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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR Question of the Day


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Hi Foks,


It's time for our daily SWTOR question:


Tank, healer, damage dealer? What do you enjoy most and why?




My personal answer:


Healer all the way! The why depends on the situation, though.


In PvE, I love the challenge, and fights where I have to CC, heal, cleanse, move, and really watch my Force usage are my favorites!


However, healing during PvP Warzones is my favorite thing to do in the game. There's nothing better than healing so well that players on the other team abandon all objectives to hunt you down.




We're looking forward to seeing what you say!


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My main is a Commando healer, I have a ton of fun on him....but the 1.2 nerfs haven't made him as fun as he used to be... :(


Though I can pretty much heal with no issues if an Ops team is good / not goofing off.

Edited by Eillack
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My main is a sage healer, and I've come to enjoy it quite a bit.


PVE is my main focus so to me it's that the ops team is as good as it's healers, and my partner and I have pushed through some pretty intense fights and kept everyone standing.


Healers are what make good groups in my opinion for that very reason. If they can't manage their resources and pay attention to everything around them, the group will fail.


Top healers know their teams and every move that's made even without seeing it.


Healer all the way.

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In PvE i really love to play a damage dealer, because there is always space for improvements. If you play a tank or a healer you did fine if everybody is alive, but damage dealer have a higher skill cap and you always aspire after the perfect fight. Edited by Messiaah
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I enjoy both healing and DPS. I'm currently playing a Lethality Sniper as my main, but I've got an Operative healer and a Mercenary healer, and currently leveling a Sorcerer healer. When it comes to PVP, I'm healing all the way. There is nothing more satisfying than keeping yourself and others alive through a massive onslaught.
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My favorite Star Wars characters were Jedi Knights thus. I chose one as my main. Obi-Wan is up there with who I love. So of course I went Guardian :) I just love having the single blade in my hand ready to defend.


I was a very good tank in WoW. (Played a Paladin) I love watching everyone hit me. Seeing all the blocks, parries, etc going through the logs. It's awesome!


But I do love to dps too. Big numbers are nice. :D


A second close favorite is ranged DPS. Which is why my Imperial main is a Mercenary. I use to love rolling an Archer class in fantasy games... WoW changed that for me when I rolled a paladin. I just love being the do gooder who meets out justice. Just like a Jedi.

Edited by spectreclees
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I like and play all three, depending on the mood I'm in. Tank is fun, as I can keep my groupmates alive. Damage dealer I usually use when I'm too tired to think. Healer I really like, but in this game it's really hard as I always miss the shouts for heals in /say, /yell and /emote because of the lack of chat bubbles. Edited by Glzmo
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Mine varies depending on how I'm playing.


Tank - When grouping with friends. I find tanking PUGs to be less than rewarding, so although it's my favorite role, I only do it grouped with people I know.


Heal - When PUG grouping. I also enjoy healing, and find it less annoying with random groups than tanking.


DPS - All other content, including leveling and PvP. Sometimes you just want to dish out the hurt rather absorb it or heal it. :)

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I really enjoy healing as well! *commando healer since pre-launch!*


I love having to watch for cleanses (BTW thanks for the debuff icon settings in 2.0!!!!), healing, and CC and even at sometimes watching who not to heal (DARN HM TFB Dread Guard Fight!). Healing is just so awesome. Its an art :)

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My personal fav is Tanking I have all 3 tank classes at max Lv

But I find Jug tanking a lot harder to generate threat so I enjoy playing her the most because I have to really work

Edited by Silensaint
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Two years ago I'd have a simple answer for this, but SWTOR is the first game where I've actively wanted to play something besides DPS. Yay? XD


DPS - Specifically ranged DPS, this is the role I've been taking for years. I enjoy being able to stand back from the chaos of melee, and perhaps mow down stray mobs while the tank is busy with the main force of enemies. As an added bonus, on my Merc I can throw in some emergency heals if need be -- flexibility is awesome.


Tank - Still leveling my tanks (both melee), but I'm loving the idea of managing the battlefield, and the challenge of survivability -- I can't run away or dump aggro, my party is counting on me to defend them! Since the tank often ends up calling the shots in group play (logically, since they most often start the fights...), I'm cautiously excited about taking that role; I generally don't seek to lead, but I do have a pretty good grasp of most of the Flashpoints by now, so hopefully that will be helpful when my tanks hit 50. Looking forward to it!


(Healing's still very new to me, but I want to eventually branch into that as well! Keeping everyone alive is a big responsibility and a tempting challenge...)

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I really like tanking. I'm especially glad you guys designed it a little differently in this game compared to "that other game" where the tank is actually somewhat challenged to hold as many mobs as possible and the dps don't just hit whatever the tank is hitting. In boss fights I find the tank is dealing with most of the mechanics, compared to squeezing out optimal dps from a rotation (looking at a fight organically instead of numbers).


I like tanking in pvp too, but I find that the two teams need to be pretty evenly matched for a good tank to really make a difference. In a one sided match, no matter what side you're on, you'll end up feeling like dead weight and/or frustrated. Close games where good tanking has a real impact make it worth it.


The other roles are pretty fun too (especially dps - let's face it, killing things, esp. other players, is fun) but tanking is where it's at for me. Right now my biggest problem is coming up with a new forum signature.

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DPS is by far the most fun to play quick fights with lots of damage.


That said my main character is a healer I like being wanted on any flashpoint, and as a RPer I like the idea of sending compaions off who can soak up damage and keeping them alive while my robe wearing healer avoids damage and strikes from behind a wall of metal and flesh.

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For me it will be healer all the way - I have always played healers - atm I have 3 lvl 50s, 2 Healers (Op/Sage) and a Tank (Sin), but I'm currently levelling my third healer :p


Reason: I like the responsibility of healing in both PvP and PvE, and I get a certain amount of satisfaction from it :)

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I play healer in all MMOs with a healer class. There is just some satisfaction from playing a healer that you can't get from other classes :)


It's true! I always heal, too. DPSing is fun... tanking is work... but healing is responsibility. I love being the one that's responsible for reacting to incoming damage and keeping everyone alive. Nothing feels better than downing a tough boss with no deaths! Or defending/attacking a pvp objective and keeping your teammates up and fighting!

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