balls-to-the-wall off the Richter? HAHA...Wow.


That post made me laugh. Considering ...I ROFL-stomp that with zero effort ...solo. Even the Vigilant FP too :) ...And, "KILL THE ADDS?" ... LOL really? HAHAHA The adds in solo SM spawn and just look at you while you down the boss. They wait for you to kill them afterwards.


LOL...wow. Good share :D

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You must be omitting something, no one kicks anyone for politely explaining their mistake from a WB group.


While it is possible he's not telling the whole story, I can tell you that I have seen people get booted from groups for all kinds of completely stupid reasons, especially a person politely explaining something. No one? Oh, we all wish human beings were that rational.

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You must be omitting something, no one kicks anyone for politely explaining their mistake from a WB group.

I agree with chuixupu, people have been kick for any and everything. I once had someone try to kick me on my infiltration shadow for using double strkie on a weak as the killing move. I did not use it in my rotation, but just hit it at the end because force breach only took him to 2%, when I thought it would kill him.


I have seen someone kicked for a bug in HM FE when they used force leap on the bridge where you should not use force leap, but how would someone new to the instance know that? They lost their healer too, because I quit the group when they kicked.

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The day before yesterday, I and guildie tank were PuGging. Got Cademimu (everytime I get this FP while PuGging, I cry a little inside. Plus my Guildie didn't know the fight.). We get a scoundrel healer.


Now, when i ask my customary, "We doing bonus?" He says no. I say "please? Some of us could us better gear (like me and my guildie. then i inspect his gear and add that he could us better gear too)." He says, my 66s give me better stats than 69s. :rak_02: I just leave it at that since he doesn't get the hint. But i insist we do the bonus regardless of if he wants gear or not.


Then we get to Officer Xander and he insists on religiously keeping the droid away from Orange Circles and does his best to damage Xander to spoil mine and the other DPS efforts. Thankfully, he too realizes he can't out-DPS 2 69- geared and 72-geared DPS, and resorts to calling us idiots, until I give him an all-caps "NO YOU ARE AN IDIOT <insert irrefutable explanation here>!!" Response.


Then he resorts to trying his best to make my Guildie not guard the DPS that outgeared him, insisting that he needed it more. Until the last fight. Surprisingly, despite me being sure the healer was not that good, we finish it without any wipes at all. I just assume he's a good, but inexperienced healer (I had seen him in WZs maybe he's just too used to having a tank guard and peel for him :rolleyes:), and say goodbye and requeue.


Queue up again, and this time, the second Czerka FP on HM, with the same healer (different DPS). He again keeps insisting that without a guard he'll be one-shotted by the bogwing adds. The other DPS (again 72-geared and much more worthy of a guard than a healer), agrees that the guy's completely crazy, and we make an unspoken pact to kill the adds before they are even fully rendered on the screen. :cool: After taking no damage whatsoever because we just kill the adds that fast, the healer keeps quiet and sees it through.


What is with Healers and Guards anyway? :confused: I honestly thought guarding the healer was a trick in lowbies for tanks that weren't fully capable of holding aggro on multiple mobs, or to idiotproof yourself against DPS that tunnel-vision the strongest mobs.

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As a healer, I'll NEVER ask for guards, I let the tanks decide (and 90% the tanks I meet on GF put guard on me automatically. I learned to not discuss this, if they want, so be it), but when I used some of my tanking toons, I've met healers that actually demand guards.This still puzzles me to no end. :rak_02:
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Pre 2.0 (I don't pug anymore), I had a flashpoint group for MP HM with 3 Commando's and my Shadow Tank. It look something like 15 or so minutes to go through it. It was like they were in my mind and knew when I was going to Stealth CC and when to have them all three use Mortor Volley ... It was nice! :D


Sadly, due to the un-love of Shadow Tanks now, I don't queue up at all and probably never will again. (without my guildies).


Also, not really a GF moment, but something funny. I was leveling a Pure Blood Jedi Sage when the Legacy thing first opened up for it. I was on Balmorra (NOTE: No cross factions on that planet) and this Shadow followed me for half the planet, trying to attack me, the entire time (If I qt'ed or went into an instance, they would end up finding me.) It was really weird ... I would have accepted it if it was a cross faction planet, but it wasn't ... I would say stuff in general and even call their name, but they never responded to anything. ...

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Also, not really a GF moment, but something funny. I was leveling a Pure Blood Jedi Sage when the Legacy thing first opened up for it. I was on Balmorra (NOTE: No cross factions on that planet) and this Shadow followed me for half the planet, trying to attack me, the entire time (If I qt'ed or went into an instance, they would end up finding me.) It was really weird ... I would have accepted it if it was a cross faction planet, but it wasn't ... I would say stuff in general and even call their name, but they never responded to anything. ...


That's what you get for running around in the slave outfit ...

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That's what you get for running around in the slave outfit ...


:p Guess they were mad I was hotter?


Srsly though, I wasn't in ****ty clothing. I was using pecies I got from the Heroics, so you could only see the toons face ... I wish I remembered the Shadow's name ... xD Would like to know if they were just bored and trolling me or really thought I was Empire on that planet.

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