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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Petition - Save the Future of our Class Stories...


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The Solution? Get everyone in your guilds to complete 8/8 A3s. EVERYONE. Then when BW looks at their metrics they might think a bit differently.


The reason I don't do that is because once I have no more class story to play, I don't think I'll want to continue playing the game. I'm deliberately rationing my consumption of class story to extend my stay in the game while I wait for other interesting content to arrive.


Some people's reaction to the demand for more class story is "Why does it have to be class story? Won't any story do? You got story with Makeb, and with the next expansion you will get more."


And I agree with that to an extent. But the problem with that is that on the levelling planets there was always some new story waiting for me on each new character. Every one of my alts had their own story on every planet. Planetary stories are fine, but I can't stomach them after I've already done them a couple of times. When we got to Makeb we only had one story per faction. I've done them now, and I really don't feel like doing them again on all my other characters. If we had had class stories there, I would probably still be puttering about on Makeb.


The real benefit of class stories was that you had ten stories to play on every planet. Makeb reduced that to two. And since Makeb it has got even worse, we have both factions playing the same single story these days. We have gone from ten stories to one (in this game that is supposedly all about having lots of alts). So I shall most likely only continue with one of my characters now, meaning I'm probably not long for this game.


That's why class stories are important.

Edited by PLynkes
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Even when I played WoW, whenever an expansion came out, the very first thing I did was create a new character for each of the new races and play through their starting area first because I wanted to see the lore. Goblin starting area in Cata was particularly cool. Sure I might have had like 16 characters at 80 but I wanted to see the new lore first.


My point is if even WoW can inject new story regularly this game should too and I initially left WoW for this because of lore.


Thing is, they'd have to add a new class (which they aren't going to do) in order to add new starting areas. Again, the problem is as I and many others have said is the large amount of "MMOs don't start until max level" crowd that got here from games like WoW where for the majority of players, that's become the case. Dont' get me wrong, I totally understand what you are saying, as I am the same way. The problem is, Blizzard has the money with 4-8 million subscribers to cater to the "end game" crowd and yet still throw a nice hefty beef bone to the story/lore crowd. Bioware doesn't' have the subscriber base that WoW does, they don't have the money to throw anything but chicken bones to us.


When a new player (or veterans that love the story) can be vote-kicked for not spacebarring during Black Talon/Esseles, the majority rules. We, sadly, are the minority, and will remain so unless the entire MMO industry changes overnight.

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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I'd be up for some new chapters (as in - the old "3 new planets per chapter" system, not the Makeb one-for-all) for every class.


Wouldn't mind getting 1-2 new classes per side either - thought about, maybe, some "Imperial officer (pet controller/supporter?)/imperial commando", with some republic mirroring (obviously - can't copy-paste due to Havoc Squad :p).


Anyway, something entirely new, class-wise, would be good.

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I found this thread after seeing the new Story of SWTOR 2014 thread. I must say, I am disappointed.


I play for the story first. Putting story in group content where people rush through it and ignore the story does me no good at all, especially since I generally hate the group dynamics anyway.


I fear that once I finish all 8 class stories, and do Makeb+ on one character per faction, that I'll have nothing left in this game. I loath the half-baked kind of story they put in group content. You can condense most of it into 1 or 2 paragraphs, which isn't a story at all. It's a blurb.


They are degrading my chances of being here for a longer term than what it takes to do the 8 class stories.

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I found this thread after seeing the new Story of SWTOR 2014 thread. I must say, I am disappointed.


I play for the story first. Putting story in group content where people rush through it and ignore the story does me no good at all, especially since I generally hate the group dynamics anyway.


I fear that once I finish all 8 class stories, and do Makeb+ on one character per faction, that I'll have nothing left in this game. I loath the half-baked kind of story they put in group content. You can condense most of it into 1 or 2 paragraphs, which isn't a story at all. It's a blurb.


They are degrading my chances of being here for a longer term than what it takes to do the 8 class stories.


.... absolutely this.....



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I found this thread after seeing the new Story of SWTOR 2014 thread. I must say, I am disappointed.


I play for the story first. Putting story in group content where people rush through it and ignore the story does me no good at all, especially since I generally hate the group dynamics anyway.


I fear that once I finish all 8 class stories, and do Makeb+ on one character per faction, that I'll have nothing left in this game. I loath the half-baked kind of story they put in group content. You can condense most of it into 1 or 2 paragraphs, which isn't a story at all. It's a blurb.


They are degrading my chances of being here for a longer term than what it takes to do the 8 class stories.


Cheers mate! Keep spreading the word and fighting the good fight!


Everything you said applies to me 100% as well. And I'd think plenty of people as well seeing how this is basically the largest ignoring thread on these forums. Just that info should give Bioware hint what they should develop(what players want). And what do players want? Story. Not the WoW clone #37006589 stuff. Swtor is awesome by itself without woof woof elements which are, by the way, subpar to swtor's anyhow.

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The reason I don't do that is because once I have no more class story to play, I don't think I'll want to continue playing the game. I'm deliberately rationing my consumption of class story to extend my stay in the game while I wait for other interesting content to arrive.


Some people's reaction to the demand for more class story is "Why does it have to be class story? Won't any story do? You got story with Makeb, and with the next expansion you will get more."


And I agree with that to an extent. But the problem with that is that on the levelling planets there was always some new story waiting for me on each new character. Every one of my alts had their own story on every planet. Planetary stories are fine, but I can't stomach them after I've already done them a couple of times. When we got to Makeb we only had one story per faction. I've done them now, and I really don't feel like doing them again on all my other characters. If we had had class stories there, I would probably still be puttering about on Makeb.


The real benefit of class stories was that you had ten stories to play on every planet. Makeb reduced that to two. And since Makeb it has got even worse, we have both factions playing the same single story these days. We have gone from ten stories to one (in this game that is supposedly all about having lots of alts). So I shall most likely only continue with one of my characters now, meaning I'm probably not long for this game.


That's why class stories are important.


Also, I wanted to highlight this. It's very important to the well being of swtor and no, the "makeb like" stories will not suffice. When I finish my eighth(lol the spelling of that :D ) character, it'll be interesting time for swtor. If they don't implement hard mode for stories or continuation, the likelyhood of it getting uninstalled skyrockets. We'll see...

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The reason I don't do that is because once I have no more class story to play, I don't think I'll want to continue playing the game. I'm deliberately rationing my consumption of class story to extend my stay in the game while I wait for other interesting content to arrive.


Some people's reaction to the demand for more class story is "Why does it have to be class story? Won't any story do? You got story with Makeb, and with the next expansion you will get more."


And I agree with that to an extent. But the problem with that is that on the levelling planets there was always some new story waiting for me on each new character. Every one of my alts had their own story on every planet. Planetary stories are fine, but I can't stomach them after I've already done them a couple of times. When we got to Makeb we only had one story per faction. I've done them now, and I really don't feel like doing them again on all my other characters. If we had had class stories there, I would probably still be puttering about on Makeb.


The real benefit of class stories was that you had ten stories to play on every planet. Makeb reduced that to two. And since Makeb it has got even worse, we have both factions playing the same single story these days. We have gone from ten stories to one (in this game that is supposedly all about having lots of alts). So I shall most likely only continue with one of my characters now, meaning I'm probably not long for this game.


That's why class stories are important.


Absolutely. Makeb's replay value is much lower because of the lack of class stories.

I'm personally hoping they'll eventually settle on some kind of hybrid system, where they have a storyline like Makeb's, but with a few unique missions thrown in depending on your class.

It would make me want to play through it on all my alts to see what exactly is different for them. :D


Or new companion interactions. Give the companions some dialogues during the cutscenes again and I'll gladly go through it again as well. I'd have probably finished Makeb way more than just once for each side (not counting my half-assed attempts that got half way and then lost momentum, which are all Empire side).

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  • 2 weeks later...
As much as I'd like it, I'm not gonna hold my breath for any more stories. I think it's individual flash points from here on out. I bet it's a lot less work than crafting stories for each class. Hazards of building a roller-coaster MMO rather than a sandbox one, I guess.
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Class stories is what makes this the only mmo I play.. been a subscriber since day 1 please keep class stories would it be so hard to hire the writers for like 2 months or whatever and then hire the voice actors for a few months... etc...

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The class stories are one of my favorite parts of the game, and I'd like them extended as well. Patience.


Since the game has come out, level cap has increased by 5 levels, yeah? As you level up, you do, what, three to five class missions per five levels. So you want them to make three to five class missions for every class right now for every xpac?


My suggestion would be for BioWare to wait until there have been enough xpacs to increase level cap by at least 10, preferably 15, levels from the end of the original class stories, THEN release additional class story content, maybe even as its own expansion. Release a whole chapter, not just a few missions. I'd like a meal, not a sample.


Revisit the petition when level cap is 65. Till then, enjoy the ride.

Edited by Ymris
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I want to run around the galaxy, mayb even-- wait. Give me a moment..



Take orders from Mandalor himself on my BH.

Try to find the Emperor on my Sith Warrior.

Okay, those were the only class stories I've finished, but I've heard about the others liiike....


Criminal Underworld issues for the Smuggler to solve.

People going on a hunt for any of Imperial Intelligence's agents, regardless of any reports of being dead or defecting.

Wouldn't those be fun? Though I like the ideas others mentioned too...


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