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lol bolster


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I'm sorry you're right ... increase ttk... I misspoke


And, this has nothing to do with the "talent pool"... I have 6 chars in their 50's. I'm having a blast on my newbie marauder (level 51.) When this gets fixed, I'm not really sure I will play him anymore. It doesn't sound that fun getting wiped every time I spawn, especially when I can go play my geared chars. I'm trying to get as much warzone action on him as I can right now. Just as an example.

You're doing it wrong. Try spamming the lowest ability on your bar for MUCH higher damage.

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No joke. They boosted low level abilities to compensate for higher level characters having more abilities on the bar. My 36 commando spammed "1" naked for almost 400k damage.


Uhhh, what?


Oh nevermind, I that's over an entire scenario lol.

Edited by Criosdh
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No joke. They boosted low level abilities to compensate for higher level characters having more abilities on the bar. My 36 commando spammed "1" naked for almost 400k damage.


I have a level 12 Sniper, and earlier I completed Novarre Coast with nearly 503K damage...and I haven't even played the game for 4 months.

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Hey everyone!


I was able to spend a bit of time today talking to Rob Hinkle and Alex Modny about the PvP changes and although they are busy right now working on getting solutions to some of these issues, I wanted to pass on some explanations on what is going on.


What is the purpose of “naked” bolster? So I want to clarify why Naked Bolster exists. For Bolster we need to have a system that impacts Warzone players from level 10 to level 55. To do this we want to make sure characters are on as even a playing field as possible. However, when you were leveling up your main, when did you get your first helmet, implant, or relic? In the level up game we have certain points where characters have not yet received certain items and we don’t want to punish these characters because they don’t have access to certain items while higher level characters have plentiful access, so they both get bolstered up to the same level to create a more equal playing field.


Ex: We want to make sure your level 11 without a helmet is getting some stats for their head slot to be equal to the level 25 with a helmet.


With that being said, we do not intend for naked Bolster to be better than wearing gear of any type. This is a bug with the system that we are adamant on fixing and attempted to fix on PTS. The truth is that when we fixed one aspect of the system we opened up another edge case. Last night when it became apparent we had not done enough to fix the issue we started an investigation (yes at 3am CDT in the morning) and have been working all day on a plan of attack to shore up this system so that it is fun and balanced for all parties.


More specifically the issues we have discovered are how the Bolster system handles Relics and diminishing returns. Currently on live, Bolster is giving too many stats to the Relic slot, meaning if you don’t use a Relic (naked Bolster) you will get more stats than the Relic itself would give. Actually different stats entirely since most Relics have Endurance and a proc effect. This means that taking off Relics will give you more primary damage stat and secondary stats and you will probably lose Endurance. How Bolster looks at Relic slots needs to be redone so that stats it assumes are present or should be present are more in-line with Relics that are present and we are working on that currently.


The other issue we found in our investigation is that Bolster’s diminishing returns are too generous and giving out too many stats over the course of a set. Our item system uses a diminishing returns formula on each individual stat on a mod, so that putting more and more of a stat on a single mod costs more “item budget.” The Bolster system follows the same formulas, but because it gives more frequent smaller values that are added together, each stat takes a less harsh diminishing returns hit. Taken over the course of an entire set, the result is that a fully Bolstered character tends to have gained some small values in each stat and rating over actual items. To fix this we need to massage some numbers to make diminishing returns affect Bolster stat gains more drastically.


It is important to note that “naked Bolster” is never intended to be better than wearing gear, this is a bug and is going to be fixed.


How does this affect level 55? Bolster will bolster characters up to right below Partisan gear, the new level 55 PvP set gear. This is working correctly from what we can see and means that the Elder Game will not have this issue of “naked Bolster.” Partisan and Conquer gear are still highly valuable and give better stats than Bolster so that max level PvP should be intact as we designed, it is just unfortunate that the system has bugs in it that make getting to that point frustrating.


Because of the bolster changes and general changes to 2.0 combat math you will see larger numbers during combat. We have given out more health with levels which means more damage to counter it. Also, in 2.0 the gear gap has been closed significantly. In pre-2.0 the gap was roughly (very roughly!) 80% difference between Recruit and fully augmented Elite War Hero gear. Closing this gap means that PvP battles will be on a more equal footing but you might be experiencing damage and heal numbers you hadn’t seen before the patch.


Hopefully this post has addressed some of your concerns about the current state of PvP following Game Update 2.0. Again, naked Bolster being as strong as it is right now is a bug and is not intended design. We have outlined above what our current plan is for addressing it but this is always subject to change. I will do my best to keep you all updated on how and when these changes will happen. Thank you all for your questions and feedback.





Are you serious? 55 should not have a bolster system. That is top tier PvP. That is stupid, if you go into PvP in PvE gear that is YOUR own fault. most people who actively pvp still have WH or ewh gear.

Edited by Yamahara
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Because of the bolster changes and general changes to 2.0 combat math you will see larger numbers during combat. We have given out more health with levels which means more damage to counter it. Also, in 2.0 the gear gap has been closed significantly. In pre-2.0 the gap was roughly (very roughly!) 80% difference between Recruit and fully augmented Elite War Hero gear. Closing this gap means that PvP battles will be on a more equal footing but you might be experiencing damage and heal numbers you hadn’t seen before the patch.



No! The 55 bolster is broken. PVE gear provides you higher stats than partisan gear. Relic slot is also an issue in the 55 bracket. To put it plainly: the bolster needs to be scaled back.

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Are you serious? 55 should not have a bolster system. That is top tier PvP. That is stupid, if you go into PvP in PvE gear that is YOUR own fault. most people who actively pvp still have WH or ewh gear.


Totally agree Sataru. 55 PVP is not for the faint hearted. Get grinding and get your gear people. Having all this namby pamby shifting of stats only allows for exploiters to exist.



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No! The 55 bolster is broken. PVE gear provides you higher stats than partisan gear. Relic slot is also an issue in the 55 bracket. To put it plainly: the bolster needs to be scaled back.


Scaled back or better: abolished in lvl 55.


Bring back recruit gear or remove expertise and make PVP gear = PVE gear, buyable with either PVE or PVP tokens.


Either way, it simply can`t get worse.

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Had been playing my 43 concealment operative with great success in lowbie pvp pre 2.0. Am well geared for the level and know how to play.


My attacks on over 50 players in my new bracket barely scratch them. The main purpose of my spec is the ambush attack rotation. Any of these players I hidden strike, backstab, stun, shiv, lacerate etc etc. I can't now seem to do more than 5% damage during this phase of combat which renders me useless.


....at which point they turn round and 2-shot me, whatever their class.:mad::

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Had been playing my 43 concealment operative with great success in lowbie pvp pre 2.0. Am well geared for the level and know how to play.


My attacks on over 50 players in my new bracket barely scratch them. The main purpose of my spec is the ambush attack rotation. Any of these players I hidden strike, backstab, stun, shiv, lacerate etc etc. I can't now seem to do more than 5% damage during this phase of combat which renders me useless.


....at which point they turn round and 2-shot me, whatever their class.:mad::


don't want to be hater... but.... your success might not have been yours, doing 41+ lowbie pvp in blue gear, maybe some auguments, you can feel like god. (I kept my marauder-carnage- and guardian -focus- on lowbies for about 2 weeks, with 4 chars at L 50 pvp for last 7 months, it was like cutting butter with red hot knife)

People play bad at 10-49, now you meet 50s+ who know how to real pvp.

Edited by Atramar
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gear has nothing to do with it bros but now neither does skill. Everyone can hit 10k crits and everyone has 20k health, so basically even the worst player can go into a wz now and 3 shot someone just by pressing buttons.


Unlike before that it was exclusive of 2-3 classes. And nope, skill still matters.

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I have a level 12 Sniper, and earlier I completed Novarre Coast with nearly 503K damage...and I haven't even played the game for 4 months.


Well at level 12 you dont really need to have any experience as your abilities are basically max 3: charged burst (your spammable ability), quickdraw if you have taken it and the armor debuff again if you have it at l12.

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Abolished in 55? How about 1-55?


There should be no bolster at all in 55. They should allow you to buy partisan gear at 51 so you can be ready for the top tier PvP. Work for your gear..PvP is not for everyone; if your not willing to work for the gear in PvP, thenstick to PvE it is that simple.

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There should be no bolster at all in 55. They should allow you to buy partisan gear at 51 so you can be ready for the top tier PvP. Work for your gear..PvP is not for everyone; if your not willing to work for the gear in PvP, thenstick to PvE it is that simple.


they tried to give free recruit to every one, and we all know how it resulted.. people sold it for credits, or didnt wear since 'they had better stats with pve gear'

removing recruit gear and doing bolster instead was a better idea.

it is bugged and needs tweaking, but it's better then recruit gear.

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There should be no bolster at all in 55. They should allow you to buy partisan gear at 51 so you can be ready for the top tier PvP. Work for your gear..PvP is not for everyone; if your not willing to work for the gear in PvP, thenstick to PvE it is that simple.


why cant bioware think of stuff like this

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they tried to give free recruit to every one, and we all know how it resulted.. people sold it for credits, or didnt wear since 'they had better stats with pve gear'

removing recruit gear and doing bolster instead was a better idea.

it is bugged and needs tweaking, but it's better then recruit gear.


I approve this post. Recruit gear was stupid from the beginning imo.

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they tried to give free recruit to every one, and we all know how it resulted.. people sold it for credits, or didnt wear since 'they had better stats with pve gear'

removing recruit gear and doing bolster instead was a better idea.


The thing is just: Why should you reward people for being too stupid to even put on proper gear?


Failing at a game should never equal success, that is for me somehow the whole point in games and the reason why humans play them since thousands of years.

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The thing is just: Why should you reward people for being too stupid to even put on proper gear?


Failing at a game should never equal success, that is for me somehow the whole point in games and the reason why humans play them since thousands of years.


Probably because these stupid people didn't only punished themselves, they punished the 7 unlucky people who got into the same team.

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The thing is just: Why should you reward people for being too stupid to even put on proper gear?


Failing at a game should never equal success, that is for me somehow the whole point in games and the reason why humans play them since thousands of years.


it wasnt about rewarding people, it was about not punishing team. yes, they will still probably be bad. but so is half of your team.

I'm not saying bolster should make person with valor 1 equal to min maxed top tier fully agumented pvp gear.

If it was up to me, bolster would work:

is item pvp gear? yes:leave it as it is;no:bolster to 90-95% of tier 1 entry pvp item;

but I'll leave tweaking to dev team, as I'm not as arrogant to say that I know metrics and mechanics of majority of players, and I'm hoping they have person who will (eventually TM) get it right.

Not to mention, recruit gear was just so... ugly... you were spotted from crowd... 'hey, xxx on their team is recruit gear, who didnt get his 5k dmg medal yet, give him a shot'

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The thing is just: Why should you reward people for being too stupid to even put on proper gear?


Failing at a game should never equal success, that is for me somehow the whole point in games and the reason why humans play them since thousands of years.


A post full of intelligence.


/Golfclap ?

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Who said gear does not give an advantage?


Have you seen tanks with their PvE full endurance sets in warzones?

Around 33-34K life and full expertise thanks to bolster.

How much has a PvP geared tank?


Biofail Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Carebear Sith :D :D :D

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