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Unlock: more than 6 quickbars!


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Yeah agree with above, I dont understand how you can fill up 6 quickbars. I even collect mounts and pets and I havent filled mine. I have a sage with a bunch of healing abilities, and other items that I have Hot Keyed. Plus... where would you put them? With six I'm running out of room on my screen.
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Seriously? I play a guardian tank, I have a ton of buttons to push, and I haven't even filled up four of these yet.


Oh, please! TELL ME! :D



Also, i need all these NEW quickbars for cartel marker stuffs! :p



Agreed. There can never be too many action bars.

And If you don't want them, then don't use them. Simple as that.


^this :)

Edited by Glower
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I cant see why anyone would need more than 4 quick bars. Quick note I am sure I could fill 10 quickbars but I would have no need to. Unless this cost BW next to nothing to do I really cant see many people paying for more quick bars so they would probably make very little cash off this.
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if you don't want them, don't pay for them, but it seems on the surface like an easy add.


While most classes only utilize 5-10 key skills in their rotation, there are many others, some of which are fun to pull out now and then for fun.


Add in stims, med packs, pets, gear switches - I like to see my characters face during most cut scenes and like to put on some different dudes to waltz the promenade - then add in all the cartel market items that can now take up space, from remote ships to glowing eyes to balls to bounce off the head of trolls and they can add up - unless of course you simply don't add skill etc to your bars.


Which is your choice. Which is all the OP is asking for, a choice.

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  • 11 months later...
Please do this, the main reason I would need it is that I use 2 different specs on 1 toon, I have group, solo and pvp hotkeys as well, switching specs or pvp/solo gear/items is already a pain in the *** so I don't want to have to switch distribution too. Besides it wouldn't affect people that use 6 bars or less, and it would allow you to sell more quickbar unlocks. Edited by danielocdh
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  • 1 year later...
Whilst I haven't used 6 bars yet, (I think I've filled 4)I can see why some people may want more - I'm mainly playing a medic trooper at the moment, and have my normal toolbars for regular play, but when I'm healing a flashpoint I've set up a toolbar specially for it, with skills duplicated from where they would be otherwise, so that's one less toolbar I'd have to play with for any other skills straight off.
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I still need more than 6 quickbars!.

The more packs come the more toys i have. Every month... :(


It might be more practical to ask for a better way to manage and use the toy items.


While it does seem simple enough to just create more toolbars, adding things to the UI like this could have a dramatic impact upon performance for players with low to mid range hardware profiles. It might even impact server performance.


A solution that allows you to use all the toys you want easily, while also removing them from inventory and existing toolbars might provide a more elegant solution to your problem.

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It might be more practical to ask for a better way to manage and use the toy items.


While it does seem simple enough to just create more toolbars, adding things to the UI like this could have a dramatic impact upon performance for players with low to mid range hardware profiles. It might even impact server performance.


A solution that allows you to use all the toys you want easily, while also removing them from inventory and existing toolbars might provide a more elegant solution to your problem.


Maybe one drop down menu with all my toys? But still i can use toys from toolbar in one click which is not possible with menus.


And server performance oh my... :( They can add client-side stored toolbars like in WoW.


Or maybe new auto-quickbars for all toys in inventory... But this is too complicated for bioware. :(

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Maybe one drop down menu with all my toys? But still i can use toys from toolbar in one click which is not possible with menus.


And server performance oh my... :( They can add client-side stored toolbars like in WoW.


Or maybe new auto-quickbars for all toys in inventory... But this is too complicated for bioware. :(


I'm sure something could be worked out. I would pursue both suggestions. There seems to be a few others who want more toolbars from what I've seen on other recent threads. I'm just postulating about how it might impact performance and could be wrong. The way UI objects impact performance can be odd at times. And this game's UI is more odd than most. There are a few threads with a lot of activity over the last year that show pretty strong evidence that there can be noticeable differences in the game's framerate and over-all performance based upon the UI being displayed or hidden.


But regardless of whether or not they ever do anything to add more toolbars, the way we interface with recovery items and other "toy" items could use some improvement. At the very least something similar to how mounts and pets are organized would help with inventory management problems. I usually only have 2-3 of these items on me at any given time, because I don't want to loose the inventory slots they would fill. I would use a larger variety of these items if I could do so without sacrificing inventory slots.


There is definitely no harm in supporting both suggestions though! :)

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  • 3 months later...

C'mon Bioware. Your main priority is to sell MORE packs not less. How can i use all these toys if i don't have space on my toolbars for them? :( And if i can't use them, then i don't need them!


Please add more than 6 quickbars, you have 4.0 - a very good moment to implement it!


Also now i need more of bag space (5+ rows of "toys"), but this is another story... :(

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Having all your toys and pets or mounts on quick bars doesn't not warrrent needing more then 6. Most MMOs only have 6 and that's all that's needed.


A better solution would be to put all toys in their own ability window like mounts and pets, that would save bank space and then use the toy from there.


Maybe improve the window so the toys are grouped by type or allowing you to search for a specific one.

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I agree. Really need more like AT LEAST 7. My heroic moments alone eat up about a bar. The combat related stuff for 1 spec eats up 3-4. With mounts, stims & medpacs, regen, quick travels, seeker droid & binocs, etc., 6 bars fills up pretty quickly. Even 7 bars would be a much more comfortable improvement.
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C'mon Bioware. Your main priority is to sell MORE packs not less. How can i use all these toys if i don't have space on my toolbars for them? :( And if i can't use them, then i don't need them!


Please add more than 6 quickbars, you have 4.0 - a very good moment to implement it!


Also now i need more of bag space (5+ rows of "toys"), but this is another story... :(


Do what I do: use a number of them for a while and then swap them out for others later. I too have LOTS of "toys" and I keep about a half dozen on my main character at any one time. When I tire of the six or so I have, I swap them out for different half dozen.


That being said, IIRC they are working to implement a random mount button. A random pet button would not be tough to implement after that. A random regen button might be tougher because regen options are inventory items rather than listed as abilities (something I would not mind seeing changed). Same goes for the rest of the miscellaneous toys.


I agree. Really need more like AT LEAST 7. My heroic moments alone eat up about a bar. The combat related stuff for 1 spec eats up 3-4. With mounts, stims & medpacs, regen, quick travels, seeker droid & binocs, etc., 6 bars fills up pretty quickly. Even 7 bars would be a much more comfortable improvement.


Question, how often do you actually use your heroic moment and therefore have the ability to use the ancillary legacy class abilities? Legit question, because I recently leveled a DPS character (mara) with a DPS companion (Vette then Jaesa) and from the time I had access to the heroic moment until now (level 58) I have used the heroic moment MAYBE six times. On characters where I have healing ability (character or companion) I have NEVER used the heroic moment. My point is that maybe you need to rethink your quickbar utilization; you do not need every ability you have access to on a quickbar.

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Well, opinions are like @ssholes; if you like your setup then good for you. For others and myself, we want the option to use ALL the tools at our disposal quickly, and especially during exigencies. Heroic moment/ class abilities are useful for getting out of a pinch, and I like mine on "speed dial" so-to-speak. I've max leveled 22 toons and raided heavily before 12xp and I'm very comfortable with my system/ performance. Do what works for you, but don't expect the rest of us to hang on every word you say. I'll consider it, but I'm probably just as comfortable with my system as you are with yours. So are others. Some of us really want more quickbars to improve response time, among other reasons (I have for quite a long while.) Ergo, to each their own.
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