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Kaon and False Emperor are up there... Hard to make a top list, I like them all. Collicoid War Games is extremely quick but a neat premise with the different teamwork and competition feels to it.


I like the KOTOR nostalgia and story continuation put into some of them.

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HM Lost Island - Best boss fights, one of the fastest to complete... But also the most challenging and fun to do!

Ditto. It's still fun enough even if you outgear it!


I am sad making harder FPs like this is being discontinued.

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I have to admit I've enjoyed all the Flashpoints in SWTOR, therefore, answering this question is difficult. Here are my top 3:


The Esseles - The first one on the Republic side, and still I feel one of the top ones story-wise. It has everything in it, from great Light/Dark side choices, Betrayal, Honor, Glory, Fame and Riches. Great story all around.


Kaon Under Siege - The thing I love about this one is the setting in several locations. I love to turn all the lights off, crank the volumes up on the ambiance and music and enjoy it. This one feels the most immersive of all the FPs.


Lost Island - A great continuation of the story with Kaon, and a really well made FP. The HM version is excellent for the well crafted boss fights which truly require you and your team to be geared and know how to play your role. When it was first released, it took me and 3 friends about 6 hours to clear it yet that was some of the most fun I've had in SWTOR.

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I'd have to say Kaon and Lost Island. Kaon has a great atmosphere and LI has fun and engaging boss fights. They both have interesting stories, and with the right group they're a lot of fun. :rak_03:


I also enjoyed False Emperor and Colicoid War Game. :)

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Kaon Under Siege without doubts. It's the best short piece of content I've seen in any MMO (and I've played at least all big names). The lighting, atmosphere, environment, sound, voice acting, all of it has an outstanding quality. I feel the design is so thick that it's unlike an MMO game (where dungeons/instances feel like a tube), it could be a Mass Effect mission and no one would tell the difference!
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I gotta say, the mentor fight is one of the best flashpoint fights I have ever been in. Even in hardmode it can still be challenging. So for that reason, that's my top flashpoint.


If I were to go on story, though, the false emperor would top my list :)

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Both Maelstrom Prison and the Foundry, because they involve Revan!



Rescuing Revan and killing (no pun intended) Kilran was definitely better than having to see a broken-minded Revan and gutting him like a pig to have him escape at the last instant. Hope he shows up again in the future, preferably in a Republic-side story where his mind is restored to its former keenness.


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My Personal Answer: This is really difficult to me... but I think I have to go with Directive 7.



Fighting Mentor is just so much fun. And I love running from the claaaaw.



I personally use a cc on it everytime and keep standing around with my slinger =)


Best FP? Till 2.0 i would stick with the Lost Island. Eve after hundrets of runs *g*

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Directive 7


Great story, great dialogs (Cyborg that begs for help), nice pace and overal feeling, propably best Flashpoint final Boss to date. Also used to be synonimus for "hard flashpoint", for a long time considered most difficult FP in game (mighty Bulwark, scourge of heros).


Mentor - "This could be your future, you know?" "(...) Your kind cannot be repaired"


PS. Hammer Station somehow sticks in memory, first real challange.

Edited by KVork
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Red Reaper hands down. Maybe its just that I haven't done it to death but I always love when it pops. Cademimu is great as well if you have a punter, but without it those champion droids are just tedious.


Pre-Nerf Directive 7 was one of my favorites. Beating Bulwark felt awesome and that Mentor fight is a refreshing change. Same with Lost Island. I do miss having to actually work at getting things down rather than just mashing my way through encounters now.

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My favorite is probably Hammer Station. I like the bridge mechanic...


OMG, yes! So I'm grouped up the other day with a group of relatively new players. We get to the bridge and I'm typing, "Wait for the bridge to turn blue ..." and this little trooper runs right over there and does a faceplant off the side. So I'm finishing typing when the tank, a nice Guardian, goes running over there to find out what happened to the trooper. And he faceplants, too. Both of them are like, "What the heck just happened?"


Now it's just me and a Sentinel, I've typed my warning and the bridge turns blue. So I sit there, waiting for the guys to get back up off the floor, and the Sentinel runs out onto the bridge. Because it turned blue, of course. So I'm typing to him to come back, cause the bridge is going to turn red. When it does, and he goes down, too.


And I'm just sitting there, lmao.

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