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When will we see new active sub numbers?


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the fact that EA is not mentionning TOR in the short version of the summary is probably not a good sign, since the short summary is what most people will read.


It's neither a good sign nor a bad sign. It's no sign at all.


EA is a very large holding company that rarely breaks out any gaming property for special comment. The exceptions are very large properties like Madden Football.. and when something new launches and analysts are interested in hearing comment. Like most large companies.. they are focused on the top level numbers and do not drill down to specific products unless pressed by analyst questions, and even then they often just say "no comment".


MMO players really are out of their league for the most part commenting/speculating on EA financial statements and public meetings UNLESS they are in the Finance/Investment end of corporate operations as their actual career. ;) And ditto for stock price commentary.

Edited by Andryah
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Someone didn't play WoW at release ... because otherwise you would know it was a horrific train wreck.


Nothing more annoying than WoW fanboys.


No kidding, rose colored glasses or he wasnt there at launch. I remember horrible(much worse than anything I have seen in ToR) lag in the first year of WoW. Looting anything took forever, people rubber banded all over the place and FPS slowed down to a near stop whenever I went anywhere near world PvP at the crossroads. It got so bad they had to pull the game down for days at a time. They did compensate me for the days, but who cares about .50 a day when you want to game.

Edited by Draekos
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100,000 subscribers equals $1.5M per month.

Roughly 1.5M lost subscribers since launch equals $22.5M in "lost" revenue, per month.


The CM is likely not making anywhere close to what 100k subscribers would net them, let alone the 1.5M they lost.


They did not lose 1.5 million "subscribers" a lot of the people they lost pretty quickly were those who bought the game and then decided they did not like it which is exactly what you would expect. No game has ever kept everyone who makes the initial box purchase.


2.4 Million sales never gives 2.4 million subscribers.

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very much so, at what is it, close to £50 for a bundle pack of the new cartel pack, how many you think bought one or two. Lets say on average a subscriber pays £8 a month, yes im just doing average between 1 month and 6 month. each of those people buying a bundle cover what 6.2 subscribers, so times that buy your guess and then add the number of people who bought those packs and you have the money they just got this morning for a 'cartel pack. hell to with just subs, thats so last week.



Yeah, the people dropping 100+ bucks a month on cartel packs are the people that are going to carry this game going forward. They release new cartel packs every few weeks for a reason. I'm just curious how long that's going to last

Edited by WarGame
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It would be fun to have a little honesty here.


TOR got on F2P because it was losing money with subs.


This is the same story with most F2P mmos of Western origin : you go F2P as a failsafe measure when subs fail.


I don't doubt that TOR is making more money with F2P now than it would have been at this point with subs-I doubt it's making the amount of cash it could have make with, say, 1 million subs (which was a fairly modest objective in november 2011)


1 millions subs means 15 000 000 bucks each month.


At 1 cent per cartel point on average, it would means that a standard cartel pack (360 cp) cost 3.60$, To make as much cash as 1 million sub, Bioware need to sell 4.1 millions of those per month.


Even to make a much more modest 250 000$ per month, Bioware have to sell over 1 million of those. Do you think it's really possible ?

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Fail troll is fail.


Game is almost as healthy as launch, it's biggest problem now is getting over the black eye it got from the first year problems.

Fail troll is fail.

when launch,

i saw more than 3 hundred ppl on an planet,

and that's only 1 of the servers!

now how many servers bw have?

and less than 40ppl on an planet.

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You mean how the lag took down entire servers for days at a time. Yup WoW was awesome at launch!


In my opinion, there is not one thing in WoW that is not done better in SWTOR.


lol, wow has sux art design ,

only blood elf is not that kind of sux stuff,

and its story is far worst than swtor,

even eq1 can beat wow,

and eq1 came out at 1999!

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Just before F2P launched someone from EA/BW said the number of subs was 'well over' 500k, that it the last indication of any kind.


Apologies if it has been mentioned before, couldn't be bothered reading through the pages of rubbish threads like this always produce.

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Fail troll is fail.

when launch,

i saw more than 3 hundred ppl on an planet,

and that's only 1 of the servers!

now how many servers bw have?

and less than 40ppl on an planet.



On The Harbinger, Makeb had 32 instances for a while during the first few weeks, with instances capping out at around 100 people. So we're looking at possibly over 3,000 people on one planet.


The new servers are mega servers, they hold a lot more than the old ones did. On the average, even before 2.0, most planets had 2-3 instances with over about a hundred in each one.

Edited by chuixupu
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It would be fun to have a little honesty here.


TOR got on F2P because it was losing money with subs.


This is the same story with most F2P mmos of Western origin : you go F2P as a failsafe measure when subs fail.


I don't doubt that TOR is making more money with F2P now than it would have been at this point with subs-I doubt it's making the amount of cash it could have make with, say, 1 million subs (which was a fairly modest objective in november 2011)


1 millions subs means 15 000 000 bucks each month.


At 1 cent per cartel point on average, it would means that a standard cartel pack (360 cp) cost 3.60$, To make as much cash as 1 million sub, Bioware need to sell 4.1 millions of those per month.


Even to make a much more modest 250 000$ per month, Bioware have to sell over 1 million of those. Do you think it's really possible ?


It's absolutely possible. First off, you're completely ignoring the fact that there are still a good number of subscribers to the game, It's not 100% F2P people. Second, There are more things that people buy besides cartel packs, there is an entire market of stuff people buy constantly. Finally, even subscribers are buying stuff all the time, which means they get the $15 and the extra money they spend each month.


I think you'd be shocked at what the average person has spent playing this game. In fact, knowing what I know from past and current subscription games that go F2P I'd guarantee the game is making more money now than it was in Nov '11.

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It isn't SWTOR I know but when LOTRO introduced F2P profits tripled despite similar doom-saying (including from me, happy to admit I was wrong. I thought F2P was a sign the gme was on its last legs).




So it is absolutely possible the same has happened in SWTOR.

Edited by LadyDrusilla
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It's absolutely possible. First off, you're completely ignoring the fact that there are still a good number of subscribers to the game, It's not 100% F2P people. Second, There are more things that people buy besides cartel packs, there is an entire market of stuff people buy constantly. Finally, even subscribers are buying stuff all the time, which means they get the $15 and the extra money they spend each month.


I think you'd be shocked at what the average person has spent playing this game. In fact, knowing what I know from past and current subscription games that go F2P I'd guarantee the game is making more money now than it was in Nov '11.


1)I have said exactly, word for word ''the game is certainly making more money now that it was doing subbed''


2)I really don't see what people can buy on the cartel market that is so good. I'm a subber and I basically delete my free cartel packs.

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Fail troll is fail.

when launch,

i saw more than 3 hundred ppl on an planet,

and that's only 1 of the servers!

now how many servers bw have?

and less than 40ppl on an planet.


What planet are you talking about? If it's not Makeb or the Fleet then big deal, everyone is being funneled their with the xpac versus launch when EVERYONE was leveling so all the low level planets were highly populated. When F2P first launched I saw over 200 people on Korriban for the first time since launch and that was like 6 months ago now.


Also are you taking into account instances? They've made the instances on many planets spawn more frequently then they did at launch to deal with issues of lag, fps, and respawns.


There are few servers now, but the servers have extremely increased capacity from the launch servers.

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2)I really don't see what people can buy on the cartel market that is so good. I'm a subber and I basically delete my free cartel packs.


Even if you don't personally like the items they are an easy way to make money. Every other pack or so I usually buy a bunch of packs (now I just buy the hypercrates) and I open half of them, sell the other half unopened. Of the stuff I do open if I want the item I use it myself, if I don't I sell it. I've easily made over 10 million credits doing this. Rather than "basically delete"ing your coins you should just buy a pack and sell it on the GTN.

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Even if you don't personally like the items they are an easy way to make money. Every other pack or so I usually buy a bunch of packs (now I just buy the hypercrates) and I open half of them, sell the other half unopened. Of the stuff I do open if I want the item I use it myself, if I don't I sell it. I've easily made over 10 million credits doing this. Rather than "basically delete"ing your coins you should just buy a pack and sell it on the GTN.


I don't know about your server community, but mine is so bad that I prefer to delete stuff than put it on the GTN.

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Unless I'm blind, on my server, during Makeb release week, I was always in a instance with around 30 or 40 people. top.


Granted, there was maybe 25, 30 instance.


On Shadowlands, the most I saw was 50 per instance -- with generally 30+ instances of Makeb.


I'm happy they did it, though -- seems it made a huge difference in lag and such. That was smart planning on their end -- hopefully a sign for the future :-D

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granted, but 30 instances of 30 people, that make...900 people.


That means, over 8 servers, around 8000 people. That's not much.


Well, 50ish people on 30 instances is 1500 (so, range probably being 900-1500 people per server).


Only 8 US servers -- 9 EU, right? Their pop is roughly the same. APAC pop is probably 1/2 of what NA.


Massively rough estimates, obviously:


9600 on NA -- (8 servers, 4*900 + 4*1500 to get some type of range)

9600 on EU -- (Just copying from NA, for rough estimate)

3000 on APAC -- (Lowball to be safe)


22,200 on Makeb during "Prime Time". I'd say that is a lot, when you take into consideration the people that may have been raiding, in an instance, in the fleet, leveling alts or new toons, and taking a days break.


Obviously, though -- these numbers could be insanely off in any way. I suppose we will never know for sure, but my server has seemed healthy since I came back. I've never felt alone on a planet :rak_03:

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I don't know about your server community, but mine is so bad that I prefer to delete stuff than put it on the GTN.


Are you on the asian-pacific servers that have low pop? Are you trying to sell them when they are just came out or long after?


On my server they sell really well, when the first come out they'll sell for 200k - 400k easy. They die down as the pack gets old and most people have the items they want. Even if you only make 30k I don't see how just deleting them would be better. I'll make a toon on your server and you can just give them to me instead.

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Are you on the asian-pacific servers that have low pop? Are you trying to sell them when they are just came out or long after?


On my server they sell really well, when the first come out they'll sell for 200k - 400k easy. They die down as the pack gets old and most people have the items they want. Even if you only make 30k I don't see how just deleting them would be better. I'll make a toon on your server and you can just give them to me instead.


im on apac servers only one low server is the pvp one and our community is not bad at all hes just a troal

pve is fine pleanty of players

Edited by TheLordMagnus
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I have been once in a Makeb instance with over 50 people, usually it's around 30.


Well, 50ish people on 30 instances is 1500 (so, range probably being 900-1500 people per server).


Only 8 US servers -- 9 EU, right? Their pop is roughly the same. APAC pop is probably 1/2 of what NA.


Massively rough estimates, obviously:


9600 on NA -- (8 servers, 4*900 + 4*1500 to get some type of range)

9600 on EU -- (Just copying from NA, for rough estimate)

3000 on APAC -- (Lowball to be safe)


22,200 on Makeb during "Prime Time". I'd say that is a lot, when you take into consideration the people that may have been raiding, in an instance, in the fleet, leveling alts or new toons, and taking a days break.


Obviously, though -- these numbers could be insanely off in any way. I suppose we will never know for sure, but my server has seemed healthy since I came back. I've never felt alone on a planet :rak_03:

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