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A Solution for the PvP/PvE divide on Ilum


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I can't help but laugh, that's the best you can do?

you're guilty of all the the things that you claim to

retort in response, my rhymes are quite fitting;

separate from real life, Disney Prince, are you kidding?


How is it, dear poster, you know of my existence?

cmon look at your poems, is this your resistance?

you jab and you poke at my personal feats

you try and you hope, do you think this completes

your failed attempt at proving you're equal

I can't wait to see your attempt at a sequel


So to claim that this isn't a personal vendetta

is funny, quite humorous, you'll have to try better

don't bring up my personal life like it's apt

that you even take interest, your attention so rapt


I never had problems with you until now

and my true concern is your rhyme scheme, oh wow

seriously, how can you claim that yours even makes sense

convoluted, simplistic, 3rd grade level and dense


Dear poster, I do not seek your humiliation

you've claimed it yourself with retaliation

you may be quite nice in real life, but i doubt it

why flame and defame if you're nice, what about it?


My verse, is not terse, it is just a response

Why try and reply, why act like a ponce?

Just end it, suspend it why even endeavor

to prove, yet remove all signs that you're clever


you think that I hate you, yet that's not the case

but your actions, your motives will never replace

your intention, selection of me as your villain

your prose, I suppose is proof that you're willing

to continue, to counter but there is no hope

at the end of the day, at the end of Merope


I just wonder, why counter or even amass

your poor words, so absurd lacking logic and class

can't you see that I'm only responding in kind

can't you see, all agree that you're clearly behind?


so let's end this, commend us with entertaining

those who think our poems worth some commentating

but stop it, just drop it; I'll always respond

my rhymes like the times come from the beyond.

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I think a solution could be Bioware's Making

A change to the zone with more points for the taking

Make two central turn ins, or perhaps three or four

So with forces divided we even the score


Or 'else to make the dome a gree guarded site

so that outside the center all groups have to fight

With free for all outside and no mid to deny

the q-ers might q less with more places to hide


It falls less to flagging and a zone to kill all

but more to the lone point and the quest it involved

achievers they see it with completionist eyes

which is why they're so p****ed off when'er they die


Explorers they look at the new zone quests to

They hope to accomplish a time or two

These types may like fighting if ever they tried

but the way this is set up, they just see that they died


It a shame that the white hats are forced to police

They shouldn't need waste time just keeping the peace

but I thank them for trying as it does help the weak

though at least with my scoundrel the orbs I can sneak


This thing got derailed as I've not done a poem

In quite a long time, as it's fiction that's home

but t'was fun to try it, if not just to flex

Those brains cells not worked by, a job not complex`




Long story short it's just theorycrafting now but I think they would have been better served taking one of two approached


1.Decentralize pylon turn-ins by having 2-3 points, thus making it hard for a single dominant group to control (thus allowing secondary groups to have a much better assault chance)


2.Make very center guarded by gree enforcers, thus pushing the actual pvp activity outside the dome which would make it more focused on roving assaults then point control. This means that those who aren't lions may get chewed on a few times but they have a better shot at ultimately being able to eat as well.

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The only viable solution is for people to use the zone as is intended, it's super simple and everyone is over complicating things.


Standing in a line with the opposite faction is not how it was intended. I Get that some people who are solo or in a small group of 2 without any PvP gear may not want to start up something they think they may lose. I get that, I can get on board with that. There have been lots of times the past week when I was there solo or in a group of 2 or 3 and we came to mid to clear out pubs. At this moment the person standing in line solo need not fear as we are killing the republic forces. What happens almost every single time is these people the proceed to back up and continue not getting involved. Now this is where I draw the line. Once we wipe out the republic scum we turn to the weak and presumed republic spys and wipe them out as well. Being the emperor's wrath I can't tolerate any weakness from imperial forces or would be republic loyalists. You are as strong as your weakest link after all.


There have been other times when there are several imperials with orbs and a single republic in line. So I have to ask myself, why? In what scenario would these imperials who have pledged their loyalty to the emperor stand hand in hand with republic scum. They must be plotting against the throne and they must all die. I must protect the emperor against all threats republic and imperial.


You claim new PvPers may get turned off by the constant ganking, I disagree. These people who QQ the most in general chat don't have any desires to PvP. The game has been out over a year now if people wanted to PvP they would be doing it and at least have some gear they could use on Illum. Sure lots of F2P people are turning 50 or have recently turned 50 they don't get a pass for being new. If getting ganked doesn't motivate you to hit the warzones collect comms and gear up, chances are you are not the type of person who PvP's. So no one that is interested in PvP is getting turned off, its quite the opposite it should be motivating people into warzones.


In conclusion, you're welcome for getting the people who were on the fence about PvP and warzones more interested in participating and gearing up as well as the F2P who were on the fence who have recently subbed so they could do unlimited warzones in a week.


Since we are a RP server let me warn any imperial suspected of plotting with republic forces to attack the throne while the gree event is happening will be executed. The emperor has decreed all republic forces KILL ON SIGHT (KOS.) There will be no trials for suspected traitors. See you on Illum.

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The only viable solution is for people to use the zone as is intended, it's super simple and everyone is over complicating things.


Standing in a line with the opposite faction is not how it was intended. I Get that some people who are solo or in a small group of 2 without any PvP gear may not want to start up something they think they may lose. I get that, I can get on board with that. There have been lots of times the past week when I was there solo or in a group of 2 or 3 and we came to mid to clear out pubs. At this moment the person standing in line solo need not fear as we are killing the republic forces. What happens almost every single time is these people the proceed to back up and continue not getting involved. Now this is where I draw the line. Once we wipe out the republic scum we turn to the weak and presumed republic spys and wipe them out as well. Being the emperor's wrath I can't tolerate any weakness from imperial forces or would be republic loyalists. You are as strong as your weakest link after all.


There have been other times when there are several imperials with orbs and a single republic in line. So I have to ask myself, why? In what scenario would these imperials who have pledged their loyalty to the emperor stand hand in hand with republic scum. They must be plotting against the throne and they must all die. I must protect the emperor against all threats republic and imperial.


You claim new PvPers may get turned off by the constant ganking, I disagree. These people who QQ the most in general chat don't have any desires to PvP. The game has been out over a year now if people wanted to PvP they would be doing it and at least have some gear they could use on Illum. Sure lots of F2P people are turning 50 or have recently turned 50 they don't get a pass for being new. If getting ganked doesn't motivate you to hit the warzones collect comms and gear up, chances are you are not the type of person who PvP's. So no one that is interested in PvP is getting turned off, its quite the opposite it should be motivating people into warzones.


In conclusion, you're welcome for getting the people who were on the fence about PvP and warzones more interested in participating and gearing up as well as the F2P who were on the fence who have recently subbed so they could do unlimited warzones in a week.


Since we are a RP server let me warn any imperial suspected of plotting with republic forces to attack the throne while the gree event is happening will be executed. The emperor has decreed all republic forces KILL ON SIGHT (KOS.) There will be no trials for suspected traitors. See you on Illum.





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Dear galactic citizens,


My name is Keldoran Vant, Jedi master and diplomat. Do not be surprised to hear of a Jedi of that name - I speak only for myself and that of the Jedi Order, not for my father or my misguided Sith brother. From the shadows on Ilum, I have witnessed atrocities, heroism, acts of great compassion and even acts of great cowardice.


It is very clear what is happening here. The Emperor is using you all. He is feeding on your passions, hatred, violence, and the death that you cause.


I advise you not to heed the above words of the Emperor's Wrath. His master's true designs have been revealed - the Emperor seeks to extinguish all life in the galaxy. To achieve this, he requires death and suffering to occur on a massive scale. Even your passionate discourse on the HoloNet furthers his plans, as he feeds on your hatred and suffering.


For those who already follow the path of the light, there is no question as to what you must do. A Jedi listens first, and fights only if necessary. Approach the Imperials on Ilum, speak with them, try to sway them to your cause but do not raise your weapon unless it is to protect yourself or those who are innocent.


To those who call themselves Imperial, I beg you to reconsider your position. I am not so naive as to think that Sith hold loyalty to any but themselves, so if the words of my fellow warriors of the light do not sway you, I will appeal to your selfishness, your sense of self-preservation. Make no mistake, the Emperor means death for the Empire, the Republic, and every living thing in the galaxy.


Darth Panopticus of the Silent Council has foreseen this outcome. I make no claims that he is a virtuous leader or that even he may be different than the Emperor. But if you can not break the dark side's hold over you, if you choose to remain lost forever, then at the very least follow him, his teachings, and that of his Council. Their actions on Ilum, while still involving violence, are a much better alternative than senseless slaughter on a mass scale that only feeds the Emperor's power.


May the Force be with you.

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Keldoran, you’re as delicate and incompetent as any fresh young padawan thrust onto balmy rut you call Tython. Had we needed a nuisance, we would have summoned one of the lumbering, stinking tauntuns that wander this frozen plain. My lord, the Emperor’s Wrath, will bring a new era of glory for all who stand under the imperial banner. Thinning the republic scum like you that threaten imperial control of Ilum is a necessary endeavor.


My fellow imperials, indulging in meaningless ‘talk’ with jedi filth will not only weaken oneself, but will weaken the very Empire itself. I urge you not to be swayed by the foolish ramblings of those who would fall back on words when they lack the strength the seize their goals.


You all may chose to ally with us or accept your fate at the hand of my master. To live proudly as an imperial citizen or to die a traitor’s death – these are but your only two options. The wise choice is clear.


Power and passion will prevail.


~Apprentice Sofia

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If this were the case the zone would actually favor the *gasp* individual who plays ALL aspects of the game.


I don't see how this idea would favor people who do pve. PvPers have the extra warzone comms to throw warhero or better on companions if the need arises.

Edited by Showtimemike
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I don't see how this idea would favor people who do pve. PvPers have the extra warzone comms to throw warhero or better on companions if the need arises.


Companions do not get expertise benefit, therefore a fully BH'd up companion would outpace a WH companion.


That said the difference is small enough to be irrelevant and most of the "victims" are probably still optimizing their own 26's and 27's let alone putting companions in them.


So the idea seems good but in practical application would actually be a wash in most circumstance.

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You're bragging about being a bully?


I don't understand the joy in ruining someone else's night...



When someone voluntarily goes into a pvp zone, tries to steal another players orb, then cries loudly about being killed for it, puts a bounty on your head, and goes on to whine in general chat for 30 minutes in terribly misspelled fits of impotent rage when he could have easily switched intstances to avoid the multiple deaths, it's good for a giggle or two :)


This is also known as - "Don't poke the bear." Or in this case, the Sith Lord.

Edited by silvershadows
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Dear galactic citizens,


My name is Keldoran Vant, Jedi master and diplomat. Do not be surprised to hear of a Jedi of that name - I speak only for myself and that of the Jedi Order, not for my father or my misguided Sith brother. From the shadows on Ilum, I have witnessed atrocities, heroism, acts of great compassion and even acts of great cowardice.


It is very clear what is happening here. The Emperor is using you all. He is feeding on your passions, hatred, violence, and the death that you cause.


I advise you not to heed the above words of the Emperor's Wrath. His master's true designs have been revealed - the Emperor seeks to extinguish all life in the galaxy. To achieve this, he requires death and suffering to occur on a massive scale. Even your passionate discourse on the HoloNet furthers his plans, as he feeds on your hatred and suffering.


For those who already follow the path of the light, there is no question as to what you must do. A Jedi listens first, and fights only if necessary. Approach the Imperials on Ilum, speak with them, try to sway them to your cause but do not raise your weapon unless it is to protect yourself or those who are innocent.


To those who call themselves Imperial, I beg you to reconsider your position. I am not so naive as to think that Sith hold loyalty to any but themselves, so if the words of my fellow warriors of the light do not sway you, I will appeal to your selfishness, your sense of self-preservation. Make no mistake, the Emperor means death for the Empire, the Republic, and every living thing in the galaxy.


Darth Panopticus of the Silent Council has foreseen this outcome. I make no claims that he is a virtuous leader or that even he may be different than the Emperor. But if you can not break the dark side's hold over you, if you choose to remain lost forever, then at the very least follow him, his teachings, and that of his Council. Their actions on Ilum, while still involving violence, are a much better alternative than senseless slaughter on a mass scale that only feeds the Emperor's power.


May the Force be with you.


Dearest Jedi Vant,


Your position belies your misguided worldview. You lack foresight. Allow me to enlighten you: It is important to note that the battles on Ilum have taken a gladiatorial bent. A burgeoning market in recordings, live images, and gambling -- not to mentioning the reinvigoration of arms markets -- bodes well for intergalactic commerce. As a proud member and vice-chairman of the Outer Rim Merchant Combine, I know well how the health of these markets impacts the lives of billions of sentients. Your shortsightedness and naivete are so painfully obvious...it would be a shame if others took your urgings at face value: economic disaster never seems to be on the mind of the Jedi.


We must all remain cognizant of the potential Gree technology and markets offer. It may be that a lack of frenzy -- or worse, openly engaging in nonviolence -- will drive the Gree away from our scientists, our merchants, and our diplomats. The Jedi must recognize that sacrifices of blood must be made to ensure the security of our future.


Imagine, Apprentice Vant, the wondrous medicines and life-saving techniques a healthy relationship with the Gree may bring. What horrific folly it would be to abandon that hope to the prattlings of an apprentice.


As to the foolishness of Darth Panopticus and his Council -- it should be made clear that the recent acts of this radical group are couched in a conspiracy theory regarding the influence of the Dread Masters. They are little more than a cult of overly gullible rabble-rousers. I would urge every patriotic Imperial citizen and every loyal Republic solider to slaughter these misguided men and women before they put our very futures in jeopardy. The sooner the battles of Ilum return to blood sport, the faster we can monetize!


I make it known now that Darth Panopticus' order acts against not only the will of the Emperor, but against the wellbeing of all. To ensure continuing bloodshed on Ilum, you will be pleased to know that I have hired a legion of mercenaries to fight under the proclaimed banner of the Silent Council -- and to slaughter everything before them. No longer will the <Silent Council> be seen as the saviors of nonviolence on Ilum, but as mercurial allies at best. Prepare for a new dawn of bloodshed!


If you're interested in acquiring access to our live feeds of Ilum Battles, please tune your holoviewers to our premium channels. We have an entire hour devoted to the most violent Orb Suicide Attacks, every night.


-- Lord Baron Sammoj Kresh, as transcribed by Vice-Syndic Quil'xin'cuoa

Edited by Satedbuffalo
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