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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Warning on high population servers


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Server Transfers for Free NOW Please. My whole guild would move and lighten the load on Swiftsure.


We cannot do anything as a Guild because we have no way to log in and play together. Our level differences are huge - those that can play during the day , Eastern times, are light years ahead of the rest of kin which logs in at peek hours and has to spend most of there available playtime staring at a 3 hour Que.



I deeply regret having a Character on Swiftsure :(

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So launch day has come to a close. I still see empty launch servers. A lot of them. I don't think one launch server even got close to filling up.


Meanwhile, the EGA servers are a mess of queues. It's painfully obvious there weren't enough EGA servers. It's painfully obvious there are too many launch servers. Less servers should have been saved for launch, and instead added to the EGA.


Everything else about the launch? Great. The game is great. The whole roll-out of EGA and launch servers? Dismal. The whole "balancing act" of queue times and server population density fell flat. We have high queue times AND dead servers. All those complaints during EGA, they were right. There weren't enough servers.


Here's hoping you can fix the lopsided server distribution soon. Best of luck BW. You have a great game. It'd be a shame if it didn't succeed as well as it could have because of the EGA debacle.

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first off IP BAN ALL australians. there boggen us down and they are not supposed to be there to begin with. I have heard nothing that remotely sounds like a sollution or the real attempt there of all i hear in the official comments so far is shut up and wait oh and dont forget to send that money. i am highly impressed by the game not in the handling of the server issues
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first off IP BAN ALL australians. there boggen us down and they are not supposed to be there to begin with. I have heard nothing that remotely sounds like a sollution or the real attempt there of all i hear in the official comments so far is shut up and wait oh and dont forget to send that money. i am highly impressed by the game not in the handling of the server issues



You should really get your facts straight before you start spouting completely false information.


Oceanic players are on completely opposite peak times. They do not effect American queues. There are simply a lot of Americans playing because they want a server that will have action 24/7.

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Ok this information cant be confirmed by me (cause I'm TECH STUPID) However I saw on the Tweeter feed a player saying his wireless would reset the IP info randomly causing SWTOR servers to think he was D/Cing when he wasnt and dropped him. I dont remember his fix but knew he said he was able to re-configure and fixed it. If this is not possible dont verbaly beat me down LOL, just thought it might be worth repeating what I saw. :o Edited by Jeedaix
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We do not expect the queues to alleviate on these servers for the foreseeable future. If you do not want to queue, you should consider playing on another server, many of which have very low or no queues.


Character transfer is a common request for these servers. The ability to transfer your characters is being worked on, but there is no ETA on when it will be available.


I'm glad to hear an official word on this, but I was really hoping to hear "you can now transfer off The Harbinger" ;) My entire guild would be willing to free up some of your queue times on that server if you would allow a guild migration!


Finally, we are also aware of the issues some have experienced where they have been disconnected during a queue due to internet issues, and had to restart their queue once more. This is a high priority for our server team and we'll be deploying a fix as soon as possible.


What about adding in a grace period for crashes/disconnects?

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As many of you know, we're experiencing high load and corresponding queues on some servers. This is to be expected during launch, as a high number of people want to play the game, and for long stretches at a time.


We're monitoring all of our servers around the clock, and we're raising server population caps where required. However, to ensure our long-term goals of server stability and healthy populations, we do not want to raise population caps too rapidly. We want incoming players to populate lower population servers. At the same time, higher population servers will not be 'locked' because we want to allow people to join a server to play with their friends if they wish to.


With this in mind, we wanted to notify everyone of some consistently high population servers. These servers are closing in on their absolute population cap (the maximum amount of players who can be on the server at any given time) and will likely have a queue to enter even at off-peak play times.


We strongly advise you to not create new characters on these servers, unless you are prepared to queue to play.


US-based servers


The Harbinger – US West Coast - PvE

The Swiftsure – US West Coast - PvP


The Fatman – US East Coast - PvP


EU-based servers


Bloodworthy – EU English - PvP

Frostclaw – EU English - PvE

Legions of Lettow – EU English - PvP

The Red Eclipse – EU English - PvE

Tomb of Freedom Nadd – EU English - PvP


Darth Revan's Mask – EU German - PvP

Darth Traya – EU German - PvP

Jar'Kai Sword - EU German - PvP


Hrakert Rift – EU French - PvP


Many of you who are already playing on these servers are asking for solutions, and we understand your frustration. At this time we can only ask for your patience. Population caps are being gradually raised on these servers, but raising them too fast will create an influx of new players and perpetuate the problem. We do not expect the queues to alleviate on these servers for the foreseeable future. If you do not want to queue, you should consider playing on another server, many of which have very low or no queues.


Character transfer is a common request for these servers. The ability to transfer your characters is being worked on, but there is no ETA on when it will be available.


Finally, we are also aware of the issues some have experienced where they have been disconnected during a queue due to internet issues, and had to restart their queue once more. This is a high priority for our server team and we'll be deploying a fix as soon as possible.


Why didn't you lock out the higher populated servers and pigeon hole the new players into the empty ones? Obviously your balancing act isn't working. If you want people to people to populate a fresh server don't give them any other choice.


Also, no current player is going to create new characters on a different server when they've already put tens of hours into their current toon. Are you nuts?

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As I can't seem to get a response in any of the other threads I'm posting in, maybe I can get a response in a sticky. I'm apologising now to people because this is off topic but I have no other way of contacting support.


I click on new thread to make a new thread (novel concept I know). I write out what I am asking in the message part of the thread. I can't make a title though so it won't let me post the thread. There is no box for the title to go into. I'm not the only person with this problem but we can't ask the question or mark it as a problem because we can't post a thread. I have used both Firefox and Internet Explorer and both have the same issue.


Can a mod or someone from support at least acknowledge this as a problem please so that we know it's being looked at.

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6am UK and ToFN is full.


Me thinks those nasty yanks have invaded the Euro servers. :D


Fortunately I don't whine about such things, I just go play on a different server for a while.




Yea , i mean, WHAT THE ****, full at 7:20 am in the morning ? , gmt +1


seriously, increase the f......... server cap, useless yanks.

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You get a cookie!


There was no obligation to join the server your guild was assigned to. If your guild was assigned to a Full server, it was perfectly within your rights and capability to roll elsewhere.


It's not BW's fault people are dumb.


Gotta love the fan trolls, who are completely fine with being screwed over. Of course if I was assigned to a server with all my friends I would want to rolls somewhere else.....Speaking of dumb people Kashaan is a perfect example. Great game, bad launch planning.

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They don;t foresee the queue problem going way in the foreseeable future...


...I wonder do they foresee themselves being able to hold on to paying accounts in the forseeable future. I only signed up for 1 month and sorta of regretted that when the queue bug finally infested my server today. It was only five minutes, but people coming in later said they waited over an hour. Not cool. I will not pay them another cent if I ever see a 1 hour queue for something I'm paying a monthly fee for. I could care less about their "super glorious revoltuionary server balancing act". They need to get with the program.

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I'm not surprised. It's a massive launch.


Roll an alt on one of the lighter servers, go play that for a couple of days untill the situation is dealt with or transfers are implemented.


Anyone not expecting issues for a launch of the massive of a MMO is deluded. I <3 Bioware, but no one is immune to teething problems on a large game launch.

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Alright, i have a few things that will go on not read because of the fast moving thread.


1) Games that release *WILL* have a wait time of something and i don't care if you paied 1 mil of 1 cent, it is PART of the early stages of games. why? because people get bored in a game and look for something else to do. they see a new game.. they go play it and then decide it's crap and their old game is better and go back to it. so you rushed yourself to SWTOR to be in before the game and EXPECTED it to be a 7 year old MMO! here is a few examples: a) soe they ALSO had wait times on their servers at the begining of most of their games. b) NCSOFT: again they had waits on their servers at the start. all these companies balanced it all out soon after launch.


2) stop threatening to leave the game and DO IT! get rid of our wait times by removing yourselves from the damn equation. if you are having disconnect issues look to ALL possibility before blaming bioware/ea!!!!!! they are NOT the only possible problem. let me give you a few things to look at if you get disconnected: 1) Anti-virus software (even the ever lauded best av ever and it's free.. AVG crap. it will slow a system. 2) your internet connection, make sure your isp isn't doing maintenance, make sure there is good equipment outside your house. oh btw your ISP doesn't care you play a game. if you claim business, they will charge you more. 3) check for viruses and other things. 4) check to make sure you don't have your system over heating. if you OC your cpu, drop that. same with memory. 5) find out if your server caused it.. oh wow only one thing bioware has control of!!!!! WOW!


3) let them do their job, yelling at them doesn't help!


Darth Freki

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I'm not surprised. It's a massive launch.


Roll an alt on one of the lighter servers, go play that for a couple of days untill the situation is dealt with or transfers are implemented.


Anyone not expecting issues for a launch of the massive of a MMO is deluded. I <3 Bioware, but no one is immune to teething problems on a large game launch.


I am surprised. Bioware created and executed a program to facilitate spreading guilds across the servers with the goal of matching them to their allies/enemies in a balanced population. They neglected to match many guilds up however so these people took initiative and migrated together to rectify the discrepency.


They then had the brilliant idea of not closing these predesignated servers for general character creation for a time. So, these servers they placed guilds on have been full since the third day of ega. They also neglected to provide many communities with a server dedicated to their language or flagged as 'blank language preferred' so the Spanish & Italian players also filled up these already congested servers. Who makes a game for humans and fails to take human nature into account? That's nothing but a gross lack of foresight despite the red flags raised by communities before hand.


It's not as if there's not 12+ years worth of MMO history to call on.


Expecting queues of an 30 minutes to an hour is unfortunate but reasonable during an MMOs launch, facing queues of now 5-6+ hours even before a launch is absurd, especially when it's on a server assigned by Bioware.


I will say that people whining over 15 minute queues is a bit silly and sounds a bit unrealistic to expect a fix for that, but I think the vast majority of discontent and frustration we're hearing about are peole in the situation listed above; servers with full 5-6 hour queues long before all guild members have yet to even start playing.

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two more things: if you "LOCK" the server from new people getting in what about your other guildies just now getting to your server? well let them lock the servers for new people see how fast we start hearing from people to unlock them, their girl-friend or their dog wants to play with them.


if you think that they won't keep paying subscriptions because of ONE WEEK of play and issues coming up with that, well look at WOW. they had HUGE hours long wait times in 2004 when they launched. and look how many deserted the game. be quiet and deal with it. if you have a 30.... roll a different toon on a less populated server and enjoy the game...


lastly again don't threaten to remove your payment.... just DO it please it's so tiresome to hear you all keep saying the same thing when you know it's only your own scare tactic! and it doesn't work.


Darth Freki

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im glad i havent putten the gamecode into my account yet, i might sell that to some sucker who thinks he has time to wait in 2000+ person-queue and still play "actively".


funny tho that you guys promote this to be something big and massive and awesome, yet your CS suck big time and there is nothing big, massive or awesome about the server capacities :D


"go to lower pop-servers" :D oh please, mr reid, even you wouldnt do that, it would be a suicide to go that way just because usually community, auctionhouse and pvp sucks there.

in pvp, theres just one or two premades powerhousing all randoms down in a sec, making pvp borefest and eventually it will go to the point of people either macroing themselves to run in battlegrounds or just quit the game.


this is a big issue, please make this your first priority and either make up a way to evenly distribute guilds around all servers and for the love of god, increase server caps.



Edited by kermu
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Can't you create a patch that let people that have characters to enter the server?


i am ok that you are doing this to not overpopulate a server but i am on Legions of Lettow.


the queues there are just absurd. if it continues i will have to launch the game at friday so i can play saturday after work!


some have reported 12k queue line?


i think it needs a more drastic solution than having people queued. like suggesting them to join another server, or if the queue is too long dont let them join the queue.




Keep up the good work.

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