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A Solution for the PvP/PvE divide on Ilum


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What would happen if the FFA area in Ilum did not allow groups, but did allow companions?


This would be a true FFA where everyone was your enemy.


The problem now with the FFA area is that it's primarlly composed of 4 man premades, the same that roll PUGs and even other less geared/skilled/talented/guilded players in warzones. (Yes there are exceptions where stealth will roll solo or with another player and wreak havoc).


Quite frankly, yeah a new 50, or someone who doesn't PvP the majority of their play time is going to get destroyed in a PvP area. And is this message we want to send to these players? "Don't come in here unless you are geared to the teeth and have an ideal group composition" Remember we want to encourage PvP on this server so there are more teams queueing for ranked and matches are more competitive. I guaranteed a lot of players have been turned off to ever PvPing because of the activity on Ilum. And in the end, PvP suffers because less and less people want to queue at all, or even associate with the "offenders."


But it's an optional quest, I hear the PvPers cry! you don't need to come here, but if you do Red is dead.


Well I'd be eager to see how many of these same PvPers would cry the virtues of the PvP zone if they were forced to use their companion and be able to attack their fellow conspirators. I'd laugh as they pulled out their companions that were still in their starter gear.


If this were the case the zone would actually favor the *gasp* individual who plays ALL aspects of the game.


And then we'd hear the QQ from the Black Hats.

Edited by Drazzen
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First of all, I don't think there is a problem with a FFA area that needs to be fixed. It's working as intended and for those people who like to pvp, it's a hell of a lot of fun.


Anyway, I already go solo down there all the damn time on a very visible and somewhat squishy gunslinger, no less. I've even managed to solo both of the pvp quests multiple times. So the idea that you can't go down there by yourself and survive, or that the only people who are down there solo are stealth classes just isn't true. It's actually kind of tragic how few people have tried to take me out.


Also, it's just not true that only perfect premades and four man composition teams are in the FFA zone. I've seen and done everything from going solo to bringing seven to eight people, myself. Our mostly social guild uses the very scientific process of asking "who wants to kill imps in ilum" in gchat and then taking anyone along who says "ME!" And from derping around for over a week down there, I have to say that perfect four man competition teams are pretty rare. Most people seem to be grabbing their friends that happen to be around and grouping up.


Would I be against a change like that? Eh. I'm pretty ambivalent, really. It might be fun to mix it up, and I'm one of those people who has their companions in level 40 greens so that might be amusing to have to deal with as well. However, if you really think that making it a one on one zone is really going to stop friends from working together, you're a bit naive. No matter what you do, people are going to group together and come up with their own criteria of who they want to kill or let pass, whether its not attacking friends, only attacking the opposite faction, or simply deciding that anyone with a non-standard character in their name must die.

Edited by Prisoner
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Interesting idea, although I'm not sure what it would achieve.


Are you suggesting that companions be forced into usage, regardless of 4 man groups being unable to summon companions?


Even if this were possible, I can only see it further favouring the 'Black Hats', who would just equip their companions with full WH gear.


I suspect that, due to the length of this event, no solution will be implemented. However, some thoughts:


The central point of contention between each party is that neither wishes to participate in activities that they do not enjoy as a matter of obligation, be it standing in line or combating other players.


The defence widely used by dedicated PvPers is that the zone is optional, however this is not entirely correct as the rewards are of a universal nature (reputation and credits).


By issuing missions with split objectives, such as 'Collect 15 armaments outside of the FFA zone OR defeat 15 enemy players within the FFA zone', the contention can be avoided without making alterations to the map or its rewards.


Personally, I consider the intent of the event to be the integration of two opposites, which has been a success... if somewhat dramatic.

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I do not think it is something that can be implemented, however it would certainly create an interesting dynamic. The decision to deck out a companion in full war hero gear for an event would be questionable as well.


I'm not saying this is the best solution either, what I am saying is, the issue is greater than this simply being a FFA PvP zone. I'm able to complete my missions when I come with my guild, or a stacked group. I've found that in most cases when we decide to keep the peace the individuals who are there strictly to PvP move on to greener pastures. Or in this case low hanging fruit. However, it is a small sample size, mobilizing my friends/guild has been for an hour or two here and there.


My real concern, and it is truly a concern, is what are we doing as a community/server to promote the growth of PvP.


Again, I don't think that my method of making the PvP area a 1v1 (or 2v2) with companion is going to solve the problem, but I do think a problem exists when there are new players hitting 50 every day that get decimated by 4x4 premades. I read in the PvP forum that group queues were going away, and didn't believe it, but I don't think that is the solution either.


What I was suggesting, is a way for players to not feel like they are being facerolled in this new area. As someone who actually promotes PvP and have 6 WH geared 50s, I would like to see PvP flourish. I don't like the idea of <Hex> and other guilds leaving to Pot5 (who fwiw is also forming lines for the quest) for a more competitive PvP environment, but the only way we are going to encourage new and lesser geared players to even want to continue PvPing on our server is to extend a little respect.


I will agree, and would also support having kill XX players for a quest as an alternative, but if we are being honest, do you think that this will also create problems? The fact that players are currently colluding, cherry-picking and killing with no objective is the issue. We'd have the big boys duking it out and still excluding the "squishies," they simply wouldn't have a chance.


In the end, I am excited to see the Open World area. I fear that once the honeymoon is over, like Outlaws Den, it will go the way of the dodo.

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First of all, I don't think there is a problem with a FFA area that needs to be fixed. It's working as intended and for those people who like to pvp, it's a hell of a lot of fun.


Anyway, I already go solo down there all the damn time on a very visible and somewhat squishy gunslinger, no less. I've even managed to solo both of the pvp quests multiple times. So the idea that you can't go down there by yourself and survive, or that the only people who are down there solo are stealth classes just isn't true. It's actually kind of tragic how few people have tried to take me out.


Also, it's just not true that only perfect premades and four man composition teams are in the FFA zone. I've seen and done everything from going solo to bringing seven to eight people, myself. Our mostly social guild uses the very scientific process of asking "who wants to kill imps in ilum" in gchat and then taking anyone along who says "ME!" And from derping around for over a week down there, I have to say that perfect four man competition teams are pretty rare. Most people seem to be grabbing their friends that happen to be around and grouping up.


Would I be against a change like that? Eh. I'm pretty ambivalent, really. It might be fun to mix it up, and I'm one of those people who has their companions in level 40 greens so that might be amusing to have to deal with as well. However, if you really think that making it a one on one zone is really going to stop friends from working together, you're a bit naive. No matter what you do, people are going to group together and come up with their own criteria of who they want to kill or let pass, whether its not attacking friends, only attacking the opposite faction, or simply deciding that anyone with a non-standard character in their name must die.


This is why I put qualifiers in the post, Pym. ie Primarily. And, obviously there are opportunities to go in there and complete the quest and you don't have to be stealth class.


The post was to address the divide between players who cannot possibly hope to stand up against the gank fest, not for times when they've taken their warzone pop or a nice group has come in and cleared out the riff-raff.


It is not working as intended if players are remaining after their objectives are complete to prevent other players from completing their objectives. I notice you take an oppositional stance at every opportunity. Kind of like someone who says, "I heard it's going to be a nice day today" and someone responds "Oh i heard it was going to be partly cloudy." Why is this?


And during your times in the PvP zone where you've gone unmolested, have you had to switch instances, or have you been fortunate enough to always pick the zone that has been cleared of griefers? I would venture to guess that the majority of people who pick up an orb and run back to mid (to complete the quest) are not hoping they are going to have to fight over it.


Again, there is no <kill a player> objective so, other than speeding up the line, randomly attacking someone who is red serves no purpose; other than perhaps a selfish need to dominate. Otherwise, why roll with a 4 man group composed of a healer, stealth class, VG/PT and Smash/Focus Spec?


The satisfaction of these players comes from posting vitriolic twitch feeds, bragging in voice server/guild chat about their pwnage and reading the QQ in general chat. My real concern here is, this isn't normal behavior. This isn't a roleplaying opportunity where you are acting the part of a sociopath.


I applaud you for going solo into the zone, as I do anyone who goes in there and engages in combat for the joy of PvP. What I don't think is healthy is when the goal is to belittle, demean, exert authority over someone you deem is weaker than you. It really is disturbing how some people's true nature is. And, I'm not sure who said it, but in some respects, this event has brought out the worst in people. Or, more appropriately, this has brought the problems with this server which had been relegated to warzones and /pvp to the whole server.


On the other hand, it has also brought out the best in people. PUGs forming to kill World Bosses, the OPs boss, do the quests. So it's not a total loss. But what do you think adds more value to the communit?. Those who go back and say, "wow what a great event, I met some good people and had a good time can't wait for it to come back" or "it was awful, because of <guild>."

Edited by Drazzen
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It is not working as intended if players are remaining after their objectives are complete to prevent other players from completing their objectives.


Sure it is. Because the point of the pvp area for a lot of people who go down there is... wait for it... to PVP. The objectives and quests? Secondary. And if Bioware has created an area that's so much fun to play around in that players want to spend all day down there for no other reason than to fight each other then I think it's a big sucess.


I notice you take an oppositional stance at every opportunity. Kind of like someone who says, "I heard it's going to be a nice day today" and someone responds "Oh i heard it was going to be partly cloudy." Why is this?[/Quote]


Maybe because I'm tired of the morality police clutching their pearls and going into vapor lock because people are actually pvping in a free for all zone. I mean, seriously, look at your posts. You've decided that it's wrong for everyone else to stick around after their quests are done, that it's wrong to play king of the hill, that it's wrong to pick fights. You ascribe motives to other players about why they leave a zone (because you've written in on your white knight and saved the pve heroes) when it could be one of a handful of reasons for why they leave. You compare people's actions to Hitler and war crimes, ffs. And for some reason, you expect an entire server of players to conform to the way you think things ought to be.


And during your times in the PvP zone where you've gone unmolested, have you had to switch instances, or have you been fortunate enough to always pick the zone that has been cleared of griefers? I would venture to guess that the majority of people who pick up an orb and run back to mid (to complete the quest) are not hoping they are going to have to fight over it.


If they're hoping not to fight, then again, they have no business for being in the zone. And no, when I was solo I didn't have to change instances to get anything done. All of the fights I was in, I ended up picking myself (which I did, frequently. I didn't skip zones but even if I'd had to, why is that a big deal? It takes ten seconds to skip over to an Ilum instance that's empty.


Again, there is no <kill a player> objective so, other than speeding up the line, randomly attacking someone who is red serves no purpose; other than perhaps a selfish need to dominate. Otherwise, why roll with a 4 man group composed of a healer, stealth class, VG/PT and Smash/Focus Spec?


So what that there's no objective to kill a certain number of players? Why does that matter at all? Again, if people want to play king of the hill, have a gank squad, blow up orb lines or whatever, that's what the zone is for.


The satisfaction of these players comes from posting vitriolic twitch feeds, bragging in voice server/guild chat about their pwnage and reading the QQ in general chat. My real concern here is, this isn't normal behavior. This isn't a roleplaying opportunity where you are acting the part of a sociopath.


1) Please tell me what's more in line with roleplaing in a Star Wars universe? A bunch of reps and imps standing peacefully in line because that's the fastest way to get their quest done, or people fighting it out over a resource like they would in an actual war?


2) Who cares what the hell the big PVP guilds say about other players? What the hell is this? Freaking high school?

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The real problem with this event is that the B-team PvPers and PvE carebears are taking this event as the prime opportunity to ostracize PvPers they don't like for whatever personal reasons just cause they can. Yeah, some of those personal problems may be legitimate, but I'm not going to go into that because those issues are between the harasser and victim (and not just the 'victim' of a bit of trash talking or getting crushed by premades).


The carebears would love it if there were no PvPers cause apparently all PvPers are evil or something. Or some drivel about how it's not a PvP server so ****.


The PvPers who've been on their side with all this are just hoping to chase off the best so that they become topdogs. Or something about how it's not a PvP server so you're not supposed to be a serious PvPer.


Maybe we should chase off all the raiders. I mean, this server uses a PvE ruleset, but let's be honest here. It's an RP server first and foremost. Raiders clearly need not apply, right?


Yes I'm generalizing. Yes I'm reading into subjective points of view and opinions as a horrible, no-good, dirty <Guerrilla> member. I PvP, and RP. Though I'll be doing a lot less of both with this new job (11 hour work day, whee!). I also have friends here that I enjoy hanging with. Friends in PvP guilds, but primarily friends in the RP guilds.


But it's hard to want to stay when it feels like the entire community is driven to completely run off a handful of players just because they don't like them. Whether I'm part of the handful of players or not, I really, really do not like the sort of attitude and twisted justification behind this ostracizing, and don't want to think about what this server would look like if that behavior became acceptable.


I really hope I'm just feeling the sentiment wrong. But it is what it is right now. For good or for ill.

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White Hats need Black Hats to help justify their existence. Yesterday I destroyed some random Jugg trying to turn in his orb because he would not wait for me to turn mine in when I strolled up to the node. Of course he was waiting before I ever got there but hey, Lions eat first! Apparently he was furious and vowed to get his guild mates together and roll me an any other <Guerrilla> in the zone, to which my response was GOOD! That is exactly what he should do, step up and organize a response or back down and cower in the corner.


I will admit, when I’m running solo, I am happy to let a premade Game Genie or Empire turn in orbs before me. Big Lions eat before little lions.


I am often baffled why 10 random pugs will just stand by while 2 Black Hats destroy a line of orb holders or hunt people in the center. They are like weak self-centered people who would witness a street mugging and turn around and walk the other way without offering any help. If they just banned together they could destroy us regardless of their gear. Learn from the White Hats!


In any case this all gives the White Hats a job to do and allows them to garner the appreciation of weak and feeble prey. I enjoy playing my part, even if that part includes being hunted down by White Hats.

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White Hats need Black Hats to help justify their existence. Yesterday I destroyed some random Jugg trying to turn in his orb because he would not wait for me to turn mine in when I strolled up to the node. Of course he was waiting before I ever got there but hey, Lions eat first! Apparently he was furious and vowed to get his guild mates together and roll me an any other <Guerrilla> in the zone, to which my response was GOOD! That is exactly what he should do, step up and organize a response or back down and cower in the corner.


I will admit, when I’m running solo, I am happy to let a premade Game Genie or Empire turn in orbs before me. Big Lions eat before little lions.


I am often baffled why 10 random pugs will just stand by while 2 Black Hats destroy a line of orb holders or hunt people in the center. They are like weak self-centered people who would witness a street mugging and turn around and walk the other way without offering any help. If they just banned together they could destroy us regardless of their gear. Learn from the White Hats!


In any case this all gives the White Hats a job to do and allows them to garner the appreciation of weak and feeble prey. I enjoy playing my part, even if that part includes being hunted down by White Hats.




In this zone, everyone has different rules they play by. It's your ability to enforce them that makes the difference.

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This would be a true FFA where everyone was your enemy.


Your post is poorly thought out for several reasons.

1. Adding companions to PvP would double the amount of gear progression needed and therefore widens the gear gap, and skill gap between a fresh 50 and an experienced 50 due to needing to control two characters.

2. Disallowing groups in the PvP area would still only benefit your so-called "black hats" further. The PvP guildmates would still not attack each other, the only thing you're hindering is allowing the white hats, socializers, achievers, and explorers from grouping with each other to take on the opposition through superior numbers. Why isn't isn't happening more often even now is beyond me.


This thread is now about Drazzen's goggle tan.

Edited by Jenzali
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White Hats need Black Hats to help justify their existence. Yesterday I destroyed some random Jugg trying to turn in his orb because he would not wait for me to turn mine in when I strolled up to the node. Of course he was waiting before I ever got there but hey, Lions eat first! Apparently he was furious and vowed to get his guild mates together and roll me an any other <Guerrilla> in the zone, to which my response was GOOD! That is exactly what he should do, step up and organize a response or back down and cower in the corner.


I will admit, when I’m running solo, I am happy to let a premade Game Genie or Empire turn in orbs before me. Big Lions eat before little lions.


I am often baffled why 10 random pugs will just stand by while 2 Black Hats destroy a line of orb holders or hunt people in the center. They are like weak self-centered people who would witness a street mugging and turn around and walk the other way without offering any help. If they just banned together they could destroy us regardless of their gear. Learn from the White Hats!


In any case this all gives the White Hats a job to do and allows them to garner the appreciation of weak and feeble prey. I enjoy playing my part, even if that part includes being hunted down by White Hats.


you're a blackhat :p

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Your post is poorly thought out for several reasons.

1. Adding companions to PvP would double the amount of gear progression needed and therefore widens the gear gap, and skill gap between a fresh 50 and an experienced 50 due to needing to control two characters.

2. Disallowing groups in the PvP area would still only benefit your so-called "black hats" further. The PvP guildmates would still not attack each other, the only thing you're hindering is allowing the white hats, socializers, achievers, and explorers from grouping with each other to take on the opposition through superior numbers. Why isn't isn't happening more often even now is beyond me.


This thread is now about Drazzen's goggle tan.


Also, companions with PVP gear on do NOT get the bonus from expertice as was stated by BW after launch.

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Don't forget allowing companions means heroic moments. If you have all 8 heroic abilities, that is CRAZY damage potential, you know how much damage those things do? You could wipe mid solo or with 1 other person if you both had the 8 heroic moment abilities.


My opinion on the PVP area, working as intended. I have been the one with a big group dominating mid, I have been the one outnumbered but still willing to fight, either way it was enjoyable.


The one thing I kinda wish changed was that it was faction vs faction instead of free for all, though I assume the free for all aspect is to account for faction imbalances. At least if it were faction vs faction, you'd have less top dogs ganging up on the little people, and more people teaming together, that was one of the fun aspects of the old Ilum when you had 2 20 person ops groups going at each other (even though it was really laggy).


- Kandel

Edited by wadecounty
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mean' date=' seriously, look at your posts. You've decided that it's wrong for everyone else to stick around after their quests are done, that it's wrong to play king of the hill, that it's wrong to pick fights. You ascribe motives to other players about why they leave a zone (because you've written in on your white knight and saved the pve heroes) when it could be one of a handful of reasons for why they leave. You compare people's actions to Hitler and war crimes, ffs. And for some reason, you expect an entire server of players to conform to the way you think things ought to be.[/quote']


You have me confused with someone else, I never compared anyone to Hitler.

But again, you're taking this to the extreme. I also never claimed my white knights were galloping in to save the day. And i CERTAINLY don't expect an entire server to conform. I'm not asking for Bioware to shut down the PvP zone. Did you not see where I said I like it? I'm making a simple statement that some of the actions there are hurting the community. Not that everyone is guilty of it, or that it needs to be shutdown. I go there myself and if I get ganked, so be it.




[quote=Prisoner;5875190If they're hoping not to fight, then again, they have no business for being in the zone. And no, when I was solo I didn't have to change instances to get anything done. All of the fights I was in, I ended up picking myself (which I did, frequently. I didn't skip zones but even if I'd had to, why is that a big deal? It takes ten seconds to skip over to an Ilum instance that's empty.




So what that there's no objective to kill a certain number of players? Why does that matter at all? Again, if people want to play king of the hill, have a gank squad, blow up orb lines or whatever, that's what the zone is for.




1) Please tell me what's more in line with roleplaing in a Star Wars universe? A bunch of reps and imps standing peacefully in line because that's the fastest way to get their quest done, or people fighting it out over a resource like they would in an actual war?


2) Who cares what the hell the big PVP guilds say about other players? What the hell is this? Freaking high school?


Sigh. Because I am talking about the EXTREMES, not the isolated incidents. I am not decrying the zone of the PvP. Nevermind I feel like I'm trying to explain something that you won't understand anyway.


1) Who am to say what is the proper roleplay? I tell you one thing, it's not Reps vs Imps that's the problem. Jedi killing Jedi would rarely happen. It's a FFA zone so anything goes. Again this ISN'T roleplaying. that was the point. It's red is dead, no other reason.


2) Sometimes I feel like it's middle school

Edited by Drazzen
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Your post is poorly thought out for several reasons.

1. Adding companions to PvP would double the amount of gear progression needed and therefore widens the gear gap, and skill gap between a fresh 50 and an experienced 50 due to needing to control two characters.

2. Disallowing groups in the PvP area would still only benefit your so-called "black hats" further. The PvP guildmates would still not attack each other, the only thing you're hindering is allowing the white hats, socializers, achievers, and explorers from grouping with each other to take on the opposition through superior numbers. Why isn't isn't happening more often even now is beyond me.


This thread is now about Drazzen's goggle tan.


1) 2 is not several. It's not even some or few it's a couple

2) It'd be interesting and yes, of course, collusion would continue to take place.

3) google tan /thread

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Companions would likely make it worse since you'd just get groups of 2 people + healing companions teaming up with their buddies. 4 healing companions and 4 players all cooperating to gank people would just cause a lot more complaints from the people getting ganked. You'd have to deal with killing the companions and players instead of just players. I could especially see it being a problem since players who have been around a while would gear their companions out in BH/DG/WH, so you'd have fresh 50s or casual players getting outgeared by a companion. How would that solve anything? Edited by Headpunch
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Companions would likely make it worse since you'd just get groups of 2 people + healing companions teaming up with their buddies. 4 healing companions and 4 players all cooperating to gank people would just cause a lot more complaints from the people getting ganked. You'd have to deal with killing the companions and players instead of just players. I could especially see it being a problem since players who have been around a while would gear their companions out in BH/DG/WH, so you'd have fresh 50s or casual players getting outgeared by a companion. How would that solve anything?


This post was mainly meant to be tongue in cheek. I think Dashto kind of caught on to that. But in this scenario you wouldn't be able to group at all. it'd be 1v1 + companion. the rationale is most PvE players would have geared their companion while most PvP players would still be in lvl 20-40 greens.

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First of all, I don't think there is a problem with a FFA area that needs to be fixed. It's working as intended and for those people who like to pvp, it's a hell of a lot of fun.
I would agree if Bioware's PvP flagging system wasn't so broken. However, it is broken. To wit: I have been flagged for PvP:

  • By using the teleporter to the Northern (non-PvP) Terminus;
  • Attacking a normal Combat Specimen mob in the non-PvP area;
  • Using an aoe attack when a stealthed and flagged opposite faction snuck into it, flagging me, allowing his party (patiently waiting on the sidelines like rottweilers eyeing a kitten, trying to decided who's gets the ears and who gets the tail) to instantly gang-gank me before I even realized what was going on (insert snarky comment about the general declining character of the human race here).

In short, if Bioware can't fix their PvP flagging system they should not be adding PvP to world events. Players who do not want to participate in PvP are very passionate about that choice and some will be prone to unsubscripbe rather than be virtually murdered and have their corspes drug through the virtual streets like some third world conflict for the amusment of barbarians.

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This post was mainly meant to be tongue in cheek. I think Dashto kind of caught on to that. But in this scenario you wouldn't be able to group at all. it'd be 1v1 + companion. the rationale is most PvE players would have geared their companion while most PvP players would still be in lvl 20-40 greens.


My companions are in BH and BM/WH gear actually :p


But they get spoiled cause I love them so much.


Except for Andronikos, he's in Tionese because he's bad-*** enough with just that.


Edit - ok seriously bioware, i can't say bad-***? :(

Edited by silvershadows
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Vexed Drazzen has the subtle intention

of besting us yet in inattention,

We cleared Denova months before in raids,

before any of the vaunted Azure Blades.


Thinking our companions in lowly greens,

when yet in fact what this all really means,

is that the noble and lordly Disney Prince

has once again tried and failed to convince.


Andronikos in Campaign resplendent,

His prowess in full battle transcendent,

Drazzen vainly popping Guarded by the Force,

at full health by design but with much remorse;


Twin blasters flashed fire so very brilliant

felled the great Drazzen the most unresilient.

What tragic lesson can be learned from this fall?

Raids are not hard and can be run by all.

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My meager suggestion here is that the people who prefer to force the pvp issue without respect to the wishes of others stick to the lower instances, and allow those that want to farm/complete with zero conflict into the upper instances.


Unlike queuing for warzones it is 100% through community agreement to respect both types of play style. They've been doing this even on pvp servers.

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My meager suggestion here is that the people who prefer to force the pvp issue without respect to the wishes of others stick to the lower instances, and allow those that want to farm/complete with zero conflict into the upper instances.


Unlike queuing for warzones it is 100% through community agreement to respect both types of play style. They've been doing this even on pvp servers.


This is not in poetic form and is therefore irrelevant.

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Your tragic talk of salvation and hope

is tainted by your clearly profane trope.

Though you talk of high prose and rhyme,

Your few verses are neither nor sublime.


In some ways you are a man to admire,

But personal attacks do not inspire.

I have not once wrote a small verse to slam,

nor have intended to bore you with spam.


You seem to think this a competition,

My humiliation your grand ambition.

Yet these traded barbs I find quite amusing,

Your lines lack structure and are confusing.


Your meter sees changes from line to line,

and while you might end in some corny rhyme,

those that may indeed find my verse lacking,

in truth it is you who is found slacking.


I wish you nothing but the best dear prince,

for your sufferings can make a man wince.

But while you label me a troll and cad,

your thoughts of my intentions make me sad.


Some can't separate game from reality,

it might seem that we lack morality.

While in your hate you pursue us blindly,

Yet in truth we are friendly and kindly.

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