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10 Good
  1. I'd have to say either Gault, Doc, or Dark Jaesa. The first two for their smooth-talking skills, the last for the chaos and destruction that would serve as a distraction while I escape.
  2. I noticed this as well. The hilt is as long as my arm and reaches to my knee. It looks extremely awkward. Hope it's a bug since it looks great when not sheathed.
  3. I'd have to say Kaon and Lost Island. Kaon has a great atmosphere and LI has fun and engaging boss fights. They both have interesting stories, and with the right group they're a lot of fun. I also enjoyed False Emperor and Colicoid War Game.
  4. It's worse if you go dark side at the end of ch 1... Many spoilers!
  5. Helmets that don't change whatever miraluka mask I chose when I equip them Pure, plain white (or black) jedi style robes (no extras, no giant shoulder pads, etc.) Something like the gamorrean axe for shadows/assassins, since we can't use electrostaves and still be viable Some of the outfits that the Voss civilians and mystics wear Trench coats without the giant collar on the one currently in the cartel market (Emergency Responder's Overcoat)
  6. More pants for inquisitors and consulars Dark red sith robes and pure black/white jedi robes - some of these currently exist as low level green items (ex. gamorrean pilot's overcoat rep side and baktoid battle armor sith side) Gunslinger's Headgear (black goggles) in different armor types - without a class restriction! A medium armor version of Ancient Vindicator's headgear...and the same skin for empire side More adaptive armor and more variation in hoods being on/off for both sides An outfit similar to the Guard's Disguise outfit from the agent class quest "Economies of Scale" on Hutta It'd be nice if the jawa robe from the light side consular quest option on Tatooine actually looked like a jawa robe, or if there was a jawa robe available somewhere else in game. Also, electrostaves for assassins/shadows without penalties!
  7. 1: Character re-customization/barber shop 2: More customization options (More Miraluka mask options, more hair styles/colors, more weapon options (let assassins use electrostaves!), etc.) 3: Legacy-wide cargo hold
  8. Ord Mantell. There were some fun quests there and it seemed to have a better layout than the other start zones - I felt like I was doing a lot less running than I did on Tython or Hutta. The ships flying overhead and the background scenes add to the atmosphere and make the planet feel more dynamic. Tython is a close second, though.
  9. I like Grey DeLisle as the female BH. She does the sarcasm of my neutral BH perfectly. The female smuggler voice is just as great. The female agent VA and Vector's are both pretty good too. They fit the characters very well.
  10. Assassins/shadows hold electrostaves the same way they hold the db sabers. We can use them, but since our stances and spells require the saber they're almost as useless to us as they are to sages. Sages and sorcs can, however, use vibroswords if they remod them.
  11. For a while now I've been wondering why Sentinels and Marauders can dual wield vibroswords with no problems, but Shadows and Assassins can't use electrostaves without giving up both the ability to use charges/techniques and to use a number of spells. There are a lot of cool looking non-lightsaber weapons that Assassins can equip but can't actually use without losing a large portion of their dps or threat generation. If possible, I'd love to see the requirement for a double-bladed lightsaber removed from weapon charges and from the other attacks that require a saber. This would add to character customization by allowing for more variety in the weapons that are viable for use in combat. Comments/suggestions are welcome
  12. From what I've seen, you can have it one of two ways: as a surname, or as a sort of title under your name that says <The ___ Legacy>.
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