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Thanks for 15 hours of content - what's next?


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Think I am halfway through the story of Makeb and I am loving every second of it!! Such a great story.


And Makeb is a wonderful planet, taking screenshots of nice little details all the time. Great job. Now I would like to see some conversations with companions next, they have been silent far too long. But great job with Makeb, it is so much fun to through it. Can't wait to see the Empire's side of it.

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i enjoy the new content so far worth 10-20 $ i think you are getting alot for your money , i wish we had class story line but all in all its a good story so far . all the issues aside bw/ea is having im pleased with the game and thing can get better with time . ive played wow for years befor this and i feel that they have a good game idea they just need time and experiance to get thing right in the future with out every one demanding too much fluff . so if you dont like it maby blizzard has a game you can play :
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I MUST get 55! I shall spacebar though every dialogue! I don't care what my choices are. All I know is if I press 1 its good, 2 it's neutral, 3 it's bad. I'm a good person I will press 1 I WILL! Ok here I go Makeb grind time. Hmm cool planet I guess. Oh god, the first quest giver *gets hands ready to press 1 and spacebar simultaneously* here we go! *presses 1 and spacebar simultaneously" yah yah yah, go get these guys, get the reports of the Hutts blah blah. OH COOL more xp almost 51! Races over to the next quest givers spamming spacebar not even listening to the story nor even caring. I JUST WANT 55 i dont care about your dumb story nor will I ever immerse myself! I must prove to people I am a god at gaming by getting level cap so I can show off my epicness! OMG...more mission givers *presses spacebar while pressing 1 to get through them ultra fast* woohoooo level 53 ok 2 more levels!


What can I do. I know GRIND in between missioning now. cmon cmon cmon it's a rush to get to 55! Wait...why is it again? Oh yeah, there is no point to rush I just want to for some reason I can't explain then in the end I will be completely bored out of my mind and make a post why the content is so short because I didn't take my time to immerse myself or explore the whole planet!! I WANT REWARDS FOR DOING THIS!!! ok back to leveling...ughh sigh.. more mission givers ok *gets ready to spam spacebar to get through it* OMG YOU PEOPLE I JUST WANT TO LEVEL JUST GIMME THE MISSION! Alright after doing those quests 54 now and it's only been 6 hours! WEEEE I'm making such good time! Wait...why do I have to get this done as fast as possible again? Oh that's right because I love showing of with my enormouse ego and epeen and need to show up everyone that I AM THE BEST GAMER EVER getting to 55 is my goal!!! Screw immersion, it's all about who gets there first! I don't care about the new crew skills level cap or talking to my companion or anything. Just let me level!!


I'm just gonna grind and do the missions while spacebarring I guess to get to 55. Nothing really else to do. I'm just going to run SO fast and get this done while not exploring the rest of the world. Oh nice palace in the distance with some cool waterfall looking place but I can't go there it will ruin my fastest ever level up. Why am I rushing again? Oh yeah GO GO GO! *does more missions and grinds* WEEEEEHEHEHE level 55!! I can't believe I did that in under 20 hours!! 15 even!! They call THAT an expansion? pfftt I cleared that with spacebar smashing, not exploring, gathering NOR listening to any story in such a short time. I don't need to explore anything! It's not that cool anyway. I just go where the missions told me to go. I didn't even bother seeing cool places, looking at the nice scenery nor exploring to get my codex entries. All I want is level 55!!! WEEHEHEHE I am GOD, I am AWESOME, I can show off on the fleet!!!! *goes back to the fleet feeling accomplished* I'm going to brag to everyone I finished Makeb faste......wait....how are all these people level 55 already. I thought I was going to be the first I'm awesome like that.


And those other people's stories coincide with our friend's story here ;) Just goes to show you. THAT example is how a lot of people who get level cap early play the game. In my view anyway. Hope you all enjoyed my example :p

Edited by Skyrison
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15 hours of content? That's more than most AAA single player titles released these days. I assume if these people are so hardcore, they likely have a few other toons needing leveling up.


Considering ME3's last dlc was $15 for a couple hours, getting 15 hours out of $10 is golden.

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Lol 55 is not one and done,there is faction and much more,this is just a kid posting negative stuff for what motive I have no clue.


You are far from done with Makeb OP,far far.


And your far from understanding... too far I guess...

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After advertising Makeb for many months, most of the people I know are already or close to level 55.


So what are the plans for the next big thing?

Or do we have to wait another 6 - 8 months for 10 - 20 hours of content?

Don't get me wrong, Makeb is cool and fun but it doesn't keep you busy for weeks or months. It is just another planet nothing else.


If you seriously got through 15 hours of content in two days, then you need to turn the computer off, go outside, and do something else for a while.

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You might hit lvl 55 in 13 hours but after that there is another 30 hours of game play by doing the binocular and hunter seeker droid missions which after slow start become really interesting change of pace with different kinds of puzzles and stuff to do. Also on the empire side there is another 13 hours of gameplay because the story is different on that side, so that's 56 hours of gameplay.
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Hell, as others have said, single player game expansions give less content...

Heck, the full GAME is often less content than this, much less an expansion. Most of the FPS titles I've played in recent years have been $50-$60, and are usually closer to 10 hours of content. (Not counting achievements, multi-player, etc., just the main SP campaign)


Then they sell you DLC, for $10-$20, and boast about how you get a whole FOUR HOURS of new content. Even Bioware did it with ME3. Leviathan, Omega, Citadel, each was about 4-5 hours of content for what, $12-$15?


SWTOR 2.0 almost feels like a whole new game to me. Quite a value for $10, IMO.

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After advertising Makeb for many months, most of the people I know are already or close to level 55.


So what are the plans for the next big thing?

Or do we have to wait another 6 - 8 months for 10 - 20 hours of content?

Don't get me wrong, Makeb is cool and fun but it doesn't keep you busy for weeks or months. It is just another planet nothing else.


I don't think I would expect much in the way of content for a while. The only thing I can think of that has been mentioned is the "super secret space project" . The barber shop and cathar are suppose to be coming but I really don't consider anything I can't "do" content.

Good to hear you enjoy Makeb , I'm looking forward to it on the 14th

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So if you are not done yet then maybe you should also have pointed that out in the OP along with "That others you know are 55". Secondly why not actually finish what you have in front of you before you make a condescending post about "What's next"? this is why people are misunderstanding your post.
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Yeah seems so and 95% of the people who answered, didn't even read AND understand the topic...


We did understand the topic. You are just another one of those insane people who thinks $10 should get you 100+ hours of entertainment per month, which is nothing short of insane. Find any other activity that gives you as much entertainment per dollar spent as an MMO.


Stop whining and enjoy yourself. Given you seem to have indicated that you spend 15 hours on a game in two weekdays, I would suggest turning the computer off for a few days and finding other hobbies.

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We did understand the topic. You are just another one of those insane people who thinks $10 should get you 100+ hours of entertainment per month, which is nothing short of insane. Find any other activity that gives you as much entertainment per dollar spent as an MMO.


Stop whining and enjoy yourself. Given you seem to have indicated that you spend 15 hours on a game in two weekdays, I would suggest turning the computer off for a few days and finding other hobbies.


Selfowned? :D


You still didn't understand because I wrote several times that I just hit level 52, I was not talking about me but thanks for entertaining me and prooving that you still didn't get the point.

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Yeah seems so and 95% of the people who answered, didn't even read AND understand the topic...


Basic troll maneuvers.


Post troll post with troll title.


Deny making troll post with troll title.


Continue denials about initial troll post and troll title...

Ad infinitum...


OP: If you aren't done yet, how do you know it's "15 hours" yet? Don't you need to finish all the expansion content before you place a time value on it? (You screwed up here.)


OP: If it's "only a planet, nothing more", what about the other mini-quests and such that lead you to the other planets. If you haven't been back to those other planets, how can you, once again, put a time limit on the content? Where'd "15 hours" come from if you aren't done? (You screwed up here.)


OP: Why ask "if we have to wait another 6-8 months for another _________ of content?" if you're not in some way impugning what was just released just over 24 hours ago?


Just saying you aren't trying to provoke these responses when your original post is clearly designed to do so doesn't make you look impressive. How about actually finish all the expansion content, THEN brag about being finished?


You're jumping the gun a bit...

Edited by Kubernetic
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After advertising Makeb for many months, most of the people I know are already or close to level 55.


So what are the plans for the next big thing?

Or do we have to wait another 6 - 8 months for 10 - 20 hours of content?

Don't get me wrong, Makeb is cool and fun but it doesn't keep you busy for weeks or months. It is just another planet nothing else.


so u did all the new quests, the new storyline and the new operation already?? and your almost 55(54 im assuming)?


i guess your just going to have to replay some of it or unsub until they get new content.

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OP, I want to ask you something.


How old are you? Do you have a job / Go to college?


I'm really trying to understand how in the world "I have a lot of friends who are already 55".


I play A LOT of sw when I get home from my 9hs job, and still sometimes I'm not able to gain an entire level per day, even with +25% exp...


Here comes an advice, with ALL the respect of the world: Playing an entire weekend, let's say...8 hs per day a game, that's ok.


But in the middle of the week...you might be not enjoying a lot of things that you really should.


OFC it's your life, and you can do whatever you want, this is just a small advice.


Thanks. And sorry if this sounds rude.

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Not everyone is that fast. I've been playing a lot....I was up until 5am the first night playing, 3am last night, and I'm still level 52 (on my first of 7 toons) and haven't done any of the seeker droid/macro binocular stuff yet. I even turned in a full log of dailies when I started to get ahead. What's "next" for me is progressing through operations.


I'm pretty sure you'll start seeing some other updates coming soon. They'll probably release that Titans of Industry flashpoint and Dread Masters operation that came after Scum and Villainy in the early leaks. From what they've said, the next patch will probably be a lot of quality of life stuff, barber shop, Cathar, etc..

Edited by chuixupu
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You could pay $50 for a full-fledged expansion, like, say, Mists of Pandaria.


You'd still get 15 hours of content. Nothing really engaging about regurgitated quest text and Kill X Mobs, Fetch Y Items.


And then you do the end game MMO thing, grind flashpoints and warzones.

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After advertising Makeb for many months, most of the people I know are already or close to level 55.


So what are the plans for the next big thing?

Or do we have to wait another 6 - 8 months for 10 - 20 hours of content?

Don't get me wrong, Makeb is cool and fun but it doesn't keep you busy for weeks or months. It is just another planet nothing else.


And all seeker droid quest... and all macrobinoculars... and all reputation... and all new operations... and all new gear... and all new craftable thigs... you have done all in 15 hours??


Nice trolling...

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Please correct me if I am wrong but isn't there a difference between "most of the people I know are already or close to level 55" and "I am Level 55" which is by the way something I never said because I just made level 52?


The ignorance of some people to read and understand, even think before they start writing is really impressive. I never said that I am done with Makeb, so I am very surprised of some reactions.


Basically, all this haters raging here are getting pissed about something which has nothing to do with the topic.

I appreciate your input, but... :D


So... trolling?

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I was bitter about the depressing pvp issues so I was spacebarring a lot and got through all of the main quests and most of the side quests (but not the seeker Droid or binoculars quests which I still intend to skip at least for awhile). I finished it in 11 or 12 hours all solo and ended up somewhere in the middle of 53. But I have many other characters to play (other faction too), crafting skills to update, endgame gear to grind, etc.. As a planet, Makeb seems to be around 3x the size of any other and the story is somewhat interesting to me (after I compartmentalized my pvp frustrations) even though the Hutts were never something I ever wanted to know more about before. Outside of the pvp and delay/ performance issues which I'm sure will be resolved sooner than later, I'm ok with the price, am happy with my time spent so far and am anticipating a lot more spent time on Makeb in the future. Edited by Savej
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If you're truly surprised, then I suggest putting yourself in the shoes of a Dev and reading your original post... and attempting to empathise. Your original post specifically says that 'it's just a planet, that's all,' when that is patently FALSE. Above posts have detailed this. The release notes are pretty extensive.


I suggest for maximum enjoyment, you hang up your shock and dismay and either play an alt, enjoy the content, step away from the keyboard for a while, or have a nice day.

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