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Everything posted by Pegga

  1. It's instanced, so look for the green "force-field" that you see when you go to class quests. There should be an elevator button inside that takes you to your hanger.
  2. Pegga from Bria here, playing on Helm of Graush. I was in the GSB (Galactic Security Bureau), IMC, and a couple other role-playing guilds. If anyone knows what happened to someone names "Bronik" on Bria, I would be extremely happy to know. He was a great friend and I miss him a lot.
  3. Speak for yourself, I personally love the cinematic quests. I look forward to the conversations, that's what I personally enjoy about the game. Speak for yourself please, and don't say "nobody wants to" when the majority of the RPG gamers here obviously want to.
  4. DEFINITELY Naboo. Favorite starwars planet, and LOVED it in Galaxies.
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