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What the heck is this?! This is a joke! New armor models up. Gremlins and moths :l:l


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I take back a little bit of what I said before. I like the Agent Underworld stuff, the chest piece of the bounter hunter, and the one helm for the bounty as well (but not the evil dead looking one, that's just terrible). If I were a bounty hunter I'd get the one bounty hunter helm and place it with the green pieces instead. I love the Underworld Agent Helmet the most, and I'm pretty happy I'll be able to get it.
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Except it will probably cost us close to a million extracting amor mods & puting then in custom armor. So yes it does penalise players.


Never said it doesn't.


And if you have trouble getting a mil then, too bad.


Doubt it's gonna cost that much though.

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After the uproar over the last round of gear design Bioware promised they were listening and would make future gear more in keeping with the Star Wars theme. It seems they are only partially listening. The new designs are a step in the right direction, but only a small step. Some of the sets are rather nice, but some are ridiculous. Most are merely bearable.


At the good end of the spectrum, Agent and Smuggler sets look great. Bioware consistently seem to produce good Medium Armour models.


At the other end of the spectrum, Inquisitor and Sage look ridiculous, especially the moth person Inq. Bioware artists seem totally incapable of producing good Light Armour models.


The Heavy Armour sets are a mixed bag. Bounty Hunter and Trooper sets are ok but would look a lot better without the exaggerated shoulders. Warrior and Knight sets just don't suit the classes they are designed for.


Sadly I think a lot of players will just pull the mods from this gear, which is a shame for the artists involved. But it's not like the players haven't made it abundantly clear via the forums and via their purchases of more traditional cartel gear, that they prefer simpler Star Wars styled sets to this high fantasy inspired stuff.

Edited by Cernow
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The sith inquisitor one looks like a praying mantis.


WHAT is going on here? How can people possibly like this armour? Who in ther right mind at bioware said "YES, let's put this in the game" because whoever it is needs to get their **** together.

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The helmets look a bit strange, but they actually look pretty good without the helmets, as far as I am concerned.


I don't think my consular is gonna give up her muse (if looted or bought from NPC) / traditional demicot (if player made) outfit, but with the new PVE gear it's worth thinking about it. It certainly looks interesting (again, minus the helmets), and it's leagues above the original Rakata / Columi / Tionese gear, with its applications that reminded of a ski jumping hill.

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The helmets look a bit strange, but they actually look pretty good without the helmets, as far as I am concerned.


I don't think my consular is gonna give up her muse (if looted or bought from NPC) / traditional demicot (if player made) outfit, but with the new PVE gear it's worth thinking about it. It certainly looks interesting (again, minus the helmets), and it's leagues above the original Rakata / Columi / Tionese gear, with its applications that reminded of a ski jumping hill.

So I wasn't the only one singing "Oh Tannenbaum" when I first saw the Tionese consular set? :D

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That's what BioWare came up with?


What happened to the awesome looking Armors like we had in SWG? Comp was one of the best looking Armor Sets I've seen in any game. Mando Armor looked awesome to run around in. I guess BioWare wants more players running around in clown suits.

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Nice finally some good looking agent and bounty hunter armors. Of course everyone has different tastes, but all in all the new armors all look pretty good and have a much better Star Wars feeling than most of the previous armors. There are still some improvements (some helmets e.g.) that can be made, but BW is heading in the right direction. Edited by Sotty
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ok maybe I was a little harsh. The -helmets- pretty much all look terrible, the armour itself isn't too bad.


Shame about the stupid shoulders on the BH stuff and the Knight/Warrior gear just looks out of character for what they're supposed to be. The white set looks ok.

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Sadly I think a lot of players will just pull the mods from this gear, which is a shame for the artists involved. But it's not like the players haven't made it abundantly clear via the forums and via their purchases of more traditional cartel gear, that they prefer simpler Star Wars styled sets to this high fantasy inspired stuff.



This is exactly what BW/EA wants the players to do. They want you to spend time, money & credits obtaining these new sets. Then have the credit sink of pulling the mods out , then spending more cash on the more traditional sets they offer through the cartel shop. Making ugly tier gear is a win win for them.

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Was thinking about these sets, and I have to say 'Thank you, BW!' Not for the sets, but for making it possible for us to customize what our characters are wearing. I'm not stuck wearing that stupid bounty hunter mummy helmet. I can hide head slot. I'm not stuck wearing that jedi knight gear. And that's awesome. Making all the bonuses tied to armorings is wonderful.


Some people are going to love these sets. The more I look at them and imagine the models headless, the better some of them look. Others are going to hate them with a fiery passion. But none of us are stuck with them, which is to be commended.

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Looks a heck of a lot like it was inspired by Dengar the bounty hunter from Empire. I love the new armor, they finally are making stuff that looks Star Wars inspired! To each their own though!


Really, I don't remember in any of the movies, pointy shoulders on any of the sith or shoulder armor on any of the troopers or BHs that struck straight out. I'm in agreement with most everyone else, this stuff, except a few pieces looks hideous.

Edited by AlaricSevGirl
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I am totally unhappy with the Sith Warrior looks (Ultimate gear, obviously based on a late medieval knight look which resembles too much of a Bounty Hunter class) I really fell in love with this beast.




I wish they slimmer set will have a hood toggle feature in the short future.

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Why not just use common sense, and rip the mods out when the patch goes live? Oh, but then you can't complain on the forums. If I get an infraction for this, I don't care. You people will complain about ANYTHING, won't you? You all act like children who didn't get the toy they wanted for Christmas. Just grow the hell up, and act like adults. Or maybe you should sue BW because you hate the armor. Because THAT will work....:rolleyes:


First of all I never complain about this game. There are things I do not like, but I am reasonable person, and understand that no game is perfect, and the good far out ways the bad in SWTOR. With that said, I will complain to anyone that will listen about this god awful endgame gear. Why should I have to pay to take out mods and put them in low lvl or cartel gear? That is not how a MMO should work. Endgame raid gear should be something that you WANT to wear.


If I read the forums and realized that the community was split on this topic, hell, even it were 40/60, I would not say a word. The problem is that vast majority hates the gear, Bioware has acknowledged we hate the gear, and yet the same massive shoulder pads and over the top helms are what we get.


The worst part about it all is that Bioware recently changed some of the cartel gear because the fans complained! How is it logical to take feedback on the cartel gear, change the cartel gear, and then completely ignore the feedback when it is time for new raid gear?

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The helmets look a bit strange, but they actually look pretty good without the helmets, as far as I am concerned.


I don't think my consular is gonna give up her muse (if looted or bought from NPC) / traditional demicot (if player made) outfit, but with the new PVE gear it's worth thinking about it. It certainly looks interesting (again, minus the helmets), and it's leagues above the original Rakata / Columi / Tionese gear, with its applications that reminded of a ski jumping hill.


Think this is one of the outfits for JC that will look better on a male JC than a female one. Or at least to me, for my female toon I prefer the one with a bare shoulder. She will look pretty in it, when she has lvl:ed a bit that is. If I had a male JC I would probably prefer the new one.


Compare the JC outfit from this Dread Guard armor



And the new version


Edited by SilentKitty
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First of all I never complain about this game. There are things I do not like, but I am reasonable person, and understand that no game is perfect, and the good far out ways the bad in SWTOR. With that said, I will complain to anyone that will listen about this god awful endgame gear. Why should I have to pay to take out mods and put them in low lvl or cartel gear? That is not how a MMO should work. Endgame raid gear should be something that you WANT to wear.


If I read the forums and realized that the community was split on this topic, hell, even it were 40/60, I would not say a word. The problem is that vast majority hates the gear, Bioware has acknowledged we hate the gear, and yet the same massive shoulder pads and over the top helms are what we get.


The worst part about it all is that Bioware recently changed some of the cartel gear because the fans complained! How is it logical to take feedback on the cartel gear, change the cartel gear, and then completely ignore the feedback when it is time for new raid gear?


I would imagine the designs for the new tier of gear were in place ages ago. Whilst BW could probably react and make changes to one or two sets of cartel gear, I would imagine that it was far too late to go back to the drawing board with the 2.0 sets following BWs acknowledgement of players not liking the art direction...


Now that they have acknowledged the players dislike of the art direction, I would expect improvements over the next few months...what we are seeing now was likely already in place before BW came out and said "We get it, you dont like the armor"....



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