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Ban all premades outside of ranked 50


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Silly him and myself, and others for that matter thinking MMO would support grouping of other like minded individuals which is reducing the chance of playing with bads.


You just made a similar statement, although more inflammatory, in response to someone explaining that pugs only option is to quit.


Do it, *****.


It's not really right for either of you to make such a statement. That's really your solution? For the other side of the argument to leave the game? Where would SWTOR be at that point, if all the casual players left? There would only be the premade folks left, and you'd have your premade only queues anyway.


There should be seperate queues. Most successful online games have already adopted steps to limit premades, and for good reason. There really is no strong argument against seperating the queues - it's win/win.


Though again, cross-server queing, for premade queues at least, would need to be implemented first.

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You just made a similar statement, although more inflammatory, in response to someone explaining that pugs only option is to quit.




It's not really right for either of you to make such a statement. That's really your solution? For the other side of the argument to leave the game? Where would SWTOR be at that point, if all the casual players left? There would only be the premade folks left, and you'd have your premade only queues anyway.


There should be seperate queues. Most successful online games have already adopted steps to limit premades, and for good reason. There really is no strong argument against seperating the queues - it's win/win.


Though again, cross-server queing, for premade queues at least, would need to be implemented first.


I was thinking of the exact same thing, why don't we have separate que's for pre-made

's and Solo's.:confused:

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so i should risk every single game playing with 7 potential ******* thus leaving game after game? thank god i can limit the nr of bads to a nr of 4....I only like premades because i know theres alteast a few non brain dead ppl in the group that will CALL, respond to CALL, NOT OVERCOMMIT to 1 node/door , will pass the ball and know when to CC


i am a nail expressing my gratitude for being firmly hit on the head.

Edited by iaintoff
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We won't miss you or your two friends. Please unsub today if you're supporting premades.


Please stop being bad, if premades are constantly beating you. You either suck at TOR PvP, or you simply allow yourself to be pug grouped with bad geared players.


See, I solo queue a good bit -and I don't allow the latter to happen. If I see more then one low 16k health or below person on the team, I'm off to the next queue pop.

Edited by islander
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There simply is no valid argument for putting a premade group up against a bunch who solo queued. Anyone making an argument to the contrary is simply trying to maintain anunfair advantage.


How about so someone with 1-3 friends can actually play a multiplayer game with their friends and have fun?


Edit: Premades don't guarantee a win - I can't tell you how many times I've solo qued and ended up on a team with a premade thinking "sweet, I'm with a premade, so hopefully we'll win this one!" only to get crushed horribly.

Edited by BubbleDncr
something to add
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How about so someone with 1-3 friends can actually play a multiplayer game with their friends and have fun?


Edit: Premades don't guarantee a win - I can't tell you how many times I've solo qued and ended up on a team with a premade thinking "sweet, I'm with a premade, so hopefully we'll win this one!" only to get crushed horribly.



you can remember only when you get raped by premades, never when you win and there was a premade in the other team

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If i can't play with my 2 other friends, I'll just unsub. If you dont want to play against premades as a solo-quer, complain about a lack of match-making (premade vs premade) rather than one of the few truly social aspects of this single player game.


But you see, it's a vicious circle. If people get frustrated and roflstomped in non-ranked... they are much less likely to get into ranked. Furthermore, in non ranked, if they take forever to get geared up, again, they're less likely to get into ranked matches. Who really WANTS to spend their time playing getting steamrolled all the time? I don't, and I'm sure you wouldn't like it either.


But, what you're saying is, you premade because there isn't enough ranked matches, so you're going to take it out on non ranked players. And that, non ranked has to suffer because there isn't enough for YOU to do?


And, may I ask why you are soooo dependent on your "2 other friends" to play with? Is socializing with them soo all encompassing that you can't live without them in this game?


Anyways...50 pvp is not very active compared to the 10-49 bracket. In fact, the 10-49 bracket is probably 10 times more active than the 50 one. And premades are a LOT less common there. Coincidence? Maybe, but I'm sure not getting roflstomped doesn't hurt either. In fact, I've heard more than once people say that they stop pvping once they hit 50.


And like I said earlier, there is a reason there is ranked and non-ranked. Some people just want to go in and have some fun, others want a more serious matter. Each has it's place. By making premades, and thereby roflstomp pug groups, you're not helping the problem of "not enough matches in ranked 50 pvp". You're probably making it worse.

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Please stop being bad, if premades are constantly beating you. You either suck at TOR PvP, or you simply allow yourself to be pug grouped with bad geared players.


See, I solo queue a good bit -and I don't allow the latter to happen. If I see more then one low 16k health or below person on the team, I'm off to the next queue pop.


Again, this goes back to premade players saying they want a challenge and enjoy it, yet, once presented with a challenge, they up and rage quit because they're "not gonna waste their time" and they wait until they get a high geared team. And this here is an example of why PvP in most MMO's have problems.


What if they just bolstered everyone to the exact same gear levels and stats? Everyone would be equal then right? Nope, the hardcore PvPers would get upset because then "their gear wouldn't mean anything", translation: they wouldn't have that advantage over non hardcore PvPers.


And this is why I have no respect for hardcore PvPers in any game. They moan and groan about wanting a challenge then moan and groan when faced with it.

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There simply is no valid argument for putting a premade group up against a bunch who solo queued. Anyone making an argument to the contrary is simply trying to maintain anunfair advantage.


The game is being ruined for many more players than those are who would be harmed because they won't get their daily ego stroke when the can't cheat their way to the top anymore.


Yes, ALL premises are cheats. They may not be hacks but the very concept of a premades, and it's often unfair advantage, is cheating every player to go up against.


Not sure how it's cheating each team still has 8 to a side. Each side can be made up of premades. You're just mad because your bad and have no friends to play with.


Certainly not all premades meant victory, but the many groups out there that are class and level balancing their groups have ruined it for everyone.


On top of this many of them have become quitters when they can't get thei two groups of four into one single match.


I queue Single and Group. I have been overrun by premades before and simply overrun the other side queued solo.


Stop leaving nodes undefended. I know you're that guy.

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I know your mad when people in a premade kill you when your not in a group, but to say stuff like this makes me wonder why did you ever think to play a mmo.


You sure you purchased the correct game for you, cause if you did and read the label on the back saying mmo, you would of found out other people play and other people play in groups with each other.



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Maybe a answer would be to have 3 different queues like they have in COD.


Mercenary Warzone: Players that will be teamed with solo players. No groups or premades.


Team Warzone : fairly simple, players can group together if they want, solo players can Que but will come up against premades.


Ranked Warzone : same as before.



That's my idea it properly won't happen but hey

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So hold on, you want to ban people from doing the smarter option?. I'm sorry but there would literally be no point to pvp games if there was only a solo que, pvp is the main attraction from all BIG mmo's that have it. You are basically saying to make this game extinct. Thinking outside the box, a large part of the games community comes from pvp grouping/guilds


And some servers do not have ranked at all so it would'nt matter.

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lol, mmo were ppl complain that they grp up.


If ranked wzs were better instead of a wwaste of time more ppl would have played that, im not a hc pvper what so ever but whats the point of haveing a rank rating when you get jack**** from it.

And from the last 8 ranked i played, 3 of them were against teams that used speedhacks.


so dont blame the players for grouping, but blame those hackers and BW for screwing it all up

Edited by NrDLeipe
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here is a thought. In a WZ, if one team has 3+ people from the same guild, the other team (assuming they do not have 3+ members of the same guild) gets twice as many comms/xp/coins for a win/lost at the end of a match.


If people are adamant that allowing premades is NOT about a guarantee win/pug stomping, then they shouldnt complain that non-premade folks get compensated for putting up with the imbalance/disadvantage of not having the same out-of-game communication, and ruining their WZ experience. everybody wins. This wouldnt affect the outcome of a WZ, as the outcome is still dependant on the skills of the players. only the rewards is changed. Doesnt directly affect the premade team at all.


Come to think of it, this may solve one of the issues with people quitting WZs if the other team is a premade. incentives for staying in a WZ...

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Ban all badds that fail to do 75k damage/healing/protection from 50 pvp.


So you do not care a bit about the objectives?


I once had 0 dmg/ 0 prot/ 0 healing on my vengance jugg.

Reason: I deffed east in nc a whole game long, without a single enemy showing up

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In TERA, if you enter battleground with a premade group, you actually gain less in the way of rewards than you would if you pugged. No pain, no gain. It's a pretty cool system, and one that I wish would be adopted here in some form, but chances are it won't.


I really don't think there is an easy solution to the premade dilemma, no matter what's "done" about it, a large number of people are going to be pissed off. Whether you decide to make Warzones only queue-able for when you are in a premade, or ban the concept of premades, nobody is going to be happy.


Personally, though, I do wish we'd see less one-sided facerolling. Whether you're on the giving or receiving end of one, it's not that fun. (Well I know SOME people only want easy wins, and complain when they get actual competition, such is human nature.)


Without a doubt, though, the best matches are the close-knit ones where both teams are competent and put forth an amazing amount of effort to actually make the game INTERESTING. 6-0 Huttball facerolls are boring. 3-cap Civil War and Novare are boring. One team snatching the Voidstar datacore in less than 2 minutes while the other can never make it past the first doors? So friggin boring!


2.0 might help with this a little, when PvE gear passes for recruit level, but seriously, the community needs to become better skilled as a whole. It'd be a hell of a lot better and more healthy for everyone to have some good competition for a change.

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Premades aren't the problem, its the players that whine constantly and dont want to learn how to play, so they blame premades. But remember that you can also have premades on your team, or even better why don't you form your own premade. People also tend to forget that not all premades have min maxed gear, but then again if you are in a recruit gear, premade or no premade you will get stomped either way.


Stop whining, get gear, learn to play.

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