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Day 139 (4 Months 17 Days) of Bubble Stun & Smash


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Tbh I really thought they would surprise us with pvp changes


The event is a fun distraction, but it's not a PvP change. Personally, I feel BW is incapable, either due to management or lack of talent, of actually "fixing" PvP. This is the best they can do folks.

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Nothing wrong with this. I like it, personally.


Meh, it really doesn't do anything to "encourage organic PvP" - it simply crosses paths. No incentive, no reasons, just basic passing by...like it's some novel and new idea...Hope it works but...this is it for 2013.

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Sorry but they are gimping /rage/focus builds the data mining proves it which means it will come at a later date so it's days are numbered.

"Spring 2013" isn't exactly around the corner. We're talking 6-12 weeks away minimum.

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Meh, it really doesn't do anything to "encourage organic PvP" - it simply crosses paths. No incentive, no reasons, just basic passing by...like it's some novel and new idea...Hope it works but...this is it for 2013.


Organic PvP in this game was doomed from the start, due to the inattention to factional imbalances. Mild imbalance is fine, but once you start dinging 60/40 it gets increasingly lame for one side.

Edited by islander
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Sorry but they are gimping /rage/focus builds the data mining proves it which means it will come at a later date so it's days are numbered.


Who knows, what happens in next time? Nobody.


Indeed, I dont care about smash/bubblestun problem, I much more care about pugs/premade problem - this one MUCH MORE WORSE and still dont solved.


I think I ends play in game in next month when my sub ends, cuz I mostly play pug cuz my friends for premade very very often are not on-line... and playing in pug quite boring when on my server i have only 3 good pvp reps guilds and 14-16 good pvp imps guilds, which all runs premades...

Edited by TonyDragonflame
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Sorry but they are gimping /rage/focus builds the data mining proves it which means it will come at a later date so it's days are numbered.


Even with that nerf they have data mined you still will be getting hit with a huge amount of damage from a fully geared and modded smasher. That nerf won't cut their damage dealt in half, not even close.

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bubble stun alone, even applied to everyone in a group, isn't OP by itself in my view as a part time user of them on my sorc. It's the side issues that make it so.

It clearly does not work as it should. I'm pretty sure it's not 'intended' to allow a carnage marauder to have a bubble stun on demand, so he can go into his gore cycle against a poor sap, or allow two people to double smash 3-4 people within 3 seconds.


Smash, the one thing I can say I don't know, is how it's utilized in progression raiding, if at all. I'd have no idea. Other then that, it's beyond obvious it's overpowered. I wouldn't want to see both its damage and area of effect nerfed - one or the other would be reasonable.


Combined, they sorta balance each other out, but it makes for a terrible PvP experience.


I'm not a fan of massive nerfs to any class. MMO history is littered with over-reaction from devs as I am sure most folks know.


I'm not sure what's so difficult for Bioware to progressively nerf things. Nerf something part-way to what you think it may need to be, and get more data. Rather then nerfing by X and overshooting your objective on accident.


Perception, I guess. People would probably get more angry at seeing back to back 10% nerfs on, let's say smash, then one nerf at 20%.


Without aoe smash is a gimp dps spec. Reducing the max damage on smash wouldn't change much either: people would still whine about 4 smashers killing them and their hug-mates fast. I'm not sure if you implied in your post that smashers can smash 2x in less than around 8 seconds: they can't.

If I was designing my own game I would never make the hardest hitting attack also an aoe one (or a ranged one) but it's done: there's no going back. As such the current implementation is really not that bad. On the pvp servers I play on the spec has lost a lot of popularity and it is very contained most of the times it is used: as often as not the smashers are out dps'd by other classes.

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Without aoe smash is a gimp dps spec. Reducing the max damage on smash wouldn't change much either: people would still whine about 4 smashers killing them and their hug-mates fast. I'm not sure if you implied in your post that smashers can smash 2x in less than around 8 seconds: they can't.

If I was designing my own game I would never make the hardest hitting attack also an aoe one (or a ranged one) but it's done: there's no going back. As such the current implementation is really not that bad. On the pvp servers I play on the spec has lost a lot of popularity and it is very contained most of the times it is used: as often as not the smashers are out dps'd by other classes.


Its kinda funny, but this is one occasion where the people (us) are shunning pvping with smash specs considerably.

I didn't 'intend' to imply they could double smash in a few seconds. That was a misspeak on my part.

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We just need to realize BW really good give a flying f@ck about pvp guys they dont care this is a story mmo and they want us to do that and hell even the PvE is lacking.


problem is you can do the story on every class with every AC without paying a dime.


if bioware wants to actually continue making money, they need to make endgame fun and worthwhile. right now, i dont think either PvP or PvE endgame would fit that description

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Today, 1.7 was released. Class changes? None. I was really looking forward to a more skilled & competitive PVP gameplay, plus fresh compositions for ranked warzones, instead of relying on a bubble stun and smash warriors to fill the group. Enjoy day 139 of endless non-resolve filling bubble chain stuns. The end is nowhere near.


Oh, technohic, very easy 15 second calculation: http://www.timeanddate.com/date/durationresult.html?m1=9&d1=26&y1=2012&m2=2&d2=12&y2=2013


Pretty sure WoW went for like almost a whole year w/o ANY updates. So yeah.


Also, the Gree event has revived Ilum for now. People REALLY REALLY want that new lightsaber because it is a LONG BLADED SABER with an awesome Tron glow on the blade. I know I want one, and will have to grind the rep for it. This means I have to do those dailies and that means I will be fighting a bunch of people while doing them.


World pvp for now is quite healthy in Ilum.

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problem is you can do the story on every class with every AC without paying a dime.


if bioware wants to actually continue making money, they need to make endgame fun and worthwhile. right now, i dont think either PvP or PvE endgame would fit that description


who cares? you can buy new accessories to dress your barbie...er...I mean gear to dress your character in. :confused:

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Even with that nerf they have data mined you still will be getting hit with a huge amount of damage from a fully geared and modded smasher. That nerf won't cut their damage dealt in half, not even close.


Actually it only seems that way because you are only looking at it by just the nerf and not how the new things effect it's damage as well so the nerf removes 1 Singularity which takes away 25% of it's damage which is 2k to 2.5k damage taken away now add what taunts take away from that which is about another 2k damage and that smug/agent get a roll move that allows them to avoid all the damage from smash and that the AOE taunt of jedi tank/sith tank adds a bubble that absorbs damage which further drops the damage your smash/sweep can do so really lower it only 25% is a mercy.

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i agree.. new content means nothing without balance


id gladly give back every piece of content, that stupid new warzone.. give back novare coast.. if the devs would take 20 minutes to focus on pvp balance.. which im sure is more time than they have thought on it for the past half year..


actually seeing as SMASH for juggs at least has been OP since release.. one could argue they havnt thought much on it at all since launch aside form a sorc using wrath chain lightning is unfair

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A note for all the anti "Smash" people.


For Smash to deliver it's max damage at maximum effect, you first need to have the correct skills set, and then hit three attacks -charge, or choke, then obliterate, and many times battering assault, before punching in Smash. This needs to be done in near perfect sync to charge up your buffs and bonuses, and then of course be executed in a group of opponents for it to do it's max damage. It's not just a one step attack that is ripped off instantly.


Don't get me wrong when executed perfectly Smash is a frickin beast and can whip upwards of 4-5k damage per opponent. -sometimes more. But, currently in PvP a lot of opponents do an admirable job of avoiding a Maruaders Smash, it's not hard to do and the attack is not impossible to avoid. You just have to keep your eyes out, mark the Smashers, and stay out of melee range when they start there sequence. A smart PvPer can easily move out of range rather quickly or push the Smasher away when he's prepping his Smash. The thing is -a Marauder built around Smash is usually limited to that particular attack sequence. Once you break their rhythm then the playing field becomes significantly level. I'm just as likely to get wiped out before landing a max Smash as I am to actually land it.

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A note for all the anti "Smash" people.


For Smash to deliver it's max damage at maximum effect, you first need to have the correct skills set, and then hit three attacks -charge, or choke, then obliterate, and many times battering assault, before punching in Smash. This needs to be done in near perfect sync to charge up your buffs and bonuses, and then of course be executed in a group of opponents for it to do it's max damage. It's not just a one step attack that is ripped off instantly.


Don't get me wrong when executed perfectly Smash is a frickin beast and can whip upwards of 4-5k damage per opponent. -sometimes more. But, currently in PvP a lot of opponents do an admirable job of avoiding a Maruaders Smash, it's not hard to do and the attack is not impossible to avoid. You just have to keep your eyes out, mark the Smashers, and stay out of melee range when they start there sequence. A smart PvPer can easily move out of range rather quickly or push the Smasher away when he's prepping his Smash. The thing is -a Marauder built around Smash is usually limited to that particular attack sequence. Once you break their rhythm then the playing field becomes significantly level. I'm just as likely to get wiped out before landing a max Smash as I am to actually land it.




u make it sound difficult, it really isnt, at least on my jugg


normal rotation

enrage + charge, smash 6k~

force crush, obliterate, random sh*t until smash is up, smash 6k~

force choke, force push, force charge (all while eneny is unable to move), smash 6k~


and at any point, vicious throw up to 5.5k

remember in between the smash setups are 2-3.5k force screams, ravages, sundering assaults debuffing armor, taunts, aoe taunts, aoe mezz's


generally no one survives that without getting healed


now when thats finished enrage is up again, and then force crush up again, and force choke..


its a short, simple mindless and easy rotation that a monkey could do.. only rivaling Pyro PT in its simplicty

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A note for all the anti "Smash" people.


For Smash to deliver it's max damage at maximum effect, you first need to have the correct skills set, and then hit three attacks -charge, or choke, then obliterate, and many times battering assault, before punching in Smash. This needs to be done in near perfect sync to charge up your buffs and bonuses, and then of course be executed in a group of opponents for it to do it's max damage. It's not just a one step attack that is ripped off instantly.


Don't get me wrong when executed perfectly Smash is a frickin beast and can whip upwards of 4-5k damage per opponent. -sometimes more. But, currently in PvP a lot of opponents do an admirable job of avoiding a Maruaders Smash, it's not hard to do and the attack is not impossible to avoid. You just have to keep your eyes out, mark the Smashers, and stay out of melee range when they start there sequence. A smart PvPer can easily move out of range rather quickly or push the Smasher away when he's prepping his Smash. The thing is -a Marauder built around Smash is usually limited to that particular attack sequence. Once you break their rhythm then the playing field becomes significantly level. I'm just as likely to get wiped out before landing a max Smash as I am to actually land it.


again, the problem is not avoiding a simple smasher. The problem is that the class being so OP, many people roll it, and when you run into fully min-maxed premades consisting of 3 smashers and 1 bubble sorc (yeah, I know a few teams who run this setup), then you have a problem, and good luck avoiding them. You may be able to kite one of them, but not all 3 for sure. Or probably even more if there are other smashers in the other part of the team.

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again, the problem is not avoiding a simple smasher. The problem is that the class being so OP, many people roll it, and when you run into fully min-maxed premades consisting of 3 smashers and 1 bubble sorc (yeah, I know a few teams who run this setup), then you have a problem, and good luck avoiding them. You may be able to kite one of them, but not all 3 for sure. Or probably even more if there are other smashers in the other part of the team.


The only case you're making is that you're very inexperienced. It's true, if 4 ppl target you you will die. Welcome to pvp. I really don't understand your problem at all. Have you played a wz with 4 positioned snipers? How about 4 sins? Or 4 sorcs? 4 pyros? Any team of dps working together is going to kill you. Your only way out is to quit or hide in a corner (or, hey, outplay them). And no, a smash team is not going to beat a team of spread-out snipers or pyros or sorcs or hiding sins. It will kill the one where they sit on top of each other.


If you haven't seen smash teams lose and lose badly then you need to pvp more. Also, if you haven't been in wzs without any smashers or with just 1 or 2 you also need to pvp more. If anything there are less knight-warriors pvping now on JM or POT5 than before 1.4.

Edited by WaywardOne
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