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Developer Update: Legacy Achievements


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I was excited to hear about the Achievement System at first. This update just killed my enthusiasm.

I hate grinding and even more so, I hate grinding for very little payoff. There is nothing worth grinding out these achievements for me since I'm not a title chaser and the small amount of Cartel Coins you can earn this way would equal up to what, a couple cartel packs and that is if you hoard what you get and do all of those particular achievements.


Disappointing, but have fun to the people who do enjoy these types of things.

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In life? No. In gaming? Most certainly.


Well many people disagree with you. That's why we have things like Xbox achievements, PS3 trophies and steam achievements. It gives you an easy way to see all the things you've done and for completionists it gives them something to do even without tangible rewards.


On the other side if they gave powerful gear for doing these things then people would complain they HAD to grind achievements to get the good gear.

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Perhaps, but then it would trivialize the accomplishment of having grabbed them all on a toon by lvl 33 {lvl 33 as this is the current prereq to land on Quesh to get those 3}. Yes, i am one of those player that at this point in time does things to increase my challenge....by grabbing datacrons on Corellia as a lvl 22 for example.


In the past, on my ancient toons I would of course do every possible mission and grab them as I went to each new planet. These days I lvl, usually through pure pvp, exploration {opening up the maps on a planets}, and getting stray codex entries and datacrons {things an underlvled toon can currently do without too much trouble}.


Your suggestion, while a possible solution, may indirectly harm what I consider an accomplishment.


Another simple solution, getting a datacron you've already obtained legacy wide would grant a large EXP bonus.


I do understand wanting a feeling of accomplishment though.

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I was excited to hear about the Achievement System at first. This update just killed my enthusiasm.

I hate grinding and even more so, I hate grinding for very little payoff. There is nothing worth grinding out these achievements for me since I'm not a title chaser and the small amount of Cartel Coins you can earn this way would equal up to what, a couple cartel packs and that is if you hoard what you get and do all of those particular achievements.


Disappointing, but have fun to the people who do enjoy these types of things.


Heh, hate to say it but if you hate grinding an RPG really isn't the type of game for you :p

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What kind of rewards do you really get at the end of games? newgame+ maybe, a shiny OP as all hell weapon with infinite ammo to just go crazy with? Sure those are nice, but what about older games? What did you really get for beating the game? For the most part a simple "game over, you win!" message, but otherwise nothing..

Yeah well, welcome to 2013.


Fortunately for us the archaic limitations that were once imposed upon the presentation of games have long since been relegated to the annals of history, and are no longer a factor. To gauge a modern day AAA MMO's appeal against a 1989 2D platformer's capabilities seems a hopelessly deluded exercise, bereft of any sense, and I would kindly urge you to start thinking about raising the bar a little bit when it comes to your expectations.

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Please tell me there is an Overachiever title for getting them all :D


There are a couple of titles that require a significant amount of playtime.


Meatbag - kill HK-47 25 times in the Foundry AND False Emperor. I guess I'll farm that with my level 55s on SM;)


Imperial/Republic Squad Leader* - get all Imperial/Republic companions to 10K affection (does not require companion story completion) for the respective faction title


Manhunter - Kill 50K enemy players


Master Craftsman - Get ALL crew skills to 450/450

Imperial/Republic Diehard - Get all 4 Faction Classes to level 55 for the respective Faction title


*You need both LS and DS Jaesa at 10K so the Imperial Squad Leader requires 21 companions rather than 20


I'm leveling a 2nd Warrior so I can get the Imperial Squad Leader one. I hate investigation but I might as well raise it from 150 to 450 so I can eventually get that Legacy title (got 7/8 skills at 400).

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Yeah well, welcome to 2013.


Fortunately for us the archaic limitations that were once imposed upon the presentation of games have long since been relegated to the annals of history, and are no longer a factor. To gauge a modern day AAA MMO's appeal against a 1989 2D platformer's capabilities seems a hopelessly deluded exercise, bereft of any sense, and I would kindly urge you to start thinking about raising the bar a little bit when it comes to your expectations.


So you're predicting that achievements for the new Xbox console coming this year will give tangible game rewards for completing them?

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Yeah well, welcome to 2013.


Fortunately for us the archaic limitations that were once imposed upon the presentation of games have long since been relegated to the annals of history, and are no longer a factor. To gauge a modern day AAA MMO's appeal against a 1989 2D platformer's capabilities seems a hopelessly deluded exercise, bereft of any sense, and I would kindly urge you to start thinking about raising the bar a little bit when it comes to your expectations.


Yet does every game released now a days necessarily have that? No they don't. There are games that are released on the xbox live arcade that have nothing at the end other than a "game over, you win" message, hell a more modern game dishonored really had nothing at the end other than some choices that influenced your ending a bit, and really, what did you get for beating it? A harder difficulty level maybe, and a newgame+, in other words not much.


I honestly pity the fact that you're one of the kids these days who needs to have instant gratification in everything you do and simply cant appreciate playing a game for fun.

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Well many people disagree with you. That's why we have things like Xbox achievements, PS3 trophies and steam achievements. It gives you an easy way to see all the things you've done and for completionists it gives them something to do even without tangible rewards.


On the other side if they gave powerful gear for doing these things then people would complain they HAD to grind achievements to get the good gear.


I never demanded powerful gear as a reward for completing achievements.


Wait, that's not entirely true. I do think the ultimate piece of gear should be available to those who unlock every single achievement. But that's not such an unreasonable request, I think, considering the sheer amount of work it would take to complete such a task.


But no, if you read my previous posts, you'll find that what I've been promulgating is the idea that every single one of the Cartel Market Items we've seen released so far were actually originally intended as rewards for the achievement system. I believe they should repurpose said rewards for the achievement system, the way they were originally intended, as a way to appease subscribers and give freepers an excellent incentive to start paying a monthly fee.


I wouldn't mind if they did this a little further down the line, but sincerely hope they get around to doing so eventually.

Edited by Machine-Elf
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Please tell me there is an Overachiever title for getting them all :D


Oh just realized, there are some more titles that take quite a while to get:


Loremaster - get all Lore codex entries


Beastmaster (that just sounds awesome) - get all Beastiary Codex entries


Galactic Explorer- get all Location Codex entries

Galactic Hero (getting that for my Sent) - complete every Heroic mission for both factions

Edited by AshlaBoga
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So you're predicting that achievements for the new Xbox console coming this year will give tangible game rewards for completing them?

Xbox achievements are a different beast. They cater to the completionist, yes, but they're also grounded on a high visibility platform with a much wider-reaching scope that what SWTOR is offering us at the moment.


If there were a way for everyone on a server to identify the players who are furthest ahead in the enormous trudge up to total achievement completion—say, via the (currently completely useless) HOLONET terminals—then all of the sudden you're dealing with a system that's not only more rewarding, but actually incites competition among players while also building community. The Secret World has recently implemented something along these same lines with its new Chronicle feature.

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I never demanded powerful gear as a reward for completing achievements.


Wait, that's not entirely true. I do think the ultimate piece of gear should be available to those who unlock every single achievement. But that's not such an unreasonable request, I think, considering the sheer amount of work it would take to complete such a task.


But no, if you read my previous posts, you'll find that what I've been promulgating is the idea that every single one of the Cartel Market Items we've seen released so far were actually originally intended as rewards for the achievement system. I believe they should repurpose said rewards for the achievement system, the way they were originally intended, as a way to appease subscribers and give freepers an excellent incentive to start paying a monthly fee.


I wouldn't mind if they did this a little further down the line, but sincerely hope they get around to doing it eventually.


Yeah, I read those posts, I don't agree with you at all. The cartel market items were created to sell cartel packs. The first 11 months of the game provides no evidence of your theory.


Xbox achievements are a different beast. They cater to the completionist, yes, but they're also grounded on a high visibility platform with a much wider-reaching scope that what SWTOR is offering us at the moment.


I don't understand how that is even relevant. You're asking why people would want to get achievement with no reward, well there's your example. How many Xboxs there are doesn't matter in the least.

Edited by DaRoamer
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Wow i cant beleive thier expending energy on this pointless padding. Cant you focus yourselves on more actual useful features like better guild management tools, or any number of the countless things other mmo's take for granted and have been asked for by your players from day 1 :( no wonder TOR is so second rate, when the likes of Elder scrolls online comes out, its going to get utterly thrashed, and i really dont want to see that happen, but atm, only my guild and the Star Wars license is keeping me here (especially as I cant go back to SWG) Edited by Markonus-DS-
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Wow i cant beleive thier expending energy on this pointless padding. Cant you focus yourselves on more actual useful features like better guild management tools, or any number of the countless things other mmo's take for granted and have been asked for by your players from day 1 :( no wonder TOR is so second rate, when the likes of Elder scrolls online comes out, its going to get utterly thrashed, and i really dont want to see that happen, but atm, only my guild and the Star Wars license is keeping me here.


Speak for yourself, some of these achievements should have been in game a long time. The titles Imperial Diehard and Imperial Squad Leader mean quite a bit to me.


You don't speak for everyone Mark.

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I didnt say i spoke for everyone mate, perhaps it sounded that way by how i typed it, but there is a large amount of blindingly obvious feature requests that seem to be getting utterly ignored for the sake of mild but ultimatly rather pointless appeasements like acheivements.
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Titles are a long outlived remnant of the past, an obsolete feature from way back in the days of Everquest (possibly even before) in which having an avatar in a shared virtual environment provided enough novelty and attraction in and of itself.


I'm not even sure most people even use the toggle nameplates feature nowadays (it only serves to further clutter the game's already extremely busy visual presentation), let alone care about unlocking titles.

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I don't understand how that is even relevant. You're asking why people would want to get achievement with no reward, well there's your example. How many Xboxs there are doesn't matter in the least.

You should read the rest of my post.


It's not about how many Xboxes there are, it's about how visible the completion of said achievements is to other players. In SWTOR, the only way you can check a player's achievements is by inspecting them one by one. If there were a server wide ladder-like system that factored in everyone's achievements, then the foundation would be set for competitive gameplay to emerge.

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You should read the rest of my post.


It's not about how many Xboxes there are. It's about how visible the completion of said achievements are to other players. In SWTOR, the only way you can only check a player's achievements is by inspecting them one by one. If there were a server wide ladder-like system that factored in everyone's achievements, then the template would be provided for a competitive gameplay.


If there is a leaderboard for Xbox gamer scores I've never seen one. Where exactly is it visible? Also what happened to tangible rewards such as items from the cartel market? Now you're asking for something completely different.

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Acheivements are just cheap sucker features to keep you playing, "Do this for three months and we'll give you a little bit of text saying how awesome you are" doesnt thrill me tbh, I kinda expect a little more actual development for my money than adding a few lines of text and calling it a "feature", thier going the right way with Makeb, least thats content, but feature wise for the regular "updates" there not innovating, thier just padding it out with stuff thats super easy to code, and will distract the easily amused or obsessive completionists for a few months, giving them little of any actual worth for thier efforts. I love Bioware, i reckon thier probably the best developer on the planet, many of thier games are legendary, but the way thier going about TOR is baffling at times tbh :/ Edited by Markonus-DS-
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If there is a leaderboard for Xbox gamer scores I've never seen one. Where exactly is it visible? Also what happened to tangible rewards such as items from the cartel market? Now you're asking for something completely different.

There are all sorts of games that use Xbox Live as a vehicle for ladder systems (Batman: Arkham City springs to mind).


Also what happened to tangible rewards such as items from the cartel market? Now you're asking for something completely different.


What happened to tangible rewards? Nothing. I still think they're an essential part of making this new achievement system less of a ludicrously bare-boned feature. Its lack of a player-ladder component only serves to pronounce the severe flaws in its current presentation.


What are you arguing against, exactly?

Edited by Machine-Elf
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I have a question, as the codex system has been broken since launch for some codex entrys, are these recorded even if they dont show up and not require us todo them again or is the codex system being replaced with the achievment system. Edited by Shingara
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There are all sorts of games that use Xbox Live as a vehicle for ladder systems (Batman: Arkham City springs to mind).


What happened to tangible rewards? Nothing. I still think they're an essential part of making this new achievement system less of a ludicrously bare-boned feature. Its lack of a player-ladder component only serves to pronounce the severe flaws in its current presentation.


What are you arguing against, exactly?


Wait, you said it was because of Xbox's visibility. Now you're talking about specific games. Stick to the point. Xbox achievements and gamer score don't give tangible rewards as an overall system. People like to get them because aside from having fun playing the game you can also get a little score that signifies you've achieved something in the game and long after you've finished playing you can look up the things you did. This does nothing other than give a history of things you've done. You get nothing else. People love it. Some people play games they don't even like just to get the achievements.


If you're incapable of understanding why someone would do this without getting a cookie for it then it's not a feature for you. Some people play the game for fun and not for the rewards they get. I'm going to be playing the game anyway, this just gives me something to look over and see all the things I've done and possibly wear a title to signify I did them to others. Just like I see multitudes of people running around with Gree event titles.

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