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Revenge of the Archon: too hard?


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The red circles only appear at the end of his missile cast. So you have 2 options; 1. Interrupt the missile cast, or, 2. If your interrupt is on cooldown - get out of the way.


The trick is not to be in a hurry. Don't take unnecessary damage and your healing companion should be able to keep you up indefinitely.


Also look out for the mini-earthquake at your feet - that is what takes you to the back of the room and puts a slow on you. Its a pain. Once you recognize the earthquake though, its easy to avoid.


And, of course, don't stand in front of the big red super lazer^^


Gear is a factor. If you're undergeared (i.e Tionese) you take too much damage and your companion can't keep you up. Go away do a few FP's, Section X and Black Hole raise yourself a level or so and come back with better gear.

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Why is it when a very FEW people cannot complete a quest it needs to be nerfed???.

Because they are lazy, and are part of the Entitlement Generation, they don't want to work for ANYTHING, and when something isn't given to them they cry and cry until mommy gives in and gives them what they want.

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Just did this quest... and I can't honestly say whether or not it should be nerfed. I will say however, the encounter does need to be fixed. I wiped way more times than I would like to admit due to annoyances such as not being able to target refueling droids, abilities not activating/casting, and finally odd L.O.S issues ( standing right in front of things and getting the 'Can't see target' message.)


Though it seems you can effectively kill him by letting him gain enough stacks that he activates the big laser. While he is charging it, kill the recharging droids to get the isotope then destroy the emergency charging station. Rinse, repeat and destroy the last of the droids. No more droids will spawn, and he will pretty much stare at you blankly while you melt his face. (At least this is what happened for me, I suspect this was a bug too. )

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This quest is not difficult at all. I don't know why people have so much trouble on it. It's a little chaotic with droids spawning and such, but assuming you have decent gear from pre-2.0 endgame, and decent companion(s), it's a total cakewalk. Never died on it. So easy.


I think for most peeps it's a "L2P moment." Or, the players complaining are casuals with zero gear and no clue.

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I cast Whirlwind on him as an assassin, he went into some kind of stand by mode and I dpsed him without him striking back or calling refuelling droids. The stand by mode was some kind of debuff so I don't think it was a bug. This was after reading the strategy guides and failing to kill him 6 times or so previously.
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If you're having trouble, I'd suggest the following:

1. If you're not a healer, use your healing companion. There's damage throughout the fight, and it's a long fight so it can add up.

2. Ignore the generators. I've beat the fight 3 times out of 4 attempts, and the only time I died was when I shut down the generators. They're an unnecessary distraction.

3. Don't forget your heroic moment. and other cooldowns.

4. Don't rush. As long as you don't stand in the bad, Archon does damage very slowly. Your mission is simply to deal damage to him faster than he does to you or your companion, and that's not difficult as long as you're patient.

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It was an interesting mission, but I have to admit, I did it with my wife...I did say to her after it, "good thing we play together, this would be tough to solo". However, we did not have to try it a second time, we managed the first.

I am pretty sure, without knowing what to do initially, I may have died at my first attempt if I had to solo it.


However, a good challenge is fun.... Better than mindless mobs.

Edited by Themanthatisi
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you know what would be great? if tab targeting worked in this fight. I'm not exaggerating: every 4th time I tab, I'm able to pick up a droid that's right in the middle of my frame. that's my ONLY problem here. yeah. it could be easier. blah blah blah. but no. the only issue is tabbing to a new target works so randomly that by the time I pick up the target, two more are fueling the damn boss. c'mmon, bioware! do I really have to play this thing in first person?


Just drop an AoE on the droids then you can tab target them.

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Having done the droid and binoc. quests i got to him at 55 and had no trouble. While no one wants to have to wait, you always could go run some FP's or do some other quests and come back higher than 53.
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I'm 55 healer and i cant do it! And dont give me the learn ur class line. It is just too hard to keep my comp alive while killing the droids and avoiding his huge aoe attack.
i did it as a level 53 healer...first attempt knowing nothing about the fight,


it was easy


i dont understand how anyone could have trouble with it. it's flabbergasting

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You need faster reflexes... I did it on my marauder without getting hit once, it's really not that difficult.


This fight is how all boss fights should be in the solo storyline. I think modern gamers that consider themselves "casual" gamers are used to be carried through games now.


I've witnessed in general chat the people who only gave it one shot and started raging when they clearly didn't understand the fight.


You just need to be aware of your surroundings and stop tunnel visioning on your hot bars.


IMO, there needs to be some sort of warning mechanic before the circles appear or the time before the attack hits needs to be increased. I never tried running directly underneath in the space, but if that doesn't work consistently, it's too tight a window w/o a audio warning.

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Once I got level 53 green gear on my healer companion the mission wasn't impossible, just slightly challenging. The quest line goes by so fast I don't people are properly geared going in. Also the tips on LOS helped my marauder immensely thanks...
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It' not hard at all, learn to play your class. It's challenging and it's meant to be exactly that, what do you expect some easy mode final boss? I was able to finish it at 54 and enjoyed the challenge. The Jedi Consular, Sith Warrior, and the Sith Inquisitor endings were all far too easy compared to this boss. Edited by Jandie
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IMO, there needs to be some sort of warning mechanic before the circles appear or the time before the attack hits needs to be increased. I never tried running directly underneath in the space, but if that doesn't work consistently, it's too tight a window w/o a audio warning.


you want a warning for the giant red templates which are already a warning?


i dont even

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assassins, juggernauts and marauders don't have an aoe they can drop on the droids


Yes you do. Assassins have wither and an AoE taunt that will make them able to be targeted and Juggs and Marauders have their stomp. I have an Assassin and had no problems.

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Did it at level 52 last night, me and my Mako did it quite easily once I realized I had to destroy stuff on the wall behind him, but still did it in one go. I suppose a tank and healer companion is a good combination though.

I finished this yesterday. I died 2 times, then I used the chat to get advise and then defeted him. How? I basically didnt fight him, only for very short periods of time and then towards the end. 90% of the time I spent running around hiting consoles. Almost died towards the end, then I realised that my healer comp is not following me for some reason, so I had to get close to him then finish Archon.

Wait there are console and such to destroy? I had no idea about that. I could not tell just by looking at the room and moving my cursor across the wall. I even used my Macro-Binoculars in the room before fighting him thinking about that as some of the earlier missions had us use the Macro-Binoculars to identify targets. I am going to have to look at that again to see if I can find the consoles to destroy.

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Wait there are console and such to destroy? I had no idea about that. I could not tell just by looking at the room and moving my cursor across the wall. I even used my Macro-Binoculars in the room before fighting him thinking about that as some of the earlier missions had us use the Macro-Binoculars to identify targets. I am going to have to look at that again to see if I can find the consoles to destroy.


When you kill the repair droids they drop yellow mission items. Use those to destroy generator. Macrobinoculars are not a part of this mission.

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When you kill the repair droids they drop yellow mission items. Use those to destroy generator. Macrobinoculars are not a part of this mission.

I do not remember seeing Repair Dorids or any yellow mission items droped. Is that before or after the first main guy, the Rakghoul named Patient Zero.

Patient Zero is the guy I am having trouble with. I have heard a few strategies since I last tried. Hopefully next time I try I will get past him. I have heard that he is harder or more troublesome than the final boss in this mission.

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