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A serious issue for a PvP Die-Hard.


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As a "Die Hard PvP'er" I'm not allowed by some divine presence to fill in the 5-10 minute que times with something productive? That is my argument. He wants to sit on fleet and collect piles of credits for being afk.


15 minutes of PvE would get you about, IDK 16-20k credits for 2 dailies if you work that fast. This, versus the 6400~ credits an average WZ gives. So, every hour you will make an extra 20-60k credits compared to a 'pure' PvP'er(If the PvP'er actually runs dailies while hes waiting for pops). The epic augs run for 350k a piece, for example. The amount of money that they make is different, PvE can make more. This isn't what you call "Substantial" compared to the expense of the items the OP is talking about. He wants to aug all his 55 gear? An extra 40k an hour still means he will wait for quite a while.


But if he sells stack of stims on the GTN, he can cut that time by greater than half. Just saying PvE=/=Crafting money-wise.


I also underlined "Prefers PvP". I prefer PvP, but I can still get my characters *** off fleet and do something.


This is still missing the point, completely. We don't want to PvE. PvE players do not have to PvP. THIS IS THE POINT. There is not viable ways to make credits thru PvP activity. Also, noting the 5-10 down time. I work and when I log on it is peek time for ques and they are instant. Still not the point. Even if I had 30 minutes of downtime I would like to have something other then PvE quests to do. If there were PvP quests I would gladly spend all of my downtime in the world doing them.


Let's not lie to ourselves saying PvE players with plenty of cash don't spend more time on Fleet then anyone. Dailies raids and crafting take far less time then Grinding PvP.

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As a "Die Hard PvP'er" I'm not allowed by some divine presence to fill in the 5-10 minute que times with something productive? That is my argument. He wants to sit on fleet and collect piles of credits for being afk.


15 minutes of PvE would get you about, IDK 16-20k credits for 2 dailies if you work that fast. This, versus the 6400~ credits an average WZ gives. So, every hour you will make an extra 20-60k credits compared to a 'pure' PvP'er(If the PvP'er actually runs dailies while hes waiting for pops). The epic augs run for 350k a piece, for example. The amount of money that they make is different, PvE can make more. This isn't what you call "Substantial" compared to the expense of the items the OP is talking about. He wants to aug all his 55 gear? An extra 40k an hour still means he will wait for quite a while.


But if he sells stack of stims on the GTN, he can cut that time by greater than half. Just saying PvE=/=Crafting money-wise.


I also underlined "Prefers PvP". I prefer PvP, but I can still get my characters *** off fleet and do something.


He wants to collect credits for playing the game.


I can do all the BH dailies in 20 minutes and that will net me around 80-90k without the heroic. I'm not saying PvP should be exactly equal to PvE. But it shouldn't be so far apart. From my ealrier I posts I staed I made enough credits doing 2 days worth of dailies to buy a lvl 63 armoring for my bracers. I didn't have to sell any mats from companion missions or anything else. I earned over a million credits in this manner, with about 6 hours of play over the course of 2 days.


To earn that amount of credits with out selling things on the GTN by PvPing it would take, from what I determined to be an "average" (average here meaning an acceptable standard amount for the purposes of this calculation) of 7k creds for a 15 minute WZ, almost 60 hours of play. When one side of the Pv discussion is earning 10 times more than the other maybe a little balancing is called for?


Because I realize that yes I can do dailies while I'm waiting for queues, and I may start doing this more as there is a PvP quest terminal on Makeb now, the simple fact is for that 15 - 20 minutes I'm in that WZ a PvE player who didn't queue and continued doing dailies is going to be about 15-30k credits richer than me at least.

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This is still missing the point, completely. We don't want to PvE. PvE players do not have to PvP. THIS IS THE POINT.


You're playing half the game and expecting the full game's benefits. PvE players don't have to PvP, but we didn't hand them Conq gear at 55.


Try asking WoW players how to Min/Max their gear without PvE'ing. You grind dailies to buy enchanting mats. You farm stones for gems. The best PvP'ers in the world still have to PvE.


It IS a pain to have to grind dailies, I can easily admit that. But it sucked grinding to 55 with my sh*tty trooper storyline too, not to mention Makeb blowing up... but not really. The point is, get over yourself. We have to do it, so I will. You can sit in fleet and complain about getting beat because you *can't* make money.

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He wants to collect credits for [Not] playing the game.


To earn that amount of credits with out selling things on the GTN



My blue stims sell for 50k a pop. The augs sell for 350k. Pretty sure my cybertech made what you made in 6 hours of questing in 30 minutes on the GTN. He can do that too, he's just stubborn to the fact that you can't que wz's as a way to get everything in this game.

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My blue stims sell for 50k a pop. The augs sell for 350k. Pretty sure my cybertech made what you made in 6 hours of questing in 30 minutes on the GTN. He can do that too, he's just stubborn to the fact that you can't que wz's as a way to get everything in this game.


Ok, i put this to you.


Instead of increasing the amount of credits achieved from Warzones, why don't we decrease the amount of credits achieved from PVE missions??


Sound fair?


I await your biased response.

Edited by Scotland
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My blue stims sell for 50k a pop. The augs sell for 350k. Pretty sure my cybertech made what you made in 6 hours of questing in 30 minutes on the GTN. He can do that too, he's just stubborn to the fact that you can't que wz's as a way to get everything in this game.


You are just ignoring everything everyone is saying. Everyone can sell things on the GTN the disparity comes from what people do while waiting for things to sell. He isn't asking for everything in the game. Neither am I.


You keep telling people how much money you make on the GTN. That's great for you. But look at this:


- PvE = great way to make creds.


- Play the GTN = great way to make creds


- Run companion missions sell mats = great way to make creds


- PvP = not viable for making creds.


Why is it that PvP players absolutely must take part in an aspect of the game they don't like to make credits? PvE players that don't want to craft anything or sell mats will have no trouble making credits but a PvP player that doesn't is being lazy and that's why he is broke?


PvP players are at a clear disadvantage when it comes to making credits. So they have to supplement their credits by playing parts of the game they don't want to. This simply isn't the case for PvE players. If they don't want to deal with the GTN they don't have to. They can do the dailies and make creds hand over fist. Even if they don't like the planetary dailies there is a bevy of FP/Op dailies and weeklies available to them. That all reward credits and comms (comms they don't have to trade in for credits like the PvP cash boxes). There are so many ways for PvE players to make credits by just going out and killing things it's ridiculous.


So at the end a PvP player must play in all aspects of the game to make a decent mount of credits. A PvE player can only do what they want and still make enough to buy whatever they need.

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You are just ignoring everything everyone is saying. Everyone can sell things on the GTN the disparity comes from what people do while waiting for things to sell. He isn't asking for everything in the game. Neither am I.

The selling is the only thing that matters. It is 3x the credits you make on your best day doing dailies. If he were focused at all on crafting he wouldn't have even posted this thread.


You keep telling people how much money you make on the GTN. That's great for you. But look at this:

- PvE = great way to make creds.

- Play the GTN = great way to make creds

- Run companion missions sell mats = great way to make creds

- PvP = not viable for making creds.



Thats like saying I give a PvP player a scooter, a PvE'er a car but I give a crafter an fighter jet. Yes a PvE'er is worth more but compared to the crafter they both suck. He doesn't have to PvE at all. Craft, send his companions out and profit.


I have played since release and after I stopped raiding I left the game and gave away all my stuff. I can back 4 months ago and literally until the x-pac I hadn't done a single daily quest or PvE. Yet somehow I'm just fine. Why?


Tune in next week to find out...

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Ok, i put this to you.

Instead of increasing the amount of credits achieved from Warzones, why don't we decrease the amount of credits achieved from PVE missions??

Sound fair?

I await your biased response.


PvE already makes next to nothing. Max level dailies give like 8,100 credits. That's laughable.

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i made that thread ages ago, but it outlines a logical way to reward credits (among other things) for WZs so that PvPer's bank accounts dont suffer.


we should be able to earn 15k per warzone, if not more. as others have pointed out, you can do the Black Hole dailies in ~20 minutes and pull just south of 100k.

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Thats like saying I give a PvP player a scooter, a PvE'er a car but I give a crafter an fighter jet. Yes a PvE'er is worth more but compared to the crafter they both suck. He doesn't have to PvE at all. Craft, send his companions out and profit.


Exactly, why can't Pve/PvP both be cars? Even if PvE was a Porsche and PvP was a Toyota it would still be enough to get by which is all I'm asking for. Enough to get one thing I need from the GTN per day. I don't need to be rolling in credits.


You have even illustrated my point exactly. If a person who enjoys playing the GTN wants to do that all day they can. If a person who enjoys playing PvE wants to do that all day he can, he won't make as much as the crafter but he makes enough. And then here comes the PvPer he can't do what he wants all day he has to do something else.


PvE already makes next to nothing. Max level dailies give like 8,100 credits. That's laughable.


Per daily. There 5 planets with dailies plus all the FP/Op dailies and weeklies. Also I don't knw about the other planets since it's been so long since I have done them but the area daily in BH gives you 10k so does the heroic.


There is 1 PvP daily and 1 PvP weekly. Both are bugged atm so some people don't even have those.

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You are just ignoring everything everyone is saying. Everyone can sell things on the GTN the disparity comes from what people do while waiting for things to sell. He isn't asking for everything in the game. Neither am I.


You keep telling people how much money you make on the GTN. That's great for you. But look at this:


- PvE = great way to make creds.


- Play the GTN = great way to make creds


- Run companion missions sell mats = great way to make creds


- PvP = not viable for making creds.


Why is it that PvP players absolutely must take part in an aspect of the game they don't like to make credits? PvE players that don't want to craft anything or sell mats will have no trouble making credits but a PvP player that doesn't is being lazy and that's why he is broke?


PvP players are at a clear disadvantage when it comes to making credits. So they have to supplement their credits by playing parts of the game they don't want to. This simply isn't the case for PvE players. If they don't want to deal with the GTN they don't have to. They can do the dailies and make creds hand over fist. Even if they don't like the planetary dailies there is a bevy of FP/Op dailies and weeklies available to them. That all reward credits and comms (comms they don't have to trade in for credits like the PvP cash boxes). There are so many ways for PvE players to make credits by just going out and killing things it's ridiculous.


So at the end a PvP player must play in all aspects of the game to make a decent mount of credits. A PvE player can only do what they want and still make enough to buy whatever they need.


So glad some people understand and can talk about this like a civilized human.


We aren't asking for anything that would harm the PvE world. Quite frankly, we are fine staying out of your way forever! Just give us whats needs to make the game more enjoyable.

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I am somewhat in the same boat as I typically just log in to PVP and that is all.


What I have chosen to do in the post 2.0 world is that I essentially park my toon on Makeb (which thankfully has a PVP mission terminal) and I run dailies while waiting or queues to pop. It beats standing around Fleet staring at everyone while I wait and I am making 7k-8k per mission minimum.


If I complete the whole set of dailies that's 100k or more (per day mind you) and I am getting my PVP matches in. It's really about what your priority is.

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I am somewhat in the same boat as I typically just log in to PVP and that is all.


What I have chosen to do in the post 2.0 world is that I essentially park my toon on Makeb (which thankfully has a PVP mission terminal) and I run dailies while waiting or queues to pop. It beats standing around Fleet staring at everyone while I wait and I am making 7k-8k per mission minimum.


If I complete the whole set of dailies that's 100k or more (per day mind you) and I am getting my PVP matches in. It's really about what your priority is.


This is a good solution, for you. Appreciate you not trolling but once again this is not what the thread is about. I went to Makeb to level because PvP is far too slow, another issue which I won't pry on, and that is enough PvE to hold me over until the next expansion.

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Before people post about how to make credits one of the obvious ways that we already know, refer to the OP. This isn't saying there is no way to make credits at all. It is saying there is not sufficient credits from doing PvP. No matter what anyone comes on here are says about crafting, dailies, GTN or anything else, this still remains ture and IS an issue, whether you would like it to be or not.


EDIT: Moving this to the OP

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I don't understand this post at all.


So while I'm PvPing I'm being a shiftless lay about but if I go to Makeb and pick up 10 macguffins I'm a hard working player deserving of my credits?


My cup of tea as you put it is PvP. Some people's cup of tea is PvE and they can earn their credits and have their tea so to speak. Why can't I do the same?


There is very little money in PvP. This is a fact. The income from PvP was nerfed more than 6 months ago. The game is not providing significant income building from PvP alone. Again, fact. Therefore, if you want money, you have to look to other options. Be it PvE dailies, playing the market, or crafting. What is so difficult to understand here?

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uhh, I'm a gaming legend, the master of speeder, I hoover around fleet 4 hours a day, I want money for each full circle I do. I don't want much, I pay for the game and I demand credits.


on a side note. was already stated that best money is GTN. only PvE you need to do is Plaver vs Economy.

you can cry milion times that you can't get easy money just doing pvp. you gain small sums even if you lose. on pve if you lose you lose money. risk and gain. (I do agree it's a bit to small per WZ-a bit)


if you want good creds , do one of above... if you want just to pvp, then just pvp. no one is forcing you to do anything...

we gave you every possible way to make money. if you still refuse to even try GTN (it's on a fleet) then sorry. I want money for every lap I do on the fleet. Doh.. (joking, I don't do laps, it's even more boring then dailies).


while you QQ that you want money JUST from que WZ, I made 1,5kk selling on GTN today (bad sells, usualy more).



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There is very little money in PvP. This is a fact. The income from PvP was nerfed more than 6 months ago. The game is not providing significant income building from PvP alone. Again, fact. Therefore, if you want money, you have to look to other options. Be it PvE dailies, playing the market, or crafting. What is so difficult to understand here?


Er... hence the point of this thread? Asking for a change to monetary rewards for PvP?


/scratches head

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Er... hence the point of this thread? Asking for a change to monetary rewards for PvP?


/scratches head


You're still not getting it. I want a sammich right now, so BioWare should make it for me. That has about as much of a point as this thread.


OP wants credits, but doesn't want to do what it takes to get them. Seriously, man. Learn to forum.

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They really should just give us 1k per a kill maybe an extra 1k for a solo kill and call it a day....of course no one would want to defend that way so hmm..... How do you suggest they fix it. Also giving us credits based on kill might have the RPers up in arms on republic side.
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You're still not getting it. I want a sammich right now, so BioWare should make it for me. That has about as much of a point as this thread.


OP wants credits, but doesn't want to do what it takes to get them. Seriously, man. Learn to forum.


You're the one thats not getting it, tbh.

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