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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Ah, this thread is so one of my favourites, so I thought I'd throw in a couple from my recollection.


1) Back in the day (before 2.0 and just after the HK-51 chain came out, I was queuing for Maelstrom Prison HM for the HK piece on my healer. Got a nice quick pop, me sage healer, a sent and commando DPS. We pass the first droid boss, then for some reason the tank leaves (I think he DC'd). So we queue for another tank, and the rest of us being well geared decided to press on. Just before we get to Colonel Dashk we get our replacement tank, Guardian. He dies, but we take down the Colonel. It was then we all notice the tank isn't in Soresu. (So far so normal, right?) So we ask him to drop into Soresu, I add 'Tank stance' and 'the green one', as I'm assuming English wasn't his first language based on his toon name. Doesn't happen. He doesn't even acknowledge us. He's not even using taunts, so halfway through the next mob fights the sent whispers me, saying, 'just treat me like the tank' which I agree with and we breeze through the FP. The best bit? Despite not talking to us, or even acknowledging he didn't know what his 'tank stance' was, our fantastic Guardian had the audacity to demand we "SPACE PLZ!!!" through all the cut-scenes. Obviously we didn't do that. On the penultimate cut-scene every time he typed in "SPACE!!" I typed in "Tank!", hoping he'd get the message. He didn't.


2) This is one where I made a hilarious fool of myself. Again, back in the old days; Taral V SM(my favourite FP btw). My sage healer again, a sent DPS, vanny tank and a guardian DPS. We drop that droid before you talk to Kilran and it drops a nice piece of orange heavy strength armour. The Guardian needs and wins, and I lose it. "Why need on armour you can't use?" I type. "Cos i can use it" comes the reply. I rage some more, annoyed at the ninjaing. Then it hits me. Why was I angry? Because forgot he was a guardian. I was looking at the role symbols on the group pane and saw the DPS crosses and mistook them for a sent/marauder. I felt so stupid. Needless to say my apology was overflowing, and I promised to keep my mouth shut for the rest of the FP. Once explained we all had a good laugh about it and finished the FP amicably, but it taught me to think more carefully before calling people out.

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Assassin tank in Cademinu SM who kept using his Whirlwind for CC (and seemingly on random mobs, not the strongest one) and forgetting about his stealth CC. Well, I would assume he was DPS who just switched stances when he noticed he was tank. Never used Discharge, never got aggro from all the mobs and never used taunt until shortly before the end of the FP.


In the middle of the FP I told him that Whirlwind was no use to him and that he should have a stealth CC and that CCs should be applied on the strongest mobs.


There was one single time he used his stealth cc on a mob just to attack it seconds later.


Funniest line however was: "I stun the droid" (at the first boss encounter). By stunning he meant CCing...I said: "have fun with that!" knowing that you could not cc bosses...


Problem with him was: his behavior made it seem like he was experienced. His actions, not. In the beginning I assumed he knew how things worked, because he gave orders and stuff... but he clearly didn't.


Maybe he was a PvP player with no experience in PvE, or from another MMO...

Edited by Sorei
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I queued for a FP on my commando healer. We got Cademimu SM. People didnt seem to care about keeping threat off me as we rolled through it. People generally seemed to know where to go. However the tank stepped into the orange cirle and got trapped in the orange box. I thought that might be a bad sign, however we kept going alright and got the boss killed since it was SM. It wasnt until we got to the giant lift that takes you down towards the boss when I got worried again. Both the tank and a dps walked off the ledge.

"Oops" the tank says.

I made a mental note to remind them off the fire before the boss fight began. "Stay out the fire" or something like that.

Fight begins, they seem to be staying in the center and dont move much away from the one rocket coming down. I'm tossing heals but the tank is getting pounded because he got too close to the fire. "Move" I type into the chat. And the tank dies from the fire.

"damn" the tank says.

So we keep going as I heal both dps, they seem to be following my lead when I move. However the one dps is still dangerously close to the fire. And the boss does a knockback pushing him into the fire to his death. Now it's me on the other dps, he seems to know what he is doing, taking damage like a tank and I'm healing him well. However bad luck strikes me and he gets knocked into the fire and takes a lot of damage and I'm unable to heal him from the boss. Now it's just me with about 20k of health to go on the boss. About what seems like an eternity later, I kill the boss. I was very impressed with myself! lol I revive the dps that died last and I go to click on the terminal to end the FP.

"help" the tank says.

After the tank get's revived from the dps, they all tell him that was pretty impressive and such.

"wow, you took out 22k of his health!" the tank says.

It was certainly an experience to remember.

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Another story from the same day for me. This time I queued for a flashpoint on my Jugg tank. I got tossed into Mando SM already in progress and not that far along. That always scares me. The group is attacking the trash so I join in. I keep tanking the trash here and there until we get to the boss with the dogs. The entire way there I didn't get a single heal from the healer. That was fishy. I attack the boss and away we go. My health is dropping. There are no heals. I type in chat "heals?" and I get a couple of weak heals thrown at me. Thankfully we survive, although one dps might have died. The sniper DPS (who didn't die for sure) then inspected the healer and found that she wasnt using her healing canister. She was still in dps mode. I asked "are you specced heals" and she says "no."

We asked why she queued as heals then. Answer "because it made me".

I inform her that the game lets you queue as both because she can heals or dps. Answer "sweet".

I don't think she understood what I meant. Sniper calls her a noob and finally gets her to switch to healing canister and we are on our way.


We get to the Republic boarding party. I say to kill the Knight first. Sniper or someone else put's a mark on them for me. I attack and tank the other 3 bosses, slowly watching my health go down and down with no heals.

At this point I wasn't going to beg for heals in the chat. After I die, the other 3 bosses find a new body to fire at - the "healer". She dies. Then the other dps dies, while the Sniper dps lives on and survives for us to win.

I type something like "tanking works best when they are healed"

Sniper says "healers work best when they are not dpsing"

He starts a vote kick, and the healer is voted out.

"have fun in hell" she types before she is officially booted out.

New healer phases in and the rest goes down without a problem.

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I have read through many of these at work. Makes for a great way to spice up a boring as hell day in the office.



Think my best so far was the one I went on a long time back;

SM Que for KP on my PT as a tank and dps, I have a set of gear for both so no big deal to me. I get a group fairly quick, other tank is a PT as well. We took a moment or two to get going, someone had real life thing come up right as the last person hit ready (they said they weren't expecting it since it was within the last like 10 seconds of the timer on accepting). We went along all fun times and such, had a marauder who was a fresh 50 and in like greens and blues a healer pointed him out to me. So I slapped a guard on him, no big deal he never had a boss poke'em. We did the first boss without issue, though we almost lost someone to the knockback was me actually, I was laughing about it with them in ops chat. No real issues until we got to Foreman Crusher, now this guy to me was a bane in my side for a while. My guild had issues pre-2.0 downing him. We eventually did but it took us some effort. I explain to the other tank how I wanted to tank Crusher, he agreed and said "Just tell me when to taunt off". The healer that mentioned the marauder chimed in again and said "I don't expect him to survive with the boss on him for long) this prompted me to look at this tank's gear.


yeah his only piece of tank gear was his shield... And even that had NO defensive stats in it... He completely remodded it into being a dps item. I facepalmed at this moment and basically whispered both healers and told them that I'll be solo tanking him as I won't be telling him when to taunt off after looking at his gear. Both healers gave me a "okay" style response. And we went on, first frenzy I pop energy shield and retaunt afterwards. Second one my relic, and rinse repeat. It worked well, we downed him much to my surprise and I gave myself a pat on the back.

((Yes I know Crusher is easily solo-tanked, but keep in mind when I started Ops on my PT as a tank the guild I was running with had like 2 people, myself included in that 2, that knew the Op. So I had to explain the fights and we were tank-swapping as when I tried to take 2 frenzies the healers commented on maybe swapping tanks. SO I went along with it))


Now we get to the Fabricator droid. Explain it, get puzzle people, yada yada. I now whispered the "tank" with me and bluntly put saying "I know your not a tank, you have 0 defensive stats and only que'ed as a tank cause its faster" followed up with "But here, you NEED to taunt and take him off of me. I'm not geared enough to survive through 10 stack armor debuff". I did a rc, he clicked ready. As we were about to pull I get a whisper that made me facepalm so freaking loudly my folks heard it a room away. That whisper was;

"Dude, I don't know where my taunt is"


He found it eventually... And pulled off of me with it, but I kept the boss longer then I would have liked, reaching 7 or 8 stacks each time cause well. I was in tank gear and he wasn't.

We wiped anyway. Second try was a wipe. Same with the third.


Group fell apart after the third wipe.



Was funny, in a sad way. I'll post with more stories if I live through anymore... But I rarely PuG nowadays, least not Ops that are 55 lvl ones and the 50 Ops I PuG like everyone is overleveled and overgeared its a screw around Op for like everyone (Had a Sin dps that decided he was going to jump inbetween his attacks in a HM EV, did the same the whole way through it and still put out respectable dps lol).

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Yesterday EV pug run. Me and 2 other guildies joined it for easy comms. First tank jumps on turrets before even everyone left the ship via escape pods. Well, it's okay, most of us are 55 and good geared. Then tank pulls the droid not waiting to explain tactics to few people who were doing the ops for the first time. Still managed to survive, but then we managed to convince him to wait for others and give instructions.


Then we got to Gharj. Some people died because they didn't listen to advice on where to stand, some died in the fire as they didn't leave islands.... Only is 3 DPS and tank survive to the last island and Gharj goes enrage. Tank called for the wipe, but luckily the off heals of 55 merc are enough to keep 3 good geared people get last 150k health from the boss.


Now pylons. Two guildies on one pylon, and they asked the others from their group to stay away from console, as they will be kicking on puzzle to speed things up. Suddenly we see how their group dies. Their healer declared that if they don't want to let her click, she feels not needed, and won't be healing. After few minutes of convincing, she agreed to heal.


At Soa it almost went well, though said healer marked herself as leader during jump phase, picked up wrong ways, didn't wait at all platforms to drop and of course, as she was leading, there was no hope for aoe heals. And I'm really glad that other healer was good and that my merc dps have kolto bomb.

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Not a GF story but a progression mess up.


Another night of NM DG wipes on the menu. Pull number damned if I know anymore. Everything is going very well but on Kel someone ate a Red Circle and went to trade it in for a Green one. As a result I look up from the ops frames to check the arena for circle positioning as there were quite a few placed in the middle. Unfortunately this means that healing autopilot kicks in and my pointer moves to the leeched tank standing aside with 80% or so, being the lowest HP at the time. I press Rejuvenate and Healing Trance and he starts screaming 'HoTs'. My eyes shot back to the Ops frame realising my mistake but it was too late. The worst thing was that it was the best pull that night (considering the lowest HP was 80% leeched tank).

Edited by Darth_Dreselus
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Yesterday queued on my 43 dps Sorc for a random FP. We zoned in, and the healer said Hi in chat. Someone said hi back to them. The healer then dropped group. We hadn't even done the conversation to begin the FP.


So I pulled out Talos Drellik.


He healed the group through the entire FP (the queue never gave us another healer). I kept the tank bubbled but he didn't really need it, I didn't have to offheal him as Talos kept him near max health the whole time. Talos is boss! No idea why the healer said hi then left though, but w/e. Thanks for popping our queue!

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Got a couple of classics last night, we were one short for a sunday night guild fun run on alts in SM TFB so we advertise in fleet chat for one more stating that we were doing a group finder for the extra comms, sentinel we pick up is pretty decent and we breezed through the op, fun was had, derps and time wasted were zero. We down operator 9, sent had his weekly done so he just leaves. Group finder bugs and we had to reform and reset the phase when we try to que for a replacement, anyways we get a replacement but our healer derped and had his que on dps so we pick up a new healer. Gear was a mix of level 40 blues, 50 bits and pieces and he had less health than a companion, we give the guy a try but he dies on trash heading to kephess, releases and sits on Voss not answering our questions of whether he's coming back or not so we vote kick him and que again.


He's replaced by a dps.. we clear the trash to kephess and start the kephess fight when it pops up in guild chat 'He has a full tank set on..'. Anyways we down Kephess easily enough but realise dps is lacking so we get this guy to tank and one of our tanks respecs dps and throws his dps gear on. Asked him twice if he knew the fight and if he needed a strat and get assured he's tanked it many, many times so we start the fight.. straight away he's standing back from the tentacle using full auto, I'm yelling in TS to get in nice and close to it, dps is grabbing agro, I'm healing and grabbing agro, this guy is just saying calmly we're pulling agro whenever his taunt finishes..


We get the tenatcles down with dps and myself tanking them and get onto the 2nd phase, our guildie tank gets the boss and we're reminding this guy over and over to taunt when he see's scream, which he does fine.. but everytime he gets spat on and the other tank picks up the boss he stands in the spit and we're spam healing the guy to keep him up.. he does this the entire fight, only replying to our suggestion of moving out of the spit and to another platform with 'Huh?'. In the end its too much and he dies just before we down the 3rd set of tentacles and our respecced tank shares taunting with our main tank, we win. Afterwards this guy actually complains! Says healers weren't healing him :/


Our ignore list continues to grow..

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Okay you'll love this one:


Yesterday night, me and 2 other guildies enter groupfinder for a random sm ops. TfB pops up. I'm on my Vanguard tank. After I enter, I check the HPs of others; 22k dps, 23k dps, 27k tank... doesn't look too good but as long as they know what they're doing, it won't matter. Sadly that is not the case. Right at the first group of mobs everyone attacks everything, no CCs, no nothing, total chaos.


Long story short, we somehow manage to get to the first boss. Fight starts and she enrages at 7% (in story mode!), but goes down (somehow). Well, that boss normally doesn't enrage no matter how bad your gear is; this way or another the group kills it before enrage timer.


And just when I type "this group is hopeless" in gchat, my other guildie discovers that we're only 7. We are 2 tanks, 2 healers and 3 dps. Oh wait, where's the other dps dude? We look around and he's not here. Then we find out that he's on Alderaan!!! :eek: He's on freaking Alderaan!!! We tell him what the heck he's doing there and tell him to come over here asap and he says he doesn't know how to come!!! :eek:


But is that all? Of course not! Even one of your dps is on Alderaan(!!!!), you can kill the boss within the enrage timer. Then we discover one other issue; our Shadow dps is actually a tank! In tanking gear even! We first ask him if he's aware that he's a tank and he says "yes".


I tell him in ops chat "dude I've seen many dps que'ing as tank, but this is the first time I see a tank que'ing as dps". You know what he says? He says "my dps isn't bad". :eek:


So the group kills the first boss with 3 tanks and 2 dps while the other dps was on Alderaan. After that point I say "since we have 3 tanks here, 1 of us can drop and that will be me" and leave and save me like 100k repair bills.

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well, last weekend run as a healer in a 50HM flashpoint - maelstorm or false emperor

PUG with 3 other 55 persons


our tank vanguard was in full 69 or higher

but he was killed in 3 seconds on first pull, we do not wiped then

next pull - he just survived but i got agro and was killed

next pull - tank is killed again and one of the dps and i got agro but we did it


then i have a look at his buffs - he has plasma cell on him!

then i have a better look at his stats - he was full dps!

no shield, no piece of defense


i asked him to switch cell - no attention

asked him twice, three more times


before the second boss (so it was a false emperor HM - boss was a mandolorian with his starship :-)) i stood and refused to go further before anyone replys to me!

and i got an answer at last - "do not waste my time!"


i understand that it's just a 50HM not NiM Ops

but running in false role ignoring other players and being an ******e - it's inexcusable


i rage quit the group and return to my daylies :-(

Edited by pan_sObak
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well, last weekend run as a healer in a 50HM flashpoint - maelstorm or false emperor

PUG with 3 other 55 persons


our tank vanguard was in full 69 or higher

but he was killed in 3 seconds on first pull, we do not wiped then

next pull - he just survived but i got agro and was killed

next pull - tank is killed again and one of the dps and i got agro but we did it


then i have a look at his buffs - he has plasma cell on him!

then i have a better look at his stats - he was full dps!

no shield, no piece of defense


i understand that it's just a 50HM not NiM Ops

but running in false role ignoring other players and being an ******e - it's inexcusable


i rage quit the group and return to my daylies :-(


wow. just wow. 3 seconds in full 69 gear? I tank this flashpoint very often on my healer (lol) , he had to be really really bad. L55 dps in tank SPEC even with no tank gear (but dps 69s augmented) should be fine. unless you know.. stupid.

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My favorite had to be when I started tanking FPs. At level 44 I got into a group and there was only a single big heal coming through (usually when I was around 20% health). At that point I realized the heal sorc was specced as DPS but queued as heals. After we wiped on HK, I asked him if he was specced for heals. He then said "nobody specs for heals before level 50." Next he proceeded to tell me that if I was actually wearing armor, I wouldn't be taking so much damage. Here is a pic of my tank:




He wears pretty much all covert armor but the sorc didn't even both to inspect me. He just figured I was only wearing pants and that was it.

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Its funny I came across this post. I have'nt even used group finder yet and have only play in a group a couple of times and never PVP'd. The reason I shy away from groups is im dont want to be one of the guys you just posted about. I have a couple level 50's and working on more so its not like I dont know how to play but........idk.:o




lol i have a lvl 50 dps and i think know how to use my marauder quite well but sometimes whe i am in a group i also think do these people think i am any good at this game because it can seem to get very technical sometimes and quite frankly right now i just dont get most of it. so i see what your saying but i have had some great tips from HELPFUL people when i have joined groups so i never shy away from it. plus you get great loot from heroics etc...

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Yeah. I guess i got rotten luck with marauders/sentinels noobs.

Every time if mara or sent in my team, they starting to think that they know and perfom tanking better than me.


My last episode was in Foundry.

Of course marauder was think that he was a tank... Bravery attacking mobs with aoe. Jumping in packs, even not bothering that im not attcking them yet.

That was fun. I swear - i never used my taunt so much.

I very tired of this, so i'v decided to let him die a couple of times. When he jump in pack before me - im just picking up other mobs and dont let them to get another teammates.

Finally mara realized that something wrong (after he finally died two times lol). And start to blame me that im a bad tank.

And here our dialog in group:

Mara: "Tank!!! Why you let me die again???!! Start tanking!!!"

Me: "Hey)) You are doing fine)) Keep up. But you forgot to use your defence stance. Use it - and you will be fine..."

Mara: "*********** retard! Im marauder! I dont have such buff, ******e! Im a DPS!!!"

Me: "What? Really? And i was realyy thinking that YOU tank O_o. You attacking before me, jump in packs before me... I guess you tank, not me *innocent face*"

Mara: "**** you retrd! *initiating vote kick*"


And yes, i could be kicked. But the other members of my team was good and obviously experienced gamers (especially sorc-healer. He was giving warnings to mara, but he didnt listen). So they didnt kick me)) Instead they kicked mara.

We was having a good laugh, after he leaves team))

After all we got a new dps snipe, all runs smoothly.

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Soooo... Cadmindu HM. Me as Jugg tank, 2 Mara and an Op Healer. Surprise surprise somebody isn't waiting for the tank to pull, what is actually surprising is that it's the healer opening up with Orbital Strike constantly. I'm a bit pissed off but it's only trash... get to first mildly challenging pull, I don't want to have to be salvaging aggro so force leap, sundering strike, crushing blow, AOE taunt, Saber Reflect - everybody is beating on me but where is the healing? There is none, wipe.


Healer has the cheek to say "can we wait until everybody is ready?", so I say "sure, as long as you stop opening with OS every pull". Torrent of abuse follows. "Good luck finding another tank" I say as I leave FP

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Soooo... Cadmindu HM. Me as Jugg tank, 2 Mara and an Op Healer. Surprise surprise somebody isn't waiting for the tank to pull, what is actually surprising is that it's the healer opening up with Orbital Strike constantly. I'm a bit pissed off but it's only trash... get to first mildly challenging pull, I don't want to have to be salvaging aggro so force leap, sundering strike, crushing blow, AOE taunt, Saber Reflect - everybody is beating on me but where is the healing? There is none, wipe.


Healer has the cheek to say "can we wait until everybody is ready?", so I say "sure, as long as you stop opening with OS every pull". Torrent of abuse follows. "Good luck finding another tank" I say as I leave FP

Then pop a bloody defensive cooldown. it's also your own job to keep yourself alive.

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^ somewhat if not totally missing the point. Healer running ahead pulling aggro, I try to pre-empt this, wipe ensues and healer then abuses me for pulling before he/she/it was ready. For the record I did use all DCs Edited by LingBa
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^ somewhat if not totally missing the point. Healer running ahead pulling aggro, I try to pre-empt this, wipe ensues and healer then abuses me for pulling before he/she/it was ready. For the record I did use all DCs


I think you mean CDs ;)


I'd say he completely missed the point.


Smugglers and IA's running/rolling ahead and pulling with their OS/Freighter flight are annoying.

Edited by Never_Hesitate
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"I wonder what this button does?"


It turns off the light bridge we just spent five minutes trying to switch on, my friend, sending your three companions and the massive droid they are fighting to horrible deaths in the green goo far below.



Actually this person was a fellow guildie, not one of the random people we picked up to do this, and it was the high point of the day. I haven't laughed so much in ages.


Either someone else did the same as me or this was in fact me, at the time I had no idea it would work I just thought that might kill the boss quick, which it did along with the rest of the team xD

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Either someone else did the same as me or this was in fact me, at the time I had no idea it would work I just thought that might kill the boss quick, which it did along with the rest of the team xD


what flash point was that?

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