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Everything posted by HonktonkGigolo

  1. I wanted to add on to this and say that you should also support your local crafters. There are some very nice Epic Implants, Bracers, Belts, etc. available through crafting and you should be rolling in credits after a couple of days worth of dailies.
  2. I'm all for exaggerations since I do it quite often myself, but 20% advantage? What, is the one person still wearing green leveling gear? This is the other part I don't understand: people who don't use their resources wisely. When I hit 50, I didn't dive right into PvP and go "Gear me up, Scotty!" I went to the local GTN to see what I could gather from there to fill in some gaps, did my dailies to mod my orange gear and crafted some gear through Artifice. It boosted me from the measly 11k health I had up to 14k health and increased the damage I did. If you're in a Warzone at 50 with your quest greens and have done nothing to help yourself, then I feel no sympathy towards your situation. Items are cheap because people haven't inflated the prices and credits are ridiculously easy to come across.
  3. Everyone has the exact same access to PvP gear as it stands right now. But I digress... you are correct, both PvE and PvP are openly available for every player to participate in, but some people may not enjoy one or the other. Could you imagine the outcry if it were easier to obtain the same gear through PvP except it was much easier? The tears would cause the world to flood.
  4. I do this all the time. Literally full Battlemaster players while I'm wearing the Champion accessories (ear piece, implants, one relic, and wrist). Bad players are always going to be bad players, regardless of what you stick them in. Try interrupting a Mercenary spamming Tracer Missle and see what their reaction is. A good player will use something else while a bad player will literally stand there staring at you. Sorry, gear may give a small advantage, but it will never compensate for idiocy.
  5. Sorry, but that doesn't work in a game that has both PvE and PvP in it. It's going to be easier to acquire the gear through one avenue or another. Whichever avenue has it easier will constantly be flooded by people crying that it's unfair they have to work harder on their side of the game to acquire the same gear. As it stands now, if they removed expertise and made both avenues parallel, I would just raid for a full set of Rakata as it takes much less time to clear the PvE Operations in this game as opposed to acquiring a full set of Centurion/Champion/Battlemaster.
  6. The whole reason PvP gear is implemented is to counter-balance players in top-tier PvE gear. I'm fine if you want to remove the gear and turn this into Modern Warfare 3, but you need to remove all of the gear from the game. There can't be any chance that someone will have a competitive advantage. Also, the Datacrons need to be removed from the game because that'll influence an end-game players stats and, well, not everyone has the time or patience to go searching around for little cubes. Also, this 1 - 49 leveling thing needs to be removed completely. There should be a single player mode and a multiplayer mode that allows me to skip the single player mode. Once this has all been accomplished, then I will be fine with all PvP gear being removed from the game.
  7. I have no issues in a one on one fight with any class. I may not beat everyone everytime, but I can take it down to the wire. It's all about setup and managing your CDs properly while playing off of your opponents CDs. If my opponent pops a big defensive CD that I know I can't eat through, I reset the fight until it's finished. It's all about playing smarter with a shadow.
  8. The best I've pulled so far as a 2/31/7 Infiltration Shadow was on a Voidstar where the empire seemed to spawn non-stop. I pulled just over 400k with 42 kills and 0 deaths. Yes, I had a pocket healer and was continuously engaged in a battle for the entirety of the warzone. Typically I hover around 175-250k damage without a pocket healer.
  9. In its current state? No. I retain faith they'll fix some of the things, but as it stands right now with the large amounts of exploiting, cheating, broken mechanics and overall dull end-game experience, I'm going to stand by No.
  10. I sometimes wonder if the middle turret in civil war does 2x damage as the side turrets because people fight awfully hard on that turret.
  11. Have to win to complete the daily. All of my friends are currently raiding right now, so my usual group of people aren't around. In fact, most of my server's 50s are raiding right now with the exception of the people who just hit 50.
  12. Deflected... please, he probably had a full resolve bar. Stupid cops; should've looked for the white bar before using their stun.
  13. Put my interrupt on a 2 second cooldown and lock out a whole school of attacks, then. As it stands now, my interrupt is on a 10 second cooldown and interrupts ONE ability for 4 seconds. Yeah, interrupt... that'll do it
  14. I'd be for a DR table much like WoW had. You can adjust accordingly based on what type of CC group a class had. People didn't enjoy being chain CC'd from a Rogue due to them opening with a Cheap Shot (4s stun) and then pushing that into a Kidney Shot (6s stun at the time). They didn't share a DR for the longest time because... well... there never was a reason given for why. In any case, they adjust the stun times and put them on the same DR table. They've also done this throughout the game's history (due to PvP and mainly Arena) to help counterbalance stacking classes who could CC a person for 15s or longer when they didn't share a DR table. They also kept Snares off of the DR Table and, to me, it was a good idea. However, most of the snares in that game are removable by certain classes, so you could peel a person off, cleanse the snare (if applicable) and turn the tables. In my opinion, WoW's way of handling CC now is probably one of the best ways to handle it. The balance is pretty even across the board and prevents people from being locked out for extended periods of time, but allows those with coordination to setup strategies in how to take down enemy players. It also prevents constant CC spam in open area PvP and Battlegrounds. So in summary, I wouldn't mind a DR table for Roots, Stuns and Knockbacks. I do think Snares need to remain off the DR table, though. Just personal thoughts.
  15. I'm genuinely curious as to how 31-point spec'd infiltration shadows are bad for limiting their use on an ability that 1.) has a two second cast time, 2.) has a 10 meter range and 3.) requires LoS? It's situational at best and only a terrible player would allow it to happen. 1v1 against a melee and I would expect it to be interrupted in some form. In a 2v2 scenario, you become a punching bag for two seconds to *possibly* get a stun off that almost fills the opposing players resolve bar. Again, situational at best that a good player should be able to easily avoid.
  16. I don't use either on a regular basis because I'm gimping myself by standing there and casting a spell rather than being on top of the person using my melee abilities. If I'm knocked back and rooted but still within range then sure, I use them. Other than that, there really isn't a point to them.
  17. Run Esseles normal a few times. I think it's somewhere along the lines of 250 points for either side per run.
  18. HonktonkGigolo

    12 v 8?

    Is this a known bug in Warzones? I was just in a Voidstar where the Empire had 12 versus our 8. Granted, the game ended at the 2 minute mark due to not enough Republic players because of it, but does this happen often?
  19. You gave me hope. A light in the dark at the end of the tunnel. Knowing that somewhere in the deep recesses of space, the Republic can win a battle. No troll. Edit; I do find it it funny that your TL;DR is longer than the first part of your post. O.o
  20. At least you can complete your daily in a day; I'm still working on my daily from two days ago. We'll see what happens tonight, though.
  21. I've tried doing premades before. Tonight was pretty pointless as it was the same eight people all night queueing up on the Republic side. I'm thinking I may have no choice but to reroll a toon on another server that has more support from the PvP community.
  22. Oh, I fully understand you're typically going to have good days and bad days when it comes to PvPing or any type of competitive environment that involves going against another individual. But I've been on the same weekly for 1.5 weeks now, stuck at 6/9. That's less than one win per day at the current rate. That's just... wow... I have modded out my orange gear with all of the daily mods and even have the +41 Crit crystal in my weapon right now, but I'll take your advice on trying to get in on some PvE when I can to help fill out the remainder.
  23. I play as a Jedi Shadow on the Mindtrick PvE server. Most of the gear I have is for tanking, but I hate tanking in this game because it feels completely broken and backwards; plus I feel extremely fragile compared to my counterparts. I've had my Shadow up to 50 for all of about 2 weeks so far. So down to the question... How am I supposed to overcome the discrepancy that my lack of gear provides? Do I just keep grinding out WarZones in hopes of winning one or two a week? What do I do when I hit Valor Rank 60? Keep shooting for the battlemaster bags because I can't complete the daily/weekly? I pose this question because this is the conundrum I'm curently in. I started on the PvP train late and feel like I have no chance of being able to catch up. Yes, I have been able to obtain some battlemaster bags over the course of the past 2 weeks, but they have only provided 3 commendations a piece and really don't add up fast enough to make a difference. I would like to point that I have been doing WarZones since, literally, 5:30 P.M. CST today and have not once even sniffed a victory. No heartbreaking loss. Just a steamrolling. This included several matches where I was with a premade (not my premade; a match where I joined into a premade). It's almost impossible to coordinate around being squashed like a bug is 10 seconds. Our poor healer might as well have been naked. I guess what my little rant/question boils down to is this: What can I do? How do I overcome this humungous void? I enjoy this game, but I can only take so much losing before I have to give up this side of the game.
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