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Why does resolve drain away while I'm behind the spawn door?


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Ok - we've all been there: stunlocked, focused and killed.


And I'm assuming you've also had the soul-destroying moment as you watch your resolve bar, that much cherished, fleeting immunity from the Wall of Stun awaiting you, drain away to nothing while you kick your heels behind the spawn barrier.


Shouldn't it stay filled until you re-enter combat? Say, when you next take damage?


Not sure if this has been suggested before. I hope so.


Any reason why not?

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I think that's Gabe's job; assuming Gabe still has a job. >.>


Geezus...that's a name I haven't heard since...Does he still do anything with this game? One can hope he's been moved to another project.

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Shouldn't it stay filled until you re-enter combat? Say, when you next take damage?


Not sure if this has been suggested before. I hope so.


Any reason why not?


CCs do not always deal dmg, so no. it should not take effect when you take dmg, but it should take effect when you enter combat.


along the same lines, combat needs to END after you die. the fact that dots remain on you more than A YEAR after the game went live is a joke.

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I think he meant it should start to drain until you enter combat. So it's not wasted behind the door or on the walk back to the fight.


I've suggested that before as well. Resolve works fine (when you get the right amount, bubble stun). It's just most of the time you are watching it drain away in the spawn.

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I think he meant it should start to drain until you enter combat. So it's not wasted behind the door or on the walk back to the fight.


I've suggested that before as well. Resolve works fine (when you get the right amount, bubble stun). It's just most of the time you are watching it drain away in the spawn.


Yeah, that's it - You keep a full bar until you either attack someone or get attacked.


I cannot see why this isn't in the game already. Seems straightforward enough.

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CCs do not always deal dmg, so no. it should not take effect when you take dmg, but it should take effect when you enter combat.


along the same lines, combat needs to END after you die. the fact that dots remain on you more than A YEAR after the game went live is a joke.


yeah, that and taking damage from the fire traps in huttball, after you have rezzed to the spawn area...

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Most games have immunity timers for stuns, I guess they were trying to give you a visual que of the status of your target with the bar but honestly its pretty borked.


Once the bar fills it should change color and stay full until you get attacked or attack someone. If the bar color changed depending on charging or discharging state then it would sure keep folks from wasting their stuns. It would also stop a lot of the "omg that dude is hacking did you see the way he kept on going and his bar wasn't even full" comments.

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Because its a terrible mechanic as of right now. I wish they would listen to Larry from gamebreaker and the hyperspace beacon column on Massively, and make it a button that pops up above your bar when full, then you can use it like a skill. It is beyond aggravating to get pounced on by 2 smashers, get hit with a cryo grenade, a flash grenade, and then watch your bar tick down and you are in the spawn.
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Because its a terrible mechanic as of right now. I wish they would listen to Larry from gamebreaker and the hyperspace beacon column on Massively, and make it a button that pops up above your bar when full, then you can use it like a skill. It is beyond aggravating to get pounced on by 2 smashers, get hit with a cryo grenade, a flash grenade, and then watch your bar tick down and you are in the spawn.


i like this idea, best that I have seen yet.

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hehe ya I always joke in vent that I am about to die cause my resolve bar is full, since it always seems to be that way in the respawn area


Yeah, I call it the 'I just died bar', because I generally only see it full in the respawn area.

Edited by Jherad
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You died. You shouldn't have the reward of resolve at all.



You should lose credits, experience, and respawn with zero resource, let alone having any resolve. Part of your valor should be taken away, and given to the person that killed you.

Edited by KettleBelll
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stun is intended to kill healers. Imagine trying to kill a half decent operative without the ability to stun.

not sure what this has to do with anything. we're not talking about taking away stuns. we're talking about something like 4s of white bar that has been built up (earned) from being stunned. all this would affect is the first 4s of combat after respawning with a white bar. that's time enough for like 2 gcds. it's not going to grant healers immortality.

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The resolve system should have been done away with soon after launch. The 3 major reasons why only thousands play this game and millions have left is 1. lack of end game PvE content at release and a the very slow pace in which more content is added. 2. Poorly done PvP system stacked with a monkey spam combat system (for many builds its spam this attack to proc this attack over and over and over). 3. Is the epic fail resolve system.


When a player is stunned for x amount of time, once the CC breaks, the player should be immune to all stuns for x amount of time. Same for mezzes. Same for KBs. Same for roots. Snares are the only thing I would not grant immunity for. Every MMO that I have played that used this type of CC system worked great. It was a fair trade off. You didnt see thousands of posts complaining about being CCed to death over and over and over. The only thing that has been done to this resolve system is Bioware has made it worse than what it was at launch.


The reason for such a large amount of CCs in game IMO is Bioware started out planning for non-trinity classes. Then Bioware backed out and decided it would be better to go with the trinity design. Which was fine. Again this is my opinion, but as they started out to build classes for the non-trinity and then changed course they did a really bad job with changing up how many CCs were going to be in game and also what classes got what CCs. In a non-trinity classes have to take care of themselves, but in a trinity you have tanks, dps, and support classes. The support classes/builds should be the primary ones taking care of CCs along with heals. I have never played a trinity system where top DPS classes had the ability to not only beat down another class, but also lock them down making it pretty much a faceroll combat system. Some of the classes have way to much utility for their current roll. They went too much hybrid between non-trinity and trinity which really hurt combat (PvP for the biggest part). It would be like making a non-trinity game with trinity classes. It does not work out so great.

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There really isn't anything wrong with Resolve as a mechanic, besides bubble stuns math. The problem with it was that the punishment for filling resolve has never been sufficient at changing the outcome of the fight/battle. Maybe huttball.


I am not a huge fan of roots/slows not adding to resolves.


Increasing the immunity to be significant would help. Right now its way to short. I would also add abilities that require resolve to be full. Call it Last Ditch or Desperation Strike or If I go you go or Retribution. Have these abilities dish out huge damage amounts or grant a big heal.


If you whitebar people you pay and you better be sure about it.

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