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Return of the Gree event is absolutely no fun.


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I don't pvp, I only care about the PvE part of the game. I know there is many PvPers and that is fine they should be content for those players too. I like the idea that there is some Pvp quest for players who enjoys that stuff, but as a PvEer trying to kill raid bosses and have flaged people run in and get hit by your AoE or healing somebody who is flagged than your flaged and they kill you while your fighting a boss or killing a group of lizards makes me want to quit this game. It seems like we are being force feed PvP with this event. The only thing we need to make this event better is a button or something that locks us out of PvP. So our AoEs dont hit flaged people. Even if we cant heal a flaged person that is better than the way it is now.
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I don't pvp, I only care about the PvE part of the game. I know there is many PvPers and that is fine they should be content for those players too. I like the idea that there is some Pvp quest for players who enjoys that stuff, but as a PvEer trying to kill raid bosses and have flaged people run in and get hit by your AoE or healing somebody who is flagged than your flaged and they kill you while your fighting a boss or killing a group of lizards makes me want to quit this game. It seems like we are being force feed PvP with this event. The only thing we need to make this event better is a button or something that locks us out of PvP. So our AoEs dont hit flaged people. Even if we cant heal a flaged person that is better than the way it is now.


Brother, I am one of the biggest Carebears playing this game. I can assure you that if you do things properly, the event can be fully PVE.


  • Do not do the PVP quests.
  • Be mindful of your surroundings.
  • Don't group with people flagged for PVP (their names are bright green).


Use a measure of caution. It is quite a bit of fun.

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Don't use AOE's. Turn all AOE based skills off on your companions. Don't group with flagged players. Problem solved. As a commando I have four AOE skills that I can recall off the top of my head w/o looking at my character. I never use them except in closed instances where I won't have to worry about hitting a flagged player. I've had flagged players literally stand on the mob I am working over and never got flagged because I didn't use an AOE.


Problem solved.

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My friend you do realize the free event involves absolutely 0 PvP.

It only makes you enter a FFA AREA. And in my experience people act very civilly in said area. So please don't begin crying just because 2 out of the some odd 10 missions that are involved in the gree event SAY PvP in the quest log. You are not forced to do all the missions and neither are you forced to do any PvP at all.

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I'm playing straight up PVE. Got 5000 or so rep to get some tron gear in two weeks. So not biggy for me. It's not that hard.


When you see people flagged, stay away from them. I was fighting some of those troops, and I did have a pub walk into where i was fighting, and I accidentally clicked on them and hit them. We battled, I killed them, and I stayed clear of pubs that were flagged, and was always around Imps that were flagged. That has been the only problem I've had in this entire event.

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The prices of the repairs are terrible, i going to quote the best post in the matter:


I am very casual player and jump in as time allows. Have never enjoyed "grinding" and while I am content to work for things that I want in game I don't want to be forced to grind in order to even play. The fact that this thread alone is 28 pages long without a single gold response speaks loudly. Not a "we are looking into it" or "we will roll it back" or "sorry, deal with it". Nothing. Bugs all about the game, people posting hundreds of threads asking for fixes yet this supposed bug is addressed, why? Is there one single thread started in the forums saying "Please raise the cost of repairs", I rather doubt it. This kills the community, people need to post screen shots of players shouting for groups "experienced players only" I'm sure it's happening already. Repeatedly dropping pve quests in or right next to pvp zones. Space still largely ignored. Players still largely ignored.


I want to enjoy this game and at times I have. I've hung in there but decisions like this make me think of an old joke.


First man says to the second man: Why are you hitting your head against the wall over and over?

Second man responds: Because it feels so good when I stop


Think its time to stop hitting my head against the wall. Take care all.



This is it, and Why in a PvE server they want more people in pvp? this is stupid.

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I don't pvp in this game, I have never done a single warzone, yet I will admit that when I grouped up with friends and went into the pvp area, I had a BLAST.


However, there's really just, what, 2 quests in the PVP area? You can do all the rest of the stuff including the heroic in the non-flagging area.

Edited by chuixupu
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I don't pvp, I only care about the PvE part of the game. I know there is many PvPers and that is fine they should be content for those players too. I like the idea that there is some Pvp quest for players who enjoys that stuff, but as a PvEer trying to kill raid bosses and have flaged people run in and get hit by your AoE or healing somebody who is flagged than your flaged and they kill you while your fighting a boss or killing a group of lizards makes me want to quit this game. It seems like we are being force feed PvP with this event. The only thing we need to make this event better is a button or something that locks us out of PvP. So our AoEs dont hit flaged people. Even if we cant heal a flaged person that is better than the way it is now.


I do both PvP and PvE. What I realize is that this event is centered on fostering a PvP area. It's in the PvP area of Illum. As a PvE player I've been happy to have two events that were PvE based. The community is larger than just PvE. Giving the PvP crowd a bit of the royal treatment is perfectly acceptable, and probably needed. If you are a PvE player then don't touch the content clearly labled PvP when you pick it up. I find your attitude incredibly annoying, and I apologize for my feelings and saying them. Just because you prefer one game style does not mean that every piece of content is going to be for you. It won't be for me, and it won't be for someone else. For instance they released the Space Missions, and not everyone likes space missions. You don't need to do them for the rewards. Just like this event, there are Daily missions you can do that will increase your rep and then you don't have to do a single PvP quest. If I'm misunderstanding you I am sorry. I just can't stand PvP players crying about PvE content and PvE players crying over PvP content. If it's not your bed, don't jump in it.

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Sorry, but some of the answers here are BS.


- I only do the PvE quests, no PvP quests.

- I stay out of the contested area.

- So I have to play with no AoE because the other side knows that if they run into my AoE I get flagged and I get ganked?? Isn't this something BW can fix? They actually hang around the heroic posts and wait for you to start, and even around the other planets bots on the one quest waiting for you to start fighting.

- How do I make sure NOBODY else is flagged before joining an op for a WB or Heroic. And then, if somebody is flagged, I have to drop so I don't get flagged. So basically, I can't do the ops, right??


If I created a PvE char in a PvE server and dont do the PvP quests, why am I been penalized? With all the care in the world, I still got killed 4 times by a group of 4 just traveling around (the north area, not contested) ganking people.


What does BW think, that if they force me to PvP I will like it?? No, I hate it even more. Because 4 L50s raiding can kill a single L50. Wo-ho. Congratz to the morons.

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Sorry, but some of the answers here are BS.


- I only do the PvE quests, no PvP quests.

- I stay out of the contested area.

- So I have to play with no AoE because the other side knows that if they run into my AoE I get flagged and I get ganked?? Isn't this something BW can fix? They actually hang around the heroic posts and wait for you to start, and even around the other planets bots on the one quest waiting for you to start fighting.

- How do I make sure NOBODY else is flagged before joining an op for a WB or Heroic. And then, if somebody is flagged, I have to drop so I don't get flagged. So basically, I can't do the ops, right??


If I created a PvE char in a PvE server and dont do the PvP quests, why am I been penalized? With all the care in the world, I still got killed 4 times by a group of 4 just traveling around (the north area, not contested) ganking people.


What does BW think, that if they force me to PvP I will like it?? No, I hate it even more. Because 4 L50s raiding can kill a single L50. Wo-ho. Congratz to the morons.


Why is any of that BS? You don't NEED the PvP area content to do the gree quests. You don't NEED to risk being flagged by using an AOE, when the dps loss is frankly, negligible and has no real impact on your fighting. If you don't want to engage in PvP, stay out of PvP areas.. that really is a no brainer, especially as none of the PvP area quests are required. You make a CHOICE to accept those quests and you make a CHOICE to go into those areas knowing full well that it's a PvP free for all area. You CHOOSE to refuse to accept the simple methods outlined by myself and others and instead... set yourself up to be attacked, ganked, killed, and destroyed repeatedly because you CHOOSE not to take precautions to prevent it.


As I said before. Turn off pet aoe's and don't use them yourself. Problem solved with gankers trying to get you flagged so they can kill you. You have a choice of how you react and act here. I don't generally PvP myself, but if I am anywhere I know I can run into PvP'rs, I stop using my AOE's and I always make sure my companions are off as a matter of form.


I've never been flagged unless I made the choice to group with flagged players (I have dropped groups simply because one member was flagged and I wasn't in the mood to risk PvPing), and accept the possibility that I may have to PvP because of it, or I have entered a warzone, or I have chosen to flag myself.


While I agree with you that AOE flagging is lame and should be fixed so it can't happen. The mechanics of the game are what they are and you deal with them accordingly by making adjustments in your game play to safeguard yourself. Choosing NOT to make adjustments you can make is solely on yourself, not anybody else. Crying about getting killed because you failed to take the steps to ensure you don't, is really pretty sad, especially when you seem to steadfastly refuse to take those steps.

Edited by Saitada
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It is BS because basically you are telling the "victim", ie, the person that does NOT want to PvP to change the way they play and the features they use so that the gankers can go on happty doing what they do. WHY? Why do I have to play "restricted" so that others can get away with bad behavior?


As I said, i created a PvE char in a PvE server and I stay out of the PvP areas. So why am I been flagged? Why have the flag at all? Why can't I turn it off permanently and be done with it? Because BW won't change it. And why? I have no idea why. Maybe they are trying to piss off the last few subscribers so they can shut down the game, who knows.


When they design the event, BW does these things ON PURPOSE. You think it is an accident that the only vendor that sells the HK part is INSIDE a PvP area? Why? If I am PvE, why am I forced to go in that area to get something, get flagged, and now live with the stupid flag as I visit other planets until it goes off. "Oh, just wait 5 mins"... WHY???? What does BW gain with placing that one vendor in there and not using any of the other 10,000 vendors anywhere else?


They are constantly pushing people into PvP, like somehow that is going to make PvP better. Is not. Is worst. Entire guilds of PvP players have left this game because (according to them) the PvP sucks. I don't know if it does, I never play PvP, but they have been playing MMOs for over 8 years and I would think they know what PvP is.


Anyway, I am willing to stay out of those areas, I am willing to turn my flag, all that is ok. But don't tell me I can't use some skills or use my comp or whatever because I might as well take my (since game started) subscription somewhere else.


I love this game. I have been a subscriber since day one, still are. Have 9 toons, 7 are 50s. I play every event. I have TWO big problems :


- Lower planets full of freeloaders making going there a pain in the rear

- A stupid PvP flag that wont live me alone.


And one more thing : we have rules, balance in the game. We are supposed to play together as teams and help each other. And yet, the current state of PvP encourages Bullying?? Yes, even if my flag is on (for whatever reason), gangs of 4 and 6 people jumping one player IN NON PVP AREA is ok? And what am I supposed to do? Make sure I go out there with my "possy"? My gang? So we can defend ourselves while we do our PvE quests? Seems SICK to me.


You might be totally sure you are right, but so am I. And in the end, when we long term PvE subscribers walk off, these servers will be dead and you can enjoy ganking the jawas I guess...

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While I don't agree with your attitude, I think your position on people "forcing" PVP on PVE players has some merit. If your going to put a gank squad together to roam a PVE content area and try to "force" people into flagging by exploiting aoe, your lame. Put some big boy pants on and come to a PVP server, where there is no such thing as "unflagged". (Open up server transfer again plx BW k thx)


On POT5 this event is awesome. The first 48hours saw a some carebear activity but since then it has been mostly open war. Every node, every quest, every world boss, in every instance, at anytime could become a battlefield. And that's the way a PVP server should be.

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Different people like different things, no matter what Bioware do they will not please everyone

Damned if they try something different, damned if they dont try something different


While I quite like this event, I can understand why some people don't. The problem is that BW insist on mixing different play styles in the same event. It was the same with HK-51. What was that event supposed to be? PvP? Group PvE? Solo PVE? It tried to be all of those things, but many, many people don't like doing all of those things.


The result is that players feel like they have to do things they don't enjoy, because there is no content they can complete that only contains things they do enjoy.


Maybe BW think that if they mix all these different play styles into one event, it will make me try them out and perhaps enjoy them. The trouble is, I have been playing MMO's for 10 years. I know what I enjoy by now and I don't need BW trying to cajole me into giving things a go to see if I like them.

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It is BS because basically you are telling the "victim", ie, the person that does NOT want to PvP to change the way they play and the features they use so that the gankers can go on happty doing what they do. WHY? Why do I have to play "restricted" so that others can get away with bad behavior?


As I said, i created a PvE char in a PvE server and I stay out of the PvP areas. So why am I been flagged? Why have the flag at all? Why can't I turn it off permanently and be done with it? Because BW won't change it. And why? I have no idea why. Maybe they are trying to piss off the last few subscribers so they can shut down the game, who knows.


When they design the event, BW does these things ON PURPOSE. You think it is an accident that the only vendor that sells the HK part is INSIDE a PvP area? Why? If I am PvE, why am I forced to go in that area to get something, get flagged, and now live with the stupid flag as I visit other planets until it goes off. "Oh, just wait 5 mins"... WHY???? What does BW gain with placing that one vendor in there and not using any of the other 10,000 vendors anywhere else?


They are constantly pushing people into PvP, like somehow that is going to make PvP better. Is not. Is worst. Entire guilds of PvP players have left this game because (according to them) the PvP sucks. I don't know if it does, I never play PvP, but they have been playing MMOs for over 8 years and I would think they know what PvP is.


Anyway, I am willing to stay out of those areas, I am willing to turn my flag, all that is ok. But don't tell me I can't use some skills or use my comp or whatever because I might as well take my (since game started) subscription somewhere else.


I love this game. I have been a subscriber since day one, still are. Have 9 toons, 7 are 50s. I play every event. I have TWO big problems :


- Lower planets full of freeloaders making going there a pain in the rear

- A stupid PvP flag that wont live me alone.


And one more thing : we have rules, balance in the game. We are supposed to play together as teams and help each other. And yet, the current state of PvP encourages Bullying?? Yes, even if my flag is on (for whatever reason), gangs of 4 and 6 people jumping one player IN NON PVP AREA is ok? And what am I supposed to do? Make sure I go out there with my "possy"? My gang? So we can defend ourselves while we do our PvE quests? Seems SICK to me.


You might be totally sure you are right, but so am I. And in the end, when we long term PvE subscribers walk off, these servers will be dead and you can enjoy ganking the jawas I guess...


You apparently don't understand that this has been in the game from day 1. It's a game mechanic that BW has set into place because they want it there. Do we have to like it? No, but to REFUSE to accept that you might have to change your play style on certain planets (basically from Narr Shadaa on for Republic side, not sure where it starts for Empire side as my toons are Pub) to prevent yourself from being flagged is silly.


Like I said. I dont generally PvP. I'm on an RP-PVE server (Bergeren Colony) I had no problem getting my HK parts from the PVP area at all. In fact, I didn't run into a single soul there. I've known from the get go that using my companions AOE ability might get me flagged if a PvP'r enters the damage area. Same with my AOE skills. It's really not that difficult to turn them off (companions aoe based skills) when you are in areas where they might become an issue. Fact is, I never have my companions AOE skills turned on at all.


I have also been playing this game since Early access. I have YET to be flagged unless I chose to group with someone that was flagged, gone into a warzone (I have 7 valor across all 25 of my characters [2 active accounts], so obviously I don't PvP much) or made the deliberate CHOICE to flag myself. I have never been flagged by using an AOE around another flagged player. Period. because I play SMART and don't use AOE's in those situations.


The ONLY reason you are having problems with being flagged is because you idiotically refuse to adjust your game play to suit the situation you are in. The definition of stupidity is to keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results. Here is a little factoid for you Cupcake. If you are unwilling or unable to adjust your game play to suit any given situation your character may find themselves in, you suck at gaming and you might be better off trying something a little more your level of play, say Hello Kitty.


Have a Nice Day. Cupcake.


*edit* Oh btw, I would personally like it if BW made the PvP like it was in EQ1 where if you were flagged, you could not be healed or buffed by a non-flagged player, and a non-flagged players skills would not damage you and vice versa, but that isn't how this game is, and so I adjust my playing to suit the game. Not demand the game adjust to suit me.

Edited by Saitada
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First off, I must LOL hysterically at the previous post. "Hello Kitty"! Geez you crack me up!


That having been said... gotta tell you I agree, also, with the Previous poster. I have 12 characters and 7 lvl 50s and I DO play on a PvP server. And tho I am not much of a PvP'r, I have never noticed a problem being flagged. You continue to get riled up because someone steps into your AOE dmg radius and flags you and ganks you; yet you refuse to adjust your play-style to avoid these situations. If this upsets you so much and you feel it ruins your ability to play this game, and you continually refuse to adjust your play-style... then maybe you SHOULD find some other game to play.


I do not say this to be mean, or to tell you HOW to play your character. However, this is STAR WARS! This is not some little fantasy game about elves and undead things walking around. The VERY LORE that this game follows is about a GALAXY AT WAR. You cannot blame, nor fault, other players for sticking to the lore and trying to "kill the enemy on site". Some people like to fantasize that they are "Sith" for a reason. I jump you, flag you and kill you? What do you expect from an enemy of the opposing faction.


As I have said, I have 7 lvl 50s and in all my questing (Which was almost ENTIRELY PVE) squaring off against another player has been virtually non-existant. For the most part they tend to save it for a WZ. I am NOT saying I never come across another player, but for the most part they just fly on by and go on about their business leaving me to mine.


Also, two things you should TRY to keep in mind: 1) Ilum is a PVP world... even your "Interlude" lore and the planetary lore (if you check your codex) explains that Ilum is under major conflict. Playing on Ilum, PVP should be naturally expected.


And 2) Players OF ALL SERVERS have been BEGGING BW to fix the WORLD PVP on Ilum. And this event takes place in the WPVP zone on Ilum. This event was there short term answer to those requests (ie YES in this area, for these quests, careful or not YOU CAN EXPECT PVP) That does not mean every frikin player that runs by you is gonna gank you, nor does it mean that every player that runs past you is gonna necessarily be your friend. You need to proceed with caution in this area if you don't want to get flagged. If you are a heavy smoker and are surrounded by potentially flammable gases, do you light up and blame the area for your problems, or yourself for not adjusting your behavior?

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First off, I must LOL hysterically at the previous post. "Hello Kitty"! Geez you crack me up!


That having been said... gotta tell you I agree, also, with the Previous poster. I have 12 characters and 7 lvl 50s and I DO play on a PvP server. And tho I am not much of a PvP'r, I have never noticed a problem being flagged. You continue to get riled up because someone steps into your AOE dmg radius and flags you and ganks you; yet you refuse to adjust your play-style to avoid these situations. If this upsets you so much and you feel it ruins your ability to play this game, and you continually refuse to adjust your play-style... then maybe you SHOULD find some other game to play.


I do not say this to be mean, or to tell you HOW to play your character. However, this is STAR WARS! This is not some little fantasy game about elves and undead things walking around. The VERY LORE that this game follows is about a GALAXY AT WAR. You cannot blame, nor fault, other players for sticking to the lore and trying to "kill the enemy on site". Some people like to fantasize that they are "Sith" for a reason. I jump you, flag you and kill you? What do you expect from an enemy of the opposing faction.


As I have said, I have 7 lvl 50s and in all my questing (Which was almost ENTIRELY PVE) squaring off against another player has been virtually non-existant. For the most part they tend to save it for a WZ. I am NOT saying I never come across another player, but for the most part they just fly on by and go on about their business leaving me to mine.


Also, two things you should TRY to keep in mind: 1) Ilum is a PVP world... even your "Interlude" lore and the planetary lore (if you check your codex) explains that Ilum is under major conflict. Playing on Ilum, PVP should be naturally expected.


And 2) Players OF ALL SERVERS have been BEGGING BW to fix the WORLD PVP on Ilum. And this event takes place in the WPVP zone on Ilum. This event was there short term answer to those requests (ie YES in this area, for these quests, careful or not YOU CAN EXPECT PVP) That does not mean every frikin player that runs by you is gonna gank you, nor does it mean that every player that runs past you is gonna necessarily be your friend. You need to proceed with caution in this area if you don't want to get flagged. If you are a heavy smoker and are surrounded by potentially flammable gases, do you light up and blame the area for your problems, or yourself for not adjusting your behavior?

Edited by leeshil
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If you are a heavy smoker and are surrounded by potentially flammable gases, do you light up and blame the area for your problems, or yourself for not adjusting your behavior?

Hahaha... I like that question. :D


I'm no PvP-er, too, and after the first confusion about getting flagged for healing someone, I watched my step, turned off companion's AOE abilites and pay closer attention to other players in the area (and no, I won't heal or harm any PvP-flagged player I see any more). So, yeah, I managed to adjust just fine and have not been flagged for PvP unintentionally any more since the healing incident. :)


BUT, the best solution for us die-hard-non-PvP-ers in my opinion would be to have a permanent option disabling PvP for us: If the option is set, you should not be able to queue for Warzones any more and you should not be able to heal or harm any player flagged for PvP any more -- and you should not be able to enter PvP-only areas any more (probably a message box could ask you if you would like to turn the option off and flag for PvP to enter the aea?). The one thing they really have to remove is the auto-PvP-flag "feature", since this is the thing causing the most headache for non-PvP-ers.


Just my 2 credits, Niko

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To OP I am with you on the PVE stand, however, I have completed my dailies (minus the pvp ones) with only one lesson learned about the contested area.


I usually fo my dailies alone, but for the heroic I use guildies in the area that way we know our play style I could suggest the same to you, it wont be a big deal then.


Also during the quests keep more towards the Rep/Imp side of the camps the mobs spawn in close proximity and therefore you wont need to find yourself in full face of enemy tagged players.


On The Red Eclipse most of the Imps I see on the shelf are all tagged and have had a few of them bounce in front of my mob hoping I'd tag them.... sad I know but hey oh but auto attack and a companion is enough to slaugher mobs one at a time.

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I'm not a big PVPer but I'm having a blast. Most of the time there is a civil line and people just hanging out and being cool with each other. But the most fun I've had is when a Republic guild start grief camping the orb turn in and players from both sides tried to war with them without killing each other. It was a long and complicated battle and we had to communicate cross faction /say and post guards so the line would move smoothly.


I had fun just being part of that community that banded together fight so other people didn't have to. Pretty freakin epic if you ask me.

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