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Why I Quit The Game


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Oh no!! A F2P player who didn't understand anything about how the game worked, but already formed an opinion about what was wrong, facts be damned; quit the game today. Time to close down the servers.

I was a subscriber.


One last thing: I recommend leveling Annihilation if you aren't already. Carnage without Massacre is broken and no self respecting Marauder plays Rage (other than for the lulz) :cool:

I am going annihilation.


Thanks for the people who have been trying to help, I might come back when the double xp weekend starts to try out endgame content, and if that is just as bad as what I've experienced, I will quit.

Edited by Sukrull
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I put this in the pvp section because most of the reason I quit was because of this. I didn't even reach endgame content either.


Every single time I'm in a warzone the winner of the fight is always decided by who has the most stuns. I can't even stun anyone due to everyone's level advantage.


Levels are a big reason why I'm dying as well, being someone at level 22, I'm noticing everyone attacking me once I walk into the fight because I'm so easy to kill.


Gear is probably the biggest problem. If you're a higher level you obviously have better gear than someone at a lower level. This means they'll have higher defense, damage, and everything else.


I'm aware of the stat increase when under level 49, and this does help, but like I said above, everything seems to be about gear, and the better geared players are higher levels.

I'm always getting frustrated playing warzones, and seeing how it's what I'll be doing once I'm level 50, there's really no reason to continue.


The storylines were suppose to be the main part of the game, but I got bored of it so fast that once I figured out you could skip them, that's all I did. Half of the game is now spacebar, spacebar, spacebar. The combat is the exact same as any other MMORPG that's out now, and I'm getting sick of it. I don't even think I'll be playing any MMORPG's until TES Online comes out, and that's probably going to be a huge failure seeing how everything else has become a failure.


Overall this game is frustrating, extremely boring, and made me think about how much I don't want to play MMORPG's anymore.



Sounds to me like some one is rage quiting because they suck at pvp. Seriously dude? PVP below 50 is lol. It's just a warmup for the real thing.


That being said, did you get your advanced class? Are you familiar with how to spec? (srs questions)


I just made a sent smasher and don't mind the lowbie pvp. Have no problem taking down ppl 10,15, even 20 levels above. Sure it sucks that we have no stuns, but I am loving the burst (I play a sorc main). Perhaps smasher classes are not for you. Mabye a ranged class would suit you better.

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As you increase in level you get more talents.. around level 22 is when it becomes less of a struggle.. I'm usually in the top 3 in damage and medals and have been since around level 20. The game is boring to you. Just say that and move on.. Smasher is allegedly op according to alot of people so I don't see why your having such a hard time with it. some classes are easier to learn then others... and that happens to be one of the hardest to master.. But alot of fun to play :)


The endgame content is actually pretty good. The downfall was not enough of it at release to keep the hardcore players happy..

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Overall this game is frustrating, extremely boring, and made me think about how much I don't want to play MMORPG's anymore.



Don't blame it on the game dude, I mean you can't be that slow to think you understand how the game works after playing like 15-20 hours at best. If you have hidden motives for this post you failed miserably cause nobody will really account for a lvl 22 experience. If not then maybe you should stop playing MMORPGs maybe you just don't like it anymore.


Anyway, from my POV, it's your loss. Have a nice life o/.

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You picked a later bloomer, the warrior and knight AC'es. Those classes rule from level 40 and up. If you had picked sorc or sage you would have been more of a factor from start but then you'd have to struggle at 50 or spec heals.

the ARE trying to reduce the CC in this game.


with patch 2.0, every class is getting a mobility talent for free, and they are removing some CCs. (i.e Instant Whirlwind, and Spike out of Stealth for hybrid Assassins).

Yeah WW, the least used stun in warzones....and they mess it up. I don't know about other sorcs/sages but it's a thing I'm literally never using unless I absolutely have to or in the purpose of securing an objective, And for every time I've been whirlwind..-ed (sp?) I've probably been stunned or CC'ed in other ways a good 1000 times.


It's just like the last time when people complained about stuns and they nerfed a stun that is on a minute CD by decreasing it's range so it's not correlating with the effective range of other attacks. It's like they live in the Backwards Land over at BW. I've actually considered the possibility that someone at BW thought it would be a fun idea to have all variations of mara be filtered into "sorc" when other employees read it. That could explain why sorc, time after time, is getting nerfed while mara directly, or indirectly by nerfing everyone els (crit) is getting buffs.

Edited by MidichIorian
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Hmm.Maybe you don't expect this, but this is an RPG game with lot of dialogs.You find your storyline boring,but perhaps not fault of the game.Some of the storylines and dialogs really gorgeous.But it's a matter of taste.So you can use spacebar.Maybe you should try an other one on the duble xp weekend before you leave.:)


For the die with low level toon in pvp... Yes sometimes happen that a lot.And you not need to be low level, its enough to be a healer on any level.;)

I have some toons, and have some experience when 5 ppl try to kill you.Yes , it's not

pleasant, but sometimes could be funny.(eg.: when they try to kill you so much, they didn't see reset the ball behind them:D )

There are days when pvp is a pain, yes, but other days there is much fun. I never play to be in the first 3 on the scoreboard.(and yes, i'm sometimes there)I just try to play for win and the fun.Even when the other group owerpowered us, i see it as a challenge,and try to do my best, as always.

If you feel bad for play pvp with lev 22, then use the weekend extra xp, and level up.Maybe when you have more ability you will enjoy it more.

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Why is it everyone just presumes I suck at the game because I hate the combat system? Anyone could become good at mashing a couple numbers on the keyboard, it doesn't take any skill, just knowing which skills are better than others and pressing them all the time.
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Why is it everyone just presumes I suck at the game because I hate the combat system? Anyone could become good at mashing a couple numbers on the keyboard, it doesn't take any skill, just knowing which skills are better than others and pressing them all the time.




Go play a MOBA game like Smite or LoL if you don't like this combat system.

Most MMO's have it, you'll rarely find an MMO that doesn't use this system.

Edited by Katszc
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Not that I'm quitting the game or anything, but the only reason this game sucks are the technical issues, sometimes I can't login due to them. Like "patcher service unavailable" or "unable to retrieve patch data (208)" they are so god damn annoying.... but gameplay and everything's great :D
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Not that I'm quitting the game or anything, but the only reason this game sucks are the technical issues, sometimes I can't login due to them. Like "patcher service unavailable" or "unable to retrieve patch data (208)" they are so gosh darn annoying.... but gameplay and everything's great :D


That means your computer has problems, not the game, I've never seen any errors.

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Yes, let's quit when this game becomes a stun-fest.



The thing is that at level 22 you haven't really played the game. You've played the tutorial part of the game. So you're not in the best position to judge the state of PvP compared to someone who leveled up to 50.

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stuns are fine




No, they are not. There are a minimum of 5 CC's per player vs. 1 CC break. Stuns are NOT "fine"...they're over abundance is ridiculous and NEEDS to be addressed. They're tossed out like candy, with no hesitation and no thought going into them. They aren't used tactically because they don't need to be...they're used to avoid fights.


I believe you have this backwards - the people who think they're fine are the ones who tend to rely on CCing players to death, without fear of being killed - I'd suggest removing the absolutely outrageous advantage stuns/CC's give, and having those who rely on them L2P.

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Well, I have seven 50s and three 40+ and haven't watched ANY of the stories unless in a group who wish to watch. I really enjoy the PvP here, and it's not like other MMO's (atleast the ones I've played). Sure there's FoTM classes here and stuns are outrageous, but there's alot worse.. believe me.


If they fixed resolve and updated more frequently there would be very little to complain about.

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LVL22...so you played the game a few hours and realized that ...wait how can you even know what its like you only made it to lvl 22. Dont care if you stay but lvl 22 is no where understanding the game. Edited by Philastra
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Nobody quits this game anymore. It's F2P for eff's sake. I don't believe anyone actually quits this game now unless they give me their stuff.


And the OP bailing because of CC in Lowbies makes me laugh. It's a good thing he didn't make it to Regs, let alone Ranked. Hitting eject right now is probably a good move for him. heh

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Read your post brah - let me tell you something off the bat; your double XP plan is sound and I encourage it, but you'll still be pretty weak for a bit after you hit 50, so know that. You will feel a lot better once you get there (50) though, trust me.


You never said what class you're playing so I'm assuming you rolled a jugg/PT/Mara. Give the game a little longer than what you planned after you hit 50 then come back and talk to us. Get your stinking datacrons (also the +10) and meditate on the strengths and weaknesses of your class.


Unless you're a LOLEZMODE Sniper with executions at lvl 18 (and even then), level 22 is pretty rough.... : (


I can show you around if you're in the Bastion, just contact me. Hang in there pal.

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I put this in the pvp section because most of the reason I quit was because of this. I didn't even reach endgame content either.


Every single time I'm in a warzone the winner of the fight is always decided by who has the most stuns. I can't even stun anyone due to everyone's level advantage.



I stopped reading here.


Cant stun anybody due to level advantage...? Stuns are stuns, it doesn't matter what level you are.


Plus you have a stun escape on a 2 minute cooldown along with a resolve bar, use your CD wisely.


If you got chain-stunned by multiple people, they would have killed you anyway.

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