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Does the Smuggler story get any better? (minor spoilers)


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I'm not going to spoil much, but I just got my ship and left Coruscant for Taris.


Now if I'm honest I've been a little underwhelmed by the Smuggler story so far. I wasn't exactly thrilled chasing this Skavak fella, and now I've been sent to seek out this mysterious treasure I know nothing of....so chasing more loose ends.


Don't get me wrong, the class has been fun to play and the dialogue options are great but does the story get any better beyond Coruscant? I know its early days but the Imperial Agent I'm also playing manages to keep me far more intrigued than this story arc.


Oh and while I'm at it please tell me that Bowdaar is a decent tanking companion, I don't think I can stomach much more of this Corso fella.

Edited by ZakMorgan
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Hm, I have to say, with the current version of Sweeping Gunfire, Bowdaar may actually be useful for something.


But yeah, things don't pick up class-wise until the end of Chapter 1. Until then it's a series of amusing diversions -- Beryl (who comes back), Bowdaar, some *hilarious* Tat business, and a really charming but short storyline on Alderaan.

Edited by flem
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The tat part of the story is really fun, especially if you are evil. And what did you expect from the space cowboy story? Padawans and giant battles?


I'm loving every moment so far, fighting to get my ship back, hunting for you know what and doing.. well... everyone? (I'm a ****, or so my guild mates tell me)

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I enjoy the story so far (just finishing Coruscant). Mostly not because of the quests (which are also ok), but because of the sheer awesomeness of my smuggler. Her every secord line in the dialogues is epic!

And what's the problem everyone's having with Corso? Pretty decent companion. Having to switch off harpoon constantly is annoying, but I hope it'll be fixed. Not sure I'll want the wookie.. hated the one in KOTOR1.

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Corso is goodie-two-shoes, hes alright for scoundrels but the hookshoot as an aggro skill is terrible for gunslingers and his dialogue is boring. Also, he doesnt like me sleeping around.


The wookie loves to fight, but dislikes cruel acts. Charge is a tad bugged but he is a decent tank (dies a lot though)


Risha.. Well, Risha is just awesome. Double sniping facemelting is my favorite activity, second fav is courting her. 2k/10k so far, theres so much experience to be had from giving gifts to your companion!

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I enjoy the story so far (just finishing Coruscant). Mostly not because of the quests (which are also ok), but because of the sheer awesomeness of my smuggler. Her every secord line in the dialogues is epic!

And what's the problem everyone's having with Corso? Pretty decent companion. Having to switch off harpoon constantly is annoying, but I hope it'll be fixed. Not sure I'll want the wookie.. hated the one in KOTOR1.


the companion harpoon keep going off in heroics when you have turned it off its most annoying

i forever get jedi's saying why are you letting your companion harpoon the target im attacking ? and im like its turned off look.......then i look and forsome reason the harpoon is back on when 5 mins ago i turned that baby off in companion abilities....very annoying bug that. so looking forward to ditch corso for another less buggy companion.

Edited by Alpha-Llama
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  • 3 months later...

Corso is really good for the scoundrels because he pulls them in with his harpoon so that they can line up a shot with their scattergun...


But unfourtunately for us gunslingers, it's worthless and usualy draws the enemy behiend cover giving them a clear shot.


But he can sort of tank, which is handy.

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Corso is really good for the scoundrels because he pulls them in with his harpoon so that they can line up a shot with their scattergun...


But unfourtunately for us gunslingers, it's worthless and usualy draws the enemy behiend cover giving them a clear shot.


But he can sort of tank, which is handy.


that's why you turn off the harpoon skill. even on my gunslinger, i use Corso a lot. he never lets go of agro which leaves me to pelt the enemy as hard as i want. gear him up right, and he'll take a ton of abuse.

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I think maybe you should roll a Jedi or a Sith as an alt and check those out if you haven't yet. I don't think Smuggler is for everyone. I know a lot of people who re-rolled because of the story, which is beyond me because it's my favorite one by far.
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The Agent story is the most complex, intriguing, and interesting story I've come across so far. I had to ESC and relisten to so many, go through ALL the options, just to see how fantastic the writers made this class. Have done all 4 of the Sith side, and starting now on the Rep side.


Just starting the Smuggler, which in the beta thought was the most fun overall (and yeah, the Bounty Hunter is a blast too, but the end of Chapter 3 was kinda meh).


I tend to roll female toons, so the romance option is off with a lot of the companion interactions (guess I missed a lot from Jaesa, Kal and Vette).


Am hoping that the Smuggler keeps interesting and fun. Really not intersted in running a Jedi anything, but for the Trooper, I may actually look at tanking (all my toons are dps so far.)

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leveled up to 50 with corso as a gunslinger with no problems. but i have a close / melee combat rotation on my hot bar for when he does harpoon the mob. i actually want him to when i put him on a strong one since i can do the following. blaster whip, dirty kick, cheap shot, blaster whip and quick draw if needed. dirty kick is our only non breakable stun which you get in the twenties i believe. the range ability that shares its cooldown can be broken.


for range elites i turn off harpoon. if you play an evil smuggler good luck in getting any affection with the tank companions especially with corso if you are obnoxious to females. risha is ok if you are a healer but as a dps with a clue on your spec and rotation you will be pulling all the agro and get toasted rather fast especially on elites. when you die its over. when corso dies its ok. bowdar is a aoe speced smuggler tank companion if there is such a thing. gus is the best when you gear him up and keep him that way. he heals you with his jedi powers so he says.


the story line is above average i guess and has a few surpises in the later part of it. there is only one really difficult encounter but that is in act one.


gus is one of the most entertaining companions out there. alot of his lines are priceless.


good luck and have fun

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Corso is really good for the scoundrels because he pulls them in with his harpoon so that they can line up a shot with their scattergun...


But unfourtunately for us gunslingers, it's worthless and usualy draws the enemy behiend cover giving them a clear shot.


But he can sort of tank, which is handy.



I rolled as a gunslinger, the trick to having the harpoon be useful is to use your cc. It gives you the advantage of a stunned enemy long enough to figure out where you need to be so that he isn't pulling out of your LOS. He is a tank and use him as that so pretty much you wanna stun and then send him in guns blazing, just stay back and do what you do.

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Smuggler storyline starts off pretty dull. But really picks up by the time you get to Nar Shad. Bowdaar is alot of fun and he even makes Corso more fun at points.


By the time you get to Tattooine the funny just doesn't stop. Some really priceless moments in there.


All the Smuggler companions are fun. My only issue with Corso is you get stuck so long with only him, and its during the dullest parts of the storyline. So its easy to link those two things in your mind.


I'll agree with the previous poster about how dull the Consular plotline is.

Edited by CutlassJack
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I have found the smuggler story line my favorite, followed by consular and knight. Trooper is the one story I have not enjoyed all that much. I have not finished any of the sith ones and will not finish the warrior because

you can not save the agent at the end of Drummond Kaas

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Aside from my frustration with Corso (I find him creepy and a little self-righteous, a bad combination) and a couple issues with the story (one big and one small, see below), I really enjoyed the Smuggler storyline. It feels right for my character and I was usually eager to see what happened next).




The big issue is Risha. I like the character and I enjoyed her storyline. But the way we met doesn't seem credible. She was living on my ship and working with the guy who stole it. Why in the galaxy would I let her stay? Heck, after the epic, Sterling Archer-Style rampage murder spree I just finished (all to get my ship back), why would I even let her live?


But for reasons I can't fathom (no "the plot needs it" is not a good reason), I don't just spare her life. I invite her into my crew. I let her dictate my next job. And then we fall in love? What kinda of strange Jedi mind trick did she use on me? Risha, get off my ship. Right. Now. Run away, and never come back.


The small issue is the Voidwolf. I hated Skavak, in the best possible way. He was a great villain and nemesis. But the Voidwolf never quite measures up to his predecessor. He was a worthy foe for the republic, not for me.


Now Rogun, on the other hand, we've known each other for the entire story. I'm just getting into chapter 3, but I'm really eager to see where the story goes from here.



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I think the Consular was far better in doing mostly what I expected to be doing. Past chapter 2 the storyline was nonsense for my dark sided gunslinger.


Some of companion stories just fly in the face of the main story line too, Risha kept talking about flying off to pull heists, again, that doesn't make sense with chapter 3.



I'm some kind of black ops republic agent who in his spare time goes pirating around the republic?



Smuggler storyline really needed to progress the underworld side of the republic and dipping in and out of the war to complete the primary function of making money.

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