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Did the TTK..... Just get shorter?


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Aside from the lolster clusterfunk...... I was getting hit four times and dying in WZ today. And it wasn't just me.


My screen was filled with 'XXX has been defeated'.... 'XXX has been defeated'.


PvP in this game was already bordering on the ridiculously brief - but now you can't survive beyond 2-3 GCD.

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Aside from the lolster clusterfunk...... I was getting hit four times and dying in WZ today. And it wasn't just me.


My screen was filled with 'XXX has been defeated'.... 'XXX has been defeated'.


PvP in this game was already bordering on the ridiculously brief - but now you can't survive beyond 2-3 GCD.


like this info ...

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It's bad. Real bad. My first attack on my Gunslinger did 7.2k and at first I was like "oh sweet." A half second later, when I saw everyone is hitting for insane numbers and we're just dropping like flies, there was no more positive feeling. Damage has way outscaled HP. It's pretty ridiculous. It's not even fun because there's no challenge or planning involved now.
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They need to change dmg boost/stat bolster in 30-54 wz right now. Besides that no TTK did not get super short, the problem is bolster is giving everyone close to 55 lvl dmg but not 55 lvl hp. Once you get new pvp gear you will have 29k hp vs 22k or so you have now. That extra 25% increase to your life will adjust the TTK to about where it was before.


The increase to dmg from the new gear is gonna be very small since stats hit much harder DR at 55 so all that will change with new gear is more life for people allowing for a longer TTK.


Yes right now it is silly, getting a 10k crit on someone with 20k hp is just dumb.... but with new gear(hopefully bolster fixed so naked is not best) that hit will probably be only 8k on someone with 30k hp.... and that doesnt seem that different from pre 2.0

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Open with Spinning Kick, Shadow Strike, 2x buffed Force Breach. If still not dead -> normal rotation that has gone about 150% up in damage. It was fun for the first couple of insta-gibs, now I'm wondering who exactly thought it was a good idea in the first place...



(Also, naked is not best. A very simple test I did tonight at level 53. Completely naked, ewh mh and wh oh ~ 1900 main stat, end and exp. Five pieces of social armor with lvl 49 green mods and no augs - 2100 main stat, 2050 end, 1950 exp)

Edited by blooddodo
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we literally 1 GCD'd a sorc, a sniper and myself. I take it he used ambush, and I used hidden strike.


We both hit at exactly the same time, I could swear I was back at launch. The health went from 90% to 5%.

I've been on the other end of that and on PTS, we told them this.........yet nothing changed. I've played a good deal of warzones today (wanted to cap out prior to 55) and while I have been top dps and with very few deaths in all but two games (on sage) it hasnt been fun at all.


I'm always playing to win but what we have now is just silly. I've played for the world spot on gamebattles and that was less nerv wrecking than this. You break a sweat as you are tippy toeing around the map. It's not fun. The only ones who possibly could think it's fun are those who are so bad that they in previous patches never got to finish anyone. Now they just have to push two buttons and bam, health on opponent down to 10 %. It's not even a bolster issue, it's strictly a TTK issue.

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Yeah TTK is insanely short now, if we are going to be hitting and getting hit for these crazy numbers everyone needs a base HP buff of 20k hp to try and offset the ludicrous amount of damage being dished out. Was awesome seeing the big numbers the first few times but now it is just silly.
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we literally 1 GCD'd a sorc, a sniper and myself. I take it he used ambush, and I used hidden strike.


We both hit at exactly the same time, I could swear I was back at launch. The health went from 90% to 5%.


Hey! I think that was my sorc : P lol


Had that happen to me a couple times today. Didn't see anyone around and suddely Retun to medcenter? Two guys standing over my body lol.

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Hey! I think that was my sorc : P lol


Had that happen to me a couple times today. Didn't see anyone around and suddely Retun to medcenter? Two guys standing over my body lol.


Lol, it was in a huttball match. You would have been on a team w/ Skillax and his premade (Shadowlands, here). If it is indeed you, your team won 0-0 the carrier for your team had <20% hp lol

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I did a CW yesterday, it was amazing. Both teams kept three-capping the nodes, because everyone kept getting wiped out. We lost the WZ 0-50, but it was insane. Was loads of /lol moments to, when my operative was hitting people for 7.5k and killed sentinels in 4 GCDs. :p
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I have yet to see a 10k crit on either side and i did 40+ warzones today.


Hit for 7k on smash in PvE set, that's min/maxed for Vigilance. Meaning it has too much accuracy and crit for what a smasher wants, and doesn't get the 10% damage buff on force leap. So yeah 10k crit is completely possible. To compare how it was prior to 2.0, same set was hitting the Trandoshan Trenchcutters for 5.5k smashes (respecced for the Kephess fight just to put out more AOE damage).

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I like it. i really do. No more of a healer healing himslef and others while im bashing his face in (on a dps class that isnt marauder), he has to concentrate on himself, and only himself. MUCH BETTER


I play a merc, sniper, juggernaught, powertech and operative. I do hit insanely hard on all of them, BUT i can also survive focus fire from each of the classes on all of my characters. I would say the population has gotten lazy with what classes are dangerous (maruaders), cos now everyone hurts just as much and people are freaking out. OH NO WHY AM I DYING FAST TO HIM! HES NOT A MARAUDER THATS NOT ALLOWED!!


Also Elite War Hero Augmented gear = worse than 49 Twinked PvE gear


and the guys that go naked for better stats? I still have better stats than you in my 49 PvE gear

Edited by Kalliadies
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my pyro will shred any healer solo now. I was not capable of this (as a universal rule) in any prior patch. the ops don't have a chance to cast their buffed heals at 30%, and the merc healers' immunity bubble doesn't save them, because I don't have to even bother interrupting to melt them. in fact, the only point in stunning or interrupting him is to prevent him from healing someone else or stunning me. luls


on the flip side, I healed a vstar on my mando, and I think I died once in a full match. we had a sage healer, and I didn't feel they hounded me much at all (rarely were 2 ppl on me at once), but I never felt pressured, and when I was guarded, I just sat between the two posts and dared ppl to attack me. iunno. I don't think guard is that powerful, is it? the only problem with the healing example is that I question whether the other team tried to kill me. cuz man, I cut through healers when I was dpsing.

Edited by foxmob
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