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Everything posted by BrooklynKnight

  1. http://dulfy.net/2013/04/17/swtor-mcr-99-droid-reconnaissance-achievement-guide/
  2. I invite you guys to use the Ebon Hawk Subreddit on Reddit to stay in touch. The force knows nobody uses it for much else. http://www.reddit.com/r/theebonhawk
  3. Brooklyn can now craft Underworld Stalker's MK-X Package on Undaduress 200k + Mats
  4. Uh...congratulations? Order of the Void does this regularly....with pugs.
  5. Right, I refuse to read a post this long if it doesn't use proper grammar, sentence structure and at least tries to convey some sort of coherent thought. Best Sentinel? Of what? Who the hell are you and why do I give a bantha poodoo?
  6. May the Shwartz be with her, always. She's one with the force now, and stronger then any of us can imagine.
  7. I never once even mentioned parsing. I don't feel parsing gives a true measure of how well a person raids. How high a number you can push against a dummy is 100% different then pouring on consistent damage during raid conditions. You can ask everyone I raid with that I'm not a fan of parsing and I've never required it or used it as a confirmation as to someones skill. I'm talking about raid awareness, the ability to follow directions and a willingness to listen to others. Those are the qualities we should be looking for when inviting people to these raid channels. It's not about stats, it's not about gear. It's about inviting people after you've played with them first. I used to refer people to "the raid channel" all the time. People i ran with in really smooth GF Flashpoints. Players i met during Datacron hunts and in Pug Raids. I'm not advocating that the channel be some uber secret, all I'm saying is that there be a filter and that we take care with who we invite. The channel being more public as it has been in the past few months has been a disaster. It's fine to disagree on this, you're allowed your opinion and me and players like me are allowed mine. We can play this game side by side. But by coming on the forums and inviting everyone without running with them first you're making that choice for us and forcing your opinion on us and that's not fair. Maybe the Imp side has more competent players on average so it's not such a problem but it is on the Rep side. And for the record, I already HAD another raiding channel. I started it to use just for 3-4 guilds and it grew from there and eventually had parity with "the raid channel". I decided it would be better for the community if things were just focused in one place so I asked everyone to just use the other one. I don't want to split the community by starting another one. If you guys really feel your way is best then start your own channel and advertise it here on the forums, and we'll cherry pick and test players for the other one as we always have.
  8. That learning needs to be done before they join Allies. This is the point where you and I disagree. On everything else we are in accord.
  9. Of course I don't. I never expect the better players to carry me, I expect to learn from them because I'm open to learning. I don't want to be one of the people carrying those other players. They need to improve themselves first like I did, and Likewise I'm always trying to improve to bring myself to the levels of those better players. I'm fine helping one or two at a time, but not half the raid.
  10. I havn't played with you, so I can't really comment on that. All I can say is that since <Redacted> has been mentioned on the forums and openly in general a few months ago the quality of player has dropped DRASTICALLY. By leaps and fraking bounds. As a result we've lost a large amount of HM Ready n Capable Raiders who WERE teaching the more inexperienced players. Think of it like the SM/HM/NiM step ladder in skill. Before people are invited to <Redacted> the person inviting them should be fairly sure that they are competent players that are aware of the most basic raid rules. Run a few HM Flashpoints with them, an EVHM or anything to see how they do. <Redacted> is getting filled with players who refuse to use Voip (despite have never completing a raid before), won't read instructions much less follow them, pull boss fights before people are ready, loot before people are rezzed, need on stuff ignoring the agree'd upon Need Rules, etc. The <Redacted> Channel was supposed to be a safe haven from all that crap. That belongs in General. If you want to disagree that's fine, but don't force us to deal with the players you're welcoming. Make a new channel and invite them there.
  11. I'm just trying to save as much as i can. No need to mention problem players by name man. I might agree with your point, but you're just gonna get nailed with an infraction for it. If you wanna complain about players by name use http://www.reddit.com/r/theebonhawk or private forums. IMO, the players that are mediocre (like myself for example, i've never claimed to be one of the better raiders around) will benefit from running with players that are better, like yourself. But if the channel is filled with garbage and chaffe and inexperienced players that lower the bar for everyone, then the experienced players like you wont bother spending their time helping those of us who are ready and able. That's my problem. Your post just goes to prove my point.
  12. The person who originally started the channel is long gone. Yes, there is a HM password protected channel, It's growing slowly, one at a time, and with a modicum of success. <Redacted> doesn't need to be THAT strict, all I'm asking is people don't throw the name openly on the forums and General chat. Just invite people after you've raided with them and ensure they can follow directions. Is it too much to ask to respect that?
  13. I disagree. <Redacted> is not a Guild. It's not an extension of General. That's the entire point. It's there to separate out the chaff that fills general. All I'm saying is that when people are invited it should be via word of mouth, pm, ops chat, whatever, after they've been judged competent. We all have our own guilds. There are too many people running around <Redacted> right now that are getting blacklisted from raids and causing drama and ruckus for no reason. Maybe it's different on the IMP side but in that case make a channel with a different name, I dunno how about Moonshine? I'm hardly the only person that feels this way, I'm just the most vocal. Start a new channel and advertise it all over the server and run raids with whatever inexperienced people you want.
  14. It's not supposed to be an "Elite group" in the same way a progression guild it is but it is supposed to be someplace that competent players can look for people to fill holes in their guild runs, to put together pug runs with players that already know what they are doing. A few months ago you could join almost any group being put together and be assured that you'd complete the raid. You wouldn't have rage quitters, you wouldn't have a 50k repair bill, and everyone was willing to use some form of VOIP. I'm not suggesting that the raid group requires a certain level of gear, but I am suggesting that it requires a certain level experience and competence that is lacking by inviting the entire server to the channel. Enough is Enough. I want to play a game not run a boot camp. <Redacted> loses it's value if we have to screen every person we invite to a raid or spend 3 wipes a boss teaching them the mechanics. If you guys insist on making it more difficult for everyone else then use pve_lfg or something like that.
  15. I'm not against helping people. I help train people to raid better all the time. When we're trying to put together quick raids for comms and gear, so people can have a nice smooth game, is not the time to whip 10 times on easy content because the group is stacked with people who need help. That's what guilds are for. If you want a raid channel expressly for helping people that are new and don't know what they are doing then go start one. If all the players that know what they are doing have to keep training tons of new people who arent prepared, who refuse to use voice chat, who don't know their rotations, they'll stop using allies all together and it's gonna be no different then General. Need help? Join a guild, or ask in General. <Redacted> is not for training new players but for competent players to gather and raid. If that wasn't the purpose of the channel then I joined the wrong one.
  16. Then I guess it's time to make a new channel. We discussed this two months ago at the guild summit. <Redacted> is NOT intended to be public. It's supposed to be invite only.
  17. Can you please stop mentioning the channel in public? Hey OP, let me get you some better advice. Join a larger guild that raids more often and do the raids with them, and learn them. If you join the channel above and you're not prepared with gear you will not have a good time. The reason random GF never pops is because nobody wants to waste their time doing something without a very good chance for success with a group that knows what they are doing. You'll find plenty of players willing to take you under their wing to teach you but pick up groups and group finder is not where it's gonna happen because people are using those tools to do raids and get comms quickly. If you do not follow this advice and join anyway I strongly suggest that whichever pug you join that you let the ops lead know you're inexperienced and under geared and that you need help. Some will remove you, but others will take you under their wing and help you. It really depends. Good luck.
  18. Brooklyn can now craft Skill 31 Barrel on Djeck Brooklyn can now craft Underworld SA Relic for Mats +300k
  19. So is something going on on Alderaan on the PTS or what?
  20. He is correct. The Link was http://www.reddit.com/r/TheEbonHawk. Thanks! I've even gone back and fixed the original post.
  21. Please add Ebon Hawk Subreddit to the list.
  22. Whenever I get this error all I have to do is connect to another server and then usually i can reconnect to ebonhawk. Failing that I reset my router and modem. I'm sure you've done that already though.
  23. I'm also trying to get the server info. The server from the last meeting luddott.teamspeak3.com is currently empty.
  24. Half these commands do not work. Listing, kicking, banning. The system says it did something, but it didnt.
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