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This could have been the MMO King...


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Exactly this idiot is some Elves and Dwarf fan boy that can't appreciate the universe and all the things this game does better then WoW. He doesn't realize how many light years this game is ahead of WoW. It is even better on launch day. WoW has had nearly a decade to get things right, this game will swat WoW away like a fly in 5 years.


Light years ahead of WoW? I'm not a Blizzard fanboy in the slightest, if I was I wouldn't have bothered trying this game and looking for a new MMO to get into, but whatever people say, WoW is the gold standard for MMO's and will probably continue to be unless these issues are addressed, and addressed fast. I bet you can't even name ONE reason why this game is 'light years ahead'. In 5 years?! Haha, Guild Wars 2 is out in half a year, I'd put my money on that instead... WoW will kill itself.

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This game could have been the best MMO on the market today, it could have stolen a Hell of a lot of WoW subs, if not for the following;


1) The quest system. I'm sure many people enjoy this style of questing, the cinematic voice acting thing which allows you to RP/ feel involved, but really, its just a chore. No one wants to have to take part in a long conversation just to be told to go and kill 10 mobs, collect 10 furs, etc. Part of the fun of an MMO is being able to switch-off sometimes, and just grind out your quests. A large proportion of the MMO PvP community just doesn't care in the slightest for roleplaying and has no patience for this type of thing. I have 5 friends that quit this game within a day simply because of this; they said they'd play otherwise.


2) Too much instancing. This feels like a dead game, and my server is apparently 'very heavy. There's no atmosphere. I want to feel like I'm in a bustling environment, not like I'm in a singleplayer game with IM capabilities.


3) No addons. This is critical. Part of the success of WoW is due to people being able to mod, within reason, the game to their tastes. I personally hate the custom WoW UI. I might not have played the game if not for addons that enable me to change it. How many people do you think chose not to play SWTOR because of something similar?


4) 1.5 second GCD/un-responsive system. Need I say more? Everybody wants an MMO as responsive as WoWs, and with the resources at Biowares disposable, I'd say they had the opportunity to make it.


5) The little things; honestly, did you not listen to your beta testers? Tracking buffs/debuffs on the UI is horrible, there is no targets target, there's no way to turn off the smart camera, too much CC, there's no scoreboard during Warzones, intros/voices at the start of Warzones. I mean come on, seriously? No targets target in an MMO? I don't care if they plan on adding it later, this is an important feature. Many of these small gripes could be solved by solving #3... implementing addons.



There are many things this game does right. The combat looks amazing, the talent trees/classes are well-designed and fun. The world is beautiful and interesting, and the graphic style colourful and fun, but this is not an innovative MMO, nor one that improves on the current standard for MMO's. This is the most expensive video game ever made, but it seems they spent 90% of that on voice acting...




Edit: I am also well aware that many of these things might be solved further down the line, but this is not the way to release a game... you'd think EA have pretty good people working in market analysis... people will not come back, buyers have very little patience. No excuse. Release a finished product and people will stay.


1. I totally disagree. This was a main selling point for me. The story is there to entertain you. Its like your own little star wars movie that you get to make. Besides there is an option to turn it off in the menu. If you don't like it turn it off. Easy enough.


2. Instances are a temp thing at launch. They put them in so there isn't 100's of people trying to kill your 10 whatever's. They will go away in a few months.


3. Couldn't care less about add ons. They are convenient nothing more. If a person can't function in game without them they weren't good to begin with. Also they are slated for release later.


4. GCD is fine. Little slower than most are use to but I think its there to do your cool blaster deflect animation properly. Cool points outweigh .5 seconds before I press a button IMHO.


5. These are personal opinions. I see some things that would be nice polish for the game, but I can get by without them.


Remember this is a new mmo. Give it time to get some of these features. No new mmo launches with everything everyone wants. Its the nature of mmo's.

Edited by Raptor_of_Chaos
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Someone said there's an option to skip all cutscenes through a setting? If that's the case then I might just not quit this game, but I don't think that's true... Pressing space bar 50 times and pressing 1 of 3 different answers occasionally gets boring quick...


Honestly, if cut scenes and making decisions is really that annoying to you, then truly, this game isn't for you.


Simple as that

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I love the game....I really like the 1.5 universal cool down. I enjoy not button smashing and actually trying to decide my next move instead f always using a set spam pattern. Everything you don't like are reasons I do like it. Different people different experience. I will be playing this one a long time, unless they act on your suggestions, in which case I will probably quit and find another.
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Actually, I do believe this is the new MMO king. I've never loved a game as hard as I do this one.


Sadly, with these queues, it's clear it doesn't love me back. :(


Other than the Queues, this is the most fun I've had in an MMO since my first experience in WOW on release.


I've never been much into alts, but I'll likely be an alt-aholic in this game.

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I think that this guy is right, and you're all whining because you believe he insulted YOUR MMO. He just gave a list of ways to improve, and you have to take it to this? Stop QQing.


He is right in his own opinion.


Example he mentions how this game has too much of an emphasis on story and cutscenes and how it is causing him and 5 others to quit.


FOR ME, the ONLY reason why I am playing SWTOR is because of the emphasis on story and the cutscenes. It is sort of like playing Mass Effect but in a MMO setting.


One man's trash might be another's treasure, and vice-versa.

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This game could have been the best MMO on the market today, it could have stolen a Hell of a lot of WoW subs, if not for the following;


1) The quest system. I'm sure many people enjoy this style of questing, the cinematic voice acting thing which allows you to RP/ feel involved, but really, its just a chore. No one wants to have to take part in a long conversation just to be told to go and kill 10 mobs, collect 10 furs, etc. Part of the fun of an MMO is being able to switch-off sometimes, and just grind out your quests. A large proportion of the MMO PvP community just doesn't care in the slightest for roleplaying and has no patience for this type of thing. I have 5 friends that quit this game within a day simply because of this; they said they'd play otherwise.


your opinion.


Bioware have actually set a precedent with this style of questin. I don't think I could go back to reading quest text again tbh.


2) Too much instancing. This feels like a dead game, and my server is apparently 'very heavy. There's no atmosphere. I want to feel like I'm in a bustling environment, not like I'm in a singleplayer game with IM capabilities.


opinion, mine experience is totally different to yours, but thats mainly down to the awesome community on the server. The phased stuff is superb imho.


3) No addons. This is critical. Part of the success of WoW is due to people being able to mod, within reason, the game to their tastes. I personally hate the custom WoW UI. I might not have played the game if not for addons that enable me to change it. How many people do you think chose not to play SWTOR because of something similar?

The success of wow was timing and a polished game that adapted rapidly and appealed to a whole new demographic of gamer.


Not addons. I agree the ui needs work, yet warzones are packed dayin dayout flashpoints are entertaining even with the current ui.



4) 1.5 second GCD/un-responsive system. Need I say more? Everybody wants an MMO as responsive as WoWs, and with the resources at Biowares disposable, I'd say they had the opportunity to make it.


define everyone?


GCD and the general pace of the game is fantastic tbh.


If you want Wow which is pretty much what your entire post consists of then go play wow. It is really that simple.


5) The little things; honestly, did you not listen to your beta testers? Tracking buffs/debuffs on the UI is horrible, there is no targets target, there's no way to turn off the smart camera, too much CC, there's no scoreboard during Warzones, intros/voices at the start of Warzones. I mean come on, seriously? No targets target in an MMO? I don't care if they plan on adding it later, this is an important feature. Many of these small gripes could be solved by solving #3... implementing addons.



debuffs is simple they all appear on the other side of the target frame buffs one side debuffs the other.


Targets target wwould be nice but focus is ok for now.




Intros in the warzone, are awesome, add to the flavour of the thing, huttball would be dull without it for example.


In short you just want wow, hopefully itll never be like wow and only steal the good bits from it and other games.



As for your comment about succesful launch of a game I'd imagine covering their costs with box sales. Alone would be deemed to be a success.

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I think that this guy is right, and you're all whining because you believe he insulted YOUR MMO. He just gave a list of ways to improve, and you have to take it to this? Stop QQing.


It's not improvements for everybody. What he wants improved, ruins the game for others.

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4) 1.5 second GCD/un-responsive system. Need I say more? Everybody wants an MMO as responsive as WoWs, and with the resources at Biowares disposable, I'd say they had the opportunity to make it.


I don't understand this complaint at all. WoW has the same base GCD, and combat feels perfectly responsive to me in both games.


If you are having problems, try disabling the ability queue. The ability queue can cause problems if you're the kind of player who spams hotkeys a lot. But the ability queue is worth getting into the habit of using if you can learn to pace your keypresses rather than spamming.

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You obviously were not around WoW when it launched, because it didn't launch with addons either. Sure some addons helped, and were a nice personal touch to your game... but some just turned it into easy mode. How about learning to play the game, and getting good at the game, instead of relying on the equivalent of cheat codes to make it so you don't have to think or use strategy.



The bolded part is by far and away the dumbest thing I have seen posted. Addons made a game easy? Cheat codes? How so? Because it took the information from the combat log and prominently displayed it? Also, knowing something is coming is only a small part of the battle. Knowing what to do when it arrives is the key.

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The bolded part is by far and away the dumbest thing I have seen posted. Addons made a game easy? Cheat codes? How so? Because it took the information from the combat log and prominently displayed it? Also, knowing something is coming is only a small part of the battle. Knowing what to do when it arrives is the key.


Deadly Boss Mods telling you to move away because in 10 seconds the boss is going to perform a relentless super duper whirlwind with lashing fires in a 30 yards radius.


That my friend, is the game telling you what to do. You don't have to pay attention to anything, just hear the sound of warning or a flashing screen.


Yes, it does make the game easy.

Edited by Fixiooo
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Great game.


The questing dialogue is far more useful than just for "RP". It helps determine your Light/Dark side, companion favor (or whatever it's called).


This is the first MMO where I actually feel as though I'm "in" the game rather than just running around a static world clicking on quests, clicking accept, and having no idea why it is I'm doing what I'm doing.


So far I've found the "kill X enemies" and quests of that nature are actually involved in the overall story arc, rather than just some guy in some town asking you to sort through poop. Besides, most of the "kill X" quests I've come accross are actually just bonus quests so you can get it done by kiillnig mobs that you'd be killing anyway.


In summation, OP is a WoW kiddie that should go back.

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The bolded part is by far and away the dumbest thing I have seen posted. Addons made a game easy? Cheat codes? How so? Because it took the information from the combat log and prominently displayed it? Also, knowing something is coming is only a small part of the battle. Knowing what to do when it arrives is the key.


Ehhh - is that rhetorical? Because, emphasis mine, yes.


Because it provides additional warning so people don't have to pay attention to the combat log or in-game graphics for their situational awareness.'

When somebody comes up to you and says jump, it's much easier than having to decide when to jump on your own.

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Deadly Boss Mods telling you to move away because in 10 seconds the boss is going to perform a relentless super duper whirlwind with lashing fires in a 30 yards radius.


That my friend, is the game telling you what to do. You don't have to pay attention to anything, just hear the sound of warning or a flashing screen.


Yes, it does make the game easy.




Hell its eVeN in the default UI now. Its like developers handing out howto guides before you even get in there. Fire coming move..............NOW!


Please no to that idiocy.

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Deadly Boss Mods telling you to move away because in 10 seconds the boss is going to perform a relentless super duper whirlwind with lashing fires in a 30 yards radius.


That my friend, is the game telling you what to do. You don't have to pay attention to anything, just hear the sound of warning or a flashing screen.


Yes, it does make the game easy.


Deadly Boss Mods would not carry you very far into serious end-game progression... clearly you never raided.


Addons do not make the game, easier, they make it better. They enable you to tailor the game to your liking. There is never in the history of gaming going to be a UI everybody likes. What addons do is provide the possibility for you to get rid of some of the default settings you may not like, and at the same time have it set up so you can play the game to your exact wants. This isn't console gaming, part of the lure of PC gaming is the modding side of things, and the level of freedom and expression that the community can have over their games. If you're too much of a scrub to want to play the game to its very maximum potential, rather than just bashing on any key, in any order, not seeing your debuff timers, not seeing your dps, or whatever, then that's fine, play with the default, but why should your noob attitude stop others?

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People comparing WoW at its prime with SWTOR, instead of comparing the ****fest WoW at launch was, with SWTOR.


SWTOR is, at worst, equal in quality to WoW pre-eye of the storm patch. Or whatever the last patch before BC was, that gave the 41 point talents.


Also, WoW is right now pretty much dying, so SWTOR doesnt NEED to compete with it so much as last until its polished.


Also, to respond a bit to OP:


There is target of target. You can skip the quests, also grinding pvp or other things is as rewarding with experience as quests, so you can easily switch off. WoW didn't start with addons too, no MMO did, this will have addons in a few months. The responsiveness is almost as good as WoW, better than most MMOs, WoW was horribly unresponsive at the start.


I can add more, but you get the picture.

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You forgot the important words. 'In my opinion'. Hell even IMO would have sufficed.

That way I could have read the IMO, left the thread and not wade through someone's inane dribble about how they think 5 little things done differently could have made it THA KING OF DA WORLDZS!


This thread bores me and you bore me sir!

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Speak for yourself, I personally love the cinematic quests. I look forward to the conversations, that's what I personally enjoy about the game. Speak for yourself please, and don't say "nobody wants to" when the majority of the RPG gamers here obviously want to.
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