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Why are people against a LFG Tool


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I agree with the OP. The current LFG is not efficient at all, since too limited. The /who is not cross planet. So if you are on the fleet, or any other planet looking for a FP, you are missing a chance to catch a lot of people. The current system is just plain idiotic. Edited by Ethern
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The LFD tool in WoW is a huge success that millions of players love, so that's not going to help your case.


And millions of others do not. One of the reasons i stopped playing was part due to this. I had a Guild same one i started the game with. We enjoyed filling that one or two spots when needed FROM OUR SERVER. It was a fun way to meet new recuits for raids and above all a great way to have some fun with some really fun people to play with. LFG tool ruined that when they tended to not be on your server.


I was also enjoying LOTRO, which i have now left and well likly never play again because they too are adding a LFG tool. NOt 100% sure on all the details as i saw LFG tool being added and a few days later just said ok bye.


For myself and others i Know all it does is help ruin what little community is still to be found in MMO's.

Also like to add when it takes just a few minutes to find enough people for a group whats the problem? If you do not have that much time you do not have time for a mmorpg in the first place.

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Also like to add when it takes just a few minutes to find enough people for a group whats the problem? If you do not have that much time you do not have time for a mmorpg in the first place.


This is not my experience unfortunately. At very low and very high levels yes. In mid-range levels however, it can take 1-2 hours to find groups after a game has settled past launch. I've very rarely had an easy time finding a group in mid-levels with out a comprehensive grouping tool.

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Rifts LFG dungeon finder is probably the best in an MMO. So much better than spamming the chat channel for hours and then walking/waiting for someone to come to the instance. I mean, we have the 'shuttle deployed' thing for quick travel and Warzones. Why not for Flashpoints? You don't need to spam the chat channel to find a PvP group....


The people that don't want a LFG tool for Flashpoints are ok with a LFG tool for Warzones? Doesn't make any sense!


With a nice LFG tool you could queue up for one or more Flashpoints and do your normal questing without looking/typing all the time at/in the chat window.

IMHO a LFG tool would even be more realistic. Imagine Luke Skywalker shouting across a Planet that he needs help fighting the empire.... :rolleyes:

Edited by karcyon
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Ok it is an success that people randomly insult others in such groups?

It is an success that people randomly kick others in such groups because of loot, dps meters....?

That people ninja every item they can get, while those who need it cant get it?

A success that nobody talks in such groups anymore, that the game feels like a singleplayer game now?



Dude your definition of success is kinda funny, but sad too.


What the hell has your LFG experiences been like?


Because whilst I occasionally got bad players or idiots, I found if I myself was tolerant it was a pretty good expereince. The only people who seam to hate LFG are the intolerant ones, ironically.


RIFT goes further, you can LFG quest, its not used much, but could be really good for heroic quests, that could be zone and server only. But LFG needs to be serverwide, preferably cross server.


I pay to play, not to sit in chat spamming, its not fun, its not social, its not worth my money.

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Having a bad experience with a LFG tool in a previous MMO does not systematically means that it will be bad in TOR. This transposition is idiotic and it is not enough to deny a feature.

According to that logic I should ask for the removal of guilds...

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All i see is people saying We already have a LFG tool that works. THe god damn tool is garbage.


So what, i check LFG and type let say Hammer Station and then what? the people that can see my LFG needs to be on the same zone/planet so whats the damn point.


WE NEED A LFG TOOL just like the way Rift has it, Rift LFG is cross server (shared among groups of 5 servers) and it works perfectly, as long you met the level requirements and the stat requirements you are able to queue for a specific dungeon and role. I hear this community crap but how is spamming chat good for community, Even if we had a LFG chat it will just be full of LFG or LFM spam.


We have a damn life we dont want to wait a hour to get a party, maybe some of you who dont have a life like that but us normal people that work or have school cant afford the time.

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It's useless crap that doesn't work!


We need a LFG tool that works with all servers. Spending an hour LFG then it turns out the classes people claim to be (healer, tank) are lies and you to start all over.


This chat LFG retro thing it's beyond stupid. And flagging for LFG o WHO doesn't work either.



And you would be wrong.


The LFG system in place works perfectly fine. When you want a group, you set yourself as looking for group. You can just wait (if you're a "follower" type personality), or you can be proactive and search using /who for other people LFG. There's even a nifty comment section where you can list what quest you're looking for.


A working system is in place. It's the ignorant players fault for not utilizing it.

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To me, dungeons essentially went from being a great way to group together, and being involved with other people, to a random selection of avatars that could either play good or bad and I would not see or care about them again. Sometimes I got lucky and got good ones, sometimes bad ones, sometimes normal ones.


And when on your server LFG in chat you always found a good group? I started my mmo days back in EQ so i know what it was to spend 45 mins in chat to get a full group going. Sometimes that group worked out and sometimes it didn't. Hell sometimes your tank or healer would leave before a full group because they grew to inpatient. I don't see how your point is any different.


In today's mmo's i think a LFG tool helps in a way that fits our society in the real world.


We could be like old folgies who wont try to learn how to email because they think its so impersonal than snail mail. Id rather realize that i don't have or willing to spend 40 mins waiting or spending time putting together a group that may or may not work out.

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To everyone that says use the in game LFG tool. Does the current LFG look across zones? i.e. If I am questing on Tattoine and someone on Fleet is putting a group together--do they see my LFG tag? No? Hmmm--that doesn't seem like a great solution.


The only ones that think the current LFG tool is good are the ones that haven't used it.

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The only people scared of the LFG tool is the ones that are bad at making friends. I mean really after you do a Flashpoint once why would you ever do it again? The main reason you ever would in an MMO is to get better gear. When I wanna grind out something for gear I want to get a group as fast as possible so I can just do it and get it outa the way. That doesn't mean I can't join up with friends it just means for times that they aren't on I can still easily get a group going without standing around spamming.
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And you would be wrong.


The LFG system in place works perfectly fine. When you want a group, you set yourself as looking for group. You can just wait (if you're a "follower" type personality), or you can be proactive and search using /who for other people LFG. There's even a nifty comment section where you can list what quest you're looking for.


A working system is in place. It's the ignorant players fault for not utilizing it.


Just because the game already has a somewhat functioning LFG tool, doesn't mean that it should not be improved upon.


We need a proper server-wide, not cross-server, LFG tool which would allow a player to pick an instance and which role he will play in it, while that player continues to quest.


Say what you want about community and player interaction but standing around the Fleet, spamming "DPS LFG Athiss" is not player interaction nor is it community building.

Edited by krookie
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Just because the game already has a somewhat functioning LFG tool, doesn't mean that it should not be improved upon.


I agree. However, most of the ideas on how it should be "improved" are not improvements at all. Making something more convenient while creating more problems at the same time is not an improvement.

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I agree. However, most of the ideas on how it should be "improved" are not improvements at all. Making something more convenient while creating more problems at the same time is not an improvement.


How does a server-wide LFG tool create more problems?

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There's a fairly dated philosophy that flies around which people seem to think dungeon finder = more jerks. No dungeon finder = people are reluctant to be jerks at fear of everyone on the server hating them.


Which yes, sure, this was a fine logic when your average players online for your faction were 400-500 and lots of people knew each other. Average players per faction for WoW in 2004 was between 300-500 on our server. It's significantly higher now.


So these days.. servers are huge and lots of people come and go. People are gonna be jerks regardless; at no point do people stop to think "uh oh better not act a child at fear of being banished by everyone on the server"


Thus dungeon finder or not, the outcome is the same. People can be jerks and will be regardless. There is another argument to raise that arguably your perception of "bad" people just increases as the pool of said "bad" people goes up. It's like saying people who watch the news think the world is going to hell, people who don't think it is all rosey. We hone in on the negatives far more than we do the positives.


So hey.. i'm very pro dungeon finder. Spending 30 minutes to organize a group, get to it and then finally do the dungeon is a pointless waste of time after a while. It is not a "challenge" nor does seeing the same trip to the instance every time somehow add to my experience. First few times it's cool.


That said: in the short term while people level up and BW do want people to experience the world, it is wise to keep it away for the time being. Otherwise people will simply never do the trip.


Definitely hope to see this in game sometime in 2012.

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To everyone that says use the in game LFG tool. Does the current LFG look across zones? i.e. If I am questing on Tattoine and someone on Fleet is putting a group together--do they see my LFG tag? No? Hmmm--that doesn't seem like a great solution.


The only ones that think the current LFG tool is good are the ones that haven't used it.


I used it yesterday with success. Needed someone for a +2 Quest and looked in the /Who section. Someone else was looking too. So, what did I do...


1. I alt-tabbed out and came to the forums to complain that LFG doesn't work... um, er, no


Actually, I whispered said player and we hooked up in a jiffy and did several quests together.


Boom, done!


Hey, is it perfect, no.. did it work for someone who used it... YES!


Now, try it!

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Because the art of communication is lost with the younger mmo players. That's the reason for the polarization of this topic. (Ok, I just made myself sound like a bitter old man)


There's a difference between someone who advertises "LFM <insert location>" vs "LF2M <insert location>" vs "Anyone want to do <insert location>?"

And on the other side the responses; "I'm up for it" vs "Invite" vs "Hi" vs "INVITE ME".


With a LFG tool it completely takes any decision out of your hands, you have no idea what you are going to get. For the low level stuff it's not much of a difference but in the higher end areas where coordination is important you want to have someone who is not a moron or a complete jerkstick.


In my experience with this game there is a lot more socializing in groups vs WoW where you just try to burn through the instance as quickly as possible with the only chat taking place consisting of "Do you know this fight" or "Mana."

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Go play wow a few weeks and you know why it is a bad idea to implement such a tool. Vanila wow --> best MMO ever (together with ultima), WOTLK wow ---> worst MMO ever.


I think you are blinded by nostalgia. I think if you tried to play vanilla WoW for any significant amount of time now you would change your mind.

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To everyone that says use the in game LFG tool. Does the current LFG look across zones? i.e. If I am questing on Tattoine and someone on Fleet is putting a group together--do they see my LFG tag? No? Hmmm--that doesn't seem like a great solution.


The only ones that think the current LFG tool is good are the ones that haven't used it.


When you pull up the WHO window, it defaults to the zone you are in. This does not mean that you can't change the search parameters. The search even includes LFG comments! The more you know.

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If you didn't play WoW before and after the LFD and LFR were placed in service, then you really have no idea what you are talking about.


This isn't a WoW vs SWTOR thing. This is a WoW before LFD and WoW after LFD thing.


When you would do a 5 man, you would go TO the 5 man, walk in with your group of people you met and comunicated with in your Massivly multiplayer game.


Now, all you do is sit in the capital cities and spam /2 while waiting for your queue to pop. There aren't people out in the world. Even low levels are leveling though dungeons, so after level 10 there are not any people really out in the world. This gets a little better in the very late level zones.




LFD/LFR kills immersion and makes the game feel dead.

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