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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Plz Stop Insults in WZs


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true enough, but..


on one hand most of us (not all) are adults and should be able to take some ribbing... god knows i like to push buttons in the heat of the moment in a warzone


but things can easily escalate into immaturity and somethings are just randomly uncalled for


i came across a vangaurd (if i remember correctly) about 3 weeks ago.. i had never come across him before and when i attacked him he dropped something like "suck my d*ck tranny b*tch"


i'll admit i chuckled, but tbh random insult dropping just makes me take u less serious and assume ur still a teenager.. someone i have a rivalry with throwing f bombs at me ok.. random sentinels calling everyone int he warzone he attacks a "f*ggot" is ridiculous


Call him out and embarrass him or /ignore.

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Respect is earned huh? Really thats the game you want to play so when someone comes to your house and beats the crap out of you just because they can you can say that? After all you never earned their respect. How about your car I can key it or take it right after all you have not earned my respect. No, society does not function that way we have to give a certain respect to others we have social obligations we cant steal/kill/maim/rape as our desires dictate because there are consequences. At work you cannot not tell the dimwit down the hall what you really think because if you do you will lose your job. You can't tell that teacher you dislike how moronic he is because there are consequences. You cannot even tell the stranger on the street what you really think of him as again there are consequences. The world does not function on the basis of respect is earned we give respect all day to everyone around us without that we would not have society, any society.


As for your effort I don't know you I am not watching you play so how do I know how much effort you are really putting into the game. I am also very confident that over 90 percent of the pvp population is doing their best they may not be very good but still they are not some how on a quest to screw up the warzone. People make mistakes it is what humanity does best I am not saying to not correct them I am saying you can do it in a civil manner. And really I am done with this we are all entrenched on our positions and no one is going to give this is has become a waste of time. I honestly hope you have fun with the game and enjoy your pvp.


Not quite how it works. Any unknown player has respect by default. It is when they prove they can't perform simple tasks, or do something stupid beyond belief, that the respect is lost. For most people, these random players are not insulted to get a sense of enjoyment. They are insulted because their actions directly harm our gameplay experience. Winning is a lot more fun than losing. If you're the one who causes the loss, because you couldn't listen to commands that were relayed in chat by the group, or by people that you know are better players than you, you have directly harmed their gameplay experience, all because of your own selfishness and/or stupidity.



Because you wanted to deathmatch and kill that squishy sage away from the objective. Because you wanted to afk and browse forums while you were guarding a node. Because when you were guarding a node and an operative started stunlocking you, he apparently stunlocked your keyboard too and you were unable to call out for help. Because you saw someone across the fire to pass to in huttball but you wanted to be a hero, so you walked across the fire and got stunned and killed in the fire.



If we really wanted to apply real world situations here.... imagine you asked a chauffeur to go park your car for you, and he ends up wrecking your car. Would you respect that chauffeur? If you're in college working on a group project, and you entrust a certain member of your group to write up the report for the project, and he never does, and you all fail the project because of it, do you respect the group member who failed the simple task he was given?



So you see... in the end, in this sense, team games are not that different from team situations in the real world. If someone on your team who you don't know is assigned a simple task, and utterly fails in that task, you would most likely not respect that person. The same rules apply here, a selfish player hinders the gameplay experience for others with their own incompetence. The only difference is that in the real world there are consequences as you say, but respect is most definitely not given to people you dislike in the real world. It is simply a facade, you may act like you respect that person, but in reality you don't.

Edited by NamikazeNaruto
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Point of fact, those that hurl insults from behind a keyboard are simply cowards. Not everybody lives in their mothers basement pissing away the hours to become a KOTOR legend. I'm willing to bet that the socially retarded troglodytes that insult others would never dare to do so face to face. Only on MMOs/ the internet do you see this overt rudeness. So go ahead , insult others maybe you can chase off all of the subscribers and potential subscribers that you think are sub par, but I think that won't pay the bill to keep this game up and running, hence Free to Play. If WZ incompetents bother you so much why not PvP exclusively with your guild mates and avoid the chance that some random stranger/strangers will let you down.
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Its funny because the ones complaining about their teams are usually the ones who are not doing anything, getting the least objective points and coming in last with healing/damage/protection...its quite funny.


Agreed. It's always the 17k health scrub trying to tell everyone how to play at the start of the match, complaining at the end of the match if it's a loss, and last in all relevant criteria on the scoreboard.


Generally I put these people on ignore, but some nights I just use chat settings and disable ops chat if I run into too many of them. I wish ignore list was account wide instead of simply character.

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Yeah, but to be fair, those guys that talk chit throughout the game and end up showing poor stats at the end probably gave up half way through the game and just sat at one node to get their whopping 50 comms, once they realized the team was too weak to even be carried.


Personally, I leave the game and let the derps learn how to fight for themselves... they'll never learn if you carry them game after game. And I can do so much more other stuff outside of the wz than waste an extra 10 minutes for a fraction of a reward.


It really doesn't pay to stay in a losing wz, sadly... and that is BW's fault.

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Point of fact, those that hurl insults from behind a keyboard are simply cowards.

that or they're angry and are stuck behind a keyboard. there's no logical premise here. this is your wish fulfillment/fantasy. it's fundamentally impossible to prove one's courage/cowardice irl while on a video game. don't mention this again. it's fundamentally flawed logic.

Edited by foxmob
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Don't tell me what to do and there most certainly is want to find out? Logic? You must be joking. (To all and sundry) Get a job or get a girlfriend or move out of your parents house and join civil society. Trapped behind a keyboard! Lol, more like the object of the rant is hundreds or thousands of miles away and the keyboard coward is damn glad of it! These are real people that your insulting and this is just a game, fact, the behaviors that some of these misfits are indulging in would never fly in RL. Can you imagine what would happen if these people acted out like this toward a waitress, co-worker, bank-teller the guy or girl in a check out line? Rarely, do you see such b-holes in public and when you do they either go to jail or get thrown out of restaurants/businesses or fired or ostracized by all the rational people around them It is distance and anonymity that spur this behavior. Rationalize it all you like.
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There will always be trash talking in competitive play its the nature of things. Trash talking you own team isn't all that necessary at least first try to assist them to play better as it only helps you. If there stupidity persists then by all means call them stupid.


Or grow some thicker skin.

Edited by evilxpoptart
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There needs to be "preschool warzones" mode, where everyone wears a hat with a spinning propeller on it and lightsabers are replaced with giant Crayola crayons. All the names on the scoreboard at the end are shown on the same line so that no one is perceived as being better or worse. The nodes are not cap-able, nor does the ball spawn at the pedestal if it's a huttball. Ops chat will be disabled and anything said in /say becomes "Good work, friend!".

Also, if you are defeated, your character just takes a nap on the ground, during which time an Angry Birds mini-game pops up.


At the end, both teams win and the reward for the players is a nice shiny trophy, a full (!!!) page of gold stars and a little packet gummy Yodas.

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Its funny because the ones complaining about their teams are usually the ones who are not doing anything, getting the least objective points and coming in last with healing/damage/protection...its quite funny.


SO much of this... I crack up.


The irony is incredible... IDK but if I sucked that bad I would keep quiet and hope I got carried and went unnoticed.


The trash talkers are nearly always the weakest links in a war zone.

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that or they're angry and are stuck behind a keyboard. there's no logical premise here. this is your wish fulfillment/fantasy. it's fundamentally impossible to prove one's courage/cowardice irl while on a video game. don't mention this again. it's fundamentally flawed logic.


It's not fundamentally flawed logic, so much as it is fundamentally inconclusive, and therefore not enough information from which to draw a conclusion, logically.


When dealing with psychology, (or history, or anything other than science) we are left to work from generalizations, which by definition are not 100% accurate. Nevertheless, some patterns repeat themselves, and one needn't have a degree in behavioral psych to know that most bad behavior, stems from insecurity. Hurling insults at strangers, is a form of bullying, which most definitely comes from insecurity. It is a logical assumption, (but still an assumption) that people possessed of deep personal insecurity, have reasons for that insecurity, having lived a life absent of many opportunities for personal affirmation, or validation.


Ergo; while I can't PROVE that everyone that rages from the safety of internet anonymity, is a 22yo fat little virgin, living in their mother's basement, who's only experience with fighting is the painful memories of having been stuffed naked into their gym locker, or even a physically imposing ex-jock with YEARS of suppressed homophobia, I still consider it a safe bet. :rak_03:

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There needs to be "preschool warzones" mode, where everyone wears a hat with a spinning propeller on it and lightsabers are replaced with giant Crayola crayons. All the names on the scoreboard at the end are shown on the same line so that no one is perceived as being better or worse. The nodes are not cap-able, nor does the ball spawn at the pedestal if it's a huttball. Ops chat will be disabled and anything said in /say becomes "Good work, friend!".

Also, if you are defeated, your character just takes a nap on the ground, during which time an Angry Birds mini-game pops up.


At the end, both teams win and the reward for the players is a nice shiny trophy, a full (!!!) page of gold stars and a little packet gummy Yodas.

Your Reductio ad absurdum is a fail, your effort is reflected in the stats for all to see win or lose, why don't you Ayn Rand types just consider solo war zones as "preschool warzones" and roll ranked with your guild mates where you type A's will have no one to blame for your failures, but yourselves. But no, it's all about your comms, valor points and a pathetic need to shame and belittle complete strangers over VW status. Do as you will, but know when you do you are the object of every joke about MMo gamers being over wrought weird-nicks. All you half-*** Bobby Knights have a great day and pass the gummy Yoda's.
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It's not fundamentally flawed logic, so much as it is fundamentally inconclusive, and therefore not enough information from which to draw a conclusion, logically.


When dealing with psychology, (or history, or anything other than science) we are left to work from generalizations, which by definition are not 100% accurate. Nevertheless, some patterns repeat themselves, and one needn't have a degree in behavioral psych to know that most bad behavior, stems from insecurity. Hurling insults at strangers, is a form of bullying, which most definitely comes from insecurity. It is a logical assumption, (but still an assumption) that people possessed of deep personal insecurity, have reasons for that insecurity, having lived a life absent of many opportunities for personal affirmation, or validation.


Ergo; while I can't PROVE that everyone that rages from the safety of internet anonymity, is a 22yo fat little virgin, living in their mother's basement, who's only experience with fighting is the painful memories of having been stuffed naked into their gym locker, or even a physically imposing ex-jock with YEARS of suppressed homophobia, I still consider it a safe bet. :rak_03:

Well said and more eloquently than I could put it!:D
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It's not fundamentally flawed logic, so much as it is fundamentally inconclusive, and therefore not enough information from which to draw a conclusion, logically.


while I don't necessarily disagree with what you have to say, it IS fundamentally flawed to conclude with certainty (as the genius I was quoting did), that a person who lashes out at another is doing it out of cowardice (or insecurity). he could simply be angry that someone (himself or the person he's berating) let defeat slip through the hands of victory by making a boneheaded move in a wz. I fail to see how that scenario, which I see play out all the time in WZs, proves that the person is a coward or insecure.


rather, the genius I was quoting simply wants the insulter to be a coward so that armorysomething's world view holds true and pads his own - get this - insecurities about his own prowess...in said video game.


look, dude (armorysomething), I'm right there with you about wanting to put the lights out of the little twerp running his mouth like he's something special. but you're just wrong - dead wrong - to assume that all or even most of the insults hurled around a WZ are because the guy saying them is a coward. people just rage. wanting to deck the guy irl is no different than him raging in ops chat.

Edited by foxmob
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Please stop crying on the forums about being insulted in a video game and grow a pair.


I'm sorry did I forget to read a rule book somewhere that said it is wrong for people to have feelings? Being constructive is one thing but being insulting or out right bullying is not what MMO community needs. People can be mean, people can be hurtful and more importantly not everyone has such a thick skin that nothing affects them. So by all means call me out if I made a silly mistake in a warzone but there is nothing wrong with expecting a little decency when you go about it.

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This always was a peeve of mine.


Someone is guarding a node. They get attacked. They die. The node gets capped, and then after they respawn, they call it out.


When asked why they didn't call sooner, they reply that they were too busy fighting. Therein lies the fallacy.


If they were fighting a losing battle, why did they prioritize fighting it over typing X INC

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When asked why they didn't call sooner, they reply that they were too busy fighting. Therein lies the fallacy.


If they were fighting a losing battle, why did they prioritize fighting it over typing X INC

when I asked a person why he didn't call out, he said he was stunned. I was speechless. I wanted to yell at him, but I just didn't know what to say. absolutely speechless. looking back, it was one of the funniest things that's ever happened in a wz:


*other team caps*

me: "what the? why didn't call?"

guard: "I was stunned!"

me: "...."



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So I tired to not insult anyone today and it was going good, then I join a Novarre Coast and 3 times someone guarding WEST abandoned his post and didnt tell anyone. I mean seriously who does this. Then In a Civil war 2 people go to cap snow and I guess they both forgot to actually cap it. We were 6 vs 7 at mid and got burned down they cap mid and we still didnt have snow. the 2 guys were standing their like they were guarding it.

So I failed my mission of not insulting anyone.



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Its funny because the ones complaining about their teams are usually the ones who are not doing anything, getting the least objective points and coming in last with healing/damage/protection...its quite funny.


Aint that the truth.What really gets me is they start some times before the games starts.Then will continue after you win..lol

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So I tired to not insult anyone today and it was going good, then I join a Novarre Coast and 3 times someone guarding WEST abandoned his post and didnt tell anyone. I mean seriously who does this. Then In a Civil war 2 people go to cap snow and I guess they both forgot to actually cap it. We were 6 vs 7 at mid and got burned down they cap mid and we still didnt have snow. the 2 guys were standing their like they were guarding it.

So I failed my mission of not insulting anyone.




Some times it is hard.I try not to also.I'm not sure how many demerits I am up to.If someone is putting out a effort it doesn't bother me that much.It is the ones that do the Noble Sacrifice/heal routine.Standing off away from play crying about everyone then I get ticked.Sometimes even if most know it doesn't hurt to go over basics before the start.A lot of OPs Leaders will do it.Doesn't hurt.

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So I tired to not insult anyone today and it was going good, then I join a Novarre Coast and 3 times someone guarding WEST abandoned his post and didnt tell anyone. I mean seriously who does this. Then In a Civil war 2 people go to cap snow and I guess they both forgot to actually cap it. We were 6 vs 7 at mid and got burned down they cap mid and we still didnt have snow. the 2 guys were standing their like they were guarding it.

So I failed my mission of not insulting anyone.


Oh boy, I get that alot...

guarding node on my sniper, being told off by some 2 peeps (I assume friends, as they were guilded in same guild) who just came to node and decided to guard...

so a sniper started running to find a new sweet spot to get some medals, only to find out that we were capped and these 2 went afk...

I had to rage quit after they called me noob for not seeing that coming...

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