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Plz Stop Insults in WZs


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Yep, I hate assassins, cuz they have too many stuns/roots/mezz, and I hate any control during fight on my character :rolleyes:


Yeah our root is out of control...that one that we get with full madness which 1% of all assassins/shadows run is killing many players enjoyment.

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Yeah our root is out of control...that one that we get with full madness which 1% of all assassins/shadows run is killing many players enjoyment.


They go to a point, I took one nearly down, then boom stabbed in the back and it's over. I find that no one out there can fight on their own, you have to get assistance. Also shorten the duration of that Electricity Bubble! It's not making any fair play to be the same to the other faction, being the Sages bubble that wears off quickly

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Ah yes keyboard warriors as I like to call them. If you don't have anything constructive to say, then just don't say anything! There's a huge difference between giving advice such as "don't turn your back on the node and always fight near the turret, guys" or "we need to get more possession of the ball", etc and "stupid noobs, ffs learn to play or uninstall!" and that kind of crap. And it's true usually these said keyboard warriors are below mediocre players at best. I guess it just makes them feel good about themselves hiding behind a computer screen and throwing insults at people they don't even know. It kind of goes the same for quitters too. We recently had a game (Civil War) where six players quit in the very first minute of the game, because they simply saw two recruit-geared players (one of whom also ended up leaving) and thought they were cool following each other out. This left us severely outnumbered for about two minutes and we were triple capped on. Fortunately, when everyone was replaced, we were able to work together, capture two turrets, hold them till the end of the game and win. I think I ended up being the only original starter of the warzone by the end and I thanked the players that had joined in chat.
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In one of my earliest games,when we lost an incredibly close game on civ war,our bottom ranked player with next to no obj,damg,fewest medals and only 30k heal yelled that we all sucked balls...well i learned to never pay these idiots any attention.


You can only blame others for so long,time has to come for you to look at yourself.

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. And it's true usually these said keyboard warriors are below mediocre players at best.
Meh, not so sure about that. I havent come across that many derogatory comments in warzones on Shadowlands and I can only recall one coming from a really bad player (the guy is notoriously bad so whenever he's shouting something I just dismiss it as trollling) .


I've read way more defensive-agressive (did I just make that up?) comments from sub-par players as responses to legitimate opinions on their performances or simple questions such as "would calling INC be too much to ask". The swtor community is so soft that I'm convinced that 99 % of the male population has developed ovaries and synced their periods.

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uh if u don`t say anything that person may keep doing the same mistake without him realising not just in the current wz but in the ones to come....like getting lured away from the pylon/node/door, or sitting on top or less then 10 meters away from the pylon/node/door, leaving the pylon/node/door because he got bored or something(really?), standing like an idiot on ur spawn edge in huttball giving enemies the ocassion to leap out of the pit, interrupting mezzes when team tryes to cap, I`m not an elitist I`m just playing the game right its common sense at the end of the day.


Its funny because the ones complaining about their teams are usually the ones who are not doing anything, getting the least objective points and coming in last with healing/damage/protection...its quite funny.

ran into such ppl, but do not approve assuming any1 who complains is bad.

Edited by iDraxter
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I'll tell you what... I'll stop insulting when people on my team stop doing the following...


1) Not calling out incs

2) Not Responding to Incs

3) Choosing to solo guard a node, then 30 seconds later abandoned said node and leaving it defenseless

4) having 2 people keep trying to cap a node even tho there are 2 marauders sitting behind them hitting them with glow sticks. I mean do you really think they will get bored of hitting you.

5) 2minutes into a Civil War/Novarre Coast and 3 or more of you go have a tea party at our only node.

6) Stop crying out other team is cheating/Hacking just cause they are better then us

7) coming into a warzone with no PVP gear on and less then 15K health. If you want to pvp in PVE Gear can it atleast be Rakata or better.

8) Being part of the main zerg and having less then 80k damage or 80k healing. I mean I've seen a Sage use nothing but Saber Strike & Double strike the whole match and topped out at 130K



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I'll tell you what... I'll stop insulting when people on my team stop doing the following...


1) Not calling out incs

2) Not Responding to Incs

3) Choosing to solo guard a node, then 30 seconds later abandoned said node and leaving it defenseless

4) having 2 people keep trying to cap a node even tho there are 2 marauders sitting behind them hitting them with glow sticks. I mean do you really think they will get bored of hitting you.

5) 2minutes into a Civil War/Novarre Coast and 3 or more of you go have a tea party at our only node.

6) Stop crying out other team is cheating/Hacking just cause they are better then us

7) coming into a warzone with no PVP gear on and less then 15K health. If you want to pvp in PVE Gear can it atleast be Rakata or better.

8) Being part of the main zerg and having less then 80k damage or 80k healing. I mean I've seen a Sage use nothing but Saber Strike & Double strike the whole match and topped out at 130K




So I guess it is alright to yell and demean people who are making mistakes? In your life how many mistakes have you made and what kind of person would you be today if someone said the same derogatory things to you in your moment of failure? I am going to guess in real life when someone says something out of line you stand up for yourself and call them on it. Same thing in my life if I make a mistake you can be an adult and be courteous to me when informing me of the mistake. My mistake does not give you the right to treat me like your dog. If you don't like the way they play quit the warzone. You acting like an *** makes you look like an *** and really has no effect on the other persons play, Your comment is only for your own gratification it will not change the situation. In fact it is only likely to make the situation worse and hurt someone you don't even know.


Now many will consider this a carebear attitude all I have to say is a well armed society is a polite society. ;)

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So I guess it is alright to yell and demean people who are making mistakes?
It's not a mistake to leave an objective or not look at the objective while standing infront of it, those are signs of a person who lacks logic and situational awareness. A person like that is commonly known as a moron and this person needs to be informed of his/her "condition" so he/she can avoid situations and places, such as warzones, where it's manifested to others.
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So I guess it is alright to yell and demean people who are making mistakes? In your life how many mistakes have you made and what kind of person would you be today if someone said the same derogatory things to you in your moment of failure? I am going to guess in real life when someone says something out of line you stand up for yourself and call them on it. Same thing in my life if I make a mistake you can be an adult and be courteous to me when informing me of the mistake. My mistake does not give you the right to treat me like your dog. If you don't like the way they play quit the warzone. You acting like an *** makes you look like an *** and really has no effect on the other persons play, Your comment is only for your own gratification it will not change the situation. In fact it is only likely to make the situation worse and hurt someone you don't even know.


Now many will consider this a carebear attitude all I have to say is a well armed society is a polite society. ;)


first I never ever yell at them (pretty sure my voice doesn't travel that well) It's only demeaning them if it isn't true. But since What I call them out for is true it isn't demeaning. I get called out for my mistakes also, but I wear big boy pants so I don't cry. I've given people advice many times to which they just ignore. I mean If you get stuck guarding grass in civil war. right away type Grass in chat then hit your class buff keybind (or click if a clicker) This will leave the word Grass already typed in chat box so if u do get attacked all u have to do is hit enter twice and it will send it (tho it would be better to hit enter type the number thats attacking you then hit enter again) but I would be more then happy with just a grass call. Also if they arent stealth then you should call the inc as soon as you see them (this means don't wait until you die to call inc)

All of my complaints I make are very easy things to do, but if you dont care that my game experience is ruined because you just dont care, then why should i care If i hurt your feelings by calling you out in chat.



Edited by rlamela
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I'll tell you what... I'll stop insulting when people on my team stop doing the following...


1) Not calling out incs

2) Not Responding to Incs

3) Choosing to solo guard a node, then 30 seconds later abandoned said node and leaving it defenseless

4) having 2 people keep trying to cap a node even tho there are 2 marauders sitting behind them hitting them with glow sticks. I mean do you really think they will get bored of hitting you.

5) 2minutes into a Civil War/Novarre Coast and 3 or more of you go have a tea party at our only node.

6) Stop crying out other team is cheating/Hacking just cause they are better then us

7) coming into a warzone with no PVP gear on and less then 15K health. If you want to pvp in PVE Gear can it atleast be Rakata or better.

8) Being part of the main zerg and having less then 80k damage or 80k healing. I mean I've seen a Sage use nothing but Saber Strike & Double strike the whole match and topped out at 130K



lol - you are the most fickle person on the server. you drop ops at the first sign of trouble. go away.

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It's not a mistake to leave an objective or not look at the objective while standing infront of it, those are signs of a person who lacks logic and situational awareness. A person like that is commonly known as a moron and this person needs to be informed of his/her "condition" so he/she can avoid situations and places, such as warzones, where it's manifested to others.


Oh so if they are a moron then they deserve to deal with your abuse? Gotcha glad you cleared that up for me, I am almost positive that you have been considered a moron by some people in your life I would still not say they have the right to insult you. This is real simple it comes down to common courtesy why is it hard for you to practice this? I am almost positive you are not socially inept so how can you justify insulting someone because they are not playing a game to the proficiency you want? Imagine this is your 8 year old cousin/brother/sister whatever on the other end how can you sit back and say that it is alright to make that person feel like crap because of a game that at most will net you 75 more comms if you win?

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lol - you are the most fickle person on the server. you drop ops at the first sign of trouble. go away.


90% of matches i drop are before they start. and the 10% i leave isnt cause we are losing its because people dont want to win.And I quit all matches that I backfill. And I also quit all matches I load into where my team has 2 different 3man premades (just isnt fun)

Why should I waste my time playing with people who cant do the simple things like call out incs, or if you are last one left at a node stay there and defend. Or if there are 4 people at east door fighting no one and the 4 people at west door get wiped by all 8 opposing members. Why should I want to stay in matches like this. I've finished many of losses where my team actually tries to win. So what if you are going up against an 8 man premade in a normal warzones. Try to win, do the little things, and if other team is better so be it.

But you kid yourself if you think I quit because we are losing. I have never quit a match just because we were losing. But I have quit many matches where my team mates just dont care if we win. If You have a problem with that it's your right. But I will continue leaving matches where my team doesn't care.



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first I never ever yell at them (pretty sure my voice doesn't travel that well) It's only demeaning them if it isn't true. But since What I call them out for is true it isn't demeaning. I get called out for my mistakes also, but I wear big boy pants so I don't cry. I've given people advice many times to which they just ignore. I mean If you get stuck guarding grass in civil war. right away type Grass in chat then hit your class buff keybind (or click if a clicker) This will leave the word Grass already typed in chat box so if u do get attacked all u have to do is hit enter twice and it will send it (tho it would be better to hit enter type the number thats attacking you then hit enter again) but I would be more then happy with just a grass call. Also if they arent stealth then you should call the inc as soon as you see them (this means don't wait until you die to call inc)

All of my complaints I make are very easy things to do, but if you dont care that my game experience is ruined because you just dont care, then why should i care If i hurt your feelings by calling you out in chat.




First off you are wrong the word demean does not mean what you think it means but that is not really your point. What you are trying to say is that if you insult someone it is really not an insult if your point is correct. Your reasoning is that if they don't care about your play experience why should you care about there feelings. Well you have no idea why they are not playing well could be drugs, new player, bad day any number of reasons one thing I will say is that I really don't think they are playing badly just to spite you. You don't have the right to hurt people in fact it is against BW policy it is called harassment "and yes I am using that word correctly as well". When I see something in chat that is off the wall "I hope you and your kids get cancer and die, and your parents get AIDS" I report it and add to my ignore list. Sad that we have to have consequences just to treat each other with the same respect we would treat a stranger on the street.

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As the title says, please stop insulting others in WZs when your team loose. Let's assume that all those players who insult others are really good skilled players. But if "really" the team fails then just quit or silently wait the torture to end.

"Morons", "Srsly L2p", "ffs quit game", "go play wow" etc... do these insults make u any better than the team? No. You may be a looser in RL and try to satisfy yourself by this way but it has no use.


By the way at the end of the WZ when u see the list most of these insulting players are below average (protection, damage, healing). You may say that they just give up and don't play. Ok let's say it is so, then they also deserve to be insulted as they do nothing but just talk.


This is a game if you can not accept loosing, don't play. Or just group up with your elitist, super skilled friends and play with them, do not pug.


Briefly, yes there are morons or players can sometimes do unbelievable mistakes (which they may also be aware of the mistake they've done) but nothing gives you the right to insult.


If you're going to fail at such basic mind numbingly easy things like calling for help, passing huttball, not standing at our goal and get leapt to, or watching nodes, then I'm going to call you out for being terrible. This is kindergarten where everyone "wins" and gets a free pass. I have no problems if you're not super skilled at the game, but if you're too cool for school to do anything of those things, then I will insult you.

Edited by Smashbrother
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It is not disrespect if we are calling you out for being a crappy teammate. Leaving nodes, allowing stealthers to steal nodes, not calling incomings, going afk in a warzone, being a ball hog, 1 vs 1ing... they all contribute to the rage factor we have with idiots who que for warzones hoping the other 7 are good enough to carry them.


Try actually looking inward for a change. Respect is earned not given. I do not give a crap about you unless you reciprocate MY effort.

Edited by Brittaany_Banks
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lol I'm sorry. I couldn't get past the first paragraph. how many times did you say "I quit" in one paragraph? that should be your legacy title.


your choice. I will find a way to make it through the night knowing you didn't read my post. But If somehow I can't manage


I'd Like my obituary to read:

I Was A Dick In Life, But I Was OK With It.




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If you're going to fail at such basic mind numbingly easy things like calling for help, passing huttball, not standing at our goal and get leapt to, or watching nodes, then I'm going to call you out for being terrible. This is kindergarten where everyone "wins" and gets a free pass. I have no problems if you're not super skilled at the game, but if you're too cool for school to do anything of those things, then I will insult you.


My Thoughts Exactly, But I guess when I typed it It didn't come out as eloquent as your post.



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It is not disrespect if we are calling you out for being a crappy teammate. Leaving nodes, allowing stealthers to steal nodes, not calling incomings, going afk in a warzone, being a ball hog, 1 vs 1ing... they all contribute to the rage factor we have with idiots who que for warzones hoping the other 7 are good enough to carry them.


Try actually looking inward for a change. Respect is earned not given. I do not give a crap about you unless you reciprocate MY effort.


Respect is earned huh? Really thats the game you want to play so when someone comes to your house and beats the crap out of you just because they can you can say that? After all you never earned their respect. How about your car I can key it or take it right after all you have not earned my respect. No, society does not function that way we have to give a certain respect to others we have social obligations we cant steal/kill/maim/rape as our desires dictate because there are consequences. At work you cannot not tell the dimwit down the hall what you really think because if you do you will lose your job. You can't tell that teacher you dislike how moronic he is because there are consequences. You cannot even tell the stranger on the street what you really think of him as again there are consequences. The world does not function on the basis of respect is earned we give respect all day to everyone around us without that we would not have society, any society.


As for your effort I don't know you I am not watching you play so how do I know how much effort you are really putting into the game. I am also very confident that over 90 percent of the pvp population is doing their best they may not be very good but still they are not some how on a quest to screw up the warzone. People make mistakes it is what humanity does best I am not saying to not correct them I am saying you can do it in a civil manner. And really I am done with this we are all entrenched on our positions and no one is going to give this is has become a waste of time. I honestly hope you have fun with the game and enjoy your pvp.

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I am often the first person to say something like "why the f*** would you all leave the node" or some variation of an objective related insult. I find that even when I say things in a helpful tone, bads get insulted. I have had as much whining back to me or trash talk after saying things like "let this be a learning experience, don't over rotate" (directed at no one) as i have from more insulting phrases. I am also the first to give a shout out to a pug who makes a smart play. Would rather people be vocal and have any attitude than none at all.
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Please stop crying on the forums about being insulted in a video game and grow a pair.


true enough, but..


on one hand most of us (not all) are adults and should be able to take some ribbing... god knows i like to push buttons in the heat of the moment in a warzone


but things can easily escalate into immaturity and somethings are just randomly uncalled for


i came across a vangaurd (if i remember correctly) about 3 weeks ago.. i had never come across him before and when i attacked him he dropped something like "suck my d*ck tranny b*tch"


i'll admit i chuckled, but tbh random insult dropping just makes me take u less serious and assume ur still a teenager.. someone i have a rivalry with throwing f bombs at me ok.. random sentinels calling everyone in the warzone he attacks a "f*ggot" is ridiculous



ps: it seems bubble stun and smash seem to be the two greatest insult inducing abilities

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